1 On that day the Lord will use his powerful and deadly sword to punish Leviathan, that wriggling, twisting dragon, and to kill the monster that lives in the sea.
2 On that day the Lord will say of his pleasant vineyard, 3 “I watch over it and water it continually. I guard it night and day so that no one will harm it. 4 I am no longer angry with the vineyard. If there were thorns and briers to fight against, I would burn them up completely. 5 But if the enemies of my people want my protection, let them make peace with me. Yes, let them make peace with me.”
6 In the days to come the people of Israel, the descendants of Jacob, will take root like a tree, and they will blossom and bud. The earth will be covered with the fruit they produce.
7 Israel has not been punished by the Lord as severely as its enemies nor lost as many people. 8 The Lord punished his people by sending them into exile. He took them away with a cruel wind from the east. 9 But Israel's sins will be forgiven only when the stones of pagan altars are ground up like chalk, and no more incense altars or symbols of the goddess Asherah are left.
10 The fortified city lies in ruins. It is deserted like an empty wilderness. It has become a pasture for cattle, where they can rest and graze. 11 The branches of the trees are withered and broken, and women gather them for firewood. Because the people have understood nothing, God their Creator will not pity them or show them any mercy.
12 On that day, from the Euphrates to the Egyptian border, the Lord will gather his people one by one, as threshing separates the wheat from the chaff.
13 When that day comes, a trumpet will be blown to call back from Assyria and Egypt all the Israelites who are in exile there. They will come and worship the Lord in Jerusalem, on his sacred hill.
1 Tu gi ana si OPI oyena losi 'da bando ṛatararo, 'desi ago kozipara ndaro si äkpuruku ezaza, ndilo se rubaṛibaṛiro, ruopaoparo ana, ago igyi'daŋgo se kabe ori gyi'desi ya ana ufuzana.
2 Tu gi ana si OPI atana ta ämvu kono ro se kadopara ana ro 'da ekye: 3 “Ma OPI ma vona ondrena ago ma gyi loda driigye 'duro. Ma lomvona okwana ŋgäkyi si ago kitu si ukyi 'diaza oye 'da koziro. 4 Ma ko kyilaro ämvu kono ro ono be. Aba ondro ka'do kukyi ndi ŋgäṛiŋgofo be ka'dogwo kyila oyene mabe, mayena kyila ndi ànya be ago mazana ànya ndi kpeye. 5 Oko ondro ka'do kyila'baazii lidri maro ro koleyite ŋgagaga maro, 'dooko mi'ba ànya ko'bayi taliatokpe mabe. Owo mi'ba ànya ko'bayi taliatokpe mabe.”
6 Tuse kabe ikyi kai ya lidri Yisaraele ro, zelevoi Yakoba ro, oranayi paji 'da, ànya o'donayi 'da ago oronayi 'da, ago doŋgo se ànya kabe owana ondena 'bädri ndi kpeye.
7 OPI eza Yisaraele kote pari oso kyila'baazii anyaro ronye, ca tufu anya kote oso lidri se kolebe ànya tufune ronye. 8 OPI eza lidri ndaro te ànya ozo si midiro. Nda ŋgyi ànya te oli se siombaekye ni 'buzelesi ana si. 9 Oko e'bena Yisaraele 'da ta takozi rota, ago e'bena ànya 'da ta takozi ànyaro rota oso nonye: ondro kado ànya kuyiyi kuri vo tori oloro lu awi ri te foda oso piri ronye, ago vo ŋga ŋgutruro ozaro kode beti lu tokoro Asera ro ka'dote i'do owo.
10 'Bakici se tiṛi ṛatararo be ono te tandro ro. E'be vose oriro te awi oso vocowa ronye. Tii kate käyi onya lau, a'dote vo loliro ago ŋgaonya ro ànyaro. 11 Ondro gwoṛii ice na ro kowite ago kalaŋgote oko, ago 'ditoko ka otona tiza ro. Tana lidri ono ni ta aza ko cu, ta'doro Lu O'ba'ba ànyaro unina ko a'done tusuro ta ànyaro ta ndase ko'ba ànya ni ono unina ko a'done yauni be ànyari.
12 Tu gi ana si, OPI otona kala lidri ndaro Yisaraele ro'da ba alo alo, ni Eferata yasi le kishwedri Ezipeto be ya, oso 'dise kabe kyifo kyeye ni kurumu na yasi 'do ronye.
13 Ondro tu ana kesate oko, avona cekuṛe 'desi 'da Yisaraele'bai se cini midiro Asaria ndi Ezipeto be ya kai uzizana kovole. Ànya ikyinayi 'da ago mätunayi OPI 'da Yerusalema ya, lutu alokado ndaro dri.