1 From Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ.
To God's people who are scattered like foreigners in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.
2 God the Father decided to choose you as his people, and his Spirit has made you holy. You have obeyed Jesus Christ and are sprinkled with his blood.
I pray that God will be kind to you and will keep on giving you peace!
A Real Reason for Hope
easter card
3 Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is so good, and by raising Jesus from death, he has given us new life and a hope that lives on. 4 God has something stored up for you in heaven, where it will never decay or be ruined or disappear.
5 You have faith in God, whose power will protect you until the last day. Then he will save you, just as he has always planned to do. 6 On that day you will be glad, even if you have to go through many hard trials for a while. 7 Your faith will be like gold that has been tested in a fire. And these trials will prove that your faith is worth much more than gold that can be destroyed. They will show that you will be given praise and honor and glory when Jesus Christ returns.
8 You have never seen Jesus, and you don't see him now. But still you love him and have faith in him, and no words can tell how glad and happy 9 you are to be saved. This is why you have faith.
10 Some prophets told how God would treat you with undeserved grace, and they searched hard to find out more about the way you would be saved. 11 The Spirit of Christ was in them and was telling them how Christ would suffer and would then be given great honor. So they searched to find out exactly who Christ would be and when this would happen. 12 But they were told that they were serving you and not themselves. They preached to you by the power of the Holy Spirit, who was sent from heaven. And their message was only for you, even though angels would like to know more about it.
Chosen To Live a Holy Life
13 Be alert and think straight. Put all your hope in how God will treat you with undeserved grace when Jesus Christ appears. 14 Behave like obedient children. Don't let your lives be controlled by your desires, as they used to be. 15 Always live as God's holy people should, because God is the one who chose you, and he is holy. 16 That's why the Scriptures say, “I am the holy God, and you must be holy too.”
17 You say that God is your Father, but God doesn't have favorites! He judges all people by what they do. So you must honor God while you live as strangers here on earth. 18 You were rescued from the useless way of life you learned from your ancestors. But you know you were not rescued by such things as silver or gold that don't last forever. 19 You were rescued by the precious blood of Christ, that spotless and innocent lamb. 20 Christ was chosen even before the world was created, but because of you, he did not come until these last days. 21 And when he did come, it was to lead you to have faith in God, who raised him from death and honored him in a glorious way. This is why you have put your faith and hope in God.
22 You obeyed the truth, and your souls were made pure. Now you sincerely love each other. But you must keep on loving with all your heart. 23 Do this because God has given you new birth by his message that lives on forever. 24 The Scriptures say,

“Humans wither like grass,
and their glory fades
like wild flowers.
Grass dries up,
and flowers fall
to the ground.
25 But what the Lord has said
will stand forever.”

Our good news to you is what the Lord has said.
1 Ni Petero, lazo'ba Yesu Kristo ro resi.
Lidri onjionjiro Lu ro se kepererube ta ruopa rota warii Pondusi, Galatia, Kapadokia, Asia, ndi Bitunia robe yasi ri. 2 Ami orivoya lidri onjionji ro yi oso ta Lu Täpi ro ronye ago a'ba ami te lidri alokado ro Tori ndaro si, Yesu Kristo orone ago a'done wäṛiro kari ndaro si.
Ka'do inye tai'dwero ndi taliatokpe be ka'do amiro ago kiliti amba.
Mio'ba Lidriidriro
3 Mì'de mòzo aro'boya Lu ago Täpi Opi amaro Yesu Kristo ro ri! Tana yauni amba ndaro si nda ozo adri to'di te ämäri Yesu Kristo eŋga si ni odra yasi. Ono 'ba ama te a'done mio'ba lidriidriro robe, 4 ago ta'doro mà voondre mileyaro äṛu amba se Lu kabe etana lidri ndaro ri ana urune. Nda ka ànya eta ämiri vo'buyakuru ya, vose ànya unina ko oŋgwane kode ruenjine ago se liŋgyina kye ko ana ya. 5 Ànya orivoya tana ami, se taoma si ätite londroro mbara Lu rosi ta ŋgaopa ro se orivoya nja oyebe lofone tu äduro si ana rota.
