Babylon's Capture
1 This is the message that the Lord gave me about the city of Babylon and its people:
2 “Tell the news to the nations! Proclaim it!
Give the signal and announce the news!
Do not keep it a secret!
Babylon has fallen!
Her god Marduk has been shattered!
Babylon's idols are put to shame;
her disgusting images are crushed!
3 “A nation from the north has come to attack Babylonia and will make it a desert. People and animals will run away, and no one will live there.”
Israel's Return
4 The Lord says, “When that time comes, the people of both Israel and Judah will come weeping, looking for me, their God. 5 They will ask the way to Zion and then go in that direction. They will make an eternal covenant with me and never break it.
6 “My people are like sheep whose shepherds have let them get lost in the mountains. They have wandered like sheep from one mountain to another, and they have forgotten where their home is. 7 They are attacked by all who find them. Their enemies say, ‘They sinned against the Lord, and so what we have done is not wrong. Their ancestors trusted in the Lord, and they themselves should have remained faithful to him.’
8 “People of Israel, run away from Babylonia! Leave the country! Be the first to leave! 9 I am going to stir up a group of strong nations in the north and make them attack Babylonia. They will line up in battle against the country and conquer it. They are skillful hunters, shooting arrows that never miss the mark. 10 Babylonia will be looted, and those who loot it will take everything they want. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
Babylon's Fall
11 The Lord says, “People of Babylonia, you plundered my nation. You are happy and glad, going about like a cow threshing grain or like a neighing horse, 12 but your own great city will be humiliated and disgraced. Babylonia will be the least important nation of all; it will become a dry and waterless desert. 13 Because of my anger no one will live in Babylon; it will be left in ruins, and all who pass by will be shocked and amazed.
14 “Archers, line up for battle against Babylon and surround it. Shoot all your arrows at Babylon, because it has sinned against me, the Lord. 15 Raise the war cry all around the city! Now Babylon has surrendered. Its walls have been broken through and torn down. I am taking my revenge on the Babylonians. So take your revenge on them, and treat them as they have treated others. 16 Do not let seeds be planted in that country nor let a harvest be gathered. Every foreigner living there will be afraid of the attacking army and will go back home.”
Israel's Return
17 The Lord says, “The people of Israel are like sheep, chased and scattered by lions. First, they were attacked by the emperor of Assyria, and then King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia gnawed on their bones. 18 Because of this, I, the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, will punish King Nebuchadnezzar and his country, just as I punished the emperor of Assyria. 19 I will restore the people of Israel to their land. They will eat the food that grows on Mount Carmel and in the region of Bashan, and they will eat all they want of the crops that grow in the territories of Ephraim and Gilead. 20 When that time comes, no sin will be found in Israel and no wickedness in Judah, because I will forgive those people whose lives I have spared. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
God's Judgment on Babylonia
21 The Lord says, “Attack the people of Merathaim and of Pekod. Kill and destroy them. Do everything I command you. I, the Lord, have spoken. 22 The noise of battle is heard in the land, and there is great destruction. 23 Babylonia hammered the whole world to pieces, and now that hammer is shattered! All the nations are shocked at what has happened to that country. 24 Babylonia, you fought against me, and you have been caught in the trap I set for you, even though you did not know it. 25 I have opened the place where my weapons are stored, and in my anger I have taken them out, because I, the Sovereign Lord Almighty, have work to do in Babylonia. 26 Attack it from every side and break open the places where its grain is stored! Pile up the loot like piles of grain! Destroy the country! Leave nothing at all! 27 Kill all their soldiers! Slaughter them! The people of Babylonia are doomed! The time has come for them to be punished!”
( 28 Refugees escape from Babylonia and come to Jerusalem, and they tell how the Lord our God took revenge for what the Babylonians had done to his Temple.)
29 “Tell the archers to attack Babylon. Send out everyone who knows how to use the bow and arrow. Surround the city and don't let anyone escape. Pay it back for all it has done, and treat it as it has treated others, because it acted with pride against me, the Holy One of Israel. 30 So its young men will be killed in the city streets, and all its soldiers will be destroyed on that day. I, the Lord, have spoken.
31 “Babylonia, you are filled with pride, so I, the Sovereign Lord Almighty, am against you! The time has come for me to punish you. 32 Your proud nation will stumble and fall, and no one will help you up. I will set your cities on fire, and everything around will be destroyed.”
33 The Lord Almighty says, “The people of Israel and of Judah are oppressed. All who captured them are guarding them closely and will not let them go. 34 But the one who will rescue them is strong—his name is the Lord Almighty. He himself will take up their cause and will bring peace to the earth, but trouble to the people of Babylonia.”
