The Share of the Priests
1 “The priestly tribe of Levi is not to receive any share of land in Israel; instead, they are to live on the offerings and other sacrifices given to the Lord. 2 They are to own no land, as the other tribes do; their share is the privilege of being the Lord's priests, as the Lord has promised.
3 “Whenever cattle or sheep are sacrificed, the priests are to be given the shoulder, the jaw, and the stomach. 4 They are to receive the first share of the grain, wine, olive oil, and wool. 5 The Lord chose from all your tribes the tribe of Levi to serve him as priests forever.
6 “Any Levite who wants to may come from any town in Israel to the one place of worship 7 and may serve there as a priest of the Lord his God, like the other Levites who are serving there. 8 He is to receive the same amount of food as the other priests, and he may keep whatever his family sends him.
Warning against Pagan Practices
9 “When you come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, don't follow the disgusting practices of the nations that are there. 10 Don't sacrifice your children in the fires on your altars; and don't let your people practice divination or look for omens or use spells 11 or charms, and don't let them consult the spirits of the dead. 12 The Lord your God hates people who do these disgusting things, and that is why he is driving those nations out of the land as you advance. 13 Be completely faithful to the Lord.”
The Promise to Send a Prophet
14 Then Moses said, “In the land you are about to occupy, people follow the advice of those who practice divination and look for omens, but the Lord your God does not allow you to do this. 15 Instead, he will send you a prophet like me from among your own people, and you are to obey him.
16 “On the day that you were gathered at Mount Sinai, you begged not to hear the Lord speak again or to see his fiery presence any more, because you were afraid you would die. 17 So the Lord said to me, ‘They have made a wise request. 18 I will send them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will tell him what to say, and he will tell the people everything I command. 19 He will speak in my name, and I will punish anyone who refuses to obey him. 20 But if any prophet dares to speak a message in my name when I did not command him to do so, he must die for it, and so must any prophet who speaks in the name of other gods.’
21 “You may wonder how you can tell when a prophet's message does not come from the Lord. 22 If a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord and what he says does not come true, then it is not the Lord's message. That prophet has spoken on his own authority, and you are not to fear him.
Ŋgase Kohanii ri
1 “Ko 'bakala aza kohanii se cini Lewe'ba ro ri a'done wari kode drimbi be Yisaraele ya; oko, ànyari orine ŋgapäṛi ndi torii oloro se abe ozona OPI ri 'do si. 2 Ànyari a'done drimbi be 'bakalai azi ànyaro lako i'do; drimbi ànyaro ni a'doro kohanii ro OPI ri, oso OPI ko'ba tana be ronye.
3 “Ŋgase ozone Kohanii ri ondro alo ti kode timele te tori ro ni, täwu na, käŋbä na, ndi kävuye na be. 4 Doŋgo drikäti inya amiro ro, vino amiro ro, ido ice ido ro amiro ro, ndi 'bi käti timele amiro robe ozone ànyari. 5 Tana OPI Lu amiro nji 'bakala Lewe ro 'bakalai cini amiro lakosi ni ruindune ndäri kohanii ro rriro.
6 “Ondro ka'do Lewe'ba aza kolete ikyine ni 'ba'desi aza Yisaraele ro se nda koribe kigye 'do yasi ukyine vose mäturo OPI ka oyebe onjine 'do ya, 7 'dooko nda unina ndi ruindune kohani ro OPI Lu ndaro ri oso Lewe'bai azi cini se kabe ruindu lau kai ronye. 8 Nda uruna ŋgaonya ndi ba ojoojoro kohanii azi be, ago nda uruna ŋgase aza katidri ndaro kabe ezona ndäri kpa.
Miomba Ozo ta Mätu Lu Uniako'bai rota
9 “Ondro mìkyite wari se OPI Lu amiro kabe ozona ämiri ana ya oko, ko ämiri osone taoye undiro tu'dei se lau kai ro voro. 10 Mì'ba aloaza amiro koza ŋgwaàgoro kode ŋguti ro ko asi si tori oloro ro, ago mìmvu ländri ko kode taoye doo'bà ro, 'dikpira'ba ro, 11 kode tetedri'bà ro, ago kode ata'baro tori avo robe. 12 Tana 'dise kabe ŋga undiro kwoi loyena ya OPI Lu amiro ro orivoya osoro lo lomvoigye, tana 'do ni tase OPI Lu amiro kabe tu'dei se kwoi onjana ni ami milesi. 13 Nyà'do ṛo cu 'diriro OPI Lu amiro mile.”
Tao'ba Nebi Ezo ro
14 'Dooko Musa atate ekye: “Wari se nyàbe ukyi urune ana ya, lidri na kayi oso tavoata ländri'bai ro voro ago kayi voondre doo'bai dri ayani, oko ami, OPI Lu amiro leko ämiri oyene oso 'do ronye. 15 Oko OPI Lu amiro ezona nebi 'da ämiri oso ma ronye ni lidri modo amiro lakosi, ago be ämiri ta ndaro erine ayani.
16 “Tuse nyòtokalabe 'Bereŋwa Sinai pa ana si nyòlo'barute mìkye: ‘Màle kote ata Opi Lu amaro ro erine kpa to'di ago asi se 'desi ana ondrene tona, ukyi màdra 'da.’ 17 Ta'dota OPI atate märi ekye: ‘Tase cini ànya kejiyibe ono ànya ejiyite ŋgye. 18 Mezona nebi aza 'da ànyari oso mi ronye ni lidri modo ànyaro lakosi; mitina tase atane 'da ndäri, ago nda itina ota cini maro 'da lidri ri. 19 Ndase keri ata maro se nebi 'do kabe atana ävuru maro si 'do kote mezana nda ndi. 20 Oko ondro ka'do nebi aza kolete lazo aza itine ävuru maro si se mata nda koni atane inye, kode se kabe ta ata ävuru lui azaka rosi inye 'do, beṛo ndäri odrane.’
21 “Ondro ka'do nyùsu tago mikye: ‘Mä̀nina ata se Opi atakoni eŋwanye ya?’ 22 Oko ondro ka'do nebi aza katate ävuru OPI rosi ago ata se nda katabe 'do ka'do kote endaro, 'dooko anjioko ata 'do OPI ata koni. Nebi na 'do ata 'do te drikaca modo ndaro rosi, ago ko ämiri nda turine.