The Stream Flowing from the Temple
1 The man led me back to the entrance of the Temple. Water was coming out from under the entrance and flowing east, the direction the Temple faced. It was flowing down from under the south part of the Temple past the south side of the altar. 2 The man then took me out of the Temple area by way of the north gate and led me around to the gate that faces east. A small stream of water was flowing out at the south side of the gate. 3 With his measuring rod the man measured 560 yards downstream to the east and told me to wade through the stream there. The water came only to my ankles. 4 Then he measured another 560 yards, and the water came up to my knees. Another 560 yards farther down, the water was up to my waist. 5 He measured 560 yards more, and there the stream was so deep I could not wade through it. It was too deep to cross except by swimming. 6 He said to me, “Mortal man, note all this carefully.”
Then the man took me back to the riverbank, 7 and when I got there, I saw that there were very many trees on each bank. 8 He said to me, “This water flows through the land to the east and down into the Jordan Valley and to the Dead Sea. When it flows into the Dead Sea, it replaces the salt water of that sea with fresh water. 9 Wherever the stream flows, there will be all kinds of animals and fish. The stream will make the water of the Dead Sea fresh, and wherever it flows, it will bring life. 10 From the Springs of Engedi all the way to the Springs of Eneglaim, there will be fishermen on the shore of the sea, and they will spread out their nets there to dry. There will be as many different kinds of fish there as there are in the Mediterranean Sea. 11 But the water in the marshes and ponds along the shore will not be made fresh. They will remain there as a source of salt. 12 On each bank of the stream all kinds of trees will grow to provide food. Their leaves will never wither, and they will never stop bearing fruit. They will have fresh fruit every month, because they are watered by the stream that flows from the Temple. The trees will provide food, and their leaves will be used for healing people.”
The Boundaries of the Land
13 The Sovereign Lord said, “These are the boundaries of the land that is to be divided among the twelve tribes, with the tribe of Joseph receiving two sections. 14 I solemnly promised your ancestors that I would give them possession of this land; now divide it equally among you.
15 “The northern boundary runs eastward from the Mediterranean Sea to the city of Hethlon, to Hamath Pass, to the city of Zedad, 16 to the cities of Berothah and Sibraim (they are located between the territory of the kingdom of Damascus and that of the kingdom of Hamath), and to the city of Ticon (located by the border of the district of Hauran). 17 So the northern boundary runs from the Mediterranean eastward to Enon City, with the border regions of Damascus and Hamath to the north of it.
18 “The eastern boundary runs south from a point between the territory of Damascus and that of Hauran, with the Jordan River forming the boundary between the land of Israel on the west and Gilead on the east, as far as Tamar on the Dead Sea.
19 “The southern boundary runs southwest from Tamar to the oasis of Kadesh Meribah and then northwest along the Egyptian border to the Mediterranean Sea.
20 “The western boundary is formed by the Mediterranean and runs north to a point west of Hamath Pass.
21 “Divide this land among your tribes; 22 it is to be your permanent possession. The foreigners who are living among you and who have had children born here are also to receive their share of the land when you divide it. They are to be treated like full Israelite citizens and are to draw lots for shares of the land along with the tribes of Israel. 23 All foreign residents will receive their share with the people of the tribe among whom they are living. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken.”
Goloŋwa se kabe Idi ni Yekalu yasi
1 Mano ana logo mate le kovole ecivo Yekalu roya, ago mandre gyi ka uti ni zevo ecivo Yekalu ro yasi ago ka udi 'buzelero, (tana Yekalu zami 'buzelero). Gyi ana ka ezi idi vurusi ädu lama telesi Yekalu ro ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi yasi ago lävute lama telesi vo tori oloro ro ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi yasi. 2 'Dooko mano ana lofo mate tesi ni Yekalu yasi liti se dereŋwa mä'dudrisi yasi ana yasi ago ugu mate le dereŋwa se tesisi kozamibe 'buzele ana ya. Ago mandre gyi ka idi tesi ni lama telesi dereŋwa ana ro ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi yasi. 3 Mano ana oyite 'buzelero dofo ŋgaojoro be drì ndaro ya, ago ojo gyi se ana te dofo ndaro ŋgaojoro si orivoya kadrakadra na kama nji (500) ago atate märi ozane gyi ana drisi tasi. Gyi ana te mate toto kotoŋbo maro yasi. 4 'Dooko nda go ojo azana kpate kadrakadra na kama nji (500), ago macibe kigye gyi na te mate le kaya yasi. Ojo aza kpate mile ya kadrakadra na kama nji (500), ago macibe kigye gyi na te mate le ibaembevo yasi. 5 Nda go ojo aza kpate kadrakadra na kama nji (500), ago lau ana te golo ro gyi na cite ndra mäni kote ozane kigyesi. Ci tawi ozane kigyesi e'be gialo elene ele driigyesi. 6 Nda atate märi ekye: “Ŋgwa lidri ro, mindre ta ono te ya?”
