1 Hannah prayed:

You make me strong
and happy, Lord.
You rescued me.
Now I can be glad
and laugh at my enemies.

2 No other god is like you.
And with you we are safer
than on a high mountain.
3 I can tell those proud people,
“Stop your boasting!
Nothing is hidden from the Lord,
and he judges what we do.”

4 Our Lord, you break
the bows of warriors,
but you give strength
to everyone who stumbles.
5 People who once
had plenty to eat
must now hire themselves out
for only a piece of bread.
But you give the hungry more
than enough to eat.
A woman did not have a child,
and you gave her seven,
but a woman who had many
was left with none.
6 You take away life,
and you give life.
You send people down
to the world of the dead
and bring them back again.

7 Our Lord, you are the one
who makes us rich or poor.
You put some in high positions
and bring disgrace on others.
8 You lift the poor and homeless
out of the garbage dump
and give them places of honor
in royal palaces.

You set the world on foundations,
and they belong to you.
9 You protect your loyal people,
but everyone who is evil
will die in darkness.

We cannot win a victory
by our own strength.
10 Our Lord, those who attack you
will be broken in pieces
when you fight back
with thunder from heaven.
You will judge the whole earth
and give power and strength
to your chosen king.
Samuel Stays with Eli
11 Elkanah and Hannah went back home to Ramah, but the boy Samuel stayed to help Eli serve the Lord.
Eli's Sons
12-13 Eli's sons were priests, but they were dishonest and refused to obey the Lord. So, while people were boiling the meat from their sacrifices, these priests would send over a servant with a large, three-pronged fork. 14 The servant would stick the fork into the cooking pot, and whatever meat came out on the fork was taken back to Eli's two sons. That was how they treated every Israelite who came to offer sacrifices in Shiloh. 15 Sometimes, when people were offering sacrifices, the servant would come over, even before the fat had been cut off and sacrificed to the Lord.
Then the servant would tell them, “The priest doesn't want his meat boiled! Give him some raw meat that he can roast!”
16 Usually the people answered, “Take what you want. But first, let us sacrifice the fat to the Lord.”
“No,” the servant would reply. “If you don't give it to me now, I'll take it by force.”
17 Eli's sons did not show any respect for the sacrifices that the people offered. This was a terrible sin, and it made the Lord very angry.
Hannah Visits Samuel
18 The boy Samuel served the Lord and wore a special linen garment 19 and the clothes his mother made for him. She brought new clothes every year, when she and her husband came to offer sacrifices at Shiloh.
20 Eli always blessed Elkanah and his wife and said, “Samuel was born in answer to your prayers. Now you have given him to the Lord. I pray that the Lord will bless you with more children to take his place.” After Eli had blessed them, Elkanah and Hannah would return home.
21 The Lord was kind to Hannah, and she had three more sons and two daughters. But Samuel grew up at the Lord's house in Shiloh.
Eli Warns His Sons
22 Eli was now very old, and he heard what his sons were doing to the people of Israel. 23-24 “Why are you doing these awful things?” he asked them. “I've been hearing nothing but complaints about you from all of the Lord's people. 25 If you harm another person, God can help make things right between the two of you. But if you commit a crime against the Lord, no one can help you!”
But the Lord had already decided to kill them. So he kept them from listening to their father.
A Prophet Speaks to Eli
26 Each day, as Samuel grew older, the Lord was pleased with him, and so were the people.
27 One day a prophet came to Eli and gave him this message from the Lord:
When your ancestors were slaves of the king of Egypt, I came and showed them who I am. 28-29 Out of all the tribes of Israel, I chose your family to be my priests. I wanted them to offer sacrifices and burn incense to me and to find out from me what I want my people to do. I commanded everyone to bring their sacrifices here where I live, and I allowed you and your family to keep those that were not offered to me on the altar.
But you honor your sons instead of me! You don't respect the sacrifices and offerings that are brought to me, and you've all grown fat from eating the best parts.
30 I am the Lord, the God of Israel. I promised to always let your family serve me as priests, but now I tell you that I cannot do this any longer! I honor anyone who honors me, but I put a curse on anyone who hates me. 31 The time will come when I will kill you and everyone else in your family. Not one of you will live to an old age.
32 Your family will have a lot of trouble. I will be kind to Israel, but everyone in your family will die young. 33 If I let anyone from your family be a priest, his life will be full of sadness and sorrow. But most of the men in your family will die a violent death! 34 To prove to you that I will do these things, your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, will die on the same day.
35 I have chosen someone else to be my priest, someone who will be faithful and obey me. I will always let his family serve as priests and help my chosen king. 36 But if anyone is left from your family, he will come to my priest and beg for money or a little bread. He may even say to my priest, “Please let me be a priest, so I will at least have something to eat.”
Mätu Hana ro
1 Hana ye mätu kpate ekye:

Ya maro te twi riyä be Opi ya.
Mate mbara ro Opi ya.
Kala maro ka kyila'baazii maro uguna,
ma riyäro tana ŋgaopa ndaro ta.

