Jehu Is Anointed King of Israel
1 Meanwhile the prophet Elisha called one of the young prophets and said to him, “Get ready and go to Ramoth in Gilead. Take this jar of olive oil with you, 2 and when you get there look for Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat and grandson of Nimshi. Take him to a private room away from his companions, 3 pour this olive oil on his head, and say, ‘The Lord proclaims that he anoints you king of Israel.’ Then leave there as fast as you can.”
4 So the young prophet went to Ramoth, 5 where he found the army officers in a conference. He said, “Sir, I have a message for you.”
Jehu asked, “Which one of us are you speaking to?”
“To you, sir,” he replied. 6 Then the two of them went indoors, and the young prophet poured the olive oil on Jehu's head and said to him, “The Lord, the God of Israel, proclaims: ‘I anoint you king of my people Israel. 7 You are to kill your master the king, that son of Ahab, so that I may punish Jezebel for murdering my prophets and my other servants. 8 All of Ahab's family and descendants are to die; I will get rid of every male in his family, young and old alike. 9 I will treat his family as I did the families of King Jeroboam of Israel and of King Baasha of Israel. 10 Jezebel will not be buried; her body will be eaten by dogs in the territory of Jezreel.’” After saying this, the young prophet left the room and fled.
11 Jehu went back to his fellow officers, who asked him, “Is everything all right? What did that crazy fellow want with you?”
“You know what he wanted,” Jehu answered.
12 “No we don't!” they replied. “Tell us what he said!”
“He told me that the Lord proclaims: ‘I anoint you king of Israel.’”
13 At once Jehu's fellow officers spread their cloaks at the top of the steps for Jehu to stand on, blew trumpets, and shouted, “Jehu is king!”
King Joram of Israel Is Killed
14-15 Then Jehu plotted against King Joram, who was in Jezreel, where he had gone to recover from the wounds which he had received in the battle at Ramoth against King Hazael of Syria. So Jehu said to his fellow officers, “If you are with me, make sure that no one slips out of Ramoth to go and warn the people in Jezreel.” 16 Then he got into his chariot and set off for Jezreel. Joram had still not recovered, and King Ahaziah of Judah was there, visiting him.
17 A guard on duty in the watchtower at Jezreel saw Jehu and his men approaching. “I see some men riding up!” he called out.
Joram replied, “Send a rider to find out if they are friends or enemies.”
18 The messenger rode out to Jehu and said to him, “The king wants to know if you come as a friend.”
“That's none of your business!” Jehu answered. “Fall in behind me.”
The guard on the watchtower reported that the messenger had reached the group but was not returning. 19 Another messenger was sent out, who asked Jehu the same question. Again Jehu answered, “That's none of your business! Fall in behind me.”
20 Once more the guard reported that the messenger had reached the group but was not returning. And he added, “The leader of the group is driving his chariot like a madman, just like Jehu!”
21 “Get my chariot ready,” King Joram ordered. It was done, and he and King Ahaziah rode out, each in his own chariot, to meet Jehu. They met him at the field which had belonged to Naboth. 22 “Are you coming in peace?” Joram asked him.
“How can there be peace,” Jehu answered, “when we still have all the witchcraft and idolatry that your mother Jezebel started?”
23 “It's treason, Ahaziah!” Joram cried out, as he turned his chariot around and fled. 24 Jehu drew his bow, and with all his strength shot an arrow that struck Joram in the back and pierced his heart. Joram fell dead in his chariot, 25 and Jehu said to his aide Bidkar, “Get his body and throw it in the field that belonged to Naboth. Remember that when you and I were riding together behind King Joram's father Ahab, the Lord spoke these words against Ahab: 26 ‘I saw the murder of Naboth and his sons yesterday. And I promise that I will punish you here in this same field.’ So take Joram's body,” Jehu ordered his aide, “and throw it in the field that belonged to Naboth, so as to fulfill the Lord's promise.”
