Samson and the Woman from Timnah
1 One day Samson went down to Timnah, where he noticed a certain young Philistine woman. 2 He went back home and told his father and mother, “There is a Philistine woman down at Timnah who caught my attention. Get her for me; I want to marry her.”
3 But his father and mother asked him, “Why do you have to go to those heathen Philistines to get a wife? Can't you find someone in our own clan, among all our people?”
But Samson told his father, “She is the one I want you to get for me. I like her.”
4 His parents did not know that it was the Lord who was leading Samson to do this, for the Lord was looking for a chance to fight the Philistines. At this time the Philistines were ruling Israel.
5 So Samson went down to Timnah with his father and mother. As they were going through the vineyards there, he heard a young lion roaring. 6 Suddenly the power of the Lord made Samson strong, and he tore the lion apart with his bare hands, as if it were a young goat. But he did not tell his parents what he had done.
7 Then he went and talked to the young woman, and he liked her. 8 A few days later Samson went back to marry her. On the way he left the road to look at the lion he had killed, and he was surprised to find a swarm of bees and some honey inside the dead body. 9 He scraped the honey out into his hands and ate it as he walked along. Then he went to his father and mother and gave them some. They ate it, but Samson did not tell them that he had taken the honey from the dead body of a lion.
10 His father went to the woman's house, and Samson gave a banquet there. This was a custom among the young men. 11 When the Philistines saw him, they sent thirty young men to stay with him. 12-13 Samson said to them, “Let me tell you a riddle. I'll bet each one of you a piece of fine linen and a change of fine clothes that you can't tell me its meaning before the seven days of the wedding feast are over.”
“Tell us your riddle,” they said. “Let's hear it.”
14 He said,
“Out of the eater came something to eat;
Out of the strong came something sweet.”
Three days later they had still not figured out what the riddle meant.
15 On the fourth day they said to Samson's wife, “Trick your husband into telling us what the riddle means. If you don't, we'll set fire to your father's house and burn you with it. You two invited us so that you could rob us, didn't you?”
16 So Samson's wife went to him in tears and said, “You don't love me! You just hate me! You told my friends a riddle and didn't tell me what it means!”
He said, “Look, I haven't even told my father and mother. Why should I tell you?” 17 She cried about it for the whole seven days of the feast. But on the seventh day he told her what the riddle meant, for she nagged him so about it. Then she told the Philistines. 18 So on the seventh day, before Samson went into the bedroom, the men of the city said to him,
“What could be sweeter than honey?
What could be stronger than a lion?”
Samson replied,
“If you hadn't been plowing with my cow,
You wouldn't know the answer now.”
19 Suddenly the power of the Lord made him strong, and he went down to Ashkelon, where he killed thirty men, stripped them, and gave their fine clothes to the men who had solved the riddle. After that, he went back home, furious about what had happened, 20 and his wife was given to the man that had been his best man at the wedding.
Samisona ndi Ŋguti se ni Timena yasi ana be
1 Tu aza si oko Samisona oyite Timena ya, se nda ndre ŋguti alo aza Felesete'bai rote. 2 Ondro nda kegote 'bäru oko, nda iti tana te täpi ndaro ndi endre ndaro be ri ekye: “Mandre ŋguti aza Felesete'ba rote Timena ya se tana si ma tawi. Mìgye anya toko ro märi.”
3 Oko täpi ndaro ndi endre ndaro be atayite ndäri ekye: “Inye'do ndiriŋwa i'do käläsikala amaro ro ya kode lidri cini amaro lako 'bani milego ukyine toko ogyene leni Felesete'bai se oloako ŋbiṛiro ro kai lakosi ya?”
Oko Samisona atate täpi ndaro ri ekye: “Migye anya märi ayani, tana ta anyaro si ma ni.”
4 Uti'bai ndaro niyi kote anjioko OPI 'ba Samisona ni ta'do oyene inye, tana OPI le kandrakado usune kyila oyero Felesete'bai be. Tana tu ana si ana Felesete'bai kayi ni Yisaraele miri.
5 Ta'dota Samisona oyite le Timena ya täpi ndaro ndi endre ndaro yibe. Ondro ànya kayite lävu ämvu kono ro se lau ana yasi oko, nda eri ibi ombato'diro te ikyivoya liyi be nda dri. 6 Dori Tori OPI ro ikyi ozo mbara amba te Samisona ri, ago nda towa ibi te jinyijinyi drì modo ndaro si, oso abe indri giṛiŋwa towa 'do ronye. Oko nda iti tase nda koyebe ana tana kote uti'bai ndaro ri.
