The Temple Is Built
(1 Kings 6.1-38)
1-2 Solomon's workers began building the temple in Jerusalem on the second day of the second month, four years after Solomon had become king of Israel. It was built on Mount Moriah where the Lord had appeared to David at the threshing place that had belonged to Araunah from Jebus.
3 The inside of the temple was 27 meters long and 9 meters wide, according to the older standards. 4 Across the front of the temple was a porch 9 meters wide and 9 meters high. The inside walls of the porch were covered with pure gold.
5 Solomon had the inside walls of the temple's main room paneled first with pine and then with a layer of gold, and he had them decorated with carvings of palm trees and designs that looked like chains. 6 He used precious stones to decorate the temple, and he used gold imported from Parvaim 7 to decorate the ceiling beams, the doors, the door frames, and the walls. Solomon also told the workers to carve designs of winged creatures into the walls.
8 The most holy place was nine meters square, and its walls were covered with over 20 tons of fine gold. 9 Five hundred and seventy grams of gold was used to cover the heads of the nails. The walls of the small storage rooms were also covered with gold.
10 Solomon had two statues of winged creatures made to put in the most holy place, and he covered them with gold. 11-13 Each creature had two wings and was four and a half meters from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other wing. Solomon set them next to each other in the most holy place, facing the doorway. Their wings were spread out and reached all the way across the nine-meter room.
14 A curtain was made of fine linen woven with blue, purple, and red wool, and embroidered with designs of winged creatures.
The Two Columns
(1 Kings 7.15-22)
15 Two columns were made for the entrance to the temple. Each one was 16 meters tall and had a cap on top that was over 2 meters high. 16 The top of each column was decorated with designs that looked like chains and with 100 carvings of pomegranates. 17 Solomon had one of the columns placed on the south side of the temple's entrance; it was called Jachin. The other one was placed on the north side of the entrance; it was called Boaz.
1 'Bädri'ba Dawidi täpi Solomo ro ka'da vo Yekalu ro ṛote nja. Orivoya Yerusalema ya, 'Bereŋwa Moriya dri, vose kaladri Arauna Jebusa'ba ro ana ya. 'Bädri'ba Solomo eto obena te 2 imba ṛiri ndroa lisu ori ndaro 'bädri'ba ro rosi. 3 Yekalu se 'Bädri'ba Solomo kobebe ana ocana orivoya kadrakadra na 'buteritu fonjidrieri, ago käkpuna orivoya kadrakadra na njidriasu. 4 Ndiṛi na orivoya oso käkpu Yekalu ro ronye, kadrakadra na njidriasu, ago ogwana orivoya kadrakadra na 'butenji fosu. Ändru yana te logo läguläguru wäṛiro si. 5 Ara ya zoya 'desi rote ice wiri rosi ago ändrute logo läguläguro liŋgyiekye si, ago uwuräte beti ice ndiro ro ndi beti nyori robe si. 6 'Bädri'ba tira Yekalu te kuni si liŋgyiekye ago logo läguläguro se agyebe ni 'bädri Parevaima roya ana si. 7 Nda ndru tiṛi Yekalu ro, paraga na, käläsikala na ndi käläsi na be te kpeye logo läguläguro si. Losioye'bai egyiyi beti malaikai kufu be rote tiṛi lomvosi. 8 Ya yasi zo ro se le kitoriya na ya se äzibe Vo Alokado Parandra ana, ocana orivoya kadrakadra na njidriesu ago käkpuna kadrakadra na orivoya njidriesu, se orivoya cu oso käkpu Yekalu ro ronye. Nda ndru tiṛi Vo Alokado Parandra rote talentaro kama njidrialo logo läguläguro liŋgyiekye rosi. 9 Ojo läŋgyi losomari ro orivoya sekele 'butenji logo läguläguro ro. Ago ändru tiṛi zo ya kurusi ro kpate logo läguläguro si.
10 'Bädri'ba ozotate losioye'bai ndaro ri beti malaikai ritu kufube ro edene ni logo yasi, lomvona undrune logo läguläguro si, ago ànya o'bane Vo Alokado Parandra ya, 11 se edreyite mi ojoojoro zayimite ecivo driro. 12 Alona kufube ritu, kufu telesi alo ocana orivoya kpikpina njidrieri kpäkyi, se lararute ago do azi te kitoriya zo ya roya ago telesina sate ändu tiṛi zo ro lomvo ago kpa telesina lomvo, 13 kozorube a'dwi ana ocana cini orivoya kadrakadra na njidriasu ronye. 14 Ede boŋgo toyiro Vo Alokado Parandra rote 'bilindriro, lu'buliro, lärimiro, ago okaro uwurä beti malaikai kufube rote kigyesi.
Läŋgyiri Ritu Atala ro
(1 'Bädri'bai 7:15-22)
15 'Bädri'ba ede läŋgyiri te ritu, alona ogwana orivoya kadrakadra na 'butealo fonji ago edrete mile Yekalu roya. Alona orivoya dridonjo be ogwana orivoya kpikpina njidrieri kpäkyi. 16 Itira beti iŋgyinyori rote dri läŋgyirii ro yasi ndi beti gäṛä'bu ro kama alo be. 17 Nda edre läŋgyiri te lamadri ecivo yekalu ro ro yasi, alodi ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi aza mä'dudrisi; se ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi äzite Jakina , ago se mä'dudrisi äzite Boaza .