1 Saul and David finished their conversation. After that, Saul's son Jonathan was deeply attracted to David and came to love him as much as he loved himself. 2 Saul kept David with him from that day on and did not let him go back home. 3 Jonathan swore eternal friendship with David because of his deep affection for him. 4 He took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, together with his armor and also his sword, bow, and belt. 5 David was successful in all the missions on which Saul sent him, and so Saul made him an officer in his army. This pleased all of Saul's officers and men.
Saul Becomes Jealous of David
6 As David was returning after killing Goliath and as the soldiers were coming back home, women from every town in Israel came out to meet King Saul. They were singing joyful songs, dancing, and playing tambourines and lyres. 7 In their celebration the women sang, “Saul has killed thousands, but David tens of thousands.” 8 Saul did not like this, and he became very angry. He said, “For David they claim tens of thousands, but only thousands for me. They will be making him king next!” 9 And so he was jealous and suspicious of David from that day on.
10 The next day an evil spirit from God suddenly took control of Saul, and he raved in his house like a madman. David was playing the harp, as he did every day, and Saul was holding a spear. 11 “I'll pin him to the wall,” Saul said to himself, and he threw the spear at him twice; but David dodged each time.
12 Saul was afraid of David because the Lord was with David but had abandoned him. 13 So Saul sent him away and put him in command of a thousand men. David led his men in battle 14 and was successful in all he did, because the Lord was with him. 15 Saul noticed David's success and became even more afraid of him. 16 But everyone in Israel and Judah loved David because he was such a successful leader.
David Marries Saul's Daughter
17 Then Saul said to David, “Here is my older daughter Merab. I will give her to you as your wife on condition that you serve me as a brave and loyal soldier, and fight the Lord's battles.” (Saul was thinking that in this way the Philistines would kill David, and he would not have to do it himself.)
18 David answered, “Who am I and what is my family that I should become the king's son-in-law?” 19 But when the time came for Merab to be given to David, she was given instead to a man named Adriel from Meholah.
20 Saul's daughter Michal, however, fell in love with David, and when Saul heard of this, he was pleased. 21 He said to himself, “I'll give Michal to David; I will use her to trap him, and he will be killed by the Philistines.” So for the second time Saul said to David, “You will be my son-in-law.” 22 He ordered his officials to speak privately with David and tell him, “The king is pleased with you and all his officials like you; now is a good time for you to marry his daughter.”
23 So they told this to David, and he answered, “It's a great honor to become the king's son-in-law, too great for someone poor and insignificant like me.”
24 The officials told Saul what David had said, 25 and Saul ordered them to tell David: “All the king wants from you as payment for the bride are the foreskins of a hundred dead Philistines, as revenge on his enemies.” (This was how Saul planned to have David killed by the Philistines.) 26 Saul's officials reported to David what Saul had said, and David was delighted with the thought of becoming the king's son-in-law. Before the day set for the wedding, 27 David and his men went and killed two hundred Philistines. He took their foreskins to the king and counted them all out to him, so that he might become his son-in-law. So Saul had to give his daughter Michal in marriage to David.
28 Saul realized clearly that the Lord was with David and also that his daughter Michal loved him. 29 So he became even more afraid of David and was his enemy as long as he lived.
30 The Philistine armies would come and fight, but in every battle David was more successful than any of Saul's other officers. As a result David became very famous.
Tao'baro Jonatana ro Dawidi be
1 Ondro Saulo konde ta ata ro Dawidi be te oko, tori Jonatana ro 'dete Dawidi be, ago nda lu Dawidi te oso modo andivo ndaro ronye. 2 Ago ni tu gi ana si Saulo ru Dawidi te nda be, ago 'ba nda kote ogone zo täpi ndaro roya. 3 'Dooko Jonatana 'ba tao'baro te Dawidi be, tana nda lu nda te oso modo andivo ndaro ronye. 4 Ago Jonatana tri boŋgo runduṛu ndaro se nda lomvo ana te, ago ozote Dawidi ri, ndi boŋgo kyila ro ndaro be, bando ndaro, kusu ndaro ndi kyini kundu ro ndaro be. 5 Ago Dawidi ye ta cini te kado vose cini Saulo kozo nda te kigyesi ya; ta'doro Saulo 'ba nda te a'done dri'ba ro kyila'bai dri. Ago tase ono a'dote kadoro mi lidri cini roya ago kpa kado mi dri'bai losi ro Saulo ro roya.
Saulo 'Ba Mawi te Dawidi be
6 Ondro Dawidi kate ego Goliyata ufu vosi ago kyila'bai kate ezi ego 'bäru oko, 'ditoko efote tesi ni 'ba'desii cini Yisaraele ro yasi, drî 'Bädri'ba Saulo ro utune. Ànya ugu loŋgo oŋgote riyä si ndi läri oto be, kye'boi ndi kudi be o'bi be. 7 Ago 'ditoko epedrî loŋgo oŋgoro te azi be riyä si ekye:
“Saulo fu ndaro te kutui ro
oko Dawidi fu ndaro te kutui 'butei ro.”
8 Ago Saulo a'dote kyila ro, ago ata ono tana ojo nda kote. Nda atate ekye: “Ànya ekye Dawidi fute kutui 'butei ro; ago maro gwo toto kutui ro. Ànya koyete nda o'bane 'bädri'ba ro.” 9 Ni tu gi ana si Saulo yi Dawidi te 'du käsi ya.
