1 So call your fellow Israelites “God's People” and “Loved-by-the-Lord.”
Unfaithful Gomer—Unfaithful Israel
2 My children, plead with your mother—though she is no longer a wife to me, and I am no longer her husband. Plead with her to stop her adultery and prostitution. 3 If she does not, I will strip her as naked as she was on the day she was born. I will make her like a dry and barren land, and she will die of thirst. 4-5 I will not show mercy to her children; they are the children of a shameless prostitute. She herself said, “I will go to my lovers—they give me food and water, wool and linen, olive oil and wine.”
6 So I am going to fence her in with thorn bushes and build a wall to block her way. 7 She will run after her lovers but will not catch them. She will look for them but will not find them. Then she will say, “I am going back to my first husband—I was better off then than I am now.”
8 She would never acknowledge that I am the one who gave her the grain, the wine, the olive oil, and all the silver and gold that she used in the worship of Baal. 9 So at harvest time I will take back my gifts of grain and wine, and will take away the wool and the linen I gave her for clothing. 10 I will strip her naked in front of her lovers, and no one will be able to save her from my power. 11 I will put an end to all her festivities—her annual and monthly festivals and her Sabbath celebrations—all her religious meetings. 12 I will destroy her grapevines and her fig trees, which she said her lovers gave her for serving them. I will turn her vineyards and orchards into a wilderness; wild animals will destroy them. 13 I will punish her for the times that she forgot me, when she burned incense to Baal and put on her jewelry to go chasing after her lovers. The Lord has spoken.
The Lord's Love for His People
14 So I am going to take her into the desert again; there I will win her back with words of love. 15 I will give back to her the vineyards she had and make Trouble Valley a door of hope. She will respond to me there as she did when she was young, when she came from Egypt. 16 Then once again she will call me her husband—she will no longer call me her Baal. 17 I will never let her speak the name of Baal again.
18 At that time I will make a covenant with all the wild animals and birds, so that they will not harm my people. I will also remove all weapons of war from the land, all swords and bows, and will let my people live in peace and safety.

19 Israel, I will make you my wife;
I will be true and faithful;
I will show you constant love and mercy
and make you mine forever.
20 I will keep my promise and make you mine,
and you will acknowledge me as Lord.
21-22 At that time I will answer the prayers of my people Israel.
I will make rain fall on the earth,
and the earth will produce grain and grapes and olives.
23 I will establish my people in the land and make them prosper.
I will show love to those who were called “Unloved,”
and to those who were called “Not-My-People”
I will say, “You are my people,”
and they will answer, “You are our God.”
1 Ka'do inye mizi ädrupii äzi amiro “Lidri maro,” ago endreŋwai amiro “Mulu tawi.”
Gomera se Ta'diriako, Yisaraele se Ta'diriako
2 Ŋgwai maro, nyòlo'baru endre amiro ri, nyòlo'baru tana anya kote toko maro, ago ma kote ago anyaro. Nyàta anyari ronyi oye e'bene ago taoye ago drisi e'bene. 3 Tana ukyi mototri anya 'da bägyulu ro oso tuse äti anya be si ronye. Ma'bana anya a'done oso wari awiro ago vocowa ronye, ago anya odrana 'da ni gyilu ri. 4 Ma'dona 'da yauni ako ŋgwai anyaro ri, tana ànya orivoya ŋgwai ronyi'ba ro. 5 Endre ànyaro ye ta ronyi rote ago kwo ànya te driupi ya. Andivo anyaro atate ekye: “Moyina 'da ànya se kuluyi ma be re, se ozonayi ŋgaonya ndi gyi be, boŋgo kpulufuro ndi 'bilindriro be, ido ice ido ro ro ndi vino be 'da märi.”
