Solomon Dedicates the Temple
(1 Kings 8.62-66)
1 As soon as Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and burned up the offerings. The Lord's dazzling glory then filled the temple, 2 and the priests could not go in.
3 When the crowd of people saw the fire and the Lord's glory, they knelt down and worshiped the Lord. They prayed:

“The Lord is good,
and his love never ends.”

4-5 Solomon and the people dedicated the temple to the Lord by sacrificing 22,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep. 6 Everybody stood up during the ceremony. The priests were in their assigned places, blowing their trumpets. And the Levites faced them, playing the musical instruments that David had made for them to use when they praised the Lord for his never-ending love.
7 On that same day, Solomon dedicated the courtyard in front of the temple and got it ready to be used for worship. The bronze altar he had made was too small, so he used the courtyard to offer sacrifices to please the Lord and grain sacrifices, and also to send up in smoke the fat from the other offerings.
8 For 7 days, Solomon and the crowd celebrated the Festival of Shelters, and people came from as far away as the Egyptian Gorge in the south and Lebo-Hamath in the north. 9 Then on the next day, everyone came together for worship. They had celebrated a total of 14 days, 7 days for the dedication of the altar and 7 more days for the festival. 10 Then on the twenty-third day of the seventh month, Solomon sent everyone home. They left very happy because of all the good things the Lord had done for David and Solomon, and for his people Israel.
The Lord Appears to Solomon Again
(1 Kings 9.1-9)
11 The Lord's temple and Solomon's palace were now finished. In fact, everything Solomon had planned to do was completed.
12 Some time later, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and said:
I heard your prayer, and I have chosen this temple as the place where sacrifices will be offered to me.
13 Suppose I hold back the rain or send locusts to eat the crops or make my people suffer with deadly diseases. 14 If my own people will humbly pray and turn back to me and stop sinning, then I will answer them from heaven. I will forgive them and make their land fertile once again. 15 I will hear the prayers made in this temple, 16 because it belongs to me, and this is where I will be worshiped forever. I will never stop watching over it.
17 Your father David obeyed me, and now, Solomon, you must do the same. Obey my laws and teachings, 18 and I will keep my solemn promise to him that someone from your family will always be king of Israel.
19 But if you or any of the people of Israel disobey my laws or start worshiping foreign gods, 20 I will pull you out of this land I gave you. I will desert this temple where I said I would be worshiped, so that people everywhere will think it is only a joke and will make fun of it. 21 This temple is now magnificent. But when these things happen, everyone who walks by it will be shocked and will ask, “Why did the Lord do such a terrible thing to his people and to this temple?” 22 Then they will answer, “It was because the people of Israel rejected the Lord their God, who rescued their ancestors from Egypt, and they started worshiping other gods.”
Äṛu Yekalu ro
(1 'Bädri'bai 8:62-66)
1 Ondro 'Bädri'ba Solomo konde mätu ndaro te oko, asi ikyite vuru ni vo'buyakuru yasi ago je ŋgapäṛi se alobe tori ro ana te kpeye, ago lägu ŋgaeyi OPI ro ro ga Yekalu te twi. 2 Ago kohanii niyi kote ocine Yekalu ya, tana lägu ŋgaeyi OPI ro ro ga Yekalu te twi. 3 Ondro lidri Yisaraele ro kondreyi asi te layivoya vuru ni vo'buyakuru yasi ago ŋgaeyi ga Yekalu te twi oko, ànya 'deyite vuru militi si vo obeobero dri, 'deyi gwo Lu mätune ago aro'boya ozone ndäri ta takado ndaro ndi ŋgalu 'duro ndaro be rota. 4 'Dooko Solomo ndi lidri cini be loyi tori te OPI ri. 5 Nda lo ti te kutu 'buteritu foritu ago timele kutu kama alo 'buteritu ŋgapäṛi rumora ro ro. Ago nda ndi lidri cini be äṛuyi Yekalu te oso inye. 6 Kohanii edreyite vose aka'dabe ànyari 'do yasi; ago Lewe'bai edreyi kpate ezayimite ànya driro, 'deyi gwo OPI räṛune loŋgo oŋgo si ago lakazà loŋgo oŋgoro se 'Bädri'ba Dawidi kedebe ana si ekye: Ŋgalu ndaro orivoya äduako! Oso Dawidi kemba tana be ànyari ronye. Kohanii voyi cekuṛe te; 'dooko lidri cini edrevoya kurusi.
