God the Supreme King
(1 Chronicles 16.23-33)
1 Sing a new song to the Lord!
Sing to the Lord, all the world!
2 Sing to the Lord, and praise him!
Proclaim every day the good news that he has saved us.
3 Proclaim his glory to the nations,
his mighty deeds to all peoples.

4 The Lord is great and is to be highly praised;
he is to be honored more than all the gods.
5 The gods of all other nations are only idols,
but the Lord created the heavens.
6 Glory and majesty surround him;
power and beauty fill his Temple.

7 Praise the Lord, all people on earth;
praise his glory and might.
8 Praise the Lord's glorious name;
bring an offering and come into his Temple.
9 Bow down before the Holy One when he appears;
tremble before him, all the earth!

10 Say to all the nations, “The Lord is king!
The earth is set firmly in place and cannot be moved;
he will judge the peoples with justice.”
11 Be glad, earth and sky!
Roar, sea, and every creature in you;
12 be glad, fields, and everything in you!
The trees in the woods will shout for joy
13 when the Lord comes to rule the earth.
He will rule the peoples of the world
with justice and fairness.
Lu 'Bädri'ba Para yi
(1 Ambâ 16:23-33)
1 Mìŋgo loŋgo to'di OPI ri!
Mìŋgo loŋgo OPI ri 'bädri cini!
2 Mìŋgo loŋgo OPI ri, ago nyä̀räṛu nda!
Nyàyo ta ŋgaopa ndaro ro tana tu cini si.
3 Nyàyo a'do 'desi ndaro tana tu'dei cini ri,
nyàyo taoye mbaraekye ndaro tana lidri cini ri.

4 OPI orivoya para ago ṛo räṛune ndra;
ṛo nda orone ndrani lui cini ri.
5 Lui cini tu'dei azi ro orivoya toto ŋgaedeedero yi,
oko OPI 'ba vo'buyakuru ni.
6 Taoro ndi 'desi be orivoya ŋgulu nda lomvosi;
mbara ndi liŋgyi be orivoya Yekalu ndaro ya.

7 Nyä̀räṛu OPI, ami lidri cini 'bädri ya;
nyäräṛu a'do'desi ndi mbara ndaro be.
8 Nyä̀räṛu ävuru liŋgyiekye OPI ro;
nyèzi ŋgapäṛi ago nyìkyi goko Yekalu ndaro roya.
9 Nyä̀mätu OPI ta a'do alokado ndaro rota.
Nyä̀lä'bi nda kandra, ami 'bädri cini ono!

10 Nyàta tu'dei cini ri mikye: “OPI orivoya 'bädri'ba yi!
Edre 'bädri te ŋgyiri vona ya ago änina ko uswene;
nda opena vure lidri ro 'da taŋgyesi.”
11 Mì'ba vo'buyakuru ka'do yai'dwesi,
ago mì'ba 'bädri koye riya.
Gyi'desi koye kporo ndi ŋgaŋwà se cini kigye be.
12 Nyà'do yai'dwesi, lowoi, ndi ŋgase cini miya be!
Ice cini vocoko ya otrena 'da riyäsi
13 ondro OPI kate ikyi owo,
nda ka ikyi 'bädri mirine.
Nda mirina 'bädri 'da taŋgyesi
ago mirina lidri 'da ta'diri si.