6 Ka'do inye ma'bena aga ndi kukyi si aree liti anyaro yasi; ago mabena tiṛi ndi ŋgulu ukyi anya usu liti 'da. 7 Anya umuna 'da 'dise kulu anya be iyi vo, oko otana vo ànyaro ko. Anya uṛina ànya 'da, oko usuna ànya ko. 'Dooko anya atana 'da ekye: “Mate ugu ogo kovole ago käti maro re, tana sedri ma orivoya kadopara ndrani se ma'dobe yauono ri.”
8 Ago anya ni kote anjioko ma ni se kozo inya, vino ndi ido ice ido ro robe, mo'di ndi logo läguläguro cini be anyari mätu oyeza sina Bala ri owo. 9 Ka'do inye tu jalia rosi märuna ŋgapäṛi maro inya ro, ndi vino robe 'da, ago märuna boŋgo kpulufuro ndi 'bilindriro be se mozobe anya ri osone 'do 'da. 10 Matrina anya 'da bägyulu ro 'dise kulu anya be iyi milesi, ago 'diaza alo opana anya koni märigye si. 11 Ma'bana riyä cini anyaro 'da riyä karama cini ro ndi karama cini imba to'di robe, ndi karama Sabata ro anyaro be, ndi karama cini anyaro lämu'duro ta mätu rota be. 12 Motogana ice kono ro anyaro ndi ice kyi'du ro anyaro be 'da, se anya atate ekye kwoi päläti iro, anya se kuluyi yibe iyi ozoni iri. Motozana ämvu kono ro ndi ämvu ice doŋgo ro anya ro be 'da a'done vocowaro, koronyai vocowaro onyana ànya 'da. 13 Mezana anya 'da ta tuse anya koye karama be Balai ri 'do rota, tuse anya za ŋga tägyi tagyiriro te Bala ri ago anya ega andivo anyaro te mäŋgusi ndi 'bela kati läguläguro anyaro be si, ago sote 'dise kulu anya be iyi vo, ago ije ta maro te. OPI atani nonye.
Ŋgalu OPI ro Lidri ndaro ri
14 Ka'do inye ma oyete anya iywene ago ugune vocowa ya; ago matana 'da anyari ata ŋgalu rosi. 15 Mozona ämvu kono ro 'da kovole anyari ago ma'bana Vodelero Rriti ro 'da käläsi mio'ba ro ro. Ago ni nasi anya ogo oyena ta 'da oso tu ombato'di anyaro rosi, oso tuse anya kefobe ni Ezipeto yasi ronye. 16 Tu ana si ma OPI makye anya ogo uzina ma 'da ago anyaro, anya uzina ma ko tona Bala anyaro. 17 Manana ävuru Balai ro 'da ni anya kalasi ago ogone anyari ävuru Bala ro uzine te i'do tona.
18 Ago tu gi ana si ma'bana tao'baro 'da ämiri koronyai cini vocowaro, arii cini ndi ŋgaŋwa se cini kabe loŋgoloŋga gyini drisi be. Manana kusui; bandoi kyilaoye ro be 'da ni 'bädri yasi, ago ma'bana lidri maro ndi orine londroro.

19 Yisaraele, ma'bana mi 'da a'done toko ro märi äduako;
taŋgye si ago ta'diri si;
ŋgalu 'duro si ago yauni si.
20 Mätina tao'ba maro ndi ta'diri si,
ago minina ma 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.
21 Ago tu gi ana si ma OPI mazana mätui lidri maro Yisaraele ro tadrina 'da.
Ma'bana 'bu 'da u'dine gyini dri.
22 Gyini owana inya ago vino ndi ice ido ice ro robe 'da lidri maro ri.
23 Ago ma'bana lidri maro 'da orine wari ono ya ago ma'bana ànya 'da a'done ŋgaamba be.
Maka'dana ŋgalu 'da ànya se äzibe “Uluko” iyi ri,
ago matana 'da ànya se äzibe “Ko Lidri Maro” 'do ri
makye: “Ami orivoya lidri maro,”
ago ànya ozanayi tadri 'da ekye: “Mi orivoya Lu amaro.”