God's New Agreement
1 Are we once again bragging about ourselves? Do we need letters to you or from you to tell others about us? Some people do need letters telling about them. 2 But you are our letter, and you are in our hearts for everyone to read and understand. 3 You are like a letter written by Christ and delivered by us. But you are not written with pen and ink or on tablets made of stone. You are written in our hearts by the Spirit of the living God.
4 We are sure about all this. Christ makes us sure in the very presence of God. 5 We don't have the right to claim that we have done anything on our own. God gives us what it takes to do all we do. 6 He makes us worthy to be the servants of his new agreement that comes from the Holy Spirit and not from a written Law. After all, the Law brings death, but the Spirit brings life.
7 The Law of Moses brought only the promise of death, even though it was carved on stones and given in a wonderful way. Still the Law made Moses' face shine so brightly the people of Israel could not look at it, even though it was a fading glory. 8 So won't the agreement the Spirit brings to us be even more wonderful? 9 If something that brings the death sentence is glorious, won't something that makes us acceptable to God be even more glorious? 10 In fact, the new agreement is so wonderful that the Law is no longer glorious at all. 11 The Law was given with a glory that faded away. But the glory of the new agreement is much greater, because it will never fade away.
12 This wonderful hope makes us feel like speaking freely. 13 We are not like Moses. His face was shining, but he covered it to keep the people of Israel from seeing the brightness fade away. 14 The people were stubborn, and something still keeps them from seeing the truth when the Law is read. Only Christ can take away the covering that keeps them from seeing.
15 When the Law of Moses is read, they have their minds covered over 16 with a covering that is removed only for those who turn to the Lord. 17 The Lord and the Spirit are one and the same, and the Lord's Spirit sets us free. 18 So our faces are not covered. They show the bright glory of the Lord, as the Lord's Spirit makes us more and more like our glorious Lord.
Ruindu'bai Tao'baro To'di ro
1 Inye'do ono wigwo osoago ama orivoya kpa to'di driuŋgyibe ta andivo amaro rota ya? Inye'do a'dona gindi ekye, oso lidri rukä ronye male taegyii 'dika'daro egyine ämiri kode ni ami resi ya? 2 Ami andivo orivoya ni taegyi se ama be sina owo, egyite ya amaro dri 'dicini ri unine ago uzine. 3 Ṛo orivoya ŋbelero anjioko Kristo andivo egyi taegyi ono ni ago zo te ama si, egyite ko iniki si oko Tori Lu lidriidriro rosi, ago ko kuni kalakparo dri oko ya lidri roya.
4 Mà ta ono atana tana ama taoyi be Lu ya Kristo si. 5 Ŋga aza i'do ama ya se ama o'bane atane makye ama orivoya mbara be ugu losi ono oyene. Tana mbara se ama sina ono kikyi ni Lu resi; 6 nda ni se ko'ba ama be mbara be ugu ruindune tao'baro to'di ri owo, se a'do kote ota egyiegyi rosi oko Tori rosi. Ota egyiegyiro kani odra ezi, oko Tori kani adri ozo.
7 Aga Ota te taegyi si kuni kalakparo dri, ago ŋgaeyi Lu ro efote tuse ozobe si. Läguna militi Musa ro dri ka'do gica fuyi oko, läguna a'do dri gi'du ndra ta'doro lidri Yisaraele ro ni kote mi ànyaro ezane ŋgye voondrene nda dri. Ondro ka'do Ota se kabe odra ezi ono ka'dote oko, ikyite ŋgaeyi be oso ono ronye, 8 ka'do inye ŋgaeyi se taoye Tori ro voro a'dona te mu'du eŋwanye ya? 9 Tana ondro ka'do tase kabe ta 'dikoziro ezi ono orivoya 'desi para; ka'do inye tase 'desi ndra kabe ŋgaoparo ezi ono a'dona te mu'du eŋwanye ya? 10 Mä̀nina ndi atane inye tana ta ŋgaeyi läguekye se ndra yauono rota, lägu se orivoya läguläguro kyeno ana kyete. 11 Tana ondro lägu se ana korite toto fere, 'dooko lägu se kabe ori äduako ono läguna te orivoya parandra!
12 Tana ama orivoya mio'ba ono be, ama orivoya turiako. 13 Ama ko oso Musa ronye, se 'ba boŋgo te militi ndaro ya tana ukyi lidri Yisaraele ro ondre ädu lägu se kabe ruonaona ana ro 'da. 14 Tauni drî ànyaro ro asete, ago tu gi ono si ono tauni drî ànyaro ro atakote ŋga mi tako ro gialo ono si ànya kayite ugu bukui tao'baro uku ro uzi owo. Ana boŋgo mi takoro te toto alo ondro lidri kodro'berute Kristo be owo. 15 Ca gi yauono, ondro ànya kuziyi Ota Musa rote boŋgo mi takoro ka gi'du tauni drî ànyaro ro tako. 16 Oko ondro 'diaza keza mite Opi re boŋgo mi takoro ndaro ana te. 17 Yauono Opi orivoya ni Tori yi, ago vose Tori Opi ro orivoya kigye, dritai orivoya kigye. 18 Ka'do inye vo amaro cini, ka ŋgaeyi Opi ro ka'da mi takoako si, ago ŋgaeyi gi alona 'do, ka ikyi ni Opi resi, se ni orivoya Tori yi, toza ama te a'do ndaro ya äduako ŋgaeyi para ndra ya.