35 The Lord says,
“Death to Babylonia!
Death to its people,
to its rulers, to its people of wisdom.
36 Death to its lying prophets—
what fools they are!
Death to its soldiers—
how terrified they are!
37 Destroy its horses and chariots!
Death to its hired soldiers—
how weak they are!
Destroy its treasures;
plunder and loot.
38 Bring a drought on its land
and dry up its rivers.
Babylonia is a land of terrifying idols
that have made fools of the people.
39 “And so Babylon will be haunted by demons and evil spirits, and by unclean birds. Never again will people live there, not for all time to come. 40 The same thing will happen to Babylon that happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, when I destroyed them and the nearby towns. No one will ever live there again. I, the Lord, have spoken.
41 “People are coming from a country in the north,
a mighty nation far away;
many kings are preparing for war.
42 They have taken their bows and swords;
they are cruel and merciless.
They sound like the roaring sea,
as they ride their horses.
They are ready for battle against Babylonia.
43 The king of Babylonia hears the news,
and his hands hang limp.
He is seized by anguish,
by pain like a woman in labor.
44 “Like a lion coming out of the thick woods along the Jordan up to the green pasture land, I, the Lord, will come and make the Babylonians run away suddenly from their city. Then the leader I choose will rule the nation. Who can be compared to me? Who would dare challenge me? What ruler could oppose me? 45 So listen to the plan that I have made against the city of Babylon and to what I intend to do to its people. Even their children will be dragged off, and everyone will be horrified. 46 When Babylon falls, there will be such a noise that the entire earth will shake, and the cries of alarm will be heard by the other nations.”
Uru Babelona ro
1 Ono ni ta se OPI katabe ma Yeremaya ri ta wari Babelona ro rota ndi lidri na be owo ekye:
2 “Mipe lazo tu'dei ri! Nyayo tana!
Nyeŋga bere ago nyayo lazona!
Nyada'do tana ko, ago nyayo mikye:
‘Babelona 'dete!
Epere lu anyaro Mareduka te riya!
A'ba lui edeedero Babelona ro te driupiro,
ago oronyo beti lui edeedero anyaro te!’
3 “Tu'de aza ikyite ni mä'dudrisi Babelona gotane se o'bana 'da a'done tandro ro ago 'diaza unina kote orine lau. Lidri ndi koronyai be umunayi 'da.”
Ego Yisaraele'bai ro
4 OPI ka ata ekye: “Ondro tu ana kesate oko, lidri Yisaraele ro ndi Yuda robe ikyinayi 'da ezi liyi be, ago ugu ma OPI Lu ànyaro uṛibe. 5 Ànya ejinayi liti se kabe oyi Zaiona ya tana 'da 'dooko oyinayi 'da kigyero atabe ekye: ‘Nyìkyi mi'de ma'ba tao'baro äduako OPI be, se tana unina ko ujene alona.’
6 “Lidri maro labate oso timele se kujebe se lekye'ba nai ko'babe ujene di 'bereŋwai lako 'do ronye. Ànya abayite wayiro, ago ànya ijeyi ta vose 'ba ànyaro be kigye ana rote. 7 Ŋgase cini kabe ànya usu iyi gotayi ànya te. Kyila'baazii ànyaro kayi ata ekye: ‘Ama ko taenjibe, tana ànya yeyi takozi te OPI se ni lolivo anyaro ri, OPI se zutui ànyaro yiyi tabe kigye 'do.’
8 “Mìmu ni Babelona'bai ri, ni wari ànyaro yasi, ami lidri Yisaraele ro, nyà'do tegoi ronye o'dene käti! 9 Tana ma oye ya gboko tu'dei se mbaraekye iyi ro eŋgane ni mä'dudrisi ikyine Babelona gotane. Ànya oraruna 'da gyeree, oyenayi kyila 'da ago openayi 'da ṛe. Ànya orivoya äṛigo'bai kyila'bai taunièkye yi, 'boyi ätu ko ta vuru. 10 Otopana ŋga Babelona ro 'da, ago ànya se kotopayibe iyi urunayi ŋgase cini ànya koleyibe iyi 'da. Ma OPI, matani.”
