1 Can you catch Leviathan with a fishhook
or tie his tongue down with a rope?
2 Can you put a rope through his snout
or put a hook through his jaws?
3 Will he beg you to let him go?
Will he plead with you for mercy?
4 Will he make an agreement with you
and promise to serve you forever?
5 Will you tie him like a pet bird,
like something to amuse your servant women?
6 Will fishermen bargain over him?
Will merchants cut him up to sell?
7 Can you fill his hide with fishing spears
or pierce his head with a harpoon?
8 Touch him once and you'll never try it again;
you'll never forget the fight!

9 Anyone who sees Leviathan
loses courage and falls to the ground.
10 When he is aroused, he is fierce;
no one would dare to stand before him.
11 Who can attack him and still be safe?
No one in all the world can do it.

12 Let me tell you about Leviathan's legs
and describe how great and strong he is.
13 No one can tear off his outer coat
or pierce the armor he wears.
14 Who can make him open his jaws,
ringed with those terrifying teeth?
15 His back is made of rows of shields,
fastened together and hard as stone.
16 Each one is joined so tight to the next,
not even a breath can come between.
17 They all are fastened so firmly together
that nothing can ever pull them apart.
18 Light flashes when he sneezes,
and his eyes glow like the rising sun.
19 Flames blaze from his mouth,
and streams of sparks fly out.
20 Smoke comes pouring out of his nose,
like smoke from weeds burning under a pot.
21 His breath starts fires burning;
flames leap out of his mouth.
22 His neck is so powerful
that all who meet him are terrified.
23 There is not a weak spot in his skin;
it is as hard and unyielding as iron.
24 His stony heart is without fear,
as unyielding and hard as a millstone.
25 When he rises up, even the strongest are frightened;
they are helpless with fear.
26 There is no sword that can wound him;
no spear or arrow or lance that can harm him.
27 For him iron is as flimsy as straw,
and bronze as soft as rotten wood.
28 There is no arrow that can make him run;
rocks thrown at him are like bits of straw.
29 To him a club is a piece of straw,
and he laughs when men throw spears.
30 The scales on his belly are like jagged pieces of pottery;
they tear up the muddy ground like a threshing sledge.
31 He churns up the sea like boiling water
and makes it bubble like a pot of oil.
32 He leaves a shining path behind him
and turns the sea to white foam.
33 There is nothing on earth to compare with him;
he is a creature that has no fear.
34 He looks down on even the proudest animals;
he is king of all wild beasts.
1 Inye'do minina gi'da äkpuruku ewene moŋgo ti'bi rosi
kode ladra ndaro embene iba siya?
2 Minina gi'da iba osone äbi konvo ndaro yasi,
kode misona moŋgo gi'da äbi käŋbä ndaro yasi ya?
3 Inye'do nda lo'bana ru gi'da miri ta yauni rota ya?
Inye'do nda atana ndi miri ata liya si ya?
4 Inye'do nda o'bana tao'ba ndi mibe
ruindune miri äduako ya?
5 Inye'do nyojina gi'da nda be oso ari be ronye
ago nyembena nda gi'da uguza ruindu'ba ndiriŋwa ro miro riya?
6 Inye'do ŋgalogye'bai dilina kala ndi driigye ya?
Inye'do ŋgalogye'bai lewenayi iza na ndi ànya voya ya?
7 Minina gindi kyini ndaro u'dine ägyu rokyi si
kode mi'dina drî ndaro ndi ägyu piti siya?
8 Mido drì miro bete nda lomvo;
minina ko ta kyila na ro ijene alona;
ago minina ko ogo delene alona!

9 'Diaza ni ko äkpuruku opene ṛe
'dise kondrete turi na ovona 'dina 'do ṛo vuru.
10 'Diaza i'do agoago be nda terone kyilaro.
'Diaza unina ko edrene nda mile.
11 A'di ozo ŋgaaza ni märi,
märi vona logone ndari ni ya?
Ŋgase cini 'bädri ya orivoya maro.

12 Mi'ba miti ta miṛi äkpuruku ro tana te miri
ago mepepe mbara ndaro ndi beti kado ndaro be tana te.
13 A'di unina ni kyini diṛiŋba ndaro onane ya?
A'di unina ni kyiri nda lomvosi 'do oṛone äbi ya?
14 A'di unina ni käŋbä ndaro upine ya?
Si ndaro ka turi oso lidri ya.
15 Ede kundu ndaro te ŋga ruotaro si,
odro'bete troalo kpakyi;
16 Ikicu vona cini te akpe azi lomvo,
ca oli ni ko ofone lakolena yasi.
17 Odro'be ànya cini te azi be kpakyi
ago ŋga aza ni kote tokyene.
18 Nda kosi konvo te ŋgaeyi leko dori,
ago mi ndaro ka voeyi oso kitu kabe itu ronye.
19 Asilele ka efo ni kala ndaro yasi,
ago asi na ka oye nyanya.
20 Kätu ka efo konvo ndaro yasi,
oso kätu kabe ofo ni lakaza zelesi 'do ronye.
21 Lawa ndaro ka asi leru;
ago leko asi ro ka efo ni nda kalasi.
22 Kyembe ndaro orivoya ceregwo
ago ka turi oso 'di cini ya.
23 Iza lomvo ndaro ro orivoya diṛiŋba ro;
a'dote ṛatararo ago kulutu, olovona rritiro.
24 Ya ndaro ŋgyi tawi oso kuni ronye,
ago ṛatara oso kuni ŋga uyiro ronye.
25 Ondro nda kate oŋga kuru, ca 'dise mbarabe ndra iyi a'doyite turiro;
ànya muyite ni turi ri.
26 Ogota nda ca bando si bando aza unina ko nda ogane äträ;
ca äzu, kode ätu kode ŋga kyilaro aza ni ko nda oyene koziro.
27 Ŋbiṛi a'dote ndäri 'biyoŋwa ro oso kyekyepa ronye,
ago atala a'dote oso ice momoro ronye.
28 Ätu aza ni ko nda o'bane umune;
kuniŋwà se abe nda ovo sina a'dote oso turu ronye.
29 Dofo a'dote ndäri oso kyekyepa ronye,
ago lidri kate äzu cariro u'di nda dri oko nda ka uguna ṛo ugu.
30 Kyiri ya ndaro ro oso kagyi kyaka'daro ronye;
ànya ka gyini se koro ro yana ufuna oso udina kyidi si.
31 Nda ka ya gyi'desi ro kanda oso gyi usiusiro lakaza ya ronye
ago 'bate usine ŋgoye ŋgoye oso ido lakaza ya ronye.
32 Nda ka luri e'be vole ndaro ya;
ago kamo ŋgate turu gyi'desi dri.
33 Ŋga aza i'do 'bädri ya ojone nda be;
nda orivoya ŋga lidriidriro se kuturi ko yi.
34 Nda ka voondre vuru koronyai se driuŋgyiuŋgyiro dri;
nda orivoya 'bädri'ba koronyai cini vocowaro ro.