7 'Dooko Samisona oyite ago atate ŋguti se ana be; ago nda lu anya tawi. 8 Ago tu fere vosi oko, Samisona egote anya ogyene. Oyivoya nda kyi kute avo ibi se nda kufube ana ro ondrene, ago nda usu lowa kumuepe rote ndi epe be avo ibi roya. 9 Nda eŋgye epe te ago rute drì ndaro ya ago ugu onyana te oyivoya. 'Dooko nda esate täpi ndaro ndi endre ndaro be re, ago ozo azana te ànyari, ago ànya nyayite. Oko Samisona iti tana kote ànyari ekye yeŋgye epe ana ni avo ibi ro yasi.
10 Ago täpi ndaro oyite ŋguti se Felesete'ba ro ana ondrene 'ba anyaro ya, ago Samisona ye karama te lau, oso agoànji kabe ṛo oyena la'bi ro ronye. 11 Ago ondro Felesete'bai kondreyi nda te oko, ànya eziyi bereazii agoànji ro 'butenätu te orine tro nda be. 12 'Dooko Samisona atate ànyari ekye: “Mi'ba meji ami te tapatopi aza si; ondro mìni ndi takacina itine märi u'du se njidrieri karama ro ono ya, ago nyùsu takacina te, 'dooko mozona boŋgo 'bilindri ro runduṛuro 'butenätu ago boŋgo runduṛuro karama ro kpa 'butenätu ämiri. 13 Oko ondro nyìti takacina kote märi, 'dooko ämiri boŋgo 'bilindriro runduṛuro ozone märi 'butenätu ago boŋgo runduṛuro karama ro kpa 'butenätu.” Ago ànya atayite ndäri ekye: “Nyiti tapatopi miro ämäri mèri robe.”
14 Ago nda atate ànyari ekye:
“Ni ŋgaonya'ba yasi ŋga aza efote onyane;
ni ŋga mbaraekye yasi ŋga aza ndeṛiekye efote.”
Ago u'du nätu vosi ànya ni kote tapatopi se ono takacina itine.
15 U'du lisu si oko ànya atate toko Samisona ro ri ekye: “Nyeleye ago miro kiti takaci tapatopi ono ro robe ämäri, ukyi màza mi 'da ndi katidri täpi miro robe asi si. Inye'do nyäläzi ama noŋwa ŋga uzine ni ämärigyesi ya?”
16 'Dooko toko Samisona ro takorute Samisona dri liyi be, ago atate ekye: “Nyulu ma ko! Ya miro osoro malomvo! Nyeji lidri 'bädri maro rote tapatopi si ago nyiti takacina kote märi!” Ago Samisona atate anyari ekye: “Mindre miti tana kote täpi maro ri ca endre maro ri. Ma tana itina miri tana e'di ya?” 17 Anya ugu liyi te tase ono ta u'du se cini njidrieri karama ro ana ya. Oko ondro u'du njidrieri si oko Samisona iti takaci tapatopi ro tana te toko ri, tana anya rii nda te tämbäṛä. 'Dooko toko iti takaci tapatopi rote lidri anyaro Felesete'bai ri. 18 Ta'dota u'du njidrieri si teinye dri kitu ri ociako ako, lidri 'bakici ana ro atayite ndäri ekye:
“Ŋgase ndeṛiekye ndrani epe ri e'di ya?
Ŋgase mbaraekye ndrani ibi ri e'di ya?”
Ago Samisona atate ànyari ekye:
“Aba ondro ka'do mì'de ko ŋga osone ti joroŋwa maro si
aba ämiri takaci tapatopi maro ro usune i'do.”
19 Dori tori OPI ro ikyi 'ba nda te a'done mbara be amba, ago nda oyite Asekelona ya ago lau nda kyi tufu mànoago 'butenätu 'ba'desi ana rote, ago topa lakazà ànyaro te ago ozo boŋgo se runduṛuro karama ro kai te ànya se kiti takaci tapatopi robe kai ri. 'Do vosi nda gote 'bäru, ago nda a'dote kyilaro amba. 20 'Dooko ozo toko Samisona rote mano se ka'dobe ono ndaro ana ri.