David Becomes King of Israel
(2 Samuel 5.1-3)
1 Israel's leaders met with David at Hebron and said, “We are your relatives, 2 and we know that you have led our army into battle, even when Saul was still our king. The Lord God has promised that you would rule our country and take care of us like a shepherd. 3 So we have come to crown you king of Israel.”
David made an agreement with the leaders and asked the Lord to be their witness. Then the leaders poured olive oil on David's head to show that he was now king of Israel. This happened just as the Lord's prophet Samuel had said.
David Captures Jerusalem
(2 Samuel 5.6-10)
4 Jerusalem was called Jebus at the time, and David led Israel's army to attack the town. 5 The Jebusites said, “You won't be able to get in here!” But David captured the fortress of Mount Zion, which is now called the City of David.
6 David had told his troops, “The first soldier to kill a Jebusite will become my army commander.” And since Joab son of Zeruiah attacked first, he became commander.
7 Later, David moved to the fortress—that's why it's called the City of David. 8 He had the city rebuilt, starting at the landfill on the east side. Meanwhile, Joab supervised the repairs to the rest of the city.
9 David became a great and strong ruler, because the Lord All-Powerful was on his side.
The Three Warriors
(2 Samuel 23.8-17)
10 The Lord had promised that David would become king, and so everyone in Israel gave David their support. Certain warriors also helped keep his kingdom strong.
11 The first of these warriors was Jashobeam the son of Hachmoni, the leader of the Three Warriors. In one battle he killed 300 men with his spear.
12 Another one of the Three Warriors was Eleazar son of Dodo the Ahohite. 13 During a battle against the Philistines at Pas-Dammim, all the Israelite soldiers ran away, 14 except Eleazar, who stayed with David. They took their positions in a nearby barley field and defeated the Philistines! The Lord gave Israel a great victory that day.
15 One time the Three Warriors went to meet David among the rocks at Adullam Cave. The Philistine army had set up camp in Rephaim Valley 16 and had taken over Bethlehem. David was in a fortress, 17 and he said, “I'm very thirsty. I wish I had a drink of water from the well by the gate to Bethlehem.”
18 The Three Warriors sneaked through the Philistine camp and got some water from the well near Bethlehem's gate. They took it back to David, but he refused to drink it. Instead, he poured out the water as a sacrifice to the Lord 19 and said, “Drinking this water would be like drinking the blood of these men who risked their lives to get it for me.”
The Three Warriors did these brave deeds.
The Thirty Warriors
(2 Samuel 23.18-39)
20 Joab's brother Abishai was the leader of the Thirty Warriors, and in one battle he killed 300 men with his spear. He was just as famous as the Three Warriors 21 and was more famous than the rest of the Thirty Warriors. He was their commander, but he never became one of the Three Warriors.
22 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was a brave man from Kabzeel who did some amazing things. One time he killed two of Moab's best fighters, and one snowy day he went into a pit and killed a lion. 23 Another time he killed an Egyptian who was over two meters tall and was armed with a spear. Benaiah only had a club, so he grabbed the spear from the Egyptian and killed him with it. 24 Benaiah did things like that; he was just as brave as the Three Warriors, 25 even though he never became one of them. And he was certainly as famous as the rest of the Thirty Warriors. So David made him the leader of his own bodyguard.
26-47 Here is a list of the other famous warriors:
Asahel the brother of Joab; Elhanan the son of Dodo from Bethlehem; Shammoth from Haror; Helez from Pelon; Ira the son of Ikkesh from Tekoa; Abiezer from Anathoth; Sibbecai the Hushathite; Ilai the Ahohite; Maharai from Netophah; Heled the son of Baanah from Netophah; Ithai the son of Ribai from Gibeah in Benjamin; Benaiah from Pirathon; Hurai from near the streams on Mount Gaash; Abiel from Arbah; Azmaveth from Baharum; Eliahba from Shaalbon; Hashem the Gizonite; Jonathan the son of Shagee from Harar; Ahiam the son of Sachar the Hararite; Eliphal the son of Ur; Hepher from Mecherah; Ahijah from Pelon; Hezro from Carmel; Naarai the son of Ezbai; Joel the brother of Nathan; Mibhar the son of Hagri; Zelek from Ammon; Naharai from Beeroth who carried Joab's weapons; Ira the Ithrite; Gareb the Ithrite; Uriah the Hittite; Zabad the son of Ahlai; Adina the son of Shiza, a leader in the Reuben tribe, and 30 of his soldiers; Hanan the son of Maacah; Joshaphat from Mithan; Uzzia from Ashterah; Shama and Jeiel the sons of Hotham from Aroer; Jediael and Joha the sons of Shimri from Tiz; Eliel from Mahavah; Jeribai and Joshaviah the sons of Elnaam; Ithmah from Moab; Eliel, Obed, and Jaasiel from Mezobah.
