Ezekiel Is Taken to Jerusalem
1 It was the tenth day of the new year, which was the twenty-fifth year after we had been taken into exile and the fourteenth year after Jerusalem was captured. On that day I felt the powerful presence of the Lord, and he carried me away. 2 In a vision God took me to the land of Israel and put me on a high mountain. I saw in front of me a group of buildings that looked like a city. 3 He took me closer, and I saw a man who shone like bronze. He was holding a linen tape measure and a measuring rod and was standing by a gateway.
4 He said to me, “Watch, mortal man. Listen carefully and pay close attention to everything I show you, because this is why you were brought here. You are to tell the people of Israel everything you see.”
The East Gate
5 What I saw was the Temple, and there was a wall around it. The man took his measuring rod, which was 10 feet long, and measured the wall. It was 10 feet high and 10 feet thick. 6 Then he went to the gateway that faced east. He went up the steps, and at the top he measured the entrance; it was 10 feet deep. 7 Beyond it there was a passageway, which had three guardrooms on each side. Each of the rooms was square, 10 feet on each side, and the walls between them were 8 feet thick. Beyond the guardrooms there was a passageway 10 feet long that led to an entrance room which faced the Temple. 8-9 He measured this room and found it was 14 feet deep. It formed that end of the gateway which was nearest the Temple, and at its far end the walls were 4 feet thick. ( 10 These guardrooms on each side of the passageway were all the same size, and the walls between them were all of the same thickness.)
11 Next, the man measured the width of the passageway in the gateway. It was 22 feet altogether, and the space between the open gates was 16 feet. 12 In front of each of the guardrooms there was a low wall 20 inches high and 20 inches thick. (The rooms were 10 feet square.) 13 Then he measured the distance from the back wall of one room to the back wall of the room across the passageway from it, and it was 42 feet. 14 The room at the far end led out to a courtyard. He measured that room and found it was 34 feet wide. 15 The total length of the gateway from the outside wall of the gate to the far side of the last room was 84 feet. 16 There were small openings in the outside walls of all the rooms and also in the inner walls between the rooms. There were palm trees carved on the inner walls that faced the passageway.
The Outer Courtyard
17 The man took me through the gateway into the courtyard. There were thirty rooms built against the outer wall, and in front of them there was an area paved with stones, 18 which extended around the courtyard. This outer courtyard was at a lower level than the inner courtyard.
19 There was a gateway at a higher level that led to the inner courtyard. The man measured the distance between the two gateways, and it was 168 feet.
The North Gate
20 Then the man measured the gateway on the north side that led into the outer courtyard. 21 The three guardrooms on each side of the passageway, the walls between them, and the entrance room all had the same measurements as those in the east gateway. The total length of the gateway was 84 feet and the width 42 feet. 22 The entrance room, the windows, and the carved palm trees were like those in the east gate. Here seven steps led up to the gate, and the entrance room was at the end facing the courtyard. 23 Across the courtyard from this north gateway was another gateway leading to the inner courtyard, just as there was on the east side. The man measured the distance between these two gateways, and it was 168 feet.
The South Gate
24 Next, the man took me to the south side, and there we saw another gateway. He measured its inner walls and its entrance room, and they were the same as the others. 25 There were windows in the rooms of this gateway just as in the others. The total length of the gateway was 84 feet and the width 42 feet. 26 Seven steps led up to it, and its entrance room was also at the end facing the courtyard. There were palm trees carved on the inner walls that faced the passageway. 27 Here, too, there was a gateway leading to the inner courtyard. The man measured the distance to this second gateway, and it was 168 feet.
The Inner Courtyard: The South Gate
28 The man took me through the south gateway into the inner courtyard. He measured the gateway, and it was the same size as the gateways in the outer wall. 29-30 Its guardrooms, its entrance room, and its inner walls were the same size as those in the other gateways. There were also windows in the rooms of this gateway. The total length was 84 feet and the width 42 feet. 31 Its entrance room faced the other courtyard, and palm trees were carved on the walls along the passageway. Eight steps led up to this gate.
