Joshua Speaks to the People at Shechem
1 Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel together at Shechem. He called the elders, the leaders, the judges, and the officers of Israel, and they came into the presence of God. 2 Joshua said to all the people, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, has to say: ‘Long ago your ancestors lived on the other side of the Euphrates River and worshiped other gods. One of those ancestors was Terah, the father of Abraham and Nahor. 3 Then I took Abraham, your ancestor, from the land across the Euphrates and led him through the whole land of Canaan. I gave him many descendants. I gave him Isaac, 4 and to Isaac I gave Jacob and Esau. I gave Esau the hill country of Edom as his possession, but your ancestor Jacob and his children went down to Egypt. 5 Later I sent Moses and Aaron, and I brought great trouble on Egypt. But I led you out; 6 I brought your ancestors out of Egypt, and the Egyptians pursued them with chariots and cavalry. But when your ancestors got to the Red Sea 7 they cried out to me for help, and I put darkness between them and the Egyptians. I made the sea come rolling over the Egyptians and drown them. You know what I did to Egypt.
“‘You lived in the desert a long time. 8 Then I brought you to the land of the Amorites, who lived on the east side of the Jordan. They fought you, but I gave you victory over them. You took their land, and I destroyed them as you advanced. 9 Then the king of Moab, Balak son of Zippor, fought against you. He sent word to Balaam son of Beor and asked him to put a curse on you. 10 But I would not listen to Balaam, so he blessed you, and in this way I rescued you from Balak. 11 You crossed the Jordan and came to Jericho. The men of Jericho fought you, as did the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. But I gave you victory over them all. 12 As you advanced, I threw them into panic in order to drive out the two Amorite kings. Your swords and bows had nothing to do with it. 13 I gave you a land that you had never worked and cities that you had not built. Now you are living there and eating grapes from vines that you did not plant, and olives from trees that you did not plant.’
14 “Now then,” Joshua continued, “honor the Lord and serve him sincerely and faithfully. Get rid of the gods which your ancestors used to worship in Mesopotamia and in Egypt, and serve only the Lord. 15 If you are not willing to serve him, decide today whom you will serve, the gods your ancestors worshiped in Mesopotamia or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are now living. As for my family and me, we will serve the Lord.”
16 The people replied, “We would never leave the Lord to serve other gods! 17 The Lord our God brought our fathers and us out of slavery in Egypt, and we saw the miracles that he performed. He kept us safe wherever we went among all the nations through which we passed. 18 As we advanced into this land, the Lord drove out all the Amorites who lived here. So we also will serve the Lord; he is our God.”
19 Joshua said to the people, “But you may not be able to serve the Lord. He is a holy God and will not forgive your sins. He will tolerate no rivals, 20 and if you leave him to serve foreign gods, he will turn against you and punish you. He will destroy you, even though he was good to you before.”
21 The people said to Joshua, “No! We will serve the Lord.”
22 Joshua told them, “You are your own witnesses to the fact that you have chosen to serve the Lord.”
“Yes,” they said, “we are witnesses.”
23 “Then get rid of those foreign gods that you have,” he demanded, “and pledge your loyalty to the Lord, the God of Israel.”
24 The people then said to Joshua, “We will serve the Lord our God. We will obey his commands.”
25 So Joshua made a covenant for the people that day, and there at Shechem he gave them laws and rules to follow. 26 Joshua wrote these commands in the book of the Law of God. Then he took a large stone and set it up under the oak tree in the Lord's sanctuary. 27 He said to all the people, “This stone will be our witness. It has heard all the words that the Lord has spoken to us. So it will be a witness against you, to keep you from rebelling against your God.” 28 Then Joshua sent the people away, and everyone returned to their own part of the land.
Joshua and Eleazar Die
29 After that, the Lord's servant Joshua son of Nun died at the age of a hundred and ten. 30 They buried him on his own land at Timnath Serah in the hill country of Ephraim north of Mount Gaash.
31 As long as Joshua lived, the people of Israel served the Lord, and after his death they continued to do so as long as those leaders were alive who had seen for themselves everything that the Lord had done for Israel.
32 The body of Joseph, which the people of Israel had brought from Egypt, was buried at Shechem, in the piece of land that Jacob had bought from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem, for a hundred pieces of silver. This land was inherited by Joseph's descendants.