A'do Dawidi ro 'Bädri'ba ro Yisaraele ndi Yuda be dri
(2 Samuele 5:1-10)
1 'Dooko lidri cini Yisaraele ro otoyikalate voaloya Dawidi re Eberona ya, ago atayite ndäri ekye: Ama orivoya lomvo ago kari modo miro ro. 2 Kyeno Saulo bedri ni 'bädri'ba yi, nyugu kyila'bai Yisaraele ro ni kyila ya, ago nyologo ànya ni 'bäru; ago Opi Lu miro atate miri ekye: Nya'dona 'da lepe'ba lidri iro Yisaraele ro, ago nya'dona 'da miri'ba ànyaro. 3 Ta'dota dri'bai cini Yisaraele ro ikyiyite 'bädri'ba Dawidi re Eberona ya; ago Dawidi 'ba tao'baro te ànya yibe Opi kandra, ago ànya äṛuyi nda te 'bädri'ba ro Yisaraele dri, oso se Opi katabe Samuele si ana ronye.
4 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ndi Yisaraele'bai cini be oyiyite gotayi 'bakici Yerusalema te, se ni Jebusa, se Jebusa'bai ni lidri wari na ana ro. 5 Jebusa'bai atate Dawidi ri ekye: Miri ikyine noŋwa i'do, caoko Dawidi ru vo mbaraekye Zaiona rote, se yauono änite 'bakici Dawidi ro ro. 6 Dawidi atate ekye: Mano se kabe Jebusa'bai ufuna käti a'dona otaozo'ba kyila'bai ro! Yoaba, se endre na ni Zeruya ana oyite käti, ago nda a'dote otaozo'ba kyila'bai ro. 7 Tana Dawidi rite vo mbaraekye ya, ta'doro äzi anya te 'Bakici Dawidi ro. 8 Nda go be 'bakici te gbikyi, eto roni Milo ya ndi le 'batiazi ànyaro lomvo; ago Yoaba go ede anjoko 'bakici rote. 9 Dawidi ugu a'dote mbararo parandra, tana Opi Mbaraekye orivoya tro nda be.
Kyila'bai Likuekye Dawidi ro
(2 Samuele 23:8-39)
10 Kwoi ni kyila'bai likuekye lidri Dawidi ro ro owo, se payi nda te miri ndaro ya, ndi tro Yisaraele cini be, o'baza 'bädri'ba ro; oso Opi ko'ba tana be ronye, ago ànya ätiyi miri 'bädri'ba ndaro rote mbararo. 11 Käti ni Jasobama, ni käläsikala Akemona ro yasi ni dri'ba 'di nätu ro; nda ye kyila te äzu ndaro si lidri kama nätu (300) be ago tufu ànya te kpeye tu alo si.
12 Kinjona lidri likuekye ro lako ni Eleazara ŋgwa Dodo ro ni käläsikala Ahowa ro yasi. 13 Nda Dawidi be yeyi kyila te Felesete'bai be Pasadamina ya. Yisaraele'bai ka eto umu ni Felesete'bai ri oko, nda orivoya ämvu kyifo roya. 14 Ta'dota nda ndi lidri ndaro yibe edreyite kitoriya ämvu roya, ago yeyi kyila te Felesete'bai be; ago Opi ozo ŋgaopeṛe 'desi te ndäri.
15 Tu alo si 'di nätu dri'bai kyila'bai 'butenätu ro ro oyiyite luutu dri vose Dawidi koribe kigye ana ya loto kugyi Adulama ro lomvo, 'dooko kyila'bai Felesete'bai ro otoyi gawa te Vodele Refaima roya. 16 Tu gi ana si Dawidi orivoya vo mbaraekye ya; ago kyila'bai Felesete'bai ro orivoya Beteleme ya. 17 Tu alo si lu 'ba ro fu Dawidi te nda atate ekye: Osoaba 'diaza alo ezi gyi gwo märi umvune ni koro Beteleme ro se dereŋwa lomvo ana yasi! 18 'Dooko kyila'bai likuekyero se nätu kai ŋgoyivote gawa Felesete'bai ro yasi, ago ndiyi gyi te ni koro Beteleme ro se dereŋwa lomvo ana yasi eziyite Dawidi ri. Oko Dawidi lekote umvune, nda date ŋgapäṛi ro Opi ri. 19 Ago atate ekye: Mänina ko umvune! Landre gwo osoago ma kari lidri nätu se konjayibe adri ànyaro lomvo ono ro umvuna! Kwoi ni tase kyila'bai likuekye ro nätu kai koyeyibe owo.