'Dooko mano ana logo mate kovole kototi golo ana roya, 7 ondro mazate kovole oko mandre ice amba te kototi riti golo ro yasi. 8 Nda atate märi ekye: “Gyi gi ono ka udi wari 'buzele ya ro ago le Vodele Yaradene roya. Ondro kudite kocite Gyi'desi Täyiro ya oko, toza gyi se täyiro ana te gyi kado ro. 9 Vose cini golo ana kabe udi kigyesi ana beti ŋga lidriidriro cini orivoya kigyesi ago ti'bii a'dona 'da amba kigye, tana golo ana o'bana gyi Gyi'desi Täyiro ro 'da gyi kado ro. Ta'dota vose cini golo ana kabe udi kigyesi yasi ŋga lidriidriro cini orina 'da kigye. 10 Ti'biuru'bai a'dona 'da kototi gyi'desi ro yasi, etoni etovo Eŋgedi roya osana gwo le etovo Enegelaima roya, ago ànya laranayi kyimba ànyaro 'da lau owine. Beti toto amba ti'bi ro a'dona 'da lau oso ka'dobe Gyi'desi Mediteraneana ya ronye. 11 Oko gyi se tayi yasi ago cece yasi kototisi iyi unina ko a'done kadoro. Täyi ogo edrena 'da vona iyi yasi. 12 Beti ice cini doŋgo onyaro ro ombana 'da kototina riti yasi. Kyibi ànyaro unina ko owine cu alona, ago ànya uninayi ko orine doŋgo owaako alona. Ànya owanayi doŋgo to'di 'da imba cini si, tana golo se kabe idi ni Yekalu ya 'do kani gyi ozo ànyari. Doŋgo anyaro a'dona 'da ŋgaonya ro, ago kyibii ànyaro a'dona 'da lidri edeza.”
Kishwei Wari ro
13 OPI Mbarapara atate ekye: “Kwoi ni kishwei wari se abe oye lewene 'bakalai 'butealo foritu Yisaraele ro ri owo. 'Bakala Yosepa ro ka oye vo urune ritu. 14 Ämiri lonyine ojoojoro amivoyasi. Ma'ba tao'ba te wari ono ozone zutui amiro ri ago a'dona te ämiri drimbi ro.
15 “Kishwe mä'dudrisi ri vo osine etone ni Gyi'desi Mediteraneana yasi oyi gwo 'bakici Etelona ya, le Lävuvo Amata ya ya, le 'bakici Zedada ya, 16 le 'bakicii Berota ndi Siberaima be roya (se orivoya lakole wari 'bädri Damaseka ro ndi 'bädri Amata be roya), ago le 'bakici Tikona roya, se orivoya kishwedri 'bädri Aurana robe lomvo. 17 Ta'dota kishwe mä'dudrisi ri vo osine etone ni Mediteraneana yasi le 'bakici Azara Enona ya, kishwedri mä'dudrisi wari Damaseka ro ya, ago Amata ri a'done mä'dudri na yasi.
18 “Kishwe 'buzelesi ri vo osine Azara Enona yasi etone ni lakole wari Damaseka ro Aurana be ya, Golo Yaradene ri a'done kishwe ro, wari Yisaraele ro ri a'done aŋgoyasi ago Gilada ri a'done 'buzelesi, ndi le Tamara ya Gyi'desi Täyiro kala.
19 “Kishwe ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi ri vo osine etone ni Tamara yasi le vose gyi be siŋgwa ro Kadesa Meriba ro ana ya, ago 'bo'boŋwai Ezipeto ro yasi le Gyi'desi Mediteraneana ya.
20 “Kishwe aŋgoyasi ni Mediteraneana ago vo osine le vo aza ya miäwuäwu ro Lävuvo Amata roya.
21 “Nyolonyi wari ono amivoya a'do 'bakalai amiro ro voro. 22 Ämiri lonyine ämiri drimbi ro ago atrai se kayibe ori ami lako ago kutiyi ŋgàga te ami lako iyi ri. Be ànyari a'done amiri oso lidri modo Yisaraele ro ronye. Kpa ànyari a'done drimbi be tro 'bakalai Yisaraele robe. 23 'Bakalai se aza atrai kayibe ori kigye be ndi gyini ozone ànyari kigye. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani.”