The Inner Courtyard: The East Gate
32 The man took me through the east gateway into the inner courtyard. He measured the gateway, and it was the same size as the others. 33 Its guardrooms, its entrance room, and its inner walls measured the same as those in the other gateways. There were windows all around, and in the entrance room also. The total length was 84 feet and the width 42 feet. 34 The entrance room faced the outer courtyard. Palm trees were carved on the walls along the passageway. Eight steps led up to this gate.
The Inner Courtyard: The North Gate
35 Then the man took me to the north gateway. He measured it, and it was the same size as the others. 36 Like them, it also had guardrooms, decorated inner walls, an entrance room, and windows all around. Its total length was 84 feet and its width 42 feet. 37 The entrance room faced the outer courtyard. Palm trees were carved on the walls along the passageway. Eight steps led up to this gate.
Buildings Near the North Gate
38 In the outer courtyard there was an annex attached to the inner gateway on the north side. It opened into the entrance room that faced the courtyard, and there they washed the carcasses of the animals to be burned whole as sacrifices. 39 In this entrance room there were four tables, two on each side of the room. It was on these tables that they killed the animals to be offered as sacrifices, either to be burned whole or to be sacrifices for sin or as repayment offerings. 40 Outside the room there were four similar tables, two on either side of the entrance of the north gate. 41 Altogether there were eight tables on which the animals to be sacrificed were killed: four inside the room and four out in the courtyard. 42 The four tables in the annex, used to prepare the offerings to be burned whole, were of cut stone. They were 20 inches high, and their tops were 30 inches square. All the equipment used in killing the sacrificial animals was kept on these tables. 43 Ledges 3 inches wide ran around the edge of the tables. All the meat to be offered in sacrifice was placed on the tables.
44 Then he brought me into the inner court. There were two rooms opening on the inner court, one facing south beside the north gateway and the other facing north beside the south gateway. 45 The man told me that the room which faced south was for the priests who served in the Temple, 46 and the room which faced north was for the priests who served at the altar. All the priests are descended from Zadok; they are the only members of the tribe of Levi who are permitted to go into the Lord's presence to serve him.
The Inner Courtyard and the Temple Building
47 The man measured the inner courtyard, and it was 168 feet square. The Temple was on the west side, and in front of it was an altar. 48 Then he took me into the entrance room of the Temple. He measured the entranceway: it was 9 feet deep and 24 feet wide, with walls 5 feet thick on either side. 49 Steps led up to the entrance room, which was 34 feet wide and 20 feet deep. There were two columns, one on each side of the entrance.
Ugu Ezekiele te Yerusalema ya
1 U'du 'butealo imba roya, etovo ndroa rosi, ndroa 'buteritu fonji uru amaro vomidiro ya rosi, ago ndroa 'butealo fosu uru Yerusalema ro vosi. Tu modo ana si musu mbara a'do Opi ro lototi ana te, ago nda ŋgyi mate lozo. 2 Rulofo ana ya Lu ugu mate wari Yisaraele roya ago 'ba mate 'bereŋwa ogwaekye aza dri. Mile maro ya mandre zoi azaka te laba te oso 'bakici aza ronye. 3 Ondro nda kezi ma te lau oko mandre manoaza te se betina labate oso atala ronye. Nda ru iba ŋgaojoro ndi dofo ŋgaojoro be te drì ya ago edrevoya dereŋwa kala.
4 Mano ana atate märi ekye: “Ŋgwa lidri ro, mindrevo kadoro, nyeri ta liyaro ago mindre ŋgase cini mabe ka'dana miri ono kadoro, tana a'debe mi ezine noŋwa ono maka'da robe miri. Miri tase cini nyabe ondrena ono tana itine lidri Yisaraele ro ri.”