2 “'Diaza alona i'do alokado oso OPI ronye,
'diaza tona i'do e'be gialo nda;
gaga'ba aza i'do oso Lu amaro ronye.
3 Nye'be ata driuŋgyi si miro,
mi'ba ata driuŋgyi si kefo ko ni mi kala si.
Tana OPI ni orivoya Lu tauni ro,
nda kani taoye cini lidri ro vurena ope.
4 Kusu 'di mbara be ro otoŋgote,
oko otomba 'dise mbaraako te.
5 Ànya se kyeno ŋgaonya be amba 'do
gye andivo ànyaro te tesi ŋgaonya dri,
oko ànya se täbiri ro täbiri na kyete.
Toko se kondo ro te ŋgwai be njidrieri,
ago endre se ŋgwài be amba e'bete iṛe.
6 OPI kani odra ezi ago kani 'di adri,
nda kani 'di ovo vuru 'buociekye avo roya
ago kani 'di eŋga adri ya.
7 OPI kani 'di o'ba ati'ba ro, ago kani 'di o'ba ŋga'ba ro;
nda kani 'di logo vuru, ago nda ka kpa ni 'di eŋga kuru.
8 Nda kani ati'ba eŋga kuru ni durufu yasi;
nda kani 'dise lemeri be eŋgana kuru ni torofo yasi,
kani vo oriro ozona gyiti opii orooro ro lako,
ago kani ànya o'ba vo orooro roya.
Tana kotopai gyini ro ni OPI ro,
ago nda nju 'bädri te driigye.

9 “Nda kani ànya se 'diriro iyi lepena;
oko ka takozi'bai e'bena vouni ya;
tana lidri opena ŋga ko ṛe toto mbara iro si.
10 Kyila'baazii OPI ro utufuna 'da jinyijinyi;
tana nda uhwena 'da ànya dri ni vo'buyakuru yasi.
OPI opena vure 'bädri cini ro 'da;
Nda ozona mbara 'da 'bädri'ba ndaro ri,
ago o'bana mbara 'bädri'ba äṛuäṛu ndaro ro 'da a'done ndra.”