King Ahaziah of Judah Is Killed
27 King Ahaziah saw what happened, so he fled in his chariot toward the town of Beth Haggan, pursued by Jehu. “Kill him too!” Jehu ordered his men, and they wounded him as he drove his chariot on the road up to Gur, near the town of Ibleam. But he managed to keep on going until he reached the city of Megiddo, where he died. 28 His officials took his body back to Jerusalem in a chariot and buried him in the royal tombs in David's City.
29 Ahaziah had become king of Judah in the eleventh year that Joram son of Ahab was king of Israel.
Queen Jezebel Is Killed
30 Jehu arrived in Jezreel. Jezebel, having heard what had happened, put on eye shadow, arranged her hair, and stood looking down at the street from a window in the palace. 31 As Jehu came through the gate, she called out, “You Zimri! You assassin! Why are you here?”
32 Jehu looked up and shouted, “Who is on my side?” Two or three palace officials looked down at him from a window, 33 and Jehu said to them, “Throw her down!” They threw her down, and her blood spattered on the wall and on the horses. Jehu drove his horses and chariot over her body, 34 entered the palace, and had a meal. Only then did he say, “Take that cursed woman and bury her; after all, she is a king's daughter.” 35 But the men who went out to bury her found nothing except her skull and the bones of her hands and feet. 36 When they reported this to Jehu, he said, “This is what the Lord said would happen, when he spoke through his servant Elijah: ‘Dogs will eat Jezebel's body in the territory of Jezreel. 37 Her remains will be scattered there like dung, so that no one will be able to identify them.’”
Äṛu Jehu te 'Bädri'ba Yisaraele ro ro
1 'Dooko nebi Elisa zi alo aza gboko nebii ro rote ago atate ndäri ekye: “Nyembe boŋgo kundu ro miro, miru kuru ido ro ono ago nyoyi Ramota Gilada ya. 2 Ondro misate oko miṛi Jehu ŋgwa Yesapata ro kwozo Nimisi ro. Mici zo ya ago mizi nda iṛe ni manoàzi ndaro lakosi, nyugu nda le zoya yasi ya. 3 'Dooko miru kuru ido ro ago mida ido drî ndaro ya, ago nyata mikye: ‘Ono ni tase OPI kabe atana owo ekye, mäṛu mi 'bädri'ba ro Yisaraele dri.’ ” 'Dooko mipi käläsi mimu; nyeleye ko.
4 'Dooko nebi se agoanjiro ana oyite Ramota Gilada ya ya. 5 Ondro nda kosate oko, nda ndre otaozo'bai kyila'bai rote taäyivoya, nda atate ekye 'Desi: “Ma orivoya lazo be miri.”
Jehu ejitate ekye: “Alo aza amaro se eŋwani riya?”
Ago nda zatadrite ekye: “Miri otaozo'ba kyila'bai ro.” 6 Ndi nda ŋgate ago oyite zo ya, ago nebi se agoanjiro ana da ido te drî ndaro ya, atate ndäri ekye: “Ono ni tase OPI Lu Yisaraele ro kabe atana owo ekye: ‘Mäṛu mi 'bädri'ba ro lidri maro Yisaraele ro dri.’ 7 Mifuna katidri 'desi miro Aba ro 'da, tana mologo votaro robe Jezebela ri ta ruindu'bai maro nebii ndi ruindu'bai cini ma OPI robe tufuna rota. 8 Tana katidri cini Aba ro odrana 'da; ago mutufuna ŋgwàagoro cini Aba ro 'da, iyeäṛiro kode dritairo 'dani Yisaraele yasi. 9 Ago mayena katidri Aba ro 'da oso maye katidri Yeroboama ŋgwa Nebata ro robe ronye, ago oso maye katidri Baasa ŋgwa Aija ro robe ronye. 10 Kokyei onyana Jezebela 'da wari Jezerela roya, 'diaza ri anya osene i'do.” 'Dooko nda pi käläsi te ago mute.