O'de Babelona ro
11 OPI ka ata ekye: “Ami lidri Babelona ro, nyòtopa ŋga tu'de maro rote. Nyà'do ca orivoya riyä ro ago yai'dwesi, nyà ca ugu aba oso ti se kabe inya oto kode farasi kabe ugu aba liyi be 'do ronye, 12 oko ologona 'bakici 'desi amiro 'da vuru ago a'bana 'da driupiro. Babelona a'dona 'da tipari tu'dei cini lako; a'dona 'da vocowa gyiako ro ago vorri siŋgwa ro ro. 13 'Diaza unina ko orine Babelona ya ni kyila maro ri; oko a'dona 'da tandro ro, ago vona se cini kabe lävu lomvoigyesi a'donayi 'da lä'bilä'biro ago larolaroro tana ro.
14 “Ami kusu'bai, mìra ami gbikyi kyila oyene Babelona be. Nyèwe Kusui amiro ago mi'bo ätui cini amiro Babelona dri, tana anya ye takozi te ma, OPI ri. 15 Mìtre otre kyila ro gbikyi Babelona lomvosi! Yauono anya ozovote. Tiṛii anyaro 'de te ago eperete riya vuru. Ma OPI, ma votaro logona Babelona ri. Ta'dota nyòlogo votaro anyari, ago mìye ànya oso se ànya koye ami be ronye. 16 Mì'ba ikyi'di ŋga ko 'bädri ana ya ago alo ŋga jalia ro ko. Tana ni turi kyila'baazii ro ri mi'ba 'dicini lau ana kogo ri 'bäru, 'dicini kumu tesi wari modo iro ya.”
Ego Yisaraele'bai ro
17 OPI ka ata ekye: “Lidri Yisaraele ro labayi oso timele, se ibi kabe lanjana kepererube 'do ronye. Käti ono, 'bädri'ba Asaria ro gota ànya te, ago äduro yauono Nebukadenezara 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro tosi kowa ànyaro te. 18 Ta'dota ma, OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro, mezana 'Bädri'ba Nebukadenezara ndi 'bädri ndaro be 'da, kpa oso meza 'bädri'ba Asaria robe ronye. 19 Mago mologona lidri Yisaraele ro 'da wari ànyaro ya. Ànya onyanayi ŋgaonya se kabe omba 'Bereŋwa Karemela dri ndi wari Basana roya ana be 'da, ago ŋgase cini ànya koleyibe se kabe omba wari Eperaima ro ndi Gilada robe ya 'do ojona ànya ndi. 20 Ondro tu ana kesate oko, äṛina taenji Yisaraele ro 'da, oko änina kote usune. Ago äṛina takozi Yuda ro 'da oko änina kote usune; tana me'bena lidri se mapa adri ànyaro be kwoi 'da ta takozi rota. Ma OPI, matani.”
Vure Lu ro Babelona'bai lomvo
21 OPI ka ata ekye: “Nyògota lidri Merataima ro ndi lidri Pekoda robe. Nyòtola ago nyùtufu ànya kpeye. Mìye ŋgase cini mozo ota na be ämiri oyene 'do. Ma OPI matani. 22 Eri kporo kyila oyero te wari ana ya ndi ŋgatufu koziropara be. 23 Sedri Babelona pe 'bädri cini te ṛe, oko yauono ape ago epere mbara ndaro te riya! Tu'dei cini a'doyite lä'bilä'biro ni ta tase ka'dobe Babelona ri ana rota. 24 Babelona, mi'be abari te miri, ago mi'dete, oko mini tana kote. Usu mi te ago äru mite, tana nyogbote ma OPI be. 25 Vose madro ŋga kyilaro maro be kigye ono mäpi kalana te, ago molofo ŋga kyilaro maro kyila oyero te tesi, tana ma, OPI Mbarapara se Mbaraekye ono, ma orivoya losi be oyene wari Babelona ro ya. 26 Nyògota anya lamadri cini yasi ago mipi kala kyiro inya ro ro uŋbo! Midrokala ŋgase otopabe iyi ro oso abe kala inya ro odrona 'do ronye! Nyepere 'bädri 'do kpeye! Cu nye'be ŋga aza ko! 27 Nyutufu kyila'bai ànyaro kpeye! Nyotola ànya! Lidri Babelona ro te kandrakozi be! Tana tu esate ànya ezaza!”
28 (Nyèri voopa'bai kayi umu ni Babelona yasi ta ayone Zaiona ya, tase OPI Lu amaro ko'debe votaro logone ta tase Babelona'bai koyeyibe Yekalu ndaro ri ana rota.)
