The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon
(1 Kings 10.1-13)
1 The Queen of Sheba heard how famous Solomon was, so she went to Jerusalem to test him with difficult questions. She took along several of her officials, and she loaded her camels with gifts of spices, jewels, and gold. When she arrived, she and Solomon talked about everything she could think of. 2 He answered every question, no matter how difficult it was.
3-4 The Queen was amazed at Solomon's wisdom. She was breathless when she saw his palace, the food on his table, his officials, all his servants in their uniforms, and the sacrifices he offered at the Lord's temple. 5 She said:
Solomon, in my own country I had heard about your wisdom and all you've done. 6 But I didn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes! And there's so much I didn't hear about. You are greater than I was told. 7 Your people and officials are lucky to be here where they can listen to the wise things you say.
8 I praise the Lord your God. He is pleased with you and has made you king of Israel. God loves the people of this country and will never desert them, so he has given them a king who will rule fairly and honestly.
9 The Queen of Sheba gave Solomon more than four tons of gold, a large amount of jewels, and the best spices anyone had ever seen.
10-12 In return, Solomon gave her everything she wanted—even more than she had given him. Then she and her officials went back to their own country.
Solomon's Wealth
(1 Kings 10.14-29)
Hiram's and Solomon's sailors brought gold, juniper wood, and jewels from the country of Ophir. Solomon used the wood to make steps for the temple and palace, and harps and other stringed instruments for the musicians. Nothing like these had ever been made in Judah.
13 Solomon received almost 23 tons of gold each year, 14 not counting what the merchants and traders brought him. The kings of Arabia and the leaders of Israel also gave him gold and silver.
15 Solomon made 200 gold shields that weighed over three kilograms each. 16 He also made 300 smaller gold shields that weighed almost two kilograms, and he put these shields in his palace in Forest Hall.
17 His throne was made of ivory and covered with pure gold. 18 It had a gold footstool attached to it and armrests on each side. There was a statue of a lion on each side of the throne, 19 and there were two lion statues on each of the six steps leading up to the throne. No other throne in the world was like Solomon's.
20 Solomon's cups and dishes in Forest Hall were made of pure gold, because silver was almost worthless in those days.
21 Solomon had a lot of seagoing ships. Every three years he sent them out with Hiram's ships to bring back gold, silver, and ivory, as well as monkeys and peacocks.
22 Solomon was the richest and wisest king in the world. 23-24 Year after year, other kings came to hear the wisdom God had given him. And they brought gifts of silver and gold, as well as clothes, weapons, spices, horses, and mules.
25 Solomon had 4,000 stalls for his horses and chariots, and he owned 12,000 horses that he kept in Jerusalem and other towns.
26 He ruled all the nations from the Euphrates River in the north to the land of Philistia in the south, as far as the border of Egypt.
27 While Solomon was king, there was silver everywhere in Jerusalem, and cedar was as common as the sycamore trees in the western foothills. 28 Solomon's horses were brought in from other countries, including Musri.
Solomon Dies
(1 Kings 11.41-43)
29 Everything else Solomon did while he was king is written in the records of Nathan the prophet, Ahijah the prophet from Shiloh, and Iddo the prophet who wrote about Jeroboam son of Nebat. 30 After Solomon had ruled 40 years from Jerusalem, 31 he died and was buried in the city of his father David. His son Rehoboam then became king.
Votäkyi 'Bädri'ba Tokoro Sheba ro
(1 'Bädri'bai 10:1-13)
1 'Bädri'ba tokoro Sheba ro keri liku Solomo ro tana te oko, anya ikyite Yerusalema ya ta ndaro ojone taeji mbaraekye azaka si, anya ikyite lidri amba be, ndi gamelei be se ŋgyiyi ŋga tägyi ŋgutruro, kuni läguläguro ndi logo läguläguro amba be. Ondro anya kikyite Solomo re oko, anya eji nda te tase cini anya kusube dri anyaro ya ana si. 2 Solomo zatadrina te kyiti; ta aza alona a'do kote rritiro ndäri tazevona edrene anyari. 3 Ago ondro 'bädri'ba tokoro Sheba ro kondre tavouni Solomo rote, ndi zo'desi miri ro se nda kobebe ana be, 4 ŋgaonya se tara'biza ndaro dri ana, orivo dri'bai losiro ndaro ro, losioye'bai zo'desi miri ro ro se nda korabe ndi boŋgo losiro ànyaro be, boŋgo ruindu'bai ndaro se kabe ori loto ndare vo ŋgaonya roya ndi ŋgapäṛi oloro tori ro se nda kabe ozona Yekalu ya be te oko, anya a'dote märäyiro ago larolaro ro.
5 Anya atate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: Tase meri tana be 'bädri maro ya ta miro ta ndi tavouni miro be ta ono orivoya taŋgye yi! 6 Mama kote tase itibe märi ana ya madale mikyite ago mandrete mi andivo maro rosi; ago ca ruka tavouni miro ro meri tana kote. Anjioko tavouni miro lävu ndrani se lidri kabe tana atana drisi. 7 Lidri cini se kayibe ruindu miri orivoya yai'dwesi! Se ondoalo orivoya lototi mire ago kandrakado be ata miro tavouni si ono erine! 8 Räṛu ka'do OPI Lu miro ri, se ta miro si nda ni ago 'ba mite 'bädri'ba ro ŋgamirine ävuru ndaro si. Tana nda lu lidri Yisaraele ro tawi ago le ànya o'bane orine ŋgyiri äduako, nda 'ba mite 'bädri'ba ànyaro tana miye ta'diri robe ndi taŋgye be.