11 Ondro Jehu kefote tesi otaozo'bai 'desi ndaro ro re oko, ànya ejiyi nda te ekye: “Ta cini ndi kado ya? Mano amamaro 'do ikyi mire etaya?”
Nda zatadri ànyaro te ekye: “Mìni amiro ta mano 'do ro ṛote ndi ta ata ndaro be.”
12 Ànya logoyi tate ekye: “'Do ko taŋgye yi, nyiti tase nda katabe miri 'do ämäri yau.”
Nda zatadrite ekye: “Ono ni tase nda katabe märi owo ekye ono ni tase OPI kabe atana owo ekye: ‘Mäṛu mi 'bädri'ba ro Yisaraele dri.’ ”
13 'Dooko dori otaozo'bai cini ruyi boŋgo ànyaro te larayite kotopa dri Jehu ri edreza driigye, ago ànya voyi cekuṛe te, ago ayoyitate ekye: “Jehu te orivoya 'bädri'ba yi.”
Äfu Yorama 'Bädri'ba Yisaraele rote
14 'Dooko Jehu ŋgwa Yesapata ro kwozo Nimisi ro äyitate Yorama lomvo. 'Dooko sedri Yorama ndi Yisaraele'bai cini be orivoya Ramota Gilada gagavoya ni Azaele 'bädri'ba Siria ro ri; 15 oko 'Bädri'ba Yorama gote yi edene Jezerela ya ni laza se Siria'bai ku'diyi nda be ni kyila oyevoya Azaele 'bädri'ba Siria robe ana risi. 'Dooko Jehu atate ekye: “Ondro ka'do nya'dote orivoya maresi, mi'ba 'diaza alo kofo ko ni 'bakici ono yasi oyine ta itine Jezerela ya.” 16 Ndi Jehu tute arabia ndaro ya, ago oyite Jezerela ya, tana Yorama orivoya u'duvoya lau, ago Ahazia 'bädri'ba Yuda ro oyite lau nda ondrene.
17 Vookwa'ba aza orivoya edrevoya zowiṛa dri Jezerela ya, nda ndre Jehu te ikyivoya gboko ndaro be, ndi atate ekye: “Mandre gboko aza te ikyivoya.”
Yorama logotate ekye: “Miru farasi'ba aza ago mizo drî ànyaro utune, ago mi'ba nda keji ànya kode kayi eziikyi gi liatokpero ya.”
18 Farasi'ba oyite drî Jehu ro utune, ago atate ndäri ekye: “'Bädri'ba ekye: ‘Inye'do nya eziikyi gi liatokpero ya?’ ”
Jehu atate ekye: “Ta miro taliatokpe be e'diya? Mizaru ma kundu.”
Vookwa'ba se ana ititate ekye: “Lazo'ba sate ànyare oko nda ego kote kovole.” 19 'Dooko nda go zo farasi'ba ṛiri te, nda kosate ànyare oko atate ekye: “'Bädri'ba ekye: ‘Nya eziikyi gi liatokpero ya?’ ” Ago Jehu zatadrite ekye: “Ta miro taliatokpe be e'diya? Mizaru ma kundu.”
20 Vookwa'ba se ana ititate kpa to'di ekye: “Nda sate ànyare oko nda ego kote kovole. Oko dri'ba gboko ana ro ka ezi arabia opi oso Jehu ŋgwa Nimisi ro ronye tana ka opina gbiriṛi si.”
21 Yorama atate ekye: “Mi'ba arabia maro nja.” Ndi ànya 'bayi arabia ndaro te nja. 'Dooko Yorama 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro ndi Ahazia 'bädri'ba Yuda robe foyite tesi, mano alo gi arabia ndaro ya, oyiyite drî Jehu ro utune, ago 'beyidrite nda be ämvu Nabota Jezerela'ba ro ya. 22 Ondro Yorama kondre Jehu te oko, nda atate ekye: “Nya eziikyi gi liatokpero ya Jehu?”
