The Preaching of John the Baptist
(Matthew 3.1-12Luke 3.1-18John 1.19-28)
1 This is the Good News about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 2 It began as the prophet Isaiah had written:
“God said, ‘I will send my messenger ahead of you
to open the way for you.’
3 Someone is shouting in the desert,
‘Get the road ready for the Lord;
make a straight path for him to travel!’”
4 So John appeared in the desert, baptizing and preaching. “Turn away from your sins and be baptized,” he told the people, “and God will forgive your sins.” 5 Many people from the province of Judea and the city of Jerusalem went out to hear John. They confessed their sins, and he baptized them in the Jordan River.
6 John wore clothes made of camel's hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey. 7 He announced to the people, “The man who will come after me is much greater than I am. I am not good enough even to bend down and untie his sandals. 8 I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”
The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus
(Matthew 3.13—4.11Luke 3.21Luke 22Luke 4.1-13)
9 Not long afterward Jesus came from Nazareth in the province of Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan. 10 As soon as Jesus came up out of the water, he saw heaven opening and the Spirit coming down on him like a dove. 11 And a voice came from heaven, “You are my own dear Son. I am pleased with you.”
12 At once the Spirit made him go into the desert, 13 where he stayed forty days, being tempted by Satan. Wild animals were there also, but angels came and helped him.
Jesus Calls Four Fishermen
(Matthew 4.12-22Luke 4.14Luke 15Luke 5.1-11)
14 After John had been put in prison, Jesus went to Galilee and preached the Good News from God. 15 “The right time has come,” he said, “and the Kingdom of God is near! Turn away from your sins and believe the Good News!”
16 As Jesus walked along the shore of Lake Galilee, he saw two fishermen, Simon and his brother Andrew, catching fish with a net. 17 Jesus said to them, “Come with me, and I will teach you to catch people.” 18 At once they left their nets and went with him.
19 He went a little farther on and saw two other brothers, James and John, the sons of Zebedee. They were in their boat getting their nets ready. 20 As soon as Jesus saw them, he called them; they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and went with Jesus.
A Man with an Evil Spirit
(Luke 4.31-37)
21 Jesus and his disciples came to the town of Capernaum, and on the next Sabbath Jesus went to the synagogue and began to teach. 22 The people who heard him were amazed at the way he taught, for he wasn't like the teachers of the Law; instead, he taught with authority.
23 Just then a man with an evil spirit came into the synagogue and screamed, 24 “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Are you here to destroy us? I know who you are—you are God's holy messenger!”
25 Jesus ordered the spirit, “Be quiet, and come out of the man!”
26 The evil spirit shook the man hard, gave a loud scream, and came out of him. 27 The people were all so amazed that they started saying to one another, “What is this? Is it some kind of new teaching? This man has authority to give orders to the evil spirits, and they obey him!”
28 And so the news about Jesus spread quickly everywhere in the province of Galilee.
Jesus Heals Many People
(Matthew 8.14-17Luke 4.38-41)
29 Jesus and his disciples, including James and John, left the synagogue and went straight to the home of Simon and Andrew. 30 Simon's mother-in-law was sick in bed with a fever, and as soon as Jesus arrived, he was told about her. 31 He went to her, took her by the hand, and helped her up. The fever left her, and she began to wait on them.
32 After the sun had set and evening had come, people brought to Jesus all the sick and those who had demons. 33 All the people of the town gathered in front of the house. 34 Jesus healed many who were sick with all kinds of diseases and drove out many demons. He would not let the demons say anything, because they knew who he was.
Jesus Preaches in Galilee
(Luke 4.42-44)
35 Very early the next morning, long before daylight, Jesus got up and left the house. He went out of town to a lonely place, where he prayed. 36 But Simon and his companions went out searching for him, 37 and when they found him, they said, “Everyone is looking for you.”
38 But Jesus answered, “We must go on to the other villages around here. I have to preach in them also, because that is why I came.”
39 So he traveled all over Galilee, preaching in the synagogues and driving out demons.
Jesus Heals a Man
(Matthew 8.1-4Luke 5.12-16)
40 A man suffering from a dreaded skin disease came to Jesus, knelt down, and begged him for help. “If you want to,” he said, “you can make me clean.”
41 Jesus was filled with pity, and reached out and touched him. “I do want to,” he answered. “Be clean!” 42 At once the disease left the man, and he was clean. 43 Then Jesus spoke sternly to him and sent him away at once, 44 after saying to him, “Listen, don't tell anyone about this. But go straight to the priest and let him examine you; then in order to prove to everyone that you are cured, offer the sacrifice that Moses ordered.”