29 “Nyàta kusu'bai ri Babelona gotane, 'dicini se kuniyi ŋgau'bo be kusu si ago ätu si iyi. Mìmudri 'bakici ana ro gbikyi ago mì'ba 'diaza kopavo ko. Nyòlogovo tase cini ànya koyebe 'do ro, ago mìye ta rigye oso koye ta be azii ri ronye, tana anya yetate driuŋgyi si ma, Se alokado Yisaraele ro ono ri. 30 Ta'dota utufuna agoànji anyaro 'da litiŋwai 'bakici ro drisi, ago utufuna kyila'bai cini anyaro 'da tu gi ana si. Ma OPI, matani.
31 “Babelona, mi orivoya twi driuŋgyi be, ta'doro ma, OPI Lu Mbaraekye ono, ma orivoya kyilaro mibe! Tana tu esate märi mi ezaza. 32 Tu'de se driuŋgyiekye miro ono lapana 'da ago o'dena 'da, ago 'diaza unina ko eŋgane kuru, Masona asi 'da 'bakicii miro drisi, ago ozana ŋga cini se gbikyi lomvoigyesi iyi 'da.”
33 OPI Mbaraekye ka ata ekye: “Ate lidri Yisaraele ro ndi Yuda robe ezana. Vona cini se kuruyi ànya be kamba'bai ro iyi kayite ànya gaga ago e'beyi ànya kote oyine. 34 Oko Driute'ba ànyaro orivoya mbara be, ävuru ndaro ni OPI Mbaraekye. Nda andivona ondrena vo ànyaro 'da ago ezina taliatokpe 'da 'bädri ya, oko ezina rriti 'da lidri Babelona ro dri.”
35 Opi ka ata ekye:
“Odra orivoya Babelona ri!
Odra orivoya lidri na ri,
dri'bai na ri, ago lidri na se tavouni be iyi ri.
36 Odra orivoya nebii se koweoga'bai ro iyi ri, tana ànya orivoya amaamaro!
Odra orivoya kyila'bai ànyaro ri,
tana ànya ka'doyi robe turituriro amba!
37 Nyùtufu farasii ànyaro ago nyòtoŋgo arabia kyila ro ànyaro!
Odra orivoya kyila'bai ànyaro se agyebe päläti si iyi ri,
tana ànya ka'do robe mbaraako!
Nyèpere lakaza ànyaro;
tana otopa robe.
38 Mì'ba 'bu kori u'diako wari ànyaro ya
tana goloi ànyaro kose robe gbe.
Babelona orivoya wari se lui edeedero be owo,
se ka lidri o'ba a'done amaamaro.
39 “Tana ta'doro koronyai vocowa ro, muyii ndi aricoro yibe ago orinayi teni Babelona ya. Lidri ri ogo orine lau te i'do tona, ca tuse cini kabe oye ikyine mileya iyi ya. 40 Oso mepere Sodomo ndi Gomora be ndi 'ba'desii se lototi kai be ana ronye, mayena kpa inye ayani Babelona ri. 'Diaza ri ogo orine kpa to'dina lau te i'do alona ca toto fere. Ma, OPI, matani.”
41 “Lidri ka eziikyi ni mä'dudrisi,
tu'de se mbaraekye ana;
'bädri'bai amba kayi ruede 'bädri lozo yasi kyila oyene.
42 Ànya ruyi kusui ànyaro ndi äzui ànyaro be te;
ànya orivoya siomba be ago yauniako.
Kporo ànyaro orivoya oso udi gyi'desi ro ronye;
ànya kayi lämu farasii si,
nja kyila oyene lidri Babelona ro be.
43 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro keri tana te oko,
drìi ndaro drate nyaṛo.
Lomvoluwu ru nda te,
luwuna te oso toko se kabe uti 'do ronye.

44 “Mefona 'da oso ibi kabe efo ni ice coko Yaradene kalasi yasi kabe oyi le wari se lowo luru be ya 'do ronye, ago ma'bana Babelona'bai 'da umune ndrinwa ni wari ànyaro yasi. 'Dooko dri'ba se mabe onjina 'do mirina tu'de ana 'da. A'di ojona yi ni mabe ya? A'di otona ozi ni mabe ya? 'Dimiri'ba eŋwani edrena ni ŋbi mamile ya? 45 Ka'do inye nyeri ta se marabe Babelona lomvo ono ro ndi tase malebe oyene lidri na ri ono. Ca ŋgàga ànyaro orona 'da di, ago 'dicini landrena 'da turiro ŋgakozi se kabe a'do ànyari ana ta. 46 Kporo o'de Babelona ro o'bana 'bädri cini 'da rukandane, ago erina totrena 'da tu'dei cini lako.”