The Voice of the Lord in the Storm
1 Praise the Lord, you heavenly beings;
praise his glory and power.
2 Praise the Lord's glorious name;
bow down before the Holy One when he appears.

3 The voice of the Lord is heard on the seas;
the glorious God thunders,
and his voice echoes over the ocean.
4 The voice of the Lord is heard
in all its might and majesty.

5 The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars,
even the cedars of Lebanon.
6 He makes the mountains of Lebanon jump like calves
and makes Mount Hermon leap like a young bull.

7 The voice of the Lord makes the lightning flash.
8 His voice makes the desert shake;
he shakes the desert of Kadesh.
9 The Lord's voice shakes the oaks
and strips the leaves from the trees
while everyone in his Temple shouts, “Glory to God!”

10 The Lord rules over the deep waters;
he rules as king forever.
11 The Lord gives strength to his people
and blesses them with peace.
Ata OPI ro Oligbiriṛi be ya
1 Nyäräṛu OPI, ami ŋga vo'buyakuru ro,
nyäṛäṛu a'do'desi OPI ro ndi mbara ndaro be.
2 Nyäräṛu a'do'desi ävuru OPI ro ro,
nyämätu nda se Alokado ono ondro nda kate ruka'da owo.

3 Ata OPI ro erite gyi'desi drisi;
Lu 'desipara ka uhwe
OPI ka uhwe gyi bebelebe drisi.
4 Ata OPI ro orivoya mbara be,
ata OPI ro orivoya twi 'desi be.

5 Ata OPI ro ka wirii toŋgo,
OPI ka wirii Lebanona ro toŋgo.
6 Nda ka 'bereŋwai Lebanona ro o'ba loŋgane oso tijoroŋwai ronye
ago ka 'bereŋwai Eremona ro o'ba oŋgane ändiri oso 'daŋgo to'di ronye.

7 Ata OPI ro kani 'busi o'ba sionyine lewo.
8 Ata OPI ro kani vocowa kanda;
nda kani vocowa Kadesa ro kanda.
9 Ata OPI ro kani vudi kyiwi
ago kani kibii layi ice drisi
'di cini Yekalu ndaro ya ka otre ekye: “A'do'desi ka'do Lu ri!”

10 OPI kani vomiri gyi ociekye drisi;
nda ka vomiri oso 'bädri'ba ronye äduako.
11 OPI kozo mbara lidri ndaro ri.
Nda käṛu lidri ndaro taliatokpe si.