Jerusalem and the Nations
1 The day when the Lord will sit in judgment is near. Then Jerusalem will be looted, and the loot will be divided up before your eyes. 2 The Lord will bring all the nations together to make war on Jerusalem. The city will be taken, the houses looted, and the women raped. Half of the people will go into exile, but the rest of them will not be taken away from the city. 3 Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations, as he has fought in times past. 4 At that time he will stand on the Mount of Olives, to the east of Jerusalem. Then the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west by a large valley. Half of the mountain will move northward, and half of it southward. 5 You will escape through this valley that divides the mountain in two. You will flee as your ancestors did when the earthquake struck in the time of King Uzziah of Judah. The Lord my God will come, bringing all the angels with him.
6 When that time comes, there will no longer be cold or frost, 7 nor any darkness. There will always be daylight, even at nighttime. When this will happen is known only to the Lord.
8 When that day comes, fresh water will flow from Jerusalem, half of it to the Dead Sea and the other half to the Mediterranean. It will flow all year long, in the dry season as well as the wet. 9 Then the Lord will be king over all the earth; everyone will worship him as God and know him by the same name.
10 The whole region, from Geba in the north to Rimmon in the south, will be made level. Jerusalem will tower above the land around it; the city will reach from the Benjamin Gate to the Corner Gate, where there had been an earlier gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the royal wine presses. 11 The people will live there in safety, no longer threatened by destruction.
12 The Lord will bring a terrible disease on all the nations that make war on Jerusalem. Their flesh will rot away while they are still alive; their eyes and their tongues will rot away.
13 At that time the Lord will make them so confused and afraid that everyone will seize the man next to him and attack him. 14 The men of Judah will fight to defend Jerusalem. They will take as loot the wealth of all the nations—gold, silver, and clothing in great abundance.
15 A terrible disease will also fall on the horses, the mules, the camels, and the donkeys—on all the animals in the camps of the enemy.
16 Then all of the survivors from the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go there each year to worship the Lord Almighty as king and to celebrate the Festival of Shelters. 17 If any nation refuses to go and worship the Lord Almighty as king, then rain will not fall on their land. 18 If the Egyptians refuse to celebrate the Festival of Shelters, then they will be struck by the same disease that the Lord will send on every nation that refuses to go. 19 This will be the punishment that will fall on Egypt and on all the other nations if they do not celebrate the Festival of Shelters.
20 At that time even the harness bells of the horses will be inscribed with the words “Dedicated to the Lord.” The cooking pots in the Temple will be as sacred as the bowls before the altar. 21 Every cooking pot in Jerusalem and in all Judah will be set apart for use in the worship of the Lord Almighty. The people who offer sacrifices will use them for boiling the meat of the sacrifices. When that time comes, there will no longer be any merchant in the Temple of the Lord Almighty.
Yerusalema ndi Tu'dei be
1 Tu OPI ro vure ro kate esa, se otopana lakazà se amiro orivoya Yerusalema ya iyi 'da ago elewena ŋgase otopabe 'da mile amiro yasi. 2 Tana OPI otona kala tu'dei cini ro 'da kyila oyene Yerusalema be, äruna 'bakici 'da ago otopana ŋga 'da ni zoi yasi, ago otopana 'ditoko 'da mbarasi, äruna telesi kpäkyi lidri ro 'da midiro, oko anjoko lidri ro e'bena ndi 'bakici ya. 3 'Dooko OPI efona 'da ago oyena kyila 'da tu'dei se kai yibe, oso nda koye kyila be tu kyeno ana si ronye. 4 Tu gi ana si nda edrena 'da 'Bereŋwa Ice Ido ro ro dri, 'buzele Yerusalema ro yasi. 'Dooko 'Bereŋwa Ice Ido ro ro leweruna 'da ritu ni 'buzelesi le aŋgoyasi kogbo bäräŋgäläro be. Telesi kpäkyi 'bereŋwa ro uswena 'da mä'dudriro ago telesi kpäkyi na ŋgäṛiŋwadriro. 5 Mìpana vo 'da kogbo se kosi ya 'bereŋwa robe ana yasi. Mìmuna 'da oso zutui amiro kumube ni ägbigbi ri tu Uzia 'bädri'ba Yuda ro rosi ronye. OPI Lu maro ikyina 'da, ezina malaikai cini 'da nda be.