33 Eleazar son of Aaron died and was buried at Gibeah, the town in the hill country of Ephraim which had been given to his son Phinehas.
Ata Yosua ro Lidri ri Sekeme ya
1 'Dooko Yosua otokala 'bakalai cini Yisaraele ro rote Sekeme ya. Nda zi 'di'desii, dri'bai, vureope'bai, ndi otaozo'bai Yisaraele ro rote, ago ànya ikyiyite Lu kandra. 2 Ago Yosua atate lidri cini ri ekye: “Ono ni tase OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro kabe atana owo ekye: ‘Ṛo kyeno zutui amiro riyite Golo Eferata ro tasi nasi ago mätuyi lui azaka te. Alo aza zutui kwoi ro ni Tera, täpi Abarayama ndi Nahora be ro. 3 'Dooko märu zutu amiro Abarayama teni wari se Eferata ro tasi nasi ana yasi ago malazi nda te wari cini Kanana ro yasi. Ago mozo zelevoi te amba ndäri. Mozo Yisika te ndäri, 4 ago mozo Yakoba ndi Esau be te Yisika ri. Ago mozo 'bädri lutu ro Seira rote 'duro Esau ri, oko Yakoba ndi ŋgwà ndaro yibe oyiyite le Ezipeto ya. 5 Mazo Musa ndi Arona be te, ago mezo rriti 'desi te Ezipeto dri. Oko molofo ami te tesi; 6 ondro molofo zutui amiro teni Ezipeto yasi oko ànya esayite gyi'desi Okaro kala, ago Ezipeto'bai enjayi vo ànyaro te arabia kyila ro ndi farasi'bai be si le Gyi'desi Okaro si. 7 Ago ondro ànya ayoyidrite OPI ri ta ŋgaopa rota oko, ma'ba ŋgätini te lakole ànyaro Ezipeto'bai be ya. Ma'ba Gyi'desi tako Ezipeto'bai te ago ànya livute. Mìni tase mayebe Ezipeto ri ono tana te.
“ ‘Ago mìrite vocowa ya tuna amba. 8 'Dooko mezi ami te wari Amora'bai roya, se koriyibe lama telesi Golo Yaradene ro yasi ana. Ànya yeyi kyila te ami yibe, oko ma'ba ami te ànya opene ṛe, ago mutufu ànya teni ami milesi ago mìru wari ànyaro te. 9 'Dooko 'Bakala ŋgwa Zipora ro, 'bädri'ba Moaba ro edeyite kyila oyene ami yibe. Nda zo lazo te Balama ŋgwa Beora ro ri ago eji nda te ami otrine. 10 Oko male kote ta Balama ro erine, ta'dota nda äṛu ami te äṛu; ago mapa ami teni Balaka rigyesi. 11 'Dooko nyèzadri Golo Yaradene rote ago nyìkyite Yeriko ya. Ago lidri Yeriko ro yeyi kyila te ami yibe, kpa oso Amora'bai, Pereza'bai, Kanana'bai, Ete'bai, Girigasa'bai, Iva'bai, ndi Jebusa'bai koyeyi kyila be ami yibe ronye. Caoko ma'ba ami te ànya cini opene ṛe. 12 Ago nyàte eziikyi oko, ma'ba ànya te a'done turiro tana turi konja 'bädri'bai ritu Amora'bai ro robe. Bando amiro ndi kusu amiro be ye ŋga aza kote kigye. 13 Mozo wari se mìso kote ni ago 'bakicii se mìbe kote ni ono te ämiri. Yauono nyàte ori kigye ago nyàte doŋgo kono ro ndi doŋgo ice ido ro ro se nyìkyi'di kote ni ono ro onyana.’ ”
14 'Dooko Yosua ugu ata te ekye: “Ka'do inye, mìro OPI ago nyìnduru ndäri ŋgyero ago 'diriro. Nyàna lui se zutui amiro kämätuyibe Mesopotamia ndi Ezipeto be ya iyi, ago nyìnduru toto OPI ri ayani. 15 Ondro ka'do nyà'dote oleako ruindune ndäri oko, dia ondro ono mìnji 'dise mìlebe ruindune rigye 'do, lui se zutui amiro kämätuyibe Mesopotamia ya iyi kode lui Amora'bai, se yau nyàbe ori wari na ya kwoi ro. Oko ma ndi katidri maro be, mìnduruna amaro OPI ri ayani.”
