David in His Old Age
1 King David was now an old man, and he always felt cold, even under a lot of blankets. 2 His officials said, “Your Majesty, we will look for a young woman to take care of you. She can lie down beside you and keep you warm.” 3-4 They looked everywhere in Israel until they found a very beautiful young woman named Abishag, who lived in the town of Shunem. They brought her to David, and she took care of him. But David did not have sex with her.
Adonijah Tries To Become King
5-6 Adonijah was the son of David and Haggith. He was Absalom's younger brother and was very handsome. One day, Adonijah started bragging, “I'm going to make myself king!” So he got some chariots and horses, and he hired 50 men as bodyguards. David did not want to hurt his feelings, so he never asked Adonijah why he was doing these things.
7 Adonijah met with Joab the son of Zeruiah and Abiathar the priest and asked them if they would help him become king. Both of them agreed to help. 8 But Zadok the priest, Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, Nathan the prophet, Shimei, Rei, and David's bodyguards all refused.
9 Adonijah invited his brothers and David's officials from Judah to go with him to Crawling Rock near Rogel Spring, where he sacrificed some sheep, cattle, and fat calves. 10 But he did not invite Nathan, Benaiah, David's bodyguards, or his own brother Solomon.
11 When Nathan heard what had happened, he asked Bathsheba, Solomon's mother:
Have you heard that Adonijah the son of Haggith has made himself king? But David doesn't know a thing about it. 12 You and your son Solomon will be killed, unless you do what I tell you. 13 Go say to David, “You promised me that Solomon would be the next king. So why is Adonijah now king?”
14 While you are still talking to David, I'll come in and tell him that everything you said is true.
15 Meanwhile, David was in his bedroom where Abishag was taking care of him because he was so old. Bathsheba went in 16 and bowed down.
“What can I do for you?” David asked.
17 Bathsheba answered:
Your Majesty, you promised me in the name of the Lord your God that my son Solomon would be the next king. 18 But Adonijah has already been made king, and you didn't know anything about it. 19 He sacrificed a lot of cattle, calves, and sheep. And he invited Abiathar the priest, Joab your army commander, and all your sons to be there, except Solomon, your loyal servant.
20 Your Majesty, everyone in Israel is waiting for you to announce who will be the next king. 21 If you don't, they will say that Solomon and I have rebelled. They will treat us like criminals and kill us as soon as you die.
22 Just then, Nathan the prophet arrived. 23 Someone told David that he was there, and Nathan came in. He bowed with his face to the ground 24 and said:
Your Majesty, did you say that Adonijah would be king? 25 Earlier today, he sacrificed a lot of cattle, calves, and sheep. He invited the army commanders, Abiathar, and all your sons to be there. They are already eating and drinking and shouting, “Long live King Adonijah!” 26 But he didn't invite me or Zadok the priest or Benaiah or Solomon. 27 Did you say they could do this without telling the rest of us who would be the next king?
Solomon Becomes King
28 David said, “Tell Bathsheba to come here.” She came and stood in front of him. 29-30 Then he said, “The living Lord God of Israel has kept me safe. And so today, I will keep the promise I made to you in his name: Solomon will be the next king!”
31 Bathsheba bowed with her face to the ground and said, “Your Majesty, I pray that you will live a long time!”
32 Then David said, “Tell Zadok, Nathan, and Benaiah to come here.”
When they arrived, 33 he told them:
Take along some of my officials and let Solomon ride my own mule to Gihon Spring. 34 When you get there, Zadok and Nathan will pour olive oil over Solomon's head to show that he is the new king of Israel. Then order someone to blow a trumpet and tell everyone to shout, “Long live King Solomon!” 35 Bring him back here, and he will take my place as king. He is the one I have chosen to rule Israel and Judah.
36 Benaiah answered, “We will do it, Your Majesty. I pray that the Lord your God will let it happen. 37 The Lord has always watched over you, and I pray that he will now watch over Solomon. May the Lord help Solomon to be an even greater king than you.”
38 Zadok, Nathan, and Benaiah left and took along the two groups of David's special bodyguards. Solomon rode on David's mule as they led him to Gihon Spring. 39 Zadok the priest brought some olive oil from the sacred tent and poured it on Solomon's head to show that he was now king. A trumpet was blown and everyone shouted, “Long live King Solomon!” 40 Then they played flutes and celebrated as they followed Solomon back to Jerusalem. They made so much noise that the ground shook.
41 Adonijah and his guests had almost finished eating when they heard the noise. Joab also heard the trumpet and asked, “What's all that noise about in the city?”
42 Just then, Jonathan son of Abiathar came running up. “Come in,” Adonijah said. “An important man like you must have some good news.”