7 Oko Solomo di kitoriya goko se Yekalu mile ana rote to; ago nda za ŋgapäṛi ozaro cu, ŋgapäṛi inya ro, ndi voombiombiro ŋgapäṛi rumora robe te lau. Nda ko'debe oyene inye tana vo tori oloro se nda kedebe ana ni ko ŋgapäṛi cini kwoi ojone.
8 Solomo ndi lidri cini Yisaraele robe yeyi Karama Kpakpa rote u'duna njidrieri. Lowa lidri ro a'dote du'duro eṛite ni lozo ndi leni mä'dudrisi Lävuvo Amata ya yasi ago ni ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi ni kishwedri Ezipeto be yasi. 9 Ànya äṛuyi vo tori oloro te u'duna njidrieri 'dooko yeyi karama kpate u'duna njidrieri. U'du äduro 'do si ànya ndeyi karama te, 10 ago kyenoŋbo kinja si u'du 'buteritu fonätu imba njidrieri rosi oko, Solomo zo lidri te 'bäru. Ànya a'doyite riyä ro amba ta ŋgaäṛu se cini OPI koyebe lidri ndaro Yisaraele ro, Dawidi ndi Solomo be ri ono rota.
Ruka'da Lu ro Solomo ri kpa To'di
(1 'Bädri'bai 9:1-9)
11 Ondro Solomo konde Yekalu te ndi zo'desi miri robe, ndi tase cini nda korabe oyene tana ro te oko, 12 OPI ka'darute ndäri ŋgäkyi si. Atate ndäri ekye: “Meri mätu miro te, maletadri Yekalu ono rote a'done vo tori oloro märi. 13 Ondro ka'do malaga 'bu tezo kode mezi tombi te konya ŋgaluru se ikyi'dibe te kode mezi adravo rritiro te lidri maro lako, 14 ondro ka'do ànya kämätuyi mate ago ketayidrite ago ke'beyi tase ànya ka'doyibe loyevoya undiro 'do te, 'dooko merina ta ànyaro ndi ni vo'buyakuru yasi, ago me'bena ànya ndi takozi ànyaro ta ago mago ma'bana 'bädri ànyaro 'da kpa to'di kadoro. 15 Mandrena vo ndi 'du Yekalu ono dri ago ma'dona ndi nja mätu se cini abe oyena noŋwa ono erine, 16 tana manji vo ono te madite to a'done vo ma mätu ro äduako. Mandrena vo ndi driigye ago magagana ndi tu cini si. 17 Ondro ka'do nyindurute märi ta'diri si, oso täpi miro Dawidi koyebe ronye, miro ota maro te ago miye tase cini mata mibe sina ono te, 18 'dooko matina tao'ba maro täpi miro Dawidi be se matabe ndäri makye ondoalo zelevoi ndaro mirina Yisaraele ni ono ndi. 19 Oko ondro ka'do mi ndi lidri miro be miro ota maro ndi tase marabe ämiri ono be kote, ago nyämätu lui azaka te, 20 'dooko manana ami ndi ni wari se mozobe ämiri ono yasi, ago me'bena Yekalu se madite to ma mätuzana ono ndi.
21 “Ago Yekalu se ono a'dona ndi tandroro, 'dise cini kabe lävu lomvoigyesi a'donayi ndi larolaroro, ago atanayi ndi ekye: ‘Tana e'di OPI ye ta gwo 'bädri ono ri ndi Yekalu ono be nonye niya?’ 22 'Dooko lidri ozanayi tadri 'da ekye: ‘Tana ànya e'beyi OPI Lu ànyaro se kolofo zutui ànyaro be ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi ono te. Ànya lebeyite lui azaka vo ago mätuyi ànya te. Ta'doro ni OPI ezi kandrakozi se cini ono te ànya dri.’ ”