The Great Salvation
1 That is why we must hold on all the more firmly to the truths we have heard, so that we will not be carried away. 2 The message given to our ancestors by the angels was shown to be true, and those who did not follow it or obey it received the punishment they deserved. 3 How, then, shall we escape if we pay no attention to such a great salvation? The Lord himself first announced this salvation, and those who heard him proved to us that it is true. 4 At the same time God added his witness to theirs by performing all kinds of miracles and wonders and by distributing the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to his will.
The One Who Leads Us to Salvation
5 God has not placed the angels as rulers over the new world to come—the world of which we speak. 6 Instead, as it is said somewhere in the Scriptures:
“What are human beings, O God, that you should think of them;
mere human beings, that you should care for them?
7 You made them for a little while lower than the angels;
you crowned them with glory and honor,
8 and made them rulers over all things.”
It says that God made them “rulers over all things”; this clearly includes everything. We do not, however, see human beings ruling over all things now. 9 But we do see Jesus, who for a little while was made lower than the angels, so that through God's grace he should die for everyone. We see him now crowned with glory and honor because of the death he suffered. 10 It was only right that God, who creates and preserves all things, should make Jesus perfect through suffering, in order to bring many children to share his glory. For Jesus is the one who leads them to salvation.
11 He purifies people from their sins, and both he and those who are made pure all have the same Father. That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call them his family. 12 He says to God,
“I will tell my people what you have done;
I will praise you in their meeting.”
13 He also says, “I will put my trust in God.” And he also says, “Here I am with the children that God has given me.”
14 Since the children, as he calls them, are people of flesh and blood, Jesus himself became like them and shared their human nature. He did this so that through his death he might destroy the Devil, who has the power over death, 15 and in this way set free those who were slaves all their lives because of their fear of death. 16 For it is clear that it is not the angels that he helps. Instead, he helps the descendants of Abraham. 17 This means that he had to become like his people in every way, in order to be their faithful and merciful High Priest in his service to God, so that the people's sins would be forgiven. 18 And now he can help those who are tempted, because he himself was tempted and suffered.
Ŋgaoparo 'Desi
1 Ta'doro beṛo ämäri taŋgye se cini mèri tana te ana ätine anda, ukyi mà'do'da ruonaonaro ni kigyesi. 2 Lazo se ozote zutui amaro ri malaikai si aka'date endaro, ago 'diaza se koso kote voigye kode koro anya kote usuna taezaro se sindi usune ndäri ndi. 3 Ka'do inye, màpanavo 'bo eŋwanye ondro ka'do màgabi kote ŋgaoparo se para ono tana erine ya? Opi andivo ndaro ayota ŋgaoparo se para ono rote ṛo käti, ago ànya se keriyi nda te ka'dayite ämäri anjioko ànya orivoya endaro. 4 Ago tuna gialo ono ya Lu loci tazevoedre ndaro ànyari ya te ugu talaro ro amba ndi rubä be oye si ago ugu ŋgapäṛi Tori Alokado ro ozo si oso ole ndaro ronye.
Nda se Kabe ni Ama Ugu Ŋgaoparo re
5 Lu 'ba malaikai kote 'dimiri'bai ro 'bädri se to'di kabe ikyi ana dri, 'bädri se mabe tana opena ono. 6 Oko, oso atate orivoya vo aza ya taegyi ya ronye ekye:
“Lidri 'bo e'diyi ya, Äye Lu, miri ta ndaro usune;
se toto lidri yi ono miri tana otine ya?
7 Mi'ba nda te giṛiŋwa tipari ni malaikai ri;
miso 'desi te nda dri ndi taoro be,
8 mi'ba nda te dri'ba ŋga cini ro.”
Atate ekye Lu 'ba lidri ni, “ŋgacini miri'ba ro”, ono ṛo orivoya ŋbelero dro'be vona cini. Caoko, màndre lidri kote ugu ŋgacini miri voya yau. 9 Oko màndre Yesu ndi se ologote giṛiŋwa ondro a'bate pari vuru tipari ni malaikai ri owo, tana tai'dwero Lu rosi nda kodra robe 'dicini ta. Màndre be yauono aso 'desi ndi taoro be te nda dri ta odra se nda kezarube ana rosi. 10 Lu toto ni ŋgye, se kani ŋga o'ba ago kani ŋga cini äti, 'ba Yesu ni ŋgye ugu rueza si, tana ŋgwà amba eziza 'desi ndaro la'done. Tana Yesu ni 'dise kabe ànya ugu ŋgaopa re owo.
11 Yesu kani lidri wäṛi ni takozii ànyaro risi, ago nda ndi riti ànya se a'bate wäṛiro be vona cini te Täpi alo be. 'Do ni tase Yesu 'debe kote a'done driupiro ànya uzine ädrupii ndaro owo. 12 Nda ka ata Lu ri ekye:
“Mitina tase miyebe ono tana 'da ädrupii maro ri;
märäṛuna mi 'da kalakoto ànyaro ya.”
13 Nda ka kpa ata ekye: “Mayina ta maro 'da Lu ya.” Ago nda ka kpa ata ekye: “Noŋwa ono ma orivoya ŋgwai se Lu kozobe märi be.”
14 Tana ànya ṛote ŋgwai oso Lu kabe ànya uzi ronye, ànya orivoya lidri iza be yi ndi kari be, Yesu andivo a'dote ànya ronye ago la'do a'do lidri ro ànyaro te. Nda ye ta ono te tana odra ndaro si nda kepere Kicu'ba, se mbara odra ro robe ro, 15 ago oyena inye si nda 'ba ànya se orivoya iyeäṛi ro ori cini ànyaro ya ta turi ànyaro rosi ni odra ri te dritai ro. 16 Tana ṛo orivoya ŋbelero anjioko nda ka ko malaikai opana ayani. Oko, oso Taegyi kabe ata ronye ekye: “Nda kani zelevoi Abarayama ro opana.” 17 'Do takacina anjioko nda a'dote oso ädrupii ndaro ronye liti cini yasi, tana nda ka'do robe Kohani Fopara ànyaro ro 'diri ndi yauni be ruindu ndaro Lu ri ya, tana takozii lidri ro ka'do robe e'bee'be ro. 18 Ago yauono nda unina ndi ànya se ojo tana te opane, tana nda andivona ojo tana te ago ezarute.