Dereŋwa 'buzelesi
5 Ŋgase mandrebe lau ana orivoya tiṛi yi orivoya gbikyi Yekalu lomvosi. Dofo ŋgaojoro se mano ana rigye ana ocana orivoya kadrakadra na nätu, ago ojo tiṛi se ana te. Ogwana orivoya kadrakadra na nätu ago uŋgyina kadrakadra na orivoya nätu. 6 'Dooko nda oyite dereŋwa se kozamibe 'buzele ana ya. Nda tute kuru kotopa uturona drisi, ago nda ojo ecivona ana te drî kurusi na yasi; ni kurusi le vuru orivoya kadrakadra na nätu. 7 Ago lävuvo aza orivoya ecivoya, se zoya vookwa robe nätu ba lamadrina yasi. Zoya se kai ba cuku be su su, lamadrina cini ba kadrakadra na nätu nätu, ago tiṛii se lakole ànyaro yasi iyi uŋgyina ba kadrakadra na ritu kpäkyi. Zoyai vookwaro ana kundusi lävuvo aza orivoya se ocana orivoya kadrakadra na nätu cigwo le zoya 'desi aza se kozamibe Yekalu driro ana ya. 8 'Dooko nda ojo zoya ono te, ago usute ocina orivoya kadrakadra na su. 9 Gämi sidri ädu dereŋwa se lototi Yekalu lomvo ana rote, ago sidri ädu na ya uŋgyi tiṛi na ro orivoya kadra alodi. 10 (Zoya vookwaro se kwoi ro orivoya lamadri ecivo zo ana ro yasi ba ojoojoro, ago tiṛi se lakole ànyaro yasi iyi uŋgyina ba ojoojoro.)
11 'Do vosi, mano ana ojo käkpu ecivo zo se dereŋwa ya ana rote. Vona cini orivoya kadrakadra na njidrialo kpäkyi, ago lakole dereŋwa se ana ro orivoya kadrakadra na nji. 12 Mile zoya vookwaro se cini kai ro yasi tiṛi aza orivoya dele vuru ogwana orivoya nji'dinji'di na 'butenji ago uŋgyina orivoya nji'dinji'di na 'butenji. (Zoya kai orivoya cukudri be ba su su ago ocana orivoya ba kadrakadra na nätu nätu.) 13 'Dooko nda ojo ozwa tiṛi tesisi zoya ana rote etoni alona ya le äziri na ya, ago ojobe orivoya kadrakadra na 'butealo foritu kpäkyi. 14 Zoya se sidri ädu na ya ana fote le goko ya. Nda ojo zoya se ana te ago usu käkpuna te kadrakadra na 'butealo. 15 Oca dereŋwa ro ni tiṛi se tesi si yasi le lama telesi zoya äduro ana roya odro'bebe voaloya cini orivoya kadrakadra na 'buteritu fonji. 16 Vouŋbo giṛiŋwa orivoya tiṛii se tesi si zoya kai ro yasi ago kpa tiṛii se yasi si zoya kai ro yasi. Uwurä ice itu rote tiṛii yasi si se kozamibe lävuvo dri ana lomvosi.
Goko tesisi
17 Mano se ana lofo mate le goko ya. Abe zoya te 'butenätu tiṛii tesi si lomvosi, ago mile ànyaro ya abe vo aza te lili kuni si, 18 se orivoya gbikyi goko lomvosi. Goko se tesisi ana orivoya delero pari ni goko yasi si ri.
19 Lävuvo orivoya vose kurusi ana yasi se cite le goko yasi si ya. Mano se ana ojo ozwa vo ro se lakole dereŋwai ritu roya ana te, ago ojobe orivoya kadrakadra na 'butenji.
