King Sennacherib of Assyria Invades Judah
(2 Kings 18.13-37Isaiah 36.1-22)
1 After King Hezekiah had faithfully obeyed the Lord's instructions by doing these things, King Sennacherib of Assyria invaded Judah. He attacked the fortified cities and thought he would capture every one of them.
2 As soon as Hezekiah learned that Sennacherib was planning to attack Jerusalem, 3-4 he and his officials worked out a plan to cut off the supply of water outside the city, so that the Assyrians would have no water when they came to attack. The officials got together a large work force that stopped up the springs and streams near Jerusalem.
5 Hezekiah's workers also repaired the broken sections of the city wall. Then they built defense towers and an outer wall to help protect the one already there. The landfill on the east side of David's City was also strengthened.
He gave orders to make a large supply of weapons and shields, 6 and he appointed army commanders over the troops. Then he gathered the troops together in the open area in front of the city gate and said to them:
7 Be brave and confident! There's no reason to be afraid of King Sennacherib and his powerful army. We are much more powerful, 8 because the Lord our God fights on our side. The Assyrians must rely on human power alone.
These words encouraged the army of Judah.
9 When Sennacherib and his troops were camped at the town of Lachish, he sent a message to Hezekiah and the people in Jerusalem. It said:
10 I am King Sennacherib of Assyria, and I have Jerusalem surrounded. Do you think you can survive my attack? 11 Hezekiah your king is telling you that the Lord your God will save you from me. But he is lying, and you'll die of hunger and thirst. 12 Didn't Hezekiah tear down all except one of the Lord's altars and places of worship? And didn't he tell you people of Jerusalem and Judah to worship at that one place?
13 You've heard what my ancestors and I have done to other nations. Were the gods of those nations able to defend their land against us? 14 None of those gods kept their people safe from the kings of Assyria. Do you really think your God can do any better? 15 Don't be fooled by Hezekiah! No god of any nation has ever been able to stand up to Assyria. Believe me, your God cannot keep you safe!
16 The Assyrian officials said terrible things about the Lord God and his servant Hezekiah. 17 Sennacherib's letter even made fun of the Lord. It said, “The gods of other nations could not save their people from Assyria's army, and neither will the God that Hezekiah worships.” 18 The officials said all these things in Hebrew, so that everyone listening from the city wall would understand and be terrified and surrender. 19 The officials talked about the Lord God as if he were nothing but an ordinary god or an idol that someone had made.
The Death of King Sennacherib
(2 Kings 19.14-192 35-37Isaiah 37.14-20Isaiah 37.36-38)
20 Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz begged the Lord for help, 21 and he sent an angel that killed every soldier and commander in the Assyrian camp.
Sennacherib returned to Assyria, completely disgraced. Then one day he went into the temple of his god where some of his sons killed him.
22 The Lord rescued Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem from Sennacherib and also protected them from other enemies. 23 People brought offerings to Jerusalem for the Lord and expensive gifts for Hezekiah, and from that day on, every nation on earth respected Hezekiah.
Hezekiah Gets Sick and Almost Dies
(2 Kings 20.1-11Isaiah 38.1-8)
24 About this same time, Hezekiah got sick and was almost dead. He prayed, and the Lord gave him a sign that he would recover. 25 But Hezekiah was so proud that he refused to thank the Lord for everything he had done for him. This made the Lord angry, and he punished Hezekiah and the people of Judah and Jerusalem. 26 Hezekiah and the people later felt sorry and asked the Lord to forgive them. So the Lord did not punish them as long as Hezekiah was king.
Hezekiah's Wealth
(2 Kings 20.12-19Isaiah 39.1-8)
27 Hezekiah was very rich, and everyone respected him. He built special rooms to store the silver, the gold, the precious stones and spices, the shields, and the other valuable possessions. 28 Storehouses were also built for his supply of grain, wine, and olive oil; barns were built for his cattle, and pens were put up for his sheep. 29 God made Hezekiah extremely rich, so he bought even more sheep, goats, and cattle. And he built towns where he could keep all these animals.
30 It was Hezekiah who built a tunnel that carried the water from Gihon Spring into the city of Jerusalem. In fact, everything he did was successful! 31 Even when the leaders of Babylonia sent messengers to ask Hezekiah about the sign God had given him, God let Hezekiah give his own answer to test him and to see if he would remain faithful.
