The Lord's Accusation against Israel
1 The Lord has an accusation to bring against the people who live in this land. Listen, Israel, to what he says: “There is no faithfulness or love in the land, and the people do not acknowledge me as God. 2 They make promises and break them; they lie, murder, steal, and commit adultery. Crimes increase, and there is one murder after another. 3 And so the land will dry up, and everything that lives on it will die. All the animals and birds, and even the fish, will die.”
The Lord Accuses the Priests
4 The Lord says, “Let no one accuse the people or reprimand them—my complaint is against you priests. 5 Night and day you blunder on, and the prophets do no better than you. I am going to destroy Israel, your mother. 6 My people are doomed because they do not acknowledge me. You priests have refused to acknowledge me and have rejected my teaching, and so I reject you and will not acknowledge your sons as my priests.
7 “The more of you priests there are, the more you sin against me, and so I will turn your honor into disgrace. 8 You grow rich from the sins of my people, and so you want them to sin more and more. 9 You will suffer the same punishment as the people! I will punish you and make you pay for the evil you do. 10 You will eat your share of the sacrifices, but still be hungry. You will worship the fertility gods, but still have no children, because you have turned away from me to follow other gods.”
The Lord Condemns Pagan Worship
11 The Lord says, “Wine, both old and new, is robbing my people of their senses! 12 They ask for revelations from a piece of wood! A stick tells them what they want to know! They have left me. Like a woman who becomes a prostitute, they have given themselves to other gods. 13 At sacred places on the mountaintops they offer sacrifices, and on the hills they burn incense under tall, spreading trees, because the shade is so pleasant!
“As a result, your daughters serve as prostitutes, and your daughters-in-law commit adultery. 14 Yet I will not punish them for this, because you yourselves go off with temple prostitutes, and together with them you offer pagan sacrifices. As the proverb says, ‘A people without sense will be ruined.’
15 “Even though you people of Israel are unfaithful to me, may Judah not be guilty of the same thing. Don't worship at Gilgal or Bethaven, or make promises there in the name of the living Lord. 16 The people of Israel are as stubborn as mules. How can I feed them like lambs in a meadow? 17 The people of Israel are under the spell of idols. Let them go their own way. 18 After drinking much wine, they delight in their prostitution, preferring disgrace to honor. 19 They will be carried away as by the wind, and they will be ashamed of their pagan sacrifices.
Ŋgakicu OPI ro Yisaraele Lomvo
1 Nyèri ata OPI ro, ami lidri Yisaraele ro; OPI orivoya ta be lidri se kabe ori wari ono ya kicuza. Nda ka ata ekye: “Ta'diri ndi ŋgalu be i'do 'de ago lidri ni ma ko Lu ro wari ono ya. 2 Ànya kayi tao'ba o'ba, kowe toga, 'ditufu, ŋgakugu ago taoye ago kode toko drisi. Ànya pereyi ota cini te, ago 'ditufu ugu a'dote azivoazivo. 3 Tana ta'doro wari owina 'da, ago ŋgase cini kabe ori kigye todrana 'da. Koronyai cini ndi arii be, ago ca ti'bi todrana 'da.”
OPI ka Kohanii Kicu
4 OPI ekye: “'Diaza alo kikicu lidri ko, kode kokozi ànya ko, tana driovi maro orivoya ami kohanii be. 5 Nyà ta amaama loye kitu si ago nebii ka ta amaama loye ŋgäkyi si ami yibe. Ma oye endre amiro Yisaraele ufune. 6 Utufu lidri maro te tana ànya niyi ma kote. Ami kohanii migatezo ma unine ta'dota maga ami kpate zo a'done kohanii ro märi. Ago tana nyìje ota Lu amiro rote, mijena ta ŋgwai amiro ro kpa.
7 “Ondoalo ondro ami kohanii nyà'dote amba, mìgo mìye takozi ro ndra malomvo. Ta'doro motozana ta ami ororo 'da driupi ro. 8 Nyà a'do ŋgaamba be takozii lidri maro rosi; ta'doro mìle ànyari takozi oyene amba ago ndra. 9 Takozi ami kohanii ro ojo kpa oso lidri ete ro ronye! Mezana ami 'da ago ma'bana ami 'da ŋga ozone ta tase nyàbe oyena koziro ono rota. 10 Mìnyana ŋga 'da oko ojona ami ko. Nyä̀mätuna lui se kabe ŋgwa ozo iyi 'da, oko nyà'dona ŋgwai ako, tana nyè'be ma te ososi lui azaka vo.”
OPI ka Mätu Taomaako'ba ro Kozina
11 OPI ekye: “Vino, uku ndi vino to'di be ka ugu tavouni lidri maro ro ijena! 12 Ànya kayi ta rulofo ro eji ni ice se juṛu ro sisi! Dofo kani tase ànya koleyibe unine ka'dana! Ta lui awi mätu ro di ànya te lozo ago ànya e'beyi ma Lu ànyaro te ososi lui azaka vo. 13 Ànya kayi tori tolo dridopi 'bereŋwai ro drisi, ago kayi ŋga tägyi be loza lutuŋwai drisi, ice vudi ro, ice täkänyä ro ndi ice azaka be zelesi; tana lindri ànyaro orivoya kundruro!
“Tana ta'doro ndiriŋwa amiro kayi ronyi loye, ago 'ditoko ŋgwàagoro amiro ro kayi taloye àgo drisi. 14 Caoko mezana ndiriŋwa amiro ko ta ono ta, ca 'ditoko ŋgwàagoro amiro ro, tana ami manoàgo andivo nyà kpa ronyi loye ronyi'bai Yekalu ro be, ago nyà kpa tori olo lui awi ri, oso taoni katabe ronye ekye: ‘Lidri tavouniako kwoi eperena 'da.’
15 “Ami lidri Yisaraele ro nyà'do gica ta'diriako märi oko mì'ba lidri Yuda ro ka'do kpa ko taenji nonye ono be. Nyòyi ko mätune Gilegala ya kode Betavona ya, ago nyä̀ṛuru ko lau ävuru OPI lidriidriro rosi. 16 Lidri Yisaraele ro orivoya biako oso ti joroŋwa biako ronye; inye'do ma OPI mänina gi'da ànya ecane oso timele ronye lowo ya ya? 17 Lidri Yisaraele ro lebete mbara lui edeedero ro zele. Nyè'be ànya iṛe. 18 Vino umvu ànyaro vosi ànya leyi ugu ronyi loyene; ànya luyi driupi te ndrani liku kado drisi. 19 Oli ŋgyi ànya te lozo, ago ànya a'donayi 'da driupi ro ta vo tori oloro ànyaro lu awi ri rota.