Dereŋwa mä'dudrisi
20 'Dooko mano ana ugu mate mä'dudrisi, ago mandre dereŋwa se lamadri mä'dudrisi yasi ana te se kocibe le goko tesisi ya ana. Nda ojo ocana te ndi käkpu na be. 21 Zoya nätu se lamadri cini zo ana ro yasi, tiṛii se lakole ànyaro yasi, ndi zoya se 'desi ana be vona cini ojobe orivoya ojoojoro dereŋwa se käti ana be. Ocana odro'bebe cini orivoya kadrakadra na 'buteritu fonji ago käkpu na orivoya kadrakadra na 'butealo foritu kpäkyi. 22 Zoya 'desi ecivoya piṛii, ndi ice itu ro se uwuräbe ana be a'dote oso se dereŋwa 'buzelesi ya ana ronye. Noŋwa ono kotopa uturo dereŋwa dri cini orivoya njidrieri, ago zoya 'desi ecivoya orivoya äduro zamite goko driro. 23 Miäwuvo dereŋwa se mä'dudrisi ana roya lävuvo aza orivoya se ka oci goko yasi si ya, kpa oso ka'dobe lamadri 'buzelesi yasi ronye. Mano se ana ojo ozwa lakole dereŋwai ritu kwoi roya ana te, ago orivoya kadrakadra na 'butenji.
Dereŋwa ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi
24 'Do vosi, mano ana ugu mate lama telesi ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi ya, ago mandre dereŋwa aza te lau. Nda ojo tiṛi yasi si nate ndi zoya 'desi ecivoya na rota, ago a'dote ojoojoro oso azaka ronye. 25 Piṛii orivoya zoya lävuvo se ono ro yasi kpa oso se azakana yasi ronye. Oca lävuvo ro odro'bebe ojobe orivoya kadrakadra na 'buteritu fonji, ago käkpuna orivoya kadrakadra na 'butealo foritu kpäkyi. 26 Kotopa uturo kuru kigye orivoya njidrieri, ago zoya 'desi ecivoya kpa orivoya äduro se zamite goko driro. Uwurä ice itu rote tiṛii yasi si se kozamibe lävuvo driro ana lomvosi. 27 Noŋwa ono, lävuvo kpa orivoya za mi ŋgäṛiŋwadriro, se ka oci goko yasi si ya. Mano ana ojo ozwana se dereŋwa ṛiri ya ana te, ago orivoya kadrakadra na 'butenji.
Goko Yasi si: Dereŋwa ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi
28 Mano ana ugu mate dereŋwa se ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi ana yasi le goko yasi si ya. Nda ojo lävuvo ana te, ago orivoya ojojoro oso dereŋwa se tiṛi tesisi ya ana ronye. 29 Zoya na se lamadri yasi iyi, zoya na se 'desi ecivoya 'do, ndi tiṛi nai se yasi si iyibe ojo kpa rere se lävuvo azaka yasi iyi be. Piṛii kpa orivoya zoya se cini lävuvo ono ya iyi yasi. 30 Ocana odro'bebe ojobe cini orivoya kadrakadra na 'buteritu fonji ago käkpuna orivoya kadrakadra na 'butealo foritu kpäkyi. 31 Zoya 'desi ecivoya na zamite goko tesisi driro, ago uwurä ice itu rote tiṛii zo ana ro lomvosi. Kotopa uturo kuru dereŋwa ana dri orivoya njidriena.
Goko Yasi si: Dereŋwa 'buzelesi
32 Mano ana ugu mate dereŋwa 'buzelesi yasi le goko yasi si ya. Nda ojo lävuvo ana te, ago ojobe orivoya ojoojoro azakana be. 33 Zoya nai se lamadri yasi iyi, ndi zoya 'desi ecivoya na be, ndi tiṛi yasi si nai be ojobe orivoya ojoojoro lävuvo azakana be. Piṛii orivoya gbikyi kigyesi, ago kpa zoya 'desi yasi. Ocana ojobe vona cini orivoya kadrakadra na 'buteritu fonji ago käkpuna orivoya kadrakadra na 'butealo foritu kpäkyi. 34 Zoya 'desi ecivoya na zamite goko driro. Uwurä ice itu rote tiṛii zo ana ro lomvosi. Kotopa uturo kuru dereŋwa ono ro orivoya njidriena.