9 'Dooko anya ozo ŋgapäṛi se anya kezibe kai te Solomo ri: talentaro logo läguläguro ro orivoya kama alo 'buteritu (120), ŋga ŋgutruro amba, ndi kuni lägulägu amba be, ṛo du'duro. Ŋga ŋgutruro aza i'do se liŋgyina oso se 'bädri'ba tokoro Sheba ro kozobe 'Bädri'ba Solomo ri ana ronye.
10 (Lidri 'Bädri'ba Irama ro ndi 'Bädri'ba Solomo robe, se keziyi logo läguläguro be ni Ofira yasi kai, eziyi ice kyiyi ro ndi kuni läguläguro be kpate. 11 Solomo ede utuvo Yekalu ro ndi zo'desi miri ro ndaro robe te sina, ago ede lekyembe ndi yeṛi be te sina loŋgo oŋgo'bai ri; se andre ŋga aza kätina dri ko oso nanye wari Yuda roya.)
12 Ago 'Bädri'ba Solomo ozo ŋgase cini 'bädri'ba tokoro Sheba ro kolebe te. Ono kpa to ni ŋgase nda kutwedri ŋgapäṛi se anya kezibe robe sina ana ri. 'Dooko anya tadrite kovole 'bädri modo anyaro roya ruindu'bai anyaro yibe.
Ŋgadriamba 'Bädri'ba Solomo ro
(1 'Bädri'bai 10:14-25)
13 Ndroa cini ya 'Bädri'ba Solomo usu logo läguläguro te talentaro kama njidrialo 'butenjidrialo fonjidrialo (666), 14 kinja ŋga driutwero se ŋga fere logye'bai ndi ŋgaamba logye'bai kayibe ozona iyi ro. 'Bädri'bai cini Arabia ro ndi wari'bai wari Yisaraele ro robe eziyi mo'di ndi logo läguläguro be kpate ndäri. 15 Solomo ede ŋga 'digagaro 'desiro te kama ritu (200), alona ädibe ru logo läguläguro sekele kama nätu (300), 16 ndi ŋga 'digagaro giṛiŋwà ro kama nätu be, alona ädibe ru logo läguläguro sekele kama alo (100) kpäkyi. Nda 'ba ànya te zo ya 'desi Vocowa Lebanona ro roya.
17 'Bädri'ba ede giti 'desi kpate. A'bi lomvo telesina aza te liwasi si ago telesina logo läguläguro si. 18 Utuvo giti ro orivoya njidrialo, ago abe kotopa alodi te lomvoigye ändrute logo läguläguro si. A'ba kufu giti rote lamadrina ritu yasi, ago abe beti ibi rote edrete lamadrina ritu 'do yasi. 19 Abe beti ibii rote 'butealo foritu utuvo lomvosi, ba alo alo sidri ädu cini utuvo ro yasi. Ede giti aza kote oso se ana ronye miri 'bädri aza alo roya.
20 Kofo cini 'Bädri'ba Solomo ro ŋga umvuro edete logo läguläguro si, ago lakazà cini Zoya 'desi Vocoko Lebanona ro ro orivoya logo läguläguro wäṛiro si. Tu Solomo rosi ati ta mo'di ro kote ta amba ro. 21 Nda a'dote toŋbo amba udiro gyibebelebe drisi be se ka udi troalo toŋboi 'Bädri'ba Irama ro robe. Toŋbo ndaro ka ego perena alo ndroa nätu ya ka logo läguläguro, mo'di, liwasi, tomono, ndi koliya amba be ezina.
22 'Bädri'ba Solomo a'dote ŋgaamba be ndi tavouni be ndrani 'bädri'bai se cini 'bädri ya drisi. 23 Ago 'bädri'bai cini 'bädri ro ikyiyite ndare, tavouni se Lu se kozobe ndäri ono tana erine. 24 Vo ànyaro cini ba alo alo eziyi ŋgapäṛi te Solomo ri, lakazà mo'di ro ndi logo läguläguro be, boŋgo, lakaza kyila ro, ido tägyi ŋgutruro, farasii ndi doŋgyii ŋga uŋgyiro be, Eziyite inye ndroa ro ndroa ro.
25 Ago Solomo orivoya vo be kutu su edreza farasii ndi arabia ndaro be ri ago farasi'bai orivoya kutu 'butealo foritu. Nda 'ba azaka te orine Yerusalema ya ago nda 'ba anjokona te orine 'bakici azaka yasi. 26 Ago nda miri 'bädri'bai se cini wari Golo Eferata roya te le 'bädri Filisitia roya, ago sagwo le kishwedri Ezipeto be ya. 27 Tu 'dimiriro ndaro si mo'di a'dote njakyi Yerusalema ya oso kuniŋwà ronye, ago wiri a'dote amba oso ki'du tore ronye. 28 Ezi farasii te Solomo ri ni Ezipeto yasi ago ni 'bädri cini azaka yasi.
Ogo Aree ta Ŋgamiri Solomo ro Drisi
(1 'Bädri'bai 11:41-43)
29 Ruka ambâ Solomo ro ro, ni etovona ya le ondevona ya egyi tana te Buku Ambâ ro nebi Natana roya, taäŋgu Ahija Silo ro roya, ago Rulofo Kohani Ido roya, se itita kpate ta Yeroboama 'Bädri'ba Yisaraele ro rota. 30 Solomo miri Yisaraele cini te Yerusalema ya ndroa na 'butesu. 31 Nda drate ago asete 'Bakici Dawidi roya; ago Rehoboama ŋgwa ndaro gorite 'bädri'ba ro vo ndaro ya.