45 But the man went away and began to spread the news everywhere. Indeed, he talked so much that Jesus could not go into a town publicly. Instead, he stayed out in lonely places, and people came to him from everywhere.
Taope Yoane Bapatisi'ba ro
(Matayo 3:1-12Luka 3:1-18Yoane 1:19-28)
1 Ono ni etovo lazokado ro ta Yesu Kristo, Ŋgwa Lu ro rota. 2 Oso nebi Yesaya kegyibe ronye ekye:
“Lu atate ekye: ‘Mazona lazo'ba maro 'da mimile
liti edene nja miri’
3 'Diaza ka ugu driayo vocowa ya ekye:
‘Nyede liti nja Opi ri;
nyede liti ŋgye ndäri abaza!’ ”
4 'Dooko Yoane oyi rite vocowa ya, ugu bapatisi oyebe ndi taope be, nda atate lidri ri ekye: “Nyètadri ni takozi amiro yasi ago nyà'do bapatisi be, 'dooko Lu e'bena ami ndi takozi amiro ta.” 5 Lidri amba ni wari Yuda ro ndi 'bakici Yerusalema robe yasi oyiyite ta Yoane ro erine. Ànya eṛoyi takozi ànyaro te, ago nda bapatisi ànya te Golo Yaradene ya. 6 Yoane so boŋgo se edeni 'bi gamele ro yasi te, embe kyini kyelekpero te kundu ndaro ya, ago ŋgaonya ndaro ni tombi ndi epe kogo robe. 7 Nda ayotate lidri ri ekye: “Mano se kabe ikyi ma vo orivoya 'desi para ndrani märi, takado maro ojo ko ca ändine vuru mvoka ndaro otrine. 8 Ma ami bapatisi gyi si, oko nda bapatisina ami 'da Tori Alokado si.”
Bapatisi ndi Taojoro Yesu robe
(Matayo 3:13–4:11Luka 3:21-22Luka 4:1-13)
9 Tu fere vosi oko Yesu ikyite ni Nazareta wari Galilaya ro yasi, ago Yoane bapatisi nda te Golo Yaradene ya. 10 Ago dori Yesu kate efo ni gyi yasi oko, nda ndre vo'buyakuru pirute ago Tori ka eziikyi vuru nda dri laba oso tu'bu ronye. 11 Ata ikyite ni vo'buyakuru yasi ekye: “Mi ni Ŋgwa modo maro ro se mulu tawi ono owo. Ta miro si ma ni.”
12 Ndriŋwa oko Tori 'ba nda te oyine vocowa ya, 13 nda rite lau u'duna 'butesu, ago Satani ojo ta ndaro te. Koronyai vocowa ro kpa orivoya lau, oko malaikai ikyite ago indurute ndäri.
Yesu Zi Ti'biuru'bai Su te
(Matayo 4:12-22Luka 4:14-15Luka 5:1-11)
14 O'ba Yoane ro kamba ya vosi oko, Yesu oyite Galilaya ya ago pe Lazokado Lu rote. 15 Nda atate ekye: “Tu kado esate ago Miri 'Bädri'ba Lu ro ro te loto! Nyètadri ni takozi amiro yasi ago mìma ta Lazokado ro!”
16 Ago Yesu ka aba Fofo Galilaya ro kalasi oko, nda ndre ti'biuru'bai ritu te, Simona ndi ädrupi ndaro Andarea be, kayi kyimba ovo fofo ya, tana ànya ti'biuru'bai. 17 Yesu atate ekye: “Mìso mavo, ago membana ami 'da lidri urune.” 18 Dori ànya e'beyi kyimba ànyaro te ago soyite nda vo. 19 Nda oyite ga loto fere oko, ndre ädrupii azaka ritu te, Yakoba ndi Yoane be, ŋgwà Zebedayo ro, ànya orivoya toŋbo ànyaro ya kayi ugu kyimba ànyaro edena nja. 20 Ago dori ondro Yesu kondre ànya te oko, nda zi ànya te, ago ànya e'beyi Zebedayo täpi ànyaro te toŋbo ya losioye'bai päläti si be ago soyite Yesu vo.