Hezekiah Dies
(2 Kings 20.202 21)
32 Everything else Hezekiah did while he was king, including how faithful he was to the Lord, is included in the records kept by Isaiah the prophet. These are written in The History of the Kings of Judah and Israel. 33 When Hezekiah died, he was buried in the section of the royal tombs that was reserved for the most respected kings, and everyone in Judah and Jerusalem honored him. His son Manasseh then became king.
Ozionya Asaria'bai ro Yerusalema Lomvo
(2 'Bädri'bai 18:13-372 19:14-192 35-37Yesaya 36:1-22Yesaya 37:8-38)
1 Tase 'Bädri'ba Ezekia kindurube 'diriro OPI ri kwoi vosi oko, Senakeriba 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ikyite kyila be Yuda dri. Nda mudri 'bakicii obeobero tiṛi si rote ago ozo ota te kyila'bai ndaro ri liti orone ànyari äbi tiṛi yasi. 2 Ondro Ezekia kondrete Senakeriba le kpate Yerusalema gotane oko, 3 nda ndi dri'bai kyila'bai ndaro robe usuyitate koro gyi ro se cini 'bakici kundusi kai tisine ukyi ondro Asaria'bai kesayite loto Yerusalema lomvo oko usuyi gyi 'da. 4 'Dooko dri'bai kai oroyi lidri amba te tesi ago ànya tisiyi koro cini gyi rote, ta'dota gyi ti kote kigye. 5 'Bädri'ba go be tiṛi se cini eperebe vuru ana te, ago eŋga tiṛiwiṛa te driigye, ago nda be aza te kunduna tesi si yasi 'bakici tombaza ṛatararo. Nda go ede tiṛi se abe be wari telesi uku Yerusalema ro 'buzelesi yasi ana kpate. Nda ede äzui ndi ŋga 'digaga robe kpate. 6 Ago nda raa lidri cini 'bakici rote ba otaozo'bai zelesi ago ozo ota te ànyari kalaombine goro ya dereŋwa 'bakici roya. Ago nda atate ànyari ekye: 7 “Nyà'do mbara ro ago ŋgyiri. Nyà'do ko turiro ni 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ri ago ni kyila'bai se cini nda be ana ri. Tana mbara amaro orivoya para ndrani ndaro drisi. 8 Nda iro mbara lidri robe, oko ama orivoya OPI Lu amaro be ama opane ago kyila amaro oyene.” Ago ata 'bädri'ba ànyaro ro kwoi ozo agoago te lidri ri.
9 Tu fere vosi, 'dooko Senakeriba drigba orivoya kyila'bai ndaro be Lakisa ya oko, nda ezo lazo ono te Ezekia ndi lidri Yuda ro se nda be Yerusalema ya ana ri ekye: 10 “Ma Senakeriba, 'bädri'ba Asaria ro, meji ami miyita a'di ya orine Yerusalema se ämudrina be ono ya ya? 11 Ezekia ititate ämiri ekye OPI Lu ämiri opana ami 'da ni mbara amaro yasi, oko Ezekia ka ami odo ago o'bana ami ndi todrane ni täbiri ndi gyilu be ri. 12 Nda ni se kepere vo mätu ro ndi vo tori oloro OPI robe ago katabe lidri Yuda ndi Yerusalema robe ri mätune ago tori olone toto vo tori oloro alodi dri owo. 13 Inye'do mini tase zutui maro ndi mabe màyebe lidri tu'dei azaka ro ri ṛo koya? Inye'do lui tu'de aza ro pa lidri ànyaro gindi ni 'bädri'ba Asaria ro risi ya? 14 Lui 'bädri kai ro aza pa 'bädri ànyaro ni ämäri itubeya? 'Dooko e'di 'ba ami ni tausune mikye Lu amiro unina ndi ami opane ya? 15 Ka'do inye mi'ba Ezekia kodo ami ko ago kelepe ami ko koziro inye. Mima ta ko ta ndaro ya! Tana lu tu'de aza ro a'do kote mbara be lidri ndaro opani ni 'bädri'ba Asaria'bai ro aza rigyesi!”
