Jezebel Has Naboth Killed
1 Naboth owned a vineyard in Jezreel near King Ahab's palace.
2 One day, Ahab said, “Naboth, your vineyard is near my palace. Give it to me so I can turn it into a vegetable garden. I'll give you a better vineyard or pay whatever you want for yours.”
3 Naboth answered, “This vineyard has always been in my family. I won't let you have it.”
4 So Ahab went home, angry and depressed because of what Naboth had told him. He lay on his bed, just staring at the wall and refusing to eat a thing.
5 Jezebel his wife came in and asked, “What's wrong? Why won't you eat?”
6 “I asked Naboth to sell me his vineyard or to let me give him a better one,” Ahab replied. “And he told me I couldn't have it.”
7 “Aren't you the king of Israel?” Jezebel asked. “Get out of bed and eat something! Don't worry, I'll get Naboth's vineyard for you.”
8-10 Jezebel wrote a letter to each of the leaders of the town where Naboth lived. In the letters she said:
Call everyone together and tell them to go without eating today. When they come together, give Naboth a seat at the front. Get two liars to sit facing him and swear that Naboth has cursed God and the king. Then take Naboth outside and stone him to death!
She signed Ahab's name to the letters and sealed them with his seal. Then she sent them to the town leaders.
11 After receiving her letters, they did exactly what she had asked. 12 They told the people that it was a day to go without eating, and when they all came together, they seated Naboth at the front. 13 The two liars came in and sat across from Naboth. Then they accused him of cursing God and the king, so the people dragged Naboth outside and stoned him to death.
14 The leaders of Jezreel sent a message back to Jezebel that said, “Naboth is dead.”
15 As soon as Jezebel got their message, she told Ahab, “Now you can have the vineyard Naboth refused to sell. He's dead.” 16 Ahab got up and went to take over the vineyard.
Elijah Condemns Ahab
17 The Lord said to Elijah the prophet, 18 “King Ahab of Israel is in Naboth's vineyard right now, taking it over. 19 Go tell him that I say, ‘Ahab, you murdered Naboth and took his property. And so, in the very spot where dogs licked up Naboth's blood, they will lick up your blood.’ ”
When Elijah found him, 20 Ahab said, “So, my enemy, you found me at last.”
Elijah answered:
Yes, I did! Ahab, you have managed to do everything the Lord hates. 21 Now you will be punished. You and every man and boy in your family will die, whether slave or free. 22 Your whole family will be wiped out, just like the families of King Jeroboam and King Baasha. You've made the Lord very angry by sinning and causing the Israelites to sin.
23 And as for Jezebel, dogs will eat her body there in Jezreel. 24 Dogs will also eat the bodies of your relatives who die in town, and vultures will eat the bodies of those who die in the country.
25-29 When Ahab heard this, he tore his clothes in sorrow and wore sackcloth day and night. He was depressed and refused to eat.
Some time later, the Lord said, “Elijah, do you see how sorry Ahab is for what he did? I won't punish his family while he is still alive. I'll wait until his son is king.”
No one was more determined than Ahab to disobey the Lord. And Jezebel encouraged him. Worst of all, he had worshiped idols, just as the Amorites had done before the Lord forced them out of the land and gave it to Israel.
Ämvu Kono ro Nabota ro
1 Nabota Jezerela'ba orivoya ämvu kono robe Jezerela ya loto zo'desi miriro Aba 'Bädri'ba Samaria ro ro lomvo. 2 Tu alo aza si Aba atate Nabota ri ekye: “Nyozo ämvu kono ro miro märi ka'do robe ämvu agba ro ro märi, tana orivoya loto zo'desi miriro maro lomvo. Mozona ämvu kono ro aza kadopara na miri vona ro; ago ondro ka'do mile te mozona lagyena miri parata ro.”
3 Oko Nabota atate Aba ri ekye: “OPI leko märi drimbi zutui maro ro ozone miri.” 4 Ago Aba oyite 'bäru tusuro ago kyilaro tase Nabota Jezerela'ba katabe ndäri ana tana ro. Tana Nabota atate ekye: “Mäninako drimbi zutui maro ro ozone miri.” Ndi nda 'dete vuru kitapara dri za mi ndaro te tiṛi lomvoro ago lekote ŋgaonya onyane. 5 Oko Jezebela toko ndaro ikyite ndare, ago atate ndäri ekye: “Tana e'di nya'do gwo tusuro ago mileko ŋgaonya onyane niya?”
6 Aba zatadrite ekye: “Tana matate Nabota Jezerela'ba ri makye: Nda kozo ämvu kono ro ndaro märi parata dri, ondro ka'do nda kole gindi mozona ämvu kono ro aza ndäri vona ro, oko nda zatadrite ekye: Yiri ämvu kono ro iro ozone märi i'do!”
7 Ago Jezebela toko ndaro atate ndäri ekye: “Inye'do yauono nya ṛo koni Yisaraele miri ya? Miŋga minya ŋgaonya ago nya'do yai'dwesi, mozona ämvu kono ro Nabota Jezerela'ba ro ro 'da miri.”
