Joshua Sends Spies into Jericho
1 Then Joshua sent two spies from the camp at Acacia with orders to go and secretly explore the land of Canaan, especially the city of Jericho. When they came to the city, they went to spend the night in the house of a prostitute named Rahab. 2 The king of Jericho heard that some Israelites had come that night to spy out the country, 3 so he sent word to Rahab: “The men in your house have come to spy out the whole country! Bring them out!”
4-6 “Some men did come to my house,” she answered, “but I don't know where they were from. They left at sundown before the city gate was closed. I didn't find out where they were going, but if you start after them quickly, you can catch them.” (Now Rahab had taken the two spies up on the roof and hidden them under some stalks of flax that she had put there.) 7 The king's men left the city, and then the gate was shut. They went looking for the Israelite spies as far as the place where the road crosses the Jordan.
8 Before the spies settled down for the night, Rahab went up on the roof 9 and said to them, “I know that the Lord has given you this land. Everyone in the country is terrified of you. 10 We have heard how the Lord dried up the Red Sea in front of you when you were leaving Egypt. We have also heard how you killed Sihon and Og, the two Amorite kings east of the Jordan. 11 We were afraid as soon as we heard about it; we have all lost our courage because of you. The Lord your God is God in heaven above and here on earth. 12 Now swear by him that you will treat my family as kindly as I have treated you, and give me some sign that I can trust you. 13 Promise me that you will save my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all their families! Don't let us be killed!”
14 The men said to her, “May God take our lives if we don't do as we say! If you do not tell anyone what we have been doing, we promise you that when the Lord gives us this land, we will treat you well.”
15 Rahab lived in a house built into the city wall, so she let the men down from the window by a rope. 16 “Go into the hill country,” she said, “or the king's men will find you. Hide there for three days until they come back. After that, you can go on your way.”
17 The men said to her, “We will keep the promise that you have made us give. 18 This is what you must do. When we invade your land, tie this red cord to the window you let us down from. Get your father and mother, your brothers, and all your father's family together in your house. 19 If anyone goes out of the house, his death will be his own fault, and we will not be responsible; but if anyone in the house with you is harmed, then we will be responsible. 20 However, if you tell anyone what we have been doing, then we will not have to keep our promise which you have made us give you.” 21 She agreed and sent them away. When they had gone, she tied the red cord to the window.
22 The spies went into the hills and hid. The king's men looked for them all over the countryside for three days, but they did not find them, so they returned to Jericho. 23 Then the two spies came down from the hills, crossed the river, and went back to Joshua. They told him everything that had happened, 24 and then said, “We are sure that the Lord has given us the whole country. All the people there are terrified of us.”
Yosua ka Kamari'bai Ozona Yeriko ya
1 'Dooko Yosua ŋgwa Nuna ro zo kamari'bai ritu teni gawa se Sitimi ya ana yasi ndrwiro ago atate ekye: “Nyòyi wari Kanana ro marine, fondrana 'bakici Yeriko ro.” Ànya oyi yite 'bakici ana ya ago ànya u'duyite ŋgäkyi ana si zo ronyi'ba se äzibe Raba ana roya. 2 Ago iti ta te 'bädri'ba Yeriko ro ri ekye: “Lidri azaka Yisaraele ro esayite ŋgäkyibe noŋwa 'bädri marine.” 3 'Dooko 'bädri'ba Yeriko ro zo lazo te Raba ri ekye: “Nyolofo màno gi kikyi be mire ago kociyibe zo ya mirigä 'do tesi tana ànya ikyiyi 'bädri amaro marine!”
4 Oko toko ana ru lidri ritu kai te ro ago da'do ànya te. Nda atate ekye: “Màno azaka eciyi ndi zo ya noŋwa mare, oko mäni vose ànya kikyiyi ni kigyesi ko. 5 Ànya oyiyi ṛo kitu ocivoya teinye dri dereŋwa 'bakici ro oseako, ago mäni vose ànya koyiyibe kigye ko'de; mìso ànya vo ndrindri, mìtana vo ànyaro ndi.” 6 'Dooko Raba lutu Kamari'bai ritu kai te ṛo le kuru drî zo roya ago da'do ànya te pala se anya kodrobe zo dri ana ya. 7 Ago Lidri se 'bädri'ba kezobe kai uguyi kamari'bai Yisaraele ro kai uṛina te le liti se kabe oyi ozavo Golo Yaradene ro yasi ana ya. Ago ondro lidri se 'bädri'ba kezobe kai kofoyite oko dori ase dereŋwa 'bakici rote.
