Emperor Cyrus' Order Is Rediscovered
1 So Emperor Darius issued orders for a search to be made in the royal records that were kept in Babylon. 2 But it was in the city of Ecbatana in the province of Media that a scroll was found, containing the following record:
3 “In the first year of his reign Emperor Cyrus commanded that the Temple in Jerusalem be rebuilt as a place where sacrifices are made and offerings are burned. The Temple is to be ninety feet high and ninety feet wide. 4 The walls are to be built with one layer of wood on top of each three layers of stone. All expenses are to be paid by the royal treasury. 5 Also the gold and silver utensils which King Nebuchadnezzar brought to Babylon from the Temple in Jerusalem are to be returned to their proper place in the Jerusalem Temple.”
Emperor Darius Orders the Work to Continue
6 Then Emperor Darius sent the following reply:
“To Tattenai, governor of West-of-Euphrates, Shethar Bozenai, and your fellow officials in West-of-Euphrates.
“Stay away from the Temple 7 and do not interfere with its construction. Let the governor of Judah and the Jewish leaders rebuild the Temple of God where it stood before. 8 I hereby command you to help them rebuild it. Their expenses are to be paid promptly out of the royal funds received from taxes in West-of-Euphrates, so that the work is not interrupted. 9 Day by day, without fail, you are to give the priests in Jerusalem whatever they tell you they need: young bulls, sheep, or lambs to be burned as offerings to the God of Heaven, or wheat, salt, wine, or olive oil. 10 This is to be done so that they can offer sacrifices that are acceptable to the God of Heaven and pray for his blessing on me and my sons. 11 I further command that if any disobey this order, a wooden beam is to be torn out of their houses, sharpened on one end, and then driven through their bodies. And their houses are to be made a rubbish heap. 12 May the God who chose Jerusalem as the place where he is to be worshiped overthrow any king or nation that defies this command and tries to destroy the Temple there. I, Darius, have commanded. My command is to be fully obeyed.”
The Temple Is Dedicated
13 Then Governor Tattenai, Shethar Bozenai, and their fellow officials did exactly as the emperor had commanded. 14 The Jewish leaders made good progress with the building of the Temple, encouraged by the prophets Haggai and Zechariah. They completed the Temple as they had been commanded by the God of Israel and by Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes, emperors of Persia. 15 They finished the Temple on the third day of the month Adar in the sixth year of the reign of Emperor Darius. 16 Then the people of Israel—the priests, the Levites, and all the others who had returned from exile—joyfully dedicated the Temple. 17 For the dedication they offered 100 bulls, 200 sheep, and 400 lambs as sacrifices, and 12 goats as offerings for sin, one for each tribe of Israel. 18 They also organized the priests and the Levites for the Temple services in Jerusalem, according to the instructions contained in the book of Moses.
The Passover
19 The people who had returned from exile celebrated Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month of the following year. 20 All the priests and the Levites had purified themselves and were ritually clean. The Levites killed the animals for the Passover sacrifices for all the people who had returned, for the priests, and for themselves. 21 The sacrifices were eaten by all the Israelites who had returned from exile and by all those who had given up the pagan ways of the other people who were living in the land and who had come to worship the Lord God of Israel. 22 For seven days they joyfully celebrated the Festival of Unleavened Bread. They were full of joy because the Lord had made the emperor of Assyria favorable to them, so that he supported them in their work of rebuilding the Temple of the God of Israel.
Ota 'Bädri'ba Sairasi ro ago Usute
1 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Dariyasi ozo ota te, ago äṛi taegyi miriro se Babelona ya, teni zo se a'ba waraga be kigye yasi. 2 Oko usu taegyi Buku roṛo roṛo ro ono ṛo leni 'bakici Ekebatana ya wari Media roya ya, egyi ta kwoi te nonye ekye:
3 “Ndroa käti oriro 'Bädri'ba Sairasi ro rosi, nda ozotate ogone Yekalu Yerusalema ya obene, vose abe tori olo driigye ago abe ŋgapäṛi ozaro ozana driigye ya; ogwana ri a'done kpikpina 'butenjidriesu, ago käkpuna ri a'doni kpikpina 'butenjidriesu. 4 Tiṛi Yekalu ro obene kuni lalalaro nätu si 'dooko drî naya loro alodi lalane, obe Yekalu ro ugu oyine inye, lagyena ozone ni parata miriro yasi. 5 Ago logo läguläguro ndi lakazà cini mo'di ro Yekalu Lu ro ro se 'Bädri'ba Nebukadenezara kurube ni Yekalu Yerusalema ya yasi ago kezibe Babelona ya 'do te ogone logone kovole Yekalu se Yerusalema ya ana ya, vona cini o'bane vona yasi Yekalu ya.”
