King Baasha of Israel Invades Judah
(1 Kings 15.16-22)
1 In the thirty-sixth year of Asa's rule, King Baasha of Israel invaded Judah and captured the town of Ramah. He started making the town stronger, and he put troops there to stop people from going in and out of Judah.
2 When Asa heard about this, he took the silver and gold from his palace and from the Lord's temple. Then he sent it to Damascus with this message for King Benhadad of Syria: 3 “I think we should sign a peace treaty, just as our fathers did. This silver and gold is a present for you. Would you please break your treaty with King Baasha of Israel and force him to leave my country?”
4 Benhadad did what Asa asked and sent the Syrian army into Israel. They captured the towns of Ijon, Dan, Abel-Maim, and all the towns in Naphtali where supplies were kept. 5 When Baasha heard about it, he stopped his work on the town of Ramah.
6 Asa ordered everyone in Judah to carry away the stones and wood Baasha had used to fortify Ramah. Then he fortified the towns of Geba and Mizpah with these same stones and wood.
Hanani the Prophet Condemns Asa
7 Soon after that happened, Hanani the prophet went to Asa and said:
You depended on the king of Syria instead of depending on the Lord your God. And so, you will never defeat the Syrian army. 8 Remember how powerful the Ethiopian and Libyan army was, with all their chariots and cavalry troops! You trusted the Lord to help you then, and you defeated them. 9 The Lord is constantly watching everyone, and he gives strength to those who faithfully obey him. But you have done a foolish thing, and your kingdom will never be at peace again.
10 When Asa heard this, he was so angry that he put Hanani in prison. Asa was also cruel to some of his people.
Asa Dies
(1 Kings 15.231 24)
11 Everything Asa did while he was king is written in The History of the Kings of Judah and Israel. 12 In the thirty-ninth year of his rule, he got a very bad foot disease, but he relied on doctors and refused to ask the Lord for help. 13 He died two years later.
14 Earlier, Asa had his own tomb cut out of a rock hill in Jerusalem. So he was buried there, and the tomb was filled with spices and sweet-smelling oils. Then the people built a bonfire in his honor.
Rriti Yisaraele be
(1 'Bädri'bai 15:17-22)
1 Ndroa 'butenätu fonjidrialo ŋgamiri Asa 'bädri'ba Yuda ro rosi oko, Basa 'Bädri'ba Yisaraele ro ikyi ye kyila te Yuda be ago be tiṛi ṛatararo te Rama lomvosi ukyi 'diaza oci 'da ago efo 'da ni Yuda yasi. 2 'Dooko Asa ru mo'di ndi logo läguläguro be te ni lakazà Yekalu ro ndi zo'desi miri robe yasi, ago zote Damaseka ya Benadada 'Bädri'ba Siria ro ri, tro lazo ono be ekye: 3 Mi'ba bereazi ka'do lakole amaro mibe ya, oso se täpi maro ndi täpi miro ka'doyibe ronye. Mazo mo'di ndi logo läguläguro ono be ni miri. Yauono mikye bereazi amiro Basana 'Bädri'ba Yisaraele ro robe, tana nda kona kyila'bai ndaro robe ni wari maro yasi.
4 Benadada letadri tase 'Bädri'ba Asa kusube ana rote, ago nda zo otaozo'bai kyila'bai ndaro rote ndi kyila'bai ànyaro be 'bakici Yisaraele ro gotane. Ago ànya ruyi Ijona, Dana, Abelebetamaka ndi 'bakicii cini ŋgaodroro Nafatali robe te. 5 Ondro 'Bädri'ba Basa keri tase ka'dobe ana tana te oko, nda e'be ta tiṛi obero Rama lomvosi te, ago edre losi te. 6 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Asa otokala lidri cini ndaro rote ni Yuda yasi ago ozotate ànyari kuni ndi joce se Basa kabe losi oye sina Rama ya kai luwine, ago ànya beyi tiṛi ṛatararo te sina 'bakicii Geba ndi Mizipa be lomvosi.
Nebi Anani
7 Tu gi ana si nebi Anani ikyite Asa 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro re, ago atate ndäri ekye: Tana miri mio'bane OPI Lu miro dri oko migo mi'ba mi bete 'bädri'ba Siria ro dri ono, mi'ba kyila'bai 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro ro pavote. 8 Inye'do lidri Kusa ro ndi Libiya robe a'doyi ṛoko kyila'bai arabia ndi farasi'bai amba be ya? Caoko tana mi'ba mi te OPI dri, nda 'ba mipe ànya te ṛe. 9 OPI ka voondre 'bädri cini yasi, ànya se yana orivoya taoro be ndäri iyi tombane. Miye tate amaama si; ta'doro etoni yauono le mileyaro ondoalo nya'dona kyila ya. 10 Ta ono 'ba Asa a'dote kyilaro nebi ana be, ago 'ba embe nda te nyori si. Ago tu gi alo ana ya Asa eto lidri azaka oyete siomba si.
Ŋgamiri Ädu Asa ro
(1 'Bädri'bai 15:23-24)
11 Ta cini ŋgamiri Asa ro ro ni etovona ya le ondevona ya egyi tana te Ambâ 'Bädri'bai Yuda ro ndi Yisaraele robe ya. 12 Ndroa 'butenätu fonjidriesu ori Asa ro 'bädri'ba ro rosi oko, adravo koziro cite pa ndaro ya ago nda a'dote ka'bo ro; caoko nda zami kote OPI re ta ŋgaopa rota, oko nda ṛi ŋgaopa teni kwozoi resi. 13 Ndroa ritu vosi oko Asa drate, 14 ago asete 'budri se nda modo kogabe lutu ya andivo ndaro ri 'Bakici Dawidi roya ana ya. Ànya dayi ŋga tägyi tagyiriro ndi ido tägyi ŋgutruro be te avo ndaro lomvo osezana, ago ànya leruyi asi 'desi te nda liyizana.