6 Nyà'do yai'dwesi ta ono ro, ca yauono nyà'do gica tusuro ta taojoro dritoto se nyàbe rueza ni rigye ono ro. 7 Taojoro kwoi ikyite taoma amiro ka'dane anjioko orivoya ŋgye. Tana ca logo läguläguro, se äni ndi togane ono, ojo mbarana te asi si; ago taoma amiro se kadona orivoya para ndrani logo läguläguro risi, beṛo kpa mbarana ojone tana ka'do robe yaiŋgyi be. 'Dooko nyùsuna räṛu 'desi ndi taoro be ndi, Tuse abe Yesu Kristo ka'da sina si. 8 Nyùlu nda te, mindre nda ca ko owo, ago mimate nda ya mìndre nda ca ko owo. Ka'do inye mìye riyä amba riyä räṛu ro se änina ko tana itine ata si, 9 tana nyàte ŋgaoparo lindri amiro ro usuna, se ni ta taoma amiro ro nda ya owo.
10 Ta ŋgaoparo ono rota, nebii ṛite taoti si ago tenyiyi tazevona te, ago ànya äŋguyi ta ŋgapäṛi ono rote se Lu ka oyebe ozone ämiri ono. 11 Ànya ojoyite tazevona uṛine tuna a'dona rota ago ta ikyina rota. Tori Kristo ro se orivoya ànya ya kani ugu tuna ka'dana, rueza se Kristo ka oyebe iŋgyine ndi a'do 'desi se kabe eso voigye be äŋgu tana te ṛo käti. 12 Lu ka'da ta kwoi te nebii kwoi ri anjioko losi ànyaro ko takado modo ànyaro rota, oko ta amiro ta, oso ànya kopeyi ta ŋgà kai robe ronye se nyeri tana te yauono ni lazo'bai se kopeyi Lazokado te ämiri mbara Tori Alokado se ezote ni vo'buyakuru ya rosi. Kwoi kpa ni orivoya ŋga se malaikai koleyibe unine owo.
Nyà'do Alokado
13 Ka'do inye, mì'ba tauni drî amiro ro ka'do nja taoyeza. Nyà'do vookwa be ago mì'ba mio'ba amiro kpeye äṛu se ozona 'da ämiri tuse Yesu Kristo ka oyebe ruka'dane sina si. 14 Nyà'do taoro be Lu ri, ago mì'ba ori amiro ka'do ko ole uku se nyà'dobe sina 'dooko ami drigba tauniako kai robe. 15 Oko nyà'do alokado tase cini nyàbe oyena ya, kpa oso Lu se kuzi ami be orivoya alokado ono ronye. 16 Taegyi ka ata ekye: “Nyà'do alokado tana ma orivoya alokado.”
17 Mìzi nda Täpi, ondro nyàte Lu, se kabe vure lidri cini ro ope ojoojoro, oso taoye se 'dialo koyebe ronye mätuna owo; ka'do inye, mìri ori anjoko amiro 'bädri ono ya taoro si ndäri. 18 Tana mìni ŋgase ozobe ami o'baza dritai ro ni a'do se takadoako ori ro se ocopete ämiri zutui amiro si ono te. Ko orivoya ŋga aza se änina ndi togane oso mo'di kode logo läguläguro ronye; 19 orivoya kari lagyeamba Kristo ro, se laba oso timelegogo teinye mämbiako biliro ronye. 20 Lu nji Kristo teṛo teinye o'ba 'bädri ro ako ago aka'date tui äduro kwoi ya ta amiro ta. 21 Nda si nyà taoma Lu ya, se eŋga nda te ni odra ya ago ozo 'desi te ndäri; ago taoma amiro ndi mio'ba be änjute Lu dri.
22 Ago taoro amiro ata Lu ro ri si nyäwäṛi andivo amiro te ago nyà'dote ŋgalu endaro be taoma'bai azi amiro ri, nyùlu azi ole cini si ago ya cini amiro si. 23 Tana ata lidriidriro ago äduako Lu rosi äti ami te to'diro oso ŋgwai se uti'bana oŋgwaako ro si, ko oŋgwaoŋgwaro si. 24 Oso taegyi kabe ata ronye ekye:
“Vo lidri cini ro orivoya oso käyi ronye,
ago liŋgyi ànyaro cini oso foi vocowa ro ronye.
Käyi lunyite, ago foi layite,
25 oko ata Opi ro ka ori äduako.”
Ata ono orivoya Lazokado se apete ämiri ono owo.