43 Jonathan answered:
No, I don't! David has just announced that Solomon will be king. 44-45 Solomon rode David's own mule to Gihon Spring, and Zadok, Nathan, Benaiah, and David's special bodyguards went with him. When they got there, Zadok and Nathan made Solomon king. Then everyone celebrated all the way back to Jerusalem. That's the noise you hear in the city. 46 Solomon is now king.
47 And listen to this! David's officials told him, “We pray that your God will help Solomon to be an even greater king!”
David was in his bed at the time, but he bowed 48 and prayed, “I praise you, Lord God of Israel. You have made my son Solomon king and have let me live to see it.”
49 Adonijah's guests shook with fear when they heard this news, and they left as fast as they could. 50 Adonijah himself was afraid of what Solomon might do to him, so he ran to the sacred tent and grabbed hold of the corners of the altar for protection.
51 Someone told Solomon, “Adonijah is afraid of you and is holding onto the corners of the altar. He wants you to promise that you won't kill him.”
52 Solomon answered, “If Adonijah doesn't cause any trouble, I won't hurt him. But if he does, I'll have him killed.” 53 Then he sent someone to the altar to get Adonijah.
After Adonijah came and bowed down, Solomon said, “Adonijah, go home.”
'Bädri'ba Dawidi te Agoambago ro
1 'Bädri'ba Dawidi de te agoambago ro ago ndroa na kyite para, ago ruindu'bai ndaro tako drî ndaro ca boŋgo dritako rosi, nda usu voeme kote. 2 Ta'doro dri'bai ndaro miri ro atate ndäri ekye: “Mi'ba mä̀ṛi ŋgutikodroŋwa aza mi 'desi 'bädri'ba ri, anya kori robe mibe ago kinduru robe miri. Anyari u'dune gbo miro ya, tana nyusu voeme robe.” 3 Ndi ànya ṛiyi ŋgutikodroŋwa liŋgyiekye teni wari cini Yisaraele ro yasi, ago Sunema ya ànya usuyi Abisaga te, ago eziyi anya te 'bädri'ba re. 4 Anya orivoya ŋgutikodroŋwa liŋgyiekye yi; anya a'dote lekye'ba ro 'bädri'ba ri ago indurute ndäri; oko 'bädri'ba u'du kote sina.
Adonija Lete A'done 'Bädri'ba ro
5 Adonija se endre na ni Agita ana eŋga andivo ndaro te, ago atate ekye: “Ma'dona teni 'bädri'ba ro.” Ago nda ru arabia kyila rote andivo ndaro ri farasi'bai be, ndi lidri 'butenji be umune nda mile. 6 Täpi ndaro 'ba nda kote a'done tusuro alona tu alo aza si taeji si ekye: “Tana e'di nya taoye nonye niya?” Nda kpa orivoya mano liŋgyiekye yi; ago äti nda te Abisolomo kundu. 7 Adonija äyitate Yoaba se endre na ni Zeruya ana be ago kohani Abiatara be; ago ànya 'deyite nda vosi ago payi nda te. 8 Oko kohani Zadoka, Benaya ŋgwa Yoyada ro, nebi Natana, Semei, Rei ndi vookwa'bai, Dawidi robe a'doyi kote Adonija resi.
9 Tu alo aza si Adonija lo timele, 'daŋgoi ndi ti ŋgwà se oshweoshwero be te kuni se äzibe Kuni Ini ana dri, loto Enerogela lomvo. Ago nda läzi ädrupii cini ndaro, ŋgwàagoro 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ro te, ndi dri'bai cini miri ro se ni Yuda yasi be; 10 oko nda zi Solomo ädrupi ndaro, ca nebi Natana, kode ca Benaya ca vookwa'bai 'bädri'ba ro kote.
A'ba Solomo te 'Bädri'ba ro
11 'Dooko Natana atate Beteseba endre Solomo ro ri ekye: “Inye'do nyeri ṛo ko ekye Adonija ŋgwa Agita ro 'ba andivo iro te 'bädri'ba ro ago Dawidi 'desi amaro ni tana ko ya? 12 Ka'do inye, nyikyi mozo ta robe miri, tana mipa adri modo miro robe ndi adri Solomo ŋgwa miro robe. 13 Nyoyi mici dori 'Bädri'ba Dawidi re, ago nyata ndäri mikye: ‘'Desi 'bädri'ba, inye'do mi'ba ta ṛo ko märi mikye ŋgwa maro Solomo orina ni 'bädri'ba ro vo miro ya ya? Oko yauono Adonija a'dote ni 'bädri'ba ro ono eŋwanyeya?’ ” Ago Natana ugu atate ekye: 14 “Ago ondro nyadri ugu ata 'Bädri'ba Dawidi be oko, macina kpa gwo mivo ago mätina kundu ata miro ro gwo.”
