1 “Listen to this, you priests! Pay attention, people of Israel! Listen, you that belong to the royal family! You are supposed to judge with justice—so judgment will fall on you! You have become a trap at Mizpah, a net spread on Mount Tabor, 2 a deep pit at Acacia City, and I will punish all of you. 3 I know what Israel is like—she cannot hide from me. She has been unfaithful, and her people are unfit to worship me.”
Hosea Warns against Idolatry
4 The evil that the people have done keeps them from returning to their God. Idolatry has a powerful hold on them, and they do not acknowledge the Lord. 5 The arrogance of the people of Israel cries out against them. Their sins make them stumble and fall, and the people of Judah fall with them. 6 They take their sheep and cattle to offer as sacrifices to the Lord, but it does them no good. They cannot find him, for he has left them. 7 They have been unfaithful to the Lord; their children do not belong to him. So now they and their lands will soon be destroyed.
War between Judah and Israel
8 Blow the war trumpets in Gibeah! Sound the alarm in Ramah! Raise the war cry at Bethaven! Into battle, men of Benjamin! 9 The day of punishment is coming, and Israel will be ruined. People of Israel, this will surely happen!
10 The Lord says, “I am angry because the leaders of Judah have invaded Israel and stolen land from her. So I will pour out punishment on them like a flood. 11 Israel is suffering oppression; she has lost land that was rightfully hers, because she insisted on going for help to those who had none to give. 12 I will bring destruction on Israel and ruin on the people of Judah.
13 “When Israel saw how sick she was and when Judah saw her own wounds, then Israel went to Assyria to ask the great emperor for help, but he could not cure them or heal their wounds. 14 I will attack the people of Israel and Judah like a lion. I myself will tear them to pieces and then leave them. When I drag them off, no one will be able to save them.
15 “I will abandon my people until they have suffered enough for their sins and come looking for me. Perhaps in their suffering they will try to find me.”
1 “Nyeri tase ono, ami kohanii! Migabi, ami lidri Yisaraele ro! Nyeri, ami se katidri 'bädri'ba ro ro ono! Vure orivoya ami lomvo! Tana nya'dote abari ro Mizepa ya, ago nyalararute kimba ro 'Bereŋwa Tabora dri. 2 Anya 'diyi 'bu ociekye te 'Bakici Akasia ya, oko mezana ami cini 'da. 3 Mäni a'do Yisaraele'bai ro te, ànya unina ko ruda'done ni märi. Ànya a'dote ta'diriako, ago enji lidri Yisaraele ro te.”
Osea ka Miomba Ozo ta Lu Awi Mätu rota
4 Taundiro se lidri koyebe ono laga ànya zo ni egovoya Lu ànyaro re. Tori lu awi mätu ro orivoya ànya ya, 'bani ànya niyi OPI kote. 5 Driuŋgyi lidri Yisaraele ro ro ka tazevoedre ànya lomvo; takozii ànyaro ka ànya o'ba a'done parapararo, ago lidri Yuda ro kaoye kpa a'done parapara ro ànya yibe. 6 Ànya kayi timele ànyaro ndi ti be uruna mätu oyeza OPI ri, caoko, ànya niyi kote nda usune, tana nda e'be ànya te. 7 Ànya a'doyite ta'diriako OPI ri; ànya tiyi ŋgwàmäri te. Ta'dota Karamai ànyaro Imba To'di ro perena ànya 'da ndi warii ànyaro be ga ndri yauro.
Kyila Lakole Yuda ro ya Yisaraele be
8 Mìvo cekuṛe kyila ro Gibea ya! Ago mìvo toro'ba Rama ya! Mì'be kuku kyila ro Betavena ya! Ami lidri Benjamina ro, nyoyi kyila ya! 9 Yisaraele a'dona 'da tandro ro tu taezaro si. Lidri Yisaraele ro, endaro ta ono a'dona ndi!
10 OPI ekye: “Dri'bai Yuda ro laba oso ànya se kabe kishwe wari ro läpi ronye. Ta'dota medana kyila maro 'da ànya dri oso gyioga ronye. 11 Yisaraele ka rueza, apete ṛe vure ya, tana anya ugu osote 'duro lui awi vo. 12 Mezina taezaro 'da Yisaraele dri ago meperena lidri Yuda ro 'da.
13 “Ondro Yisaraele kondrete anya te adravoro, ago Yuda kondre modo anyaro te laza be oko, ndi Yisaraele oyite Asaria ya, 'bädri'ba 'desi ejine ta ŋgaopa rota, oko nda ni kote ànya edene kode laza ànyaro o'bane ozwane. 14 Matakoruna 'da lidri Yisaraele ro dri oso ibi ronye ago lidri Yuda ro dri ibi ombato'di ronye. Ma modo motowana ànya 'da jinyijinyi 'dooko me'bena ànya gwo. Mesene ànya 'da pere, ago 'diaza unina ko ànya opane.
15 “Me'bena lidri maro 'da madale ànya ezarunayi lutu ta takozii ànyaro rota ago ezinayi ma uṛi 'da. Kode rueza ànyaro ya ànya ojonayi 'da ma uṛine.”