10 Ago kyenonosi oko Lu ezi tori undiro te Saulo dri, ago nda a'dote kyilaro ago mbäriro zo ndaro ya. Ago ondro Dawidi kate ugu kudi o'bi oso nda kabe oyena tu cini si ronye oko, Saulo ru äzu te drì ndaro ya; 11 ago nda 'dite Dawidi dri ro, tana nda usutavote ekye: “Mä'di Dawidi robe akpo tiṛi lomvo.” Oko Dawidi tarute ni nda risi perena ritu.
12 Saulo a'dote turituriro ni Dawidi risi, tana OPI orivoya tro Dawidi be, oko OPI e'be nda te. 13 Ndi Saulo ana Dawidi teni zo ndaro yasi, ago 'ba nda te a'done otaozo'ba ro kyila'bai kutu alo (1,000) dri. Ago Dawidi 'dete käti kyila'bai ndaro ri kyila ya. 14 Ago nda ye ŋgase cini nda be dri'bana yi te kadoro; tana OPI orivoya tro nda be. 15 Ondro Saulo kondre te Dawidi ye tate kadopara oko, nda a'dote nda turituriro ndra. 16 Oko 'dicini Yisaraele ro cini ndi Yuda be ro luyi Dawidi tawi; tana nda orivoya dri'ba kadoro yi.
Dawidi Gye Ŋguti 'Bädri'ba Saulo rote
17 'Dooko Saulo atate Dawidi ri ekye: “Ŋguti kayoŋwa maro Meraba be gi ono; mozona anya ndi toko ro miri; oko toto miri a'done mbararo märi ago kyila OPI ro oyene.” (Tana Saulo usutavote ekye: “Märi nda ufune ni drì maro si i'do, oko Felesete'bai kufu nda ni.”)
18 Ago Dawidi atate Saulo ri ekye: “Ma a'di owo, ago katidri täpi maro ro a'di yi owo Yisaraele ya, märi a'done kodrogo ro 'bädri'ba ri niya?” 19 Ago ondro tu kesate Meraba, ŋguti Saulo ro, ozone Dawidi ri oko, aŋga ozo anya ṛo Adriele se ni Meola yasi ana ri toko ro ayani.
20 Ago ŋguti Saulo ro Mikale lu Dawidi te; ago ondro iti tana te Saulo ri oko, nda a'dote yai'dwesi. 21 Saulo usutavote ekye: “Mozona Mikale ndi Dawidi ri, tana anya ka'do robe abari ro ndäri, ago Felesete'bai kufuyi nda robe ni”. Tana ta'doro Saulo atate Dawidi ri pere ṛiri ono si ekye: “Miri a'done kodrogo ro märi.” 22 Ndi Saulo atate ruindu'bai ndaro ri ekye: “Nyàta Dawidi ri ndrwiro mìkye: ‘Mindre, 'bädri'ba orivoya yai'dwesi ta miro ta, ago ruindu'bai cini ndaro luyi mi; ka'do inye nya'do kodrogo ro 'bädri'ba ri.’ ”
23 Ago ruindu'bai Saulo ro itiyi tase kwoi te Dawidi ri. Ago Dawidi atate ekye: “Inye'do nyùsu amiro be ŋguti 'bädri'ba ro ogyene ta giṛiŋwa yi, ma se orivoya mano mäyuro liku ako ono ri ya?”
24 Ago ruindu'bai Saulo ro itiyi tase Dawidi katabe ana te ndäri. 25 'Dooko Saulo atate ekye: “Ono ni tase ämiri atane Dawidi ri owo mìkye: ‘'Bädri'ba le drì oti lagye ro tana aza ko, oko ŋgase nda kolebe agovodri Felesete'bai ro kama alo (100), tana tavologo ro kyila'baazii 'bädri'ba ro ri.’ ” Tana Saulo usutavote Dawidi o'bane Felesete'bai ri ufune ni. 26 Ago ondro ruindu'bai Saulo ro kitiyi ta kwoi te Dawidi ri oko, tana si Dawidi tawi a'done kodrogo 'bädri'ba ro. Teinye tu lagye ro ri osaako oko, 27 Dawidi ŋgate ago oyite kyila'bai ndaro be, ago fuyi Felesete'bai te kama ritu (200). Ago Dawidi ezi agovodri ànyaro te, se ozo otina te kyiti 'bädri'ba ri, nda o'bazana a'done kodrogo ro 'bädri'ba ri. Ago Saulo ozo ŋguti ndaro Mikale te toko ro ndäri.
28 Oko ondro Saulo ndrete ago nite anjioko OPI orivoya tro Dawidi be, ago ŋgwa ndaro Mikale lu nda tawi oko, 29 Saulo a'dote 'du turituriro ni Dawidi ri. Ago Saulo a'dote kyila'baazi ro Dawidi ri 'duro.
30 'Dooko dri'bai Felesete'bai ro efoyite kyila ya ondoalo; oko kyila cini ya Dawidi ye ta te kadopara ndrani dri'bai cini Saulo ro drisi. Ago ta'dota ävuru Dawidi ro liku te parandra.