15 Ndi Beteseba oyite 'bädri'ba re zo ya modo ndaro roya. 'Bädri'ba te pari agoambago ro, ago Abisaga Sunema'ba orivoya ruinduvoya ndäri. 16 Beteseba ändite ago ye taoro te 'bädri'ba ri, ago 'bädri'ba atate ekye: “Mile e'di ya?”
17 Beteseba zatadrite ekye: “'Desi maro, mi'ba tate märi OPI Lu miro si mikye: ‘Solomo ŋgwa maro orina ni 'bädri'ba ro vo miro ya.’ 18 Oko yauono mindre, Adonija teni 'bädri'ba yi ago mi 'desi maro mini ta aza ko cu tana ro. 19 Nda lo 'daŋgoi, timele ndi ti ŋgwà oshwe oshwero be te amba, ago läzi ŋgwàagoro cini mi 'bädri'ba ro, kohani Abiatara ndi Yoaba otaozo'ba kyila'bai robe te, oko nda zi ŋgwa miro Solomo kote. 20 Ago yauono 'desi 'bädri'ba maro, Yisaraele cini 'bayi mi te midri, miri ni 'dise kaoyebe orine giti mi 'desi 'bädri'ba maro ro dri mi vosi tana itine ànyari. 21 Tana ondro ka'do midra bete, 'dooko ayena ma ndi ŋgwa miro Solomo be ndi oso 'dise kepere ota be ronye.”
22 Ondro anya kadri ugu ata 'bädri'ba be oko, nebi Natana eci dori. 23 Ago anya iti ta te 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Nebi Natana begi ono.” Ago ondro nda kikyite 'bädri'ba kandra oko, nda ändite vuru militi si gyini dri. 24 Ndi Natana atate ekye: “'Desi 'Bädri'ba maro, inye'do nyata ni mikye Adonija ri ni orine vo miro ya 'bädri'ba ro ya? 25 Tana kitu ondro ono si ono nda oyite ago lo 'daŋgoi, timele ndi ti ŋgwà oshwe oshwero be te amba, ago läzi ŋgwàagoro cini mi 'bädri'ba ro te, Yoaba otaozo'ba kyila'bai miro ro ndi kohani Abiatara be te, ago mindre yau ono, ànya kayi ugu ŋgaonya ndi ŋgaumvu be nda kandra, ago kayi ugu ata ekye: ‘Miri madaro 'Bädri'ba Adonija.’ 26 Oko nda zi ma ruindu'ba miro, ca kohani Zadoka, ca Benaya ŋgwa Yoyada ro ago ca Solomo kote. 27 Inye'do tase ono Mi 'Desi 'Bädri'ba mi'ba tana ni, ago 'dise kabe ori vo miro ya giti miro dri, ko miri tana itine ama segi dri'bai losi miro ro ono riya?”
28 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Dawidi zatadrite ekye: “Mizi Beteseba märi.” Ago anya ikyite 'bädri'ba kandra, ago edrete nda mile. 29 Ago 'bädri'ba atate anyari ekye: “Mäṛuru miri OPI lidriidriro se kopa adri maro beni manya'baazii cini maro rigyesi ono si, 30 mätina tao'ba se ma'babe miri ävuru OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro rosi ono ndi ondro, anjioko Solomo ŋgwa miro orina ndini giti maro dri vo maro ya.”
31 'Dooko Beteseba ändite militi anyaro si gyini dri, ago ye taoro te 'bädri'ba ri, ago atate ekye: “Ka'do inye 'desi maro 'Bädri'ba Dawidi miri ndi äduako.”
32 'Bädri'ba Dawidi atate ekye: “Mizi kohani Zadoka, nebi Natana ndi Benaya ŋgwa Yoyada robe märi.” Ago ànya ikyiyite 'bädri'ba kandra. 33 Ago 'bädri'ba atate ànyari ekye: “Mìru dri'bai miri ro maro ro ami yibe, ago mì'ba Solomo ŋgwa maro umune doŋgyi modo maro rosi, ago nyezi nda Gyi legwalegwa Giona ya; 34 ago mì'ba kohani Zadoka ndi nebi Natana be käṛuyi nda lau 'bädri'ba ro Yisaraele dri. 'Dooko mìvo cekuṛe, ago nyàta mìkye: ‘Miri madaro 'Bädri'ba Solomo!’ 35 Beṛo ämiri osone nda vo, ago beṛo ndäri ikyine orine giti maro dri. Tana beṛo ndäri a'done 'bädri'ba ro vo maro ya, tana maka'da nda te a'done dri'ba ro Yisaraele ndi Yuda be dri.”