8 Ndi anya egyi waraga te ävuru Aba rosi, ago ebe ànya te ŋga ŋgaebero Aba rosi, ago anya zo waraga te dri'bai losi ro ndi 'desii se koriyibe Nabota be Jezerela ya kai ri. 9 Anya egyi tate waraga ya ekye: “Nyayo ta tu akpa ro ro, ago nyozo orivo Nabota ri vo oriro 'dioro ro ya lidri lako. 10 Ago mi'ba lidri kozi ritu kori loto ndare ago kikicuyi nda, ekye: ‘Mi'da Lu te ndi 'bädri'ba be.’ 'Dooko äru nda tesi, ago avo nda kuni si ṛi.”
11 Ago dri'bai losi ro ndi 'desii lidri 'bakici Jezerela roya be, yeyite oso se Jezebela kegyibe ànyari waraga ya ronye. 12 Ànya ayoyi ta akpa rote, ago ozoyi orivo te Nabota ri vo oriro 'dioro ro ya lidri lako. 13 Ago mano kozi ritu ikyiyite riyite lototi ndare, ago kicuyi Nabota te lidri kandra ekye: “Nabota 'da Lu te ndi 'bädri'ba be.” Ago ànya lofoyi nda te tesi 'bakici kundu, ago voyi nda te ṛi kuniŋwà si. 14 'Dooko ànya zoyi lazo te Jezebela ri ekye: “Avo Nabota te kuni si nda drate.”
15 Dori ondro Jezebela keri tate anjioko avo Nabota te kuni si ago nda drate oko, Jezebela atate Aba ri ekye: “Miŋga, miru ämvu kono ro Nabota Jezerela'ba ro miri, se nda kogabezo ozone miri parata dri 'do; tana yauono Nabota te i'do lidriidriro, oko nda drate.” 16 Ago dori 'bädri'ba keri tate Nabota drate oko, nda ŋgate oyite ämvu kono ro Nabota Jezerela'ba ro roya, urune ndäri.
17 'Dooko OPI atate nebi Eliya Tisebe'ba ri ekye: 18 “Miŋga nyoyi drî Aba 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro ro utune, se orivoya Samaria ya ana, nda orivoya ämvu kono ro Nabota roya nda oyite urune ndäri. 19 Ago beṛo miri atane ndäri mikye: Ono ni tase OPI kabe atana owo ekye: ‘Mifu 'di te, ago nya kpate ämvu na uruna ya?’ Nyiti ta ndäri mikye ma OPI matani nonye makye: ‘Vose kokyei kombe kari Nabota robe kigye ana kokyei ombena kari modo miro ro kpa kigye.’ ”
20 Ondro Aba kondre Eliya te oko nda atate ekye: “Nyusu mateya kyila'baazi maro?” Eliya zatadrite ekye: “Musu mite, tana nyozo andivo miro te ugu tase orivoya koziro OPI mile oyene. 21 Ta'dota ono ata OPI ro miri owo ekye: ‘Mezina ŋgakozi ndi midri; ago mayona mi 'da waṛi, ago mutufuna manoàgo katidri mi Aba ro ro iyeäṛi ro kode dritairo ndi kpeye ni Yisaraele yasi. 22 Ago mayena katidri miro ndi oso maye katidri 'Bädri'ba Yeroboama ŋgwa Nebata ro robe ago oso maye katidri 'Bädri'ba Baasa ŋgwa Aija ro robe ronye, tana nyeŋga ya maro te a'done kyilaro ono rota, ago tana nyoloci Yisaraele te takozi oyene.’ 23 Ago OPI atate ta Jezebela rota ekye: Kokyei onyana Jezebela ni goro Jezerela roya. 24 Ago 'diaza Aba ro se kabe odra 'bakici ya kokyei onyana ni; ago 'diaza ndaro se kabe odra vorriro ya koyii onyana ni.”
25 ('Diaza i'do se kozo andivo ndaro be cu ŋgakozi oyene OPI mile oso Aba ronye, se Jezebela toko ndaro so ya ndaro be oyene ana. 26 Nda yete tase pari undiro ayani ososi lui edeedero vo oso Amora'bai koyeyibe ronye, se OPI njate ni lidri Yisaraele ro milesi ana).
27 Ago ondro Aba keri ata se kwoi te oko, nda wa boŋgo ndaro te, ago so gunia te yilomvo, ago akpate ago u'dute gunia si, ago ugu abate yeleyele.
28 Ago OPI atate Eliya Tisebe'ba ri ekye: 29 “Inye'do mindre Aba kologo andivo ndaro be vuru mamile 'do ndi ya? Tana nda logo andivo ndaro te vuru mamile, mezina ŋgakozi ko tu ndaro si, oko mezina ŋgakozi ndi katidri ndaro dri tu ŋgwa ndaro rosi.”