16 'Dooko lidri logotate ekye: “Ämäri OPI e'bene ago ruindune lui azaka ri i'do alona! 17 Tana OPI Lu amaro lofo ama ndi täpii amaro be teni a'do iyeäṛi ro Ezipeto ya yasi, ago màndre talaroro se cini nda koyebe ono te. Nda gaga ama te londroro aba cini amaro ya tu'dei se cini màbabe lakoigyesi kwoi lakosi. 18 OPI nja Amora'bai se cini koriyibe noŋwa ono te. Ta'dota mìnduruna amaro kpa OPI ri ayani; tana nda ni Lu amaro owo.”
19 Oko Yosua atate lidri ri ekye: “Mìnina ko ruindune OPI ri; tana nda orivoya Lu alokado yi. Nda orivoya Lu ya oko'ba yi, ago nda unina ko ami e'bene takozi amiro ta. 20 Ondro ka'do nyè'be nda te ago nyìndurute lui atrai ro ri, nda a'dona ndi kyilaro ami yibe ago ezana ami ndi. Nda tufuna ami ndi, kyeno nda koye takado gica ämiri ono owo.”
21 Oko lidri atate Yosua ri ekye: “Hwa! Mìnduruna amaro ndi OPI ri ayani.”
22 'Dooko Yosua atate ànyari ekye: “Nyèdretazevote ni andivo amiro lomvo anjioko endaro mìnjite ruindune OPI ri ayani.”
Ago ànya atayite ekye: “Owo, ama orivoya tazevoedre'bai.”
23 'Dooko nda atate ànyari ekye: “Ka'do inye, dia nyàna lui atrai ro se ami lako iyi, ago nyàka'da taoro amiro OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro ri.”
24 'Dooko lidri atate Yosua ri ekye: “Mìnduruna ndi OPI Lu amaro ri, ago màrona ota ndaro ndi.”
25 Ta'dota Yosua 'ba tao'baro te lidri be tu ana si, ago lau Sekeme ya nda ozo ota te ànyari ago ratate ànyari osone voigyè. 26 Ago Yosua egyi ta kwoi te buku Ota ro Lu roya. 'Dooko nda ru kuni 'desi te ago edrete ce vudi ro zele lau vo alokado OPI roya. 27 Yosua atate lidri cini ri ekye: “Mìndre kuni ono orivoya tazevoedre yi ama lomvo. Tana eri tase cini OPI katabe ämäri ono te. Ta'dota a'dona ndi tazevoedrero ami lomvo, ondro ka'do nyàte ogbo Lu amiro be owo.” 28 'Dooko Yosua 'ba lidri te oyine, ago 'dicini oyite wari modo ndaro roya.
Odra Yosua ndi Eleazara be ro
29 Ta kwoi vosi oko, Yosua ŋgwa Nuna ro ruindu'ba OPI ro drate, 'dooko ndroa ndaro te kama alo 'butealo (110). 30 Ànya seyi nda te wari modo ndaro roya se Timenata Sera ya 'bädri lutu ro Eperaima roya, ogone mä'dudri 'Bereŋwa Gasa roya.
31 Lidri Yisaraele ro induruyite OPI ri tuse cini Yosua be lidriidri ro ana si, ago odra ndaro vosi ànya uguyi oyena te inye tuse dri'bai se kondreyi ŋgase cini OPI koyebe Yisaraele ri bedri lidriidriro ana si.
32 Kowa Yosepa ro se lidri Yisaraele ro kezibe ni Ezipeto ya ana, asete Sekeme ya, gyini se gburuŋwa Yakoba kogyebe ni ŋgwàagoro Amora täpi Sekeme ro ro rigyesi tonyo mo'di ro kama alo (100) si ana ya. Wari ana a'dote drimbi ro zelevoi Yosepa ro ri.
33 Ago Eleazara ŋgwa Arona ro dra kpate; ago ase nda te Gibea ya, 'ba'desi se 'bädri lutu ro Eperaima roya se ozobe ŋgwa ndaro Finasa ri ana ya.