1 Think how much the Father loves us. He loves us so much that he lets us be called his children, as we truly are. But since the people of this world did not know who Christ is, they don't know who we are. 2 My dear friends, we are already God's children, though what we will be hasn't yet been seen. But we do know when Christ returns, we will be like him, because we will see him as he truly is. 3 This hope makes us keep ourselves holy, just as Christ is holy.
4 Everyone who sins breaks God's law, because sin is the same as breaking God's law. 5 You know Christ came to take away our sins. He isn't sinful, 6 and people who stay one in their hearts with him won't keep on sinning. If they do keep on sinning, they don't know Christ, and they have never seen him.
7 Children, don't be fooled. Anyone who does right is good, just like Christ himself. 8 Anyone who keeps on sinning belongs to the devil. He has sinned from the beginning, but the Son of God came to destroy all that he has done. 9 God's children cannot keep on being sinful. His life-giving power lives in them and makes them his children, so they cannot keep on sinning. 10 You can tell God's children from the devil's children, because those who belong to the devil refuse to do right or to love each other.
Love Each Other
11 From the beginning you were told we must love each other. 12 Don't be like Cain, who belonged to the devil and murdered his own brother. Why did he murder him? He did it because his brother was good, and he was evil. 13 My friends, don't be surprised if the people of this world hate you. 14 Our love for each other proves we have gone from death to life. But if you don't love each other, you are still under the power of death.
15 If you hate each other, you are murderers, and we know murderers do not have eternal life. 16 We know what love is because Jesus gave his life for us. This is why we must give our lives for each other. 17 If we have all we need and see one of our own people in need, we must have pity on that person, or else we cannot say we love God. 18 Children, you show love for others by truly helping them, and not merely by talking about it.
19 When we love others, we know we belong to the truth, and we feel at ease in the presence of God. 20 But even if we don't feel at ease, God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything. 21 Dear friends, if we feel at ease in the presence of God, we will have the courage to come near him. 22 He will give us whatever we ask, because we obey him and do what pleases him. 23 God wants us to have faith in his Son Jesus Christ and to love each other. This is also what Jesus taught us to do. 24 If we obey God's commandments, we will stay one in our hearts with him, and he will stay one with us. The Spirit he has given us is proof that we are one with him.
Ŋgwai Lu ro
1 Mìndre Täpi lu ama tawi! Ŋgalu ndaro orivoya ndra tana äzi ama te ŋgwai Lu ro, ago ndi endaro ama ṛo ni owo. Ono ni tase 'bädri ka ko ama uni owo; tana ni Lu ko. 2 Bereazii se mulube ono, yauono ama orivoya ŋgwai Lu ro, oko drigba ko ŋbelero a'do amaro ka oye a'done eŋwanye. Oko mä̀ni ndi ondro Kristo koloforute oko, mà'dona 'da oso nda ronye, tana màndrena nda 'da oso nda ka'dobe ronye. 3 'Dicini se mio'ba ono be Kristo ya ka andivo ndaro gaga wäṛiro, kpa oso Kristo be orivoya wäṛiro ronye.
4 Nda se kabe takozii oye ni ota Lu ro pere'ba yi, tana takozi ni ota pere yi. 5 Mìni ndi anjioko Kristo loforute anjioko takozii onane, ago tana takozi i'do nda ya. 6 Tana 'dicini se kabe ori rumora ya Kristo be ye takozi ko 'duro, oko nda se kabe takozi oye 'duro ndre nda ko ago ni nda kpa ko.
7 Mì'ba 'diaza kodo ami ko, ŋgwai maro! Nda se kabe taŋgye oye ni taŋgye'ba yi, kpa oso Kristo be taŋgye'ba ro ronye. 8 Nda se kabe ugu takozi oye 'duro nda orivoya Kicu'ba ro tana Kicu'ba ye takozi te ṛo ni etovoya. Ŋgwa Lu ro loforute ta gi ono ro, tase Kicu'ba koyebe perene.
9 Nda se orivoya ŋgwa Lu ro ri ko 'duro takozi oyene, tana a'do Lu modo ro orivoya nda ya, ago tana Lu orivoya Täpi ndaro, nda ni ko takozi oyene 'duro. 10 A'do toto se lakole ŋgwai Lu ro ro ya ndi ŋgwai Kicu'ba ro be ni no: nda se kabe ko taŋgye oye kode lu ädrupi ndaro ko, i'do ŋgwa Lu ro.
Nyùlu Azi Amiro
11 Lazo se nyèribe ṛoni etovoya ni ono; beṛo ämäri azi lune. 12 Beṛo ko ämäri a'done oso Kaina ronye, nda orivoya nda se Koziro ono ro ago fu ädrupi modo ndaro Abele te. Kaina fu nda te etaya? Tana ŋgase nda andivo koyebe orivoya koziro, ago ŋgase ädrupi ndaro koyebe orivoya ŋgye.
13 Ka'do inye nyàlaro ko, ädrupii maro, ondro lidri 'bädri ro yana kosote ami lomvo owo. 14 Mä̀ni ndi anjioko mè'be odra te ago mà te lävu adri ya, mä̀ni ndi tana mà ädrupii amaro lu. Nda se lu 'di ko drigba orivoya mbara odra ro zele. 15 Nda se yana osoro ädrupi ndaro lomvo ni 'diufu'ba yi, ago mìni ndi 'diufu'ba a'do ko adri äduako be nda ya. 16 Ta ono si mä̀ni ndi ŋgalu orivoya ni ono: Kristo ozo adri ndaro te ta amaro ta. Ka'do inye, beṛo ämäri kpa adri amaro ozone ädrupii amaro ta! 17 Ondro 'dise ŋgaamba be ndre gindi ädrupi ndaro lemeri be, caoko sikundu gwo ädrupi ndaro ri, nda atana eŋwanye ekye yulu Lu ya? 18 Ŋgwai maro, beṛo ko ŋgalu amaro ri a'done atà ro toto tana atane ata; beṛo a'done ŋgalu endaro, se abe ka'dana taoye si ro.
Agoago Lu Kandra
19 Ka'do inye, ta ono si, mä̀nina ndi ama orivoya taŋgye ro, ta ono si mà'dona 'da agoago be Lu kandra. 20 Ondro ta ya amaro ro kope vure amaro ni, mä̀ni ndi Lu orivoya parandra ndrani ta ya amaro ro drisi ago tana nda kani ŋgacini uni. 21 Ago ka'do inye, bereazii maro, ondro ya amaro kope vure amaro ko ni, ama orivoya agoago be Lu kandra. 22 Mà ŋgase màbe ejina ni nda rigyesi usuna, tana mà ota ndaro oro ago ŋgase ta kusi nda be oyena. 23 Nda ta ama te taomane Ŋgwa ndaro Yesu Kristo ya ago azi lune, oso Kristo kota ama be ronye. 24 Nda se kabe ota Lu ro oro ka ori rumora ya Lu be ago Lu ka ori rumora ya nda be. Ago tana Tori se Lu kozobe ämäri si mä̀ni ndi anjioko Lu ka ori rumora ya ama yibe.