20 Abisai ädrupi Yoaba ro, ni orivoya dri'ba lidri se likuekye 'butenätu ana ro. Nda ye kyila te äzu ndaro si lidri kama nätu be ago tufu ànya te; ago nda a'dote likuekye ro kyila'bai 'butenätu lako. 21 Nda likute parandra kyila'bai 'butenätu lako, ago a'dote otaozo'ba ro ànyari; oko liku ndaro ojo kote 'dise Nätu ana be.
22 Benaya ŋgwa Yoyada ro ni Kabezela yasi, orivoya kyila'ba likuekye yi, nda ye ta amba te turiako si, tufu kyila'bai mbaraekye ritu Moaba'bai rote. Tu alo si nda oyi kpate cite 'bu ya ago fu ibi te tu sia e'dero si. 23 Nda fu Ezipeto'bai alo aza kpate, mano kaca yi, ombana ocana orivoya ndrani kadrakadra ritu drisi. Ezipeto'ba ana orivoya äzu be 'desi dri ndaro ya oso loro boŋgo o'diro ronye; Benaya gota nda te dofo si, ago ivu äzu teni Ezipeto'ba ana rigyesi, ago go fu nda te loto äzu modo ndaro rosi. 24 Benaya ŋgwa Yoyada ro ye tase kwoi te turiako si, nda ni alo aza lidri se likuekye 'butenätu kai ro. 25 Nda likute ndra kyila'bai 'butenätu lako, oko liku ndaro ojo kote 'dise Nätu ana be. Ta'dota Dawidi 'ba nda te dri'ba nda okwa'bai ro.
26 Kwoi ni kyila'bai azaka se likuekye ro owo: Asaele ädrupi Yoaba ro, Elinana ŋgwa Dodo ro ni Beteleme yasi, 27 Samota ni Aroda yasi, Eleza ni Peleta yasi. 28 Ira ŋgwa Ikesa ro ni Takoa yasi, Abiezera ni Anatota yasi, 29 Sibekai ni Usa yasi, Ilai ni Ahowa yasi. 30 Marai ni Netofa yasi; Eleda ŋgwa Bana ro ni Netofa yasi, 31 Itai ŋgwa Ribai ro ni Gibea Benjamina ya yasi, Benaya ni Piratona yasi. 32 Urai ni vodelero goloŋwai Gasa ro yasi, Abiele ni Areba yasi; 33 Azemaveta ni Baruma yasi, Eliaba ni Salebona yasi. 34 Asema ni Gizona yasi, Jonatana ŋgwa Sage ro ni Arara yasi, 35 Ayima ŋgwa Sakara ro ni Arara yasi, Elifala ŋgwa Ura ro, 36 Efera ni Mekera yasi, Aija ni Pelona yasi, 37 Ezero ni Karemela yasi, Narai ŋgwa Ezebai ro, 38 Yoele ädrupi Natana ro, Mibara ŋgwa Ageri ro, 39 Zeleka ni Amona yasi, Narai lakazà Yoaba ro uŋgyi'ba na ni Berota yasi, 40 Ira ndi Gareba be ni Itera yasi, 41 Uria Ete'ba, Zabada ŋgwa Alai ro, 42 Adina ŋgwa Siza Rubena'ba ro dri'ba 'di 'bakala Rubena ro ro, gboko kyila'bai ndaro ro orivoya 'butenätu, 43 Anana ŋgwa Maka ro, Yosapata ni Mitena yasi, 44 Uzia ni Asetera yasi, Sama ndi Jiela be ŋgwàagoro Otama ro ni Aroeri yasi 45 Jediela ndi Joa be ŋgwàagoro Simeri ro ni Tiza yasi, 46 Eliela ni Mava yasi ago Jeribai ndi Josavia be, ŋgwàagoro Elinama Itema ro ni Moaba yasi, 47 Eliela, Obede ndi Jasiela be ni Mezo yasi.