8 Teinye dri kamari'bai ri u'duako oko, Raba ŋga tute kuru ànyare zo dri. 9 Nda atate ànyari ekye: “Mäni ndi OPI ozo 'bädri ono te ämiri ago turi amiro so ama te. Lidri cini 'bädri ono ro te orivoya turiro ni ämiri. 10 Tana mèri tase OPI ko'ba Gyi'desi Okaro be osene ami mile tuse nyèfobe ni Ezipeto yasi ana si ana tana te ago mèri tase nyùtufu 'bädri'bai ritu Amora'bai ro, Siona ndi Ogo be, 'buzele Golo Yaradene ro yasi ana tana te. 11 Ondro mèri tase ono tana te oko, turi amiro so ama te, ago agoago 'dicini ro kyete. Tana OPI Lu amiro ni toto Lu se kuru vo'buyakuru ya ago vuru 'bädri ya owo. 12 Yauono dia nyä̀ṛuru märi ävuru Opi rosi ämiri ta oyene kadoro katidri maro ri oso maye ami be kadoro ono ronye. Ka'do inye nyòzo taka'daro aza märi mayi ta robe ami ya. 13 Mì'ba tao'ba märi anjioko mìpana täpi maro ndi endre maro be, ädrupii ndi endreŋwai maro be, ndi katidri cini ànyaro be ndi! Ago mì'ba äfu ama ko!”
14 Ndi màno se kai atayite anyari ekye: “Lu kuru adri amaro! Ondro ka'do nyiti tase meṛi be tana ro ono kote 'diaza alo ri, mà'ba tao'ba miri ondro OPI kozo wari ono te ämäri, màyena ta ndi 'diriro ago kadoro miri.”
15 'Dooko Raba lofo ànya te roṛi si vuru vouŋbo zo ro yasi, tana zo anyaro se anya koribe kigye ana abete tiṛi 'bakici ro ya. 16 Ago anya atate ànyari ekye: “Nyòyi 'bädri lutu ro ya, ukyi lidri se 'bädri'ba kozobe kai usu ami 'da. Nyàda'do ami lau u'duna nätu, madale ànya se kabe ami uṛi iyi kegoyi lutu kovole. 'Dooko mì'de gwo oyine liti amiro ya.”
17 Màno se kai atayite toko ana ri ekye: “Mà'dona ndi taenjiako tao'ba se mi'ba ama be o'bane ono ro, 18 ondro mìkyite wari amiro urune oko, nyembe iba okaro kote vouŋbo se nyolofo ama be kigyesi ono ya owo. Nyezi täpi miro ndi endre miro be, ädrupii miro ndi katidri cini miro be voaloya zo miro ya. 19 Ondro ka'do 'diaza kofote tesi ni zo miro yasi liti dri, 'dooko odra ndaro te taenji modo ndaro ro, ago 'do kote taenji amaro. Oko ondro ka'do aye 'diaza se koribe mibe zo ya 'do te koziro, 'dooko 'do a'dona te taenji amaro. 20 Ondro ka'do tase mìkyibe tana ro ono nyiti tana te 'diaza ri, 'dooko mä̀nina kote a'done taenji be tao'ba se mi'ba ama be o'bane miri ono ro.” 21 Ago Raba le tadrina te ago 'ba ànya te oyine. Ago ondro ànya koyiyite oko, anya embe iba okaro te vouŋbo ya.
22 Kamari'bai kai oyiyite ago da'doyi iyi te 'bädri lutu ro ya u'duna nätu. Ago lidri se 'bädri'ba kozobe kai ṛiyi ànya te liti cini ya si, caoko ànya usuyi Kamari'bai kote, ta'dota ànya goyite Yeriko ya. 23 'Dooko Kamari'bai se ritu kai efoyite ni lutuŋwai lakosi, ago zayidri golo rote, ago goyite kovole Yosua ŋgwa Nuna ro re. Ago ànya itiyi tase cini ka'dobe ana te ndäri, 24 ànya atayite ndäri ekye: “Endaro mä̀nite OPI ozo 'bädri se ana te cini ämäri; ago yauono lidri se kabe ori kigye te orivoya turituri ro ni ämäri.”