1 The people of Israel were like a grapevine that was full of grapes. The more prosperous they were, the more altars they built. The more productive their land was, the more beautiful they made the sacred stone pillars they worship. 2 The people whose hearts are deceitful must now suffer for their sins. God will break down their altars and destroy their sacred pillars.
3 These people will soon be saying, “We have no king because we did not fear the Lord. But what could a king do for us anyway?” 4 They utter empty words and make false promises and useless treaties. Justice has become injustice, growing like poisonous weeds in a plowed field.
5 The people who live in the city of Samaria will be afraid and will mourn the loss of the gold bull at Bethaven. They and the priests who serve the idol will weep over it. They will wail when it is stripped of its golden splendor. 6 The idol will be carried off to Assyria as tribute to the great emperor. The people of Israel will be disgraced and put to shame because of the advice they followed. 7 Their king will be carried off, like a chip of wood on water. 8 The hilltop shrines of Aven, where the people of Israel worship idols, will be destroyed. Thorns and weeds will grow up over their altars. The people will call out to the mountains, “Hide us!” and to the hills, “Cover us!”
The Lord Pronounces Judgment on Israel
9 The Lord says, “The people of Israel have not stopped sinning against me since the time of their sin at Gibeah. So at Gibeah war will catch up with them. 10 I will attack this sinful people and punish them. Nations will join together against them, and they will be punished for their many sins.
11 “Israel was once like a well-trained young cow, ready and willing to thresh grain. But I decided to put a yoke on her beautiful neck and to harness her for harder work. I made Judah pull the plow and Israel pull the harrow. 12 I said, ‘Plow new ground for yourselves, plant righteousness, and reap the blessings that your devotion to me will produce. It is time for you to turn to me, your Lord, and I will come and pour out blessings upon you.’ 13 But instead you planted evil and reaped its harvest. You have eaten the fruit produced by your lies.
“Because you trusted in your chariots and in the large number of your soldiers, 14 war will come to your people, and all your fortresses will be destroyed. It will be like the day when King Shalman destroyed the city of Betharbel in battle, and mothers and their children were crushed to death. 15 That is what will happen to you, people of Bethel, because of the terrible evil that you have done. As soon as the battle begins, the king of Israel will die.”
1 Lidri Yisaraele ro laba oso ice kono ro täkänyä se wa doŋgo amba be 'do ronye. Ondro ànya ka'doyite kandrakado amba be, ànya beyi vo tori oloro kpate amba. Ondro wari ànyaro kiliti ŋga te kadoro, ànya edeyi kuni caricari lu awi mätu ro kpate kadoro. 2 Ya ànyaro orivoya ŋgaodo be yauono beṛo ànyari ruezane ta takozii ànyaro rota. OPI togana vo tori oloro ànyaro 'da riya, ago perena kuni caricariro ànyaro 'da.
3 Ga yauro lidri kwoi atanayi 'da ekye: “Ama te teinye 'bädri'ba ako tana mùturi OPI kote. Oko 'bädri'ba unina e'di oyene ämäri ya?” 4 Ànya kayi toto ata awi ata ago kayi tao'ba kowesi o'bana. Ta'dota vureope ugu a'dote oso ŋgava ämvu se asobe ya ronye.
5 Lidri se kabe ori 'bakici Samaria roya a'donayi 'da lä'bilä'biro ta beti 'daŋgo se läguläguro Betavena ya ana rota. Ànya liyinayi 'da tana ro ago kohanii se kayibe ruindu lui awi ri iyi o'benayi kuku 'da tana ro ondro ototri liŋgyi läguläguro na te. 6 Endaro äŋgyina lu awi ana 'da le Asaria ya, ŋgapäṛi ro 'bädri'ba 'desi ri. Yisaraele a'dona 'da oroako ago a'bana 'da driupi ro ta lu awi se anya kosobe voigye ana rota. 7 Äŋgyina 'bädri'ba Samaria ro 'da lozo oso ceŋwa gyi dri ronye. 8 Vo toŋgoro Avena ro, se lidri Yisaraele ro kayibe lui edeedero mätu kigye iyi eperena 'da. Kukyi ndi kaŋwa be lombana 'da vo tori oloro ànyaro drisi. Lidri atana 'da 'bereŋwai ri ekye: “Nyàta ko ama!” Ago lutuŋwai ri ekye: “Mì'de ama dri!”
OPI ka Ta Vure ro Ayona Yisaraele Lomvo
9 OPI ekye: “Lidri Yisaraele ro ugu takozi oye teṛo ni tuse ànya be Gibea ya ana si. Ta'doro kyila otana ànya 'da lau Gibea ya. 10 Matakoruna 'da lidri se takozi amba be ono dri ago mezana ànya 'da. Tu'dei azi otonayi kala 'da ànya dri, ago ezanayi ànya 'da ta takozi amba ànyaro ono rota.
11 “Sedri Yisaraele orivoya oso ti ombato'diro embaembaro ronye, se nja ole be inya otone ago membe juṛu kote kyembe liŋgyiekye anyaro ya. Oko yauono maratate juṛu embene kyembe anyaro ya. Ma'ba Yuda te ŋga osone ago Yisaraele gyini 'bulene. 12 Matate makye: ‘Mìso gyini andivo amiro ri, nyìkyi'di taŋgye ämiri, ago nyòtopi doŋgo ŋgalu ro. Ono ni tuse ämiri egoza ma, OPI amiro re owo, ago mikyina 'da ago medana äṛu 'da ämidri.’ 13 Oko mìgo nyìkyi'dite ta undiro ayani, ago mìlote taŋgyeako ayani. Minya doŋgo koweoga amiro rote.
“Tana miyi ta te arabia kyilaro amiro ya ago oti amba kyila'bai amiro roya, 14 kyila ikyina 'da lidri amiro dri, ago tiṛi cini obeobero amiro eperena 'da. A'dona 'da oso 'bädri'ba Salemana kepere 'bakici Betarebela be tu kyila rosi, ago koloto endrei ndi ŋgwai ànyaro be te jinyijinyi ana ronye. 15 A'dona kpa ämiri inye, lidri Betele ro, ta tase kozi undiro mìyebe ono rota. Ondro kyila ketote dori oko, äfuna 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro 'da.”