36 Ago Benaya ŋgwa Yoyada ro zatadri 'bädri'ba rote ekye: “Ka'do ndi inye! Ka'do inye OPI Lu, 'Desi 'Bädri'ba maro ro, koye ndi inye. 37 Oso OPI ka'dobe 'Desi 'Bädri'ba maro be ronye, ka'do inye nda ka'do kpa inye Solomo be, ago ko'ba giti ndaro a'done para ndrani giti 'Desi 'Bädri'ba maro Dawidi ro drisi.”
38 Ndi kohani Zadoka, nebi Natana ndi Benaya ŋgwa Yoyada robe, ndi vookwa'bai 'bädri'ba robe, oyiyite ago 'bayi Solomo te umune doŋgyi 'Bädri'ba Dawidi rosi, ago eziyi nda te Gyi legwalegwa Giona ya. 39 Kohani Zadoka ru koyi se ido be ana te ni Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro yasi, ago äṛu Solomo te. Ago ànya voyi cekuṛe te, ago lidri cini atate ekye: “Miri madaro 'Bädri'ba Solomo!” 40 Ago lidri cini sote nda vo kovole, yeṛi ovobe, ojibe, ugu riyä oyebe riyä amba si, ago gyini lagyilagyi ni kporo oye ànyaro ri.
41 Adonija ndi ŋgwaazi cini se nda be ana yibe kayite karama onde oko ànya eriyi kporo te. Ago ondro Yoaba keri uwi cekuṛe rote oko, atate ekye: “Amo 'bakici ya doroo ana takacina e'di ya?” 42 Ondro nda kadri ugu ata oko, Jonatana ŋgwa kohani Abiatara ro esa dori; ago Adonija atate ekye: “Nyeci ri, mi orivoya mano kado yi ago nyezi ono lazo kado yi.”
43 Jonatana zatadri Adonija rote ekye: “Hwa, 'Desi 'bädri'ba amaro Dawidi 'ba Solomo te 'bädri'ba ro. 44 Ago 'bädri'ba zo kohani Zadoka, nebi Natana, Benaya ŋgwa Yoyada ro, ndi vookwa'bai 'bädri'ba robe te nda be. Ago ànya 'bayi nda te umune doŋgyi 'bädri'ba rosi; 45 ago kohani Zadoka ndi nebi Natana be äṛuyi nda te 'bädri'ba ro Giona ya. Ago ànya oyiyite ni nasi kovole ugu riyä oyebe, ta'doro 'bakici amote doroo. Kporo se nyèribe 'do takacina ni wo. 46 Solomo rite giti 'bädri'ba ro dri. 47 Ndrana ruindu'bai cini 'bädri'ba ro ikyiyite titikäṛi oyene 'Desi 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ri ekye: ‘Lu miro ko'ba ävuru Solomo ro likuekye ndrani miro drisi, ago ko'ba giti ndaro para ni giti miro drisi.’ Ago 'Bädri'ba Dawidi edi andivo iro te kitapara dri. 48 Ago 'bädri'ba ata kpate ekye: ‘Räṛu ka'do OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro ri, se 'ba alo aza ŋgwai maro ro te giti maro dri tu ono si ono, ago 'ba mandrete mi modo maro si.’ ”
49 'Dooko ŋgwaazi se cini Adonija be iyi a'doyite lä'bilä'biro, ŋgayite ago 'dialo oyite liti iro ya. 50 Ago Adonija a'dote turi ro ni Solomo ri; ago nda ŋgate ago oyite mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI roya ago ovo cukudri vo tori oloro rote. 51 Ago iti tana te Solomo ri ekye: “Mindre, Adonija turi 'Bädri'ba Solomo te, ago nda ovo cukudri vo tori oloro rote, ago ka ugu ata ekye: ‘Mi'ba 'Bädri'ba Solomo käṛuru märi käti anjioko ndäri ruindu'ba ndaro ufune bando si i'do.’ ” 52 Ndi Solomo atate ekye: “Ondro ka'do nda kaka'da yi te 'di kadoro, drikyiri alodi aza ndaro e'dene gyini dri i'do; oko ondro nda koye ta aza te koziro, beṛo nda ufune.” 53 Ndi 'Bädri'ba Solomo zo lazo te Adonija ri, ago ànya eziyi nda te ni vo tori oloro yasi. Adonija ikyite ago ye taoro te 'Bädri'ba Solomo ri; ago Solomo atate ekye: “Nyoyi 'ba miro ya.”