Mano se Tori Undiro be ana
(Luka 4:31-37)
21 Yesu ndi taeri'bai ndaro be ikyiyite 'ba'desi Kaperenauma ya, ago Sabata si oko Yesu oyite zotaeriro ya ago eto ŋgaemba te, 22 lidri se keriyi ta be ana laroyi tawi liti se nda emba ŋga be kigye si tana ro, tana nda ko oso miemba'bai Ota ro ronye, oko nda emba ŋga te drikaca si.
23 Ago mano aza tori undiro be ikyite zotaeriro ya ago trete ekye: 24 “Mile e'di ama be ya Yesu Nazareta ro? Nyikyi noŋwa ono ama tufune ya? Mäni mi te; mi ni Lazo'ba Alokado Lu ro owo!”
25 Yesu ta tori te ekye: “Nya'do titiro, ago nyefo tesi ni mano ono yasi!”
26 Tori undiro kanda mano ana te rriti, trete amba, ago efote tesi ni nda yasi. 27 Lidri cini laro tawi ànya etoyi atate azi ri ekye: “Ono e'diyi ya? Inye'do ono orivoya ŋgaemba to'diro aza yi ya? Mano ono orivoya drikaca be, ozotate tori undiro ri, ago ànya royi nda te!”
28 Ago liku Yesu ro larirute ndrindri vo cini wari Galilaya ro ro yasi.
Yesu Ede Lidri Amba te
(Matayo 8:14-17Luka 4:38-41)
29 Yesu ndi taeri'bai ndaro be, tro Yakoba ndi Yoane be, e'beyi zotaeriro te ago oyiyite dori 'ba Simona ndi Andarea be roya. 30 Adraŋwa Simona ro a'dote rritiro adravo driu'bo robe u'duvoya kitapara dri, ago dori Yesu kesate oko, itita anyaro te ndäri. 31 Yesu kyite anyare, ago ru drí anyaro te, ago eŋga anya te kuru. Dori driu'bo e'be anya te, ago anya ozo ŋgaonya te ànyari.
32 Ago ondro te tandrolero kitu oci vosi oko, lidri ezi adravo'bai cini te Yesu re ndi ànya se ka'dobe demona be ana be. 33 Lidri cini 'ba'desi ro otoyikalate zo kala. 34 Yesu ede 'di amba se adravo dritoto be ana te ago lofo demonai amba te tesi. Nda leko demonai ri ta aza atane, tana ànya niyi nda te.
Taope Yesu ro Galilaya ya
(Luka 4:42-44)
35 Ago ṛo kyenoŋboci, vo ri layaako oko, Yesu ŋgate ago fote ni zo yasi. Nda fote ni 'ba'desi yasi oyite vo iṛero ya, ago lau nda mätute. 36 Oko Simona ndi azii ndaro be foyite tesi uguyi nda uṛi te, 37 ago ondro ànya kusuyi nda te oko, ànya atayite ekye: “'Dicini kayi ugu mi uṛi.”
38 Oko Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Beṛo ämäri oyine 'baŋwà azaka se gbikyi noŋwa ono yasi. Mape ta robe kpa kigye, tana mikyite ṛo ta 'do ro.”
39 Ta'dota nda abate gbikyi Galilaya yasi, taope be zoitaeriro yasi ndi demonai lofobe tesi.
Yesu Ede Mano aza te
(Matayo 8:1-4Luka 5:12-16)
40 Mano aza se ka rueza ni adravo koziro kyini ro ri ana ikyite Yesu re, sokayate vuru, ago eji nda te ta ŋgaopa rota. Nda ekye: “Ondro mile gindi, minina ndi ma edene wäṛi.”
41 Yesu teṛo twi yauni be, ago ozo drí ndaro te ago do nda te, nda zatadrite ekye: “Malete nya'do ri wäṛi!” 42 Dori adravo koziro se kyini ro ana kyete, ago nda a'dote wäṛi. 43 'Dooko Yesu atate ndäri mbara ndi dori zo nda te oyine, 44 ago atate ndäri ekye: “Nyeri, nyite tase ono ko 'diaza alo ri, oko nyoyi dori kohani re ago mi'ba nda kena mi, ago nyozo ŋgapäṛi se Musa kota 'di be ozone ta 'diede rota 'do; ka'daza lidri cini ri anjioko ede mi te.”
45 Oko mano ana oyite ago eto tana larite ṛo vo cini yasi, nda iti tana te amba ago tana 'ba Yesu kote ocine 'ba'desi ya ŋbelero. Ta'dota nda rite tesi vocowa ya, ago lidri ikyite nda re ni vo cini yasi.