Jehu zatadrite ekye: “Taliatokpe a'dona eŋwanye, ondro ka'do mätu lui awi ro ndi tetedri se amba endre miro Jezebela ro 'do drigba dri orivoya ya?”
23 'Dooko Yorama za kala arabia ndaro rote ugu umute otrebe Ahazia ri ekye: “Ono ogbo yi Ahazia!” 24 Jehu ewa kusu ndaro te mbarasi ago 'bo Yorama te lakole depere roya, ago ätu ṛo käsi ndaro te, ago nda 'dete nyaṛo arabia ndaro ya. 25 Ago Jehu atate Bidekara dri'ba kyila'bai ndaro ro ri ekye: “Miŋgyi nda atoa ago mivo nda ämvu Nabota Jezerela'ba roya. Miyi tase tuse mà be ugu umu mibe jojorero Aba täpi ndaro kundu oko, OPI ko'de gwo taäŋgune nda lomvo ana tana. 26 Se OPI ekye: ‘Endaro oso mandre kari Nabota robe tandrobe ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro robe ronye, mologona votaro ndi miri gyini ono ya’, ka'do inye miŋgyi nda atoa mivo nda gyini ono ya, oso ata OPI ro ronye.”
Äfu Ahazia 'Bädri'ba Yuda rote
27 Ondro Ahazia 'bädri'ba Yuda ro kondre tase ono te oko nda mute ogone Bete Agana driro. Jehu sote nda vo, ago atate ekye: “Mì'bo nda kpa;” ago ànya 'boyi nda te ni arabia ya leni liti Gura roya, se orivoya Ilebeama lomvo ana. Oko nda mute Megido ya ago drate lau. 28 Ruindu'bai ndaro ŋgyiyi nda te arabia si kovole Yerusalema ya, ago seyi nda te zutui ndaro re 'budri ndaro ya 'Bakici Dawidi roya.
29 Ndroa 'butealo foalo oriro Yorama ŋgwa Aba ro ro 'bädri'ba ro rosi oko, Ahazia eto Yuda mirite.
Äfu Toko 'Bädri'ba ro Jezebela te
30 Ondro Jehu kikyite Jezerela ya oko, Jezebela eri tana te ago anya gonda mi anyaro te, ago tira drikyiri anyaro te, ago ndrevote vouŋbo yasi. 31 Ondro Jehu kate ezieci dereŋwa yasi oko, anya atate ekye: “Nya eziikyi gi liatokpe ro ya mi Zimiri! Ufu'ba 'desi miro ro!”
32 Jehu eŋga mi ndaro te ndrevote vouŋbo ya, ago atate ekye: “A'di ni maresi ya? A'di owo ya?” Dri'bai losi ro oso ritu kode nätu ronye ndreyivote vouŋbo yasi nda dri, 33 ago Jehu atate ànyari ekye: “Nyèvo anya vuru!” Ndi ànya evoyi anya te vuru; ago kari anyaro loŋgate tiṛi ndi farasii be lomvosi ago ànya lämute anya drisi. 34 'Dooko nda cite zo ya nya ŋga te ago mvu ŋgate; ago nda atate ekye: “Mìru toko se atrite ono, ago mìse anya, tana anya orivoya ŋguti 'bädri'ba ro.” 35 Oko ondro ànya koyiyite anya osene oko, ànya usuyi ŋga aza anyaro kote oko toto drikagyiagyi, kowa pa anyaro ro ndi drì ya anyaro be ayani. 36 Ondro ànya kegoyite kovole ago kitiyi tana te Jehu ri oko, nda atate ekye: “Ono ni ata OPI ro, se nda katabe ruindu'ba ndaro Eliya Tisebe'ba si owo, se ekye: ‘Kokyei onyana iza Jezebela ro 'da gyini Jezerela roya; 37 ago avo Jezebela ro a'dona 'da ti ze ro ämvu yasi gyini Jezerela roya, ukyi 'diaza alo ata 'da ekye ono ni Jezebela owo.’ ”