16 Ago dri'bai losi ro Asaria'bai ro atayi ta kpate kozipara ndra OPI Lu lomvo ago ruindu'ba ndaro Ezekia lomvo. 17 Waraga se 'bädri'ba kegyibe ana ya nda mawo OPI Lu Yisaraele rote se ekye: Oso lui tu'dei ro kopa lidri ànyaro beko ni mbara maro yasi ono ronye, ca Lu Ezekia ro opana lidri ndaro ko ni märigyesi. 18 Dri'bai losi ro treyite ṛeṛe ata ono be kala Ebere rosi tana lidri Yerusalema ro se koriyibe tiṛi 'bakici ro drisi kai ka'doyi robe turiro ago kozoyivo robe äru 'bakici robe rritiako. 19 Ànya atayi ta Lu Yerusalema ro rote oso ànya kayibe ta lu awi lidri azaka ro, se lidri kedebe ni ana ro atana ronye.
20 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Ezekia ndi nebi Yesaya, ŋgwa Amoza robe mätuyite Lu ri ago ayoyidrite ndäri ta ŋgaopa rota. 21 Ago OPI ezo malaika aza te, se tufu kyila'bai ndi dri'bai kyila'bai Asaria'bai robe te. Ta'dota 'bädri'ba gote kovole Asaria ya driupiro. Tu alo aza si ondro nda te yekalu lu ndaro roya oko, ŋgwàagoro ndaro azaka fuyi nda te bando ànyaro si.
22 OPI pa 'Bädri'ba Ezekia ndi lidri Yerusalema robe te ni mbara Senakeriba 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ro yasi, ago kpani kyila'baazii azaka ndaro risi liti ono yasi. Nda 'ba lidri te orine liatokpe ro 'bädri azi be. 23 Ago lidri amba ikyite Yerusalema ya, eziyi ŋgapäṛi te OPI ri ago Ezekia ri, ta'doro eto ni tu ana si oyigwo mileyaro tu'dei cini a'doyite Ezekia oroororo.
Adravo ndi Driuŋgyi Ezekia robe
(2 'Bädri'bai 20:1-32 12-19Yesaya 38:1-3Yesaya 39:1-8)
24 Tuse kai si 'Bädri'ba Ezekia a'dote adravo ro ṛo ti odrane. Ago nda ye mätu te; ago OPI ka'datate ndäri anjioko nda ka oye ogo a'done kadoro. 25 Oko Ezekia a'dote driuŋgyi be ndra ye aro'boya kote tase OPI koyebe ndäri ana tana ro, ago Yuda ndi Yerusalema be ezarute tana ro. 26 Äduro oko Ezekia ndi lidri Yerusalema robe logoyi andivo ànyaro te vuru, ta'doro OPI go eza lidri kote madale odra Ezekia ro vosi.
Ŋgadriamba ndi Liŋgyi Ezekia robe
27 'Bädri'ba Ezekia a'dote ŋgadriamba be ago 'dicini a'dote nda oroororo. Nda be vo ŋgaodroro te logo läguläguro, mo'di, kuni lagyeamba, ŋga ŋgutruro, ŋga 'digagaro, ndi lakazà cini dritoto be odroza. 28 Ago nda be zo kpate inye, vino, ndi ido ice ido ro ndaro be odroza; kägyi tii ndaro ri, ndi gyolo be timele ndaro ri. 29 Lu ozo timele ago ti ndi ŋgadriamba azaka be kpate ndäri amba ta'dota nda be 'bakicii amba te. 30 Ezekia ni 'dise kitisi udivo gyi Gihona ro tesi si be ago koza kala gyi robe udine gyini zelesi ogo ofone le vo aza ya yasi si tiṛi Yerusalema roya owo. Ezekia ye ŋga cini te kadoro, 31 ago tuse lazo'bai Babelona ro kikyiyibe taejine ta tase ka'dobe wari ana ya rota ana si, Lu e'be nda te iṛe, ta ndaro ojoza ago tase cini ya ndaro ya unizana.
Ädu Ŋgamiri Ezekia ro ro
(2 'Bädri'bai 20:20-21)
32 Rukä tase cini 'Bädri'ba Ezekia koyebe ro, ndi taoro ndaro OPI ri be, egyite Rulofo nebi Yesaya ŋgwa Amoza ro ro, ago Buku Ambâ ro 'Bädri'bai Yuda ndi Yisaraele ro robe ya. 33 Ezekia drate ago asete vo 'bädri'bai osero kurulesi ya. Lidri cini Yuda ndi Yerusalema robe yeyi taoro 'desi te ndäri tu odra ndaro rosi. Ago Manase ŋgwa ndaro gorite 'bädri'ba ro vo ndaro ya.