Goko Yasi si: Dereŋwa mä'dudrisi
35 'Dooko mano ana ugu mate dereŋwa mä'dudrisi ya. Nda ojote, ago ojobe orivoya ojoojoro azakana be. 36 Zoya nai se lamadri yasi iyi ndi zoya 'desi ecivoya na be ndi tiṛi yasi si nai be ojobe orivoya ojoojoro lävuvo azakana be. Piṛii orivoya gbikyi kigyesi, ago kpa zoya 'desi ecivoya yasi. Ocana ojobe cini orivoya kadrakadra na 'buteritu foritu kpäkyi. 37 Zoya 'desi ecivoya na zamite goko driro. Uwurä ice itu rote tiṛii zo ana ro lomvosi. Kotopa uturo kuru dereŋwa ono ro orivoya njidriena.
Zoi se Loto Dereŋwa Mä'dudrisi Lomvosi
38 Zoya aza orivoya se käläsi na fote le zoya 'desi ecivoya se kozamibe goko driro ana ya, ago ànya kayi iza koronya se alobe tori ro ozane 'do ro ojana lau. 39 Zoya 'desi ono ya tara'bizai orivoya su, ba ritu ritu lamadri zoya ana ro yasi. Ànya kayi koronyai se ozane tori ro iyi ufuna tara'bizai se kwoi dri, kode ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro kode olone ŋgapäṛi ta takozi rota ro kode ŋgapäṛi taenji ro ro. 40 Tara'bizai su oso iyi ronye kpa orivoya zoya 'desi ecivoya ana lomvo tesisi, ba ritu ritu lamadri riti ecivo dereŋwa mä'dudrisi ro yasi. 41 Tara'bizai cini orivoya njidriena se abe koronyai se oloro tori ro ufuna driigyesi: su yasi si ago su tesisi goko ro ya. 42 Tara'bizai su se zo ya ana ede kuni yi, ŋgapäṛi ozaro edeza driigyesi. Ogwa ànyaro orivoya nji'dinji'di na 'butenji, ago drî kpäräkälä ànyaro se cukube su ana orivoya nji'dinji'di na 'butenjidrieri fonji. Lakazà se cini abe koronyai se oloro tori ro ufuna sina iyi o'bana tara'bizai kwoi drisi. 43 Ya guṛi se käkpuna nji'dinji'di njidrieri kpäkyi 'do orivoya gbikyi tiṛi lomvosi. Iza se ozane tori ro 'do o'bana tara'bizai kai drisi.
44 'Dooko nda ezi mate goko yasi si ya. Lau zoya ritu orivoya se käläsina cite goko yasi si ya, alona zami ŋgäṛiŋwadriro loto dereŋwa mä'dudrisi lomvo ago azana zami mä'dudriro loto dereŋwa ŋgäṛiŋgwadriro lomvo. 45 Mano ana ititate märi ekye zoya se kozamibe ŋgäṛiŋwadriro ana orivoya kohanii se kayibe ruindu Yekalu ya iyi ri. 46 Zoya se kozamibe mä'dudriro ana orivoya kohanii se kayibe ruindu vo tori oloro dri iyi ri. Ànya ni zelevo Zadoka ro yasi; ànya toto ni 'dise 'bakala Lewe ro lakosi se alebe ocine OPI kandra ruindune ndäri owo.
Goko Yasi si ndi Zo Yekalu robe
47 Mano ana ojo goko yasi si te, ago orivoya kadrakadra na 'butenji cukudribe su. Vo tori oloro orivoya mile Yekalu ro yasi. 48 'Dooko nda ugu mate ocivo zoya Yekalu ro roya. Nda ojo ocivo ana te; ocana orivoya kadrakadra na ritu kpäkyi ago käkpuna orivoya kadrakadra na njidrieri, tiṛii be se uŋgyina orivoya kadra na alodi kpäkyi lamadrina cini yasi. 49 Kotopa uturo cite ocivo zoya ana roya, se käkpuna orivoya kadrakadra na 'butealo ago ocana orivoya kadrakadra na njidrialo. Läŋgyiri orivoya ritu ba alo alo lamadri riti ocivo ro yasi.