'Bädri'ba Dariyasi Ozotate Ugu Losi Oyene
6 'Bädri'ba Dariyasi logotate wari'ba Tatenai, Setarabozenai, dri'bai se wari Golo Eferata ro Tasisi ro ndi wari'bai se kodro'berube ànya yibe 'do ri ekye:
“Mìnaru ni ta Yekalu ro yasi; 7 ago nyùgburu ta losi Yekalu Lu ro obero ko. Nyè'be wari'bai Yuda ro ndi dri'bai Yudai robe dritairo; ogone Yekalu obene vona se käti ya. 8 Ndrani 'do ri mata ami ta ono oyene dri'bai Yudai ro se kayibe Yekalu obe 'do ri; lagye Yekalu obero ozone ndrindri ni parata driutwero miriro se okotobe ni wari Golo Eferata Tasisi ro yasi. 9 Ago ŋgase cini kohanii se Yerusalema ya koleyibe 'daŋgoi ombato'diro, timelegogoi, kode timele ozaro ŋgapäṛi ro Lu vo'buyakuru ro ri, ago kyifo, täyi, vino ndi ido ice ido ro robe nyòzo ànyari tu cini si teinye kara ako. 10 Ono oyene inye tana ànya kozayi tori oloro se tana kusi Lu vo'buyakuru ro be 'do robe, ago ànya kämätuyi robe ta adri ma 'bädri'ba rota ndi ŋgwaàgoro maro be. 11 Ma'ba ota kpate ondro ka'do 'diaza käläpi ota ono te, esena loro ndi ni zo ndaro yasi, ago otona nda ndi drî naya, ago a'bana zo ndaro ndi a'done turu'du kaŋwa ro. 12 Ka'do inye Lu se konji Yerusalema ni nda mätuza ono evona 'bädri'ba kode tu'de se aza kabe ota ono läpina, kode kabe ojo Yekalu ono perene ndi. Ma Dariyasi mozo ota ono ni; ota maro ono ndi orone ŋgye ro.”
Äṛu Yekalu te
13 'Dooko Tatenai wari'ba wari Golo Eferata Tasisi ro Setarabozenai ndi dri'bai se kodro'berube ànya yibe 'do yeyi tate oso se 'bädri'ba Dariyasi kotabe ronye. 14 Dri'bai Yudai ro uguyi Yekalu obete kadoro, agoago ozo nebii Agai ndi Zekaria ŋgwa Ido ro robe si. Ànya ndeyi Yekalu obe te oso Lu Yisaraele ro kota ànya be, ago Sairasi, Dariyasi ndi Aretakerekesa 'bädri'bai Peresia ro katayibe ronye; 15 ànya ndeyi Yekalu te u'du nina imba Adara rosi, ndroa njidrialo 'dimiri 'bädri'ba Dariyasi rosi.
16 'Dooko lidri Yisaraele ro, kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be, ndi 'diazaka se cini kegoyibe ni vomidiro yasi be, yeyi karama Yekalu äṛu rote riyä si. 17 Tu Yekalu äṛuro si ànya ozoyi 'daŋgoi kama alo (100) timele kama ritu (200) timelegogoi kama su (400) te olone tori ro, ago tego 'butealo foritu ŋgapäṛi ro ta takozi rota, ba alo alo ta 'bakala cini Yisaraele ro rota. 18 Ànya rayi kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be te voi ànyaro yasi ta ruinduro Yekalu ya Yerusalema ya rota, oso se egyi tana be buku Musa roya ronye.
Lävu Odra ro
19 U'du 'butealo fosu imba käti rosi oko, 'dise kegobe ni vomidiro yasi kai yeyi karama Lävu Odra ro rote. 20 Kohanii ndi Lewe'bai cini be wäṛiyi andivo ànyaro te troalo, vo ànyaro cini a'doyite wäṛiro. 'Dooko ànya fuyi timelegogoi Lävu Odra ro rote ta 'dise cini kegoyibe ni vomidiro yasi rota, ta kohanii azi ànyaro rota ndi ta ànya modo rota. 21 Lidri cini Yisaraele ro se kegoyibe ni vomidiro yasi kai nyayi ŋgase alobe ana te ndi ànya se cini ke'beyi ta undiro lidri se kayibe ugu ori wari se ana ya ana rote ago kodro'berute OPI Lu Yisaraele ro mätu kai yibe. 22 Ago ànya yeyi Karama Ambata Loŋgaako rote u'duna njidrieri riyä si; tana OPI 'ba ànya te adone riyä ro ago 'ba 'Bädri'ba Asaria rote ànya lune, ta'dota nda pa ànya te losi Yekalu Lu Yisaraele ro ro ogo obena ya.