6 Tu gi ana si kyi'dwe a'dona i'do ca siya otrootroro, 7 ca ŋgätini, ondoalo vo a'dona ŋgaeyi ro, ca kitusi kode ŋgäkyisi (tase ono OPI ni tana toto ni).
8 Tu gi ana se gyi to'di idina 'da ni Yerusalema yasi, Telesi kpäkyi na udina 'da gyi'desi Täyiro driro, ago telesi kpäkyi na udina 'da gyi'desi Mediteraneana ya, ago uguna udi ndi 'du inye duru si kpa meṛi si. 9 'Dooko OPI a'dona 'da 'bädri'ba ro 'bädri cini dri, ago tu gi ana si 'dicini mätuna nda 'da Lu ro ago uninayi nda 'da ävuru gi alo 'do si.
10 Ago wari cu tozaruna 'da vo jaraŋgala ro ni Geba ya le Rimona ya ŋgäṛiŋwa Yerusalema ro driro. Oko Yerusalema orina gyi 'du toŋgoro vo anyaro ya ni dereŋwa Benjamina ro yasi le vose kyeno dereŋwa orivoya kigye dereŋwa Cukudriro 'do ya, ago ni Tiṛiwiṛa Ananela roya le vo vino ozwaro 'bädri'ba roya. 11 Lidri orina 'da londroro ago rueza a'dona ko lau tona. Lidri Yerusalema ro orina 'da londroro.
12 Ono ni adravo rritiro se OPI ka oyebe ezine tu'dei se cini kayibe kyila oye Yerusalema be dri owo. Lomvo ànyaro oŋgwana 'da 'dooko ànya dri gi gba lidriidriro! Mi ànyaro oŋgwana 'da ago ladra ànyaro oŋgwana 'da kala ànyaro yasi.
13 Tu gi ana si OPI osona turi 'desi 'da ànya ya, 'dooko 'dialo alo uruna 'dise loto ndare 'do 'da ago oyena kyila 'da sina. 14 Ca lidri Yuda ro oyena kyila 'da Yerusalema ya. Ànya topanayi ŋgadriamba tu'dei cini se gbikyi ro, logo läguläguro, mo'di ndi boŋgo amba be 'da.
15 Adravo koziro o'dena 'da farasii, doŋgyi ŋga luŋgyiro, gamalei ndi doŋgyii be drisi, ago kpa koronyai azaka se orivoya gawai kyila'baazii roya drisi.
16 'Dooko 'dise cini ke'bebe lidriidriro ni tu'dei se kikyiyibe kyila oyene Yerusalema be iyi lakosi oyinayi 'da ndroa cini ya 'bädri'ba se OPI Mbaraekye ono mätune; ago Karama Mutuguṛi ro oyene. 17 Ondro ka'do tu'de aza koyi kote Yerusalema ya 'bädri'ba se OPI Mbaraekye ono mätune, 'dooko 'bu ri u'dine wari ànyaro ya te i'do. 18 Ago ondro ka'do Ezipeto'bai kogayitezo oyine Karama Mutuguṛi ro oyene, 'dooko adravo se OPI ka oyebe ezone tu'dei cini se kogayi bezo oyine Karama Mutuguṛi roya 'do dri 'do modona o'dena ndi ànya dri. 19 'Doni taezaro se a'done Ezipeto ri ndi tu'dei cini se kogayitezo oyine Karama Mutuguṛi ro oyene ri owo.
20 Tu gi ana si egyina ta 'da laŋga farasii ro drisi ekye: “Adite to OPI ri.” Ago lakazà Yekalu ro a'dona oso deŋbele alokado mile vo tori oloro ro yasi ronye; 21 Lakazà cini Yerusalema ya ndi Yuda ya be adina 'da to OPI Mbaraekye mätuzana, tana lidri se cini kayibe tori olo iyi kikyiyi robe ago kuruyi ànya robe ago kala'diyi iza se alobe toriro robe sina. Ago tu gi ana si, ŋgalogye'bai a'dona i'do tona Yekalu OPI Mbaraekye roya.