11 'Dooko Elikana oyite kovole 'bäru Rama ya, oko ŋgagaŋwa Samuele rite Silo ya kohani Eli be ruindune OPI ri.
Taoye undiro Ŋgwàagoro Eli ro ro
12 Ŋgwàagoro Eli ro orivoya lidri taoye undiro be yi, ànya usuyi ta OPI ro ko. 13 La'bi kohani ro losi ro lidri be anjioko ondro 'diaza kolo tori te, ruindu'ba kohani ro ri ikyine, ka'da kala nätu be nda rigye. Ondro iza kate ugu la'di oko, 14 nda osona ka'da gwo luku'du ŋgala'di roya, ago ŋgase cini ka'da kabe lofona tesi ni luku'du yasi 'do te kohani ri urune andivo ndaro ri. Ànya yeyi ta te inye Yisaraele'bai se cini kikyibe Silo ya tori olone ri. 15 Oko yau dri teinye vo ombiombi ro oza ako, ruindu'ba kohani ro ikyi ago ata gwo mano se kabe tori olo ana ri ekye: “Nyozo iza aza lo'bine kohani ri; tana nda unina ko iza la'dila'di ro urune ni mirigye, oko la'diako ayani.”
16 Oko ondro mano 'do katagwo ekye: “Mi'ba maye ŋgase aza ŋgye ago maza vo ombiombi ro käti, ago 'dooko miruna ndi amba oso milebe ronye,” ruindu'ba kohani ro atana ro ekye: “Hwa, beṛo miri iza ozone yau, ago ondro ko inye, märuna te mbarasi.”
17 Ago takozi ŋgwaàgoro Eli ro rote orivoya parandra OPI mile; tana ànya yeyi ŋgapäṛi OPI ri te taoroako si.
Samuele Silo ya
18 Ŋgagaŋwa Samuele rite ruindune OPI ri ago so boŋgo alokado gajuṛuŋwa kätätidri rote nda lomvo. 19 Ago endre ndaro ka boŋgo runduṛuro giṛiŋwa o'di ndäri ago ka uguna ndäri ndroa cini si, ondro ànya kayite oyi lau ago anyaro be tori ndroa ro olone owo. 20 'Dooko Eli äṛu Elikana ndi toko ndaro Hana be te ekye: “OPI kozo ŋgwai miri toko ono si vo nda se alodi anya kozobe OPI ri ono roya.”
Ago 'do vosi ànya goyite 'bäru.
21 Ago OPI go äṛu Hana te ndi anya go ti ŋgwàagoro nätu ndi ndiriŋwa ritu be te. Ago ŋgagaŋwa Samuele mbate ugu ruinduvoya OPI ri.
Eli ndi Ŋgwàagoro Ndaro be
22 Ago Eli dete pari ago nda eri tase cini ŋgwàagoro ndaro kayi ugu oyena be Yisaraele'bai cini ri ana tana te, ago tase ànya kayibe u'du 'ditoko se kayibe ruindu ecivo Mutuguṛi a'do lototi Opi roya kai be 'do te. 23 Ago Eli atate ŋgwàagoro ndaro ri ekye: “Nyà tase nonye kwoi oyena etaya? Tana meri taloye koziro amiro tana teni lidri cini resi. 24 Mìye ta ko inye ŋgwàagoro maro. Tase meribe lidri Opi ro kabe ugu larina ono ko'de takado yi. 25 Ondro mano aza koye takozi be te mano aza ri, Lu oŋgana ndi lata'ba ro; oko ondro mano aza koye takozi be te OPI lomvo, a'di unina ni oŋgane lata ndaro ya ya?”
Oko ànya eriyi ta täpi ànyaro ro kote; tana OPI le te odra ezine ànya dri.
26 Ago ŋgagaŋwa Samuele ugu ombate ago ta ndaro si OPI te ndi lidri be.
Taäŋgu Katidri Eli ro Lomvo
27 Ago nebi aza ikyite Eli re, ago atate ndäri ekye: “Ono ni ata OPI ro owo ekye: ‘Mini ndi maka'da andivo maro te zutu miro Arona ri ndi katidri ndaro be 'dooko ànya drigba iyeäṛi ro 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro ri. 28 Ago ni 'bakala cini Yisaraele ro lakosi manji katidri ndaro te a'done kohanii ro märi, ruindune vo tori oloro maro ya, ŋga tägyi tagyiri ro ozane, boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa kätätidri ro osone ma eji zana ago mozo ŋgapäṛi se Yisaraele'bai kabe ozona vo tori oloro dri te katidri zutu miro ro ri. 29 Tana e'di nyaka'da taoroako gwo ayani ŋgapäṛi maro ndi tori oloro be se mata be ri niya? Tana e'di miro ŋgwàagoro miro gwo ndrani mädrisi ànya o'ba si oshweoshwe ro vo onjionjiro ŋgapäṛi oloro ro se lidri maro Yisaraele ro kabe osana märi si niya?’ 30 Ta'do ta OPI Lu Yisaraele ro atate ekye: ‘Ma'ba ta te katidri miro ndi katidri zutu miro robe ri ruindune märi kohanii ro tu cini si.’ Oko yauono nda ekye: ‘Ta inye 'do te i'do tana ànya se kayibe ma oro marona 'da, ago ànya se kayibe ma mawo a'dona 'da 'dimenyeŋwa ro. 31 Mindre, tuna kate eziikyi, se mutufuna ombàto'di katidri miro ro ndi käläsikala täpi miro ro be 'da, ago agoambago aza a'done katidri miro ya odeode ro te i'do. 32 'Dooko nya'dona 'da tusu ro ago mindrena vo 'da mawi si ŋgase cini amba mabe oye ozone Yisaraele'bai ri ta; oko agoambago aza ri a'done katidri miro ya odeode ro te i'do. 33 Mänina ko zelevoi miro tufune kpeye ni vo tori oloro maro yasi, oko ndase kabe ota liyi na 'da madaro; ago a'dona 'da tusuro tana zelevoi cini miro ka oye odrane bando si. 34 Ono ni tase ka oyebe a'dona ŋgwàagoro ritu miro Hofeni ndi Finasa be ri owo, a'dona 'da taka'daro ro miri: ànya riti odrana 'da tu alo si. 35 Ago manjina kohani 'diri 'da andivo maro ri, se oyena ŋgase ya maro kolebe ago drî maro kusu tana be 'da. Ago mozona zelevoi 'da ndäri, se induruna 'da ondoalo 'bädri'ba onjionji maro kandra. 36 Ago 'di aza se kabe e'be zelevo miro ya oyina 'da kohani 'do re rulo'bane ndäri parata ta ndi ŋgaonya be, ago atana 'da ekye: Molo'baru miri mi'ba ma losi kohanii ro oyene tana manya ŋgaŋwa aza robe.’ ”