King Jehoshaphat of Judah
1 Jehoshaphat son of Asa became king and strengthened his defenses against Israel. 2 He assigned troops to the fortified cities in Judah, as well as to other towns in Judah and to those towns in Ephraim that his father Asa had captured.
3-4 When Jehoshaphat's father had first become king of Judah, he was faithful to the Lord and refused to worship the god Baal as the kings of Israel did. Jehoshaphat followed his father's example and obeyed and worshiped the Lord. And so the Lord blessed Jehoshaphat 5 and helped him keep firm control of his kingdom. The people of Judah brought gifts to Jehoshaphat, but even after he became very rich and respected, 6 he remained completely faithful to the Lord. He destroyed all the local shrines in Judah, including the places where the goddess Asherah was worshiped.
7 In the third year of Jehoshaphat's rule, he chose five officials and gave them orders to teach the Lord's Law in every city and town in Judah. They were Benhail, Obadiah, Zechariah, Nethanel, and Micaiah. 8 Their assistants were the following nine Levites: Shemaiah, Nethaniah, Zebadiah, Asahel, Shemiramoth, Jehonathan, Adonijah, Tobijah, and Tob-Adonijah. Two priests, Elishama and Jehoram, also went along. 9 They carried with them a copy of the Lord's Law wherever they went and taught the people from it.
10 The nations around Judah were afraid of the Lord's power, so none of them attacked Jehoshaphat. 11 Philistines brought him silver and other gifts to keep peace. Some of the Arab people brought him 7,700 rams and the same number of goats.
12 As Jehoshaphat became more powerful, he built fortresses and cities 13 where he stored supplies. He also kept in Jerusalem some experienced soldiers 14 from the Judah and Benjamin tribes. These soldiers were grouped according to their clans.
Adnah was the commander of the troops from Judah, and he had 300,000 soldiers under his command. 15 Jehohanan was second in command, with 280,000 soldiers under him. 16 Amasiah son of Zichri, who had volunteered to serve the Lord, was third in command, with 200,000 soldiers under him.
17 Eliada was a brave warrior who commanded the troops from Benjamin. He had 200,000 soldiers under his command, all of them armed with bows and shields. 18 Jehozabad was second in command, with 180,000 soldiers under him. 19 These were the troops who protected the king in Jerusalem, not counting those he had assigned to the fortified cities throughout the country.
A'do Yosapata ro 'Bädri'ba ro
1 Yosapata gorite 'bädri'ba ro vo täpi ndaro Asa roya, ago ede andivo ndaro te kyila oyene Yisaraele be. 2 Nda raa kyila'bai te 'bakicii cini se tiṛi ṛatararo be Yuda ya iyi yasi, 'baŋwai cini Yuda ro yasi, ago 'bakicii cini se Asa kurube wari Eperaima roya iyi yasi. 3 OPI äṛu Yosapata te, tana nda sote taoye käti täpi ndaro ro voro; ago mätu Bala kote, 4 oko indurute Lu täpi ndaro ro ri ayani, ro ota Lu rote, ago ye ta kote oso 'bädri'bai Yisaraele ro ronye. 5 Ta'dota OPI 'ba Yosapata te 'bädri Yuda ro ätine ŋgyiri drikaca ndaro zele; ago lidri cini ezi ŋgapäṛi te ndäri, ta'doro nda a'dote ŋgaamba be ago orooro ro. 6 Nda indurute OPI ri ya cini si ago pere vo mätu ro cini Lu uniako'bai rote ndi beti lu tokoro Asera ro se Yuda ya ana be.
7 Ndroa nina ŋgamiri ndaro rosi nda zo dri'bai losi ro kwoi te ŋgaembane 'bakicii Yuda roya: Benaila, Obadaya, Zekaria, Netaniela ndi Mikaya be. 8 Lewe'bai njidriasu ndi kohanii ritu be uguyi ànya ni. Lewe'bai ni: Semaya, Netania, Zebadia, Asaele, Semiramota, Jonatana, Adonija, Tobia ndi Tobadonija be; ago kohanii ni: Elisama ndi Yorama be. 9 Ànya ruyi buku ota ro OPI rote ago uguyi embana te lidri ri, 'bakicii cini Yuda ro yasi.
A'do 'Desi Yosapata ro
10 OPI 'ba 'bädri se cini gbikyi Yuda lomvosi kai te a'done turiro yeyi kyila kote Yosapata be. 11 Ruka Felesete'bai ro eziyi mo'di amba ndi ŋgapäṛi azaka be te Yosapata ri, ago Arabi azaka eziyi timele kutu njidrieri kama njidrieri (7,700) ndi tego kutu njidrieri kama njidrieri (7,700) be te ndäri. 12 Ta'dota Yosapata ugu a'dote mbara be ndra. Nda be tiṛi ṛatararo ndi 'bakicii be te Yuda yasi, 13 se adro ŋga amba du'duro te kigyesi.
Nda 'ba otaozo'bai ndi kyila'bai amba be te orine Yerusalema ya, 14 käläsikalai ànyaro voro. Adena ni otaozo'ba kyila'bai ni 'bakala Yuda ro yasi ro, nda orivoya kyila'bai be kutu kama nätu (300,000) nda zele. 15 Joanana ni otaozo'ba yi nda kundu, orivoya kyila'bai be kutu kama ritu 'butenjidriena (280,000), 16 ago ninana ni Amasai ŋgwa Zikeri ro, nda orivoya kyila'bai be kutu kama ritu (200,000). (Amasia indurute OPI ri teinye päläti ako.) 17 Otaozo'ba kyila'bai käläsikalai Benjamina ro yasi ni Eliada mano mbaraekye kyila oyero, orivoya kyila'bai be kutu kama ritu (200,000) kusui be ndi ŋga 'digaga robe. 18 Otaozo'ba se nda kundu ni Jozabada, orivoya kyila'bai be kutu kama alo 'butenjidriena (180,000) lakazà kado kyila oyero be. 19 Lidri kwoi induruyite 'bädri'ba ri Yerusalema ya, ago nda 'ba kyila'bai azaka kpate orine 'bakicii tiṛi ṛatararo be Yuda ro yasi.