The Lord's Sword
1 The Lord spoke to me. 2 “Mortal man,” he said, “denounce Jerusalem. Denounce the places where people worship. Warn the land of Israel 3 that I, the Lord, am saying: I am your enemy. I will draw my sword and kill all of you, good and evil alike. 4 I will use my sword against everyone from south to north. 5 Everyone will know that I, the Lord, have drawn my sword and that I will not put it away.
6 “Mortal man, groan as if your heart is breaking with despair. Groan in sorrow where everyone can watch you. 7 When they ask you why you are groaning, tell them it is because of the news that is coming. When it comes, their hearts will be filled with fear, their hands will hang limp, their courage will fail, and their knees will tremble. The time has come; it is here.” The Sovereign Lord has spoken.
8 The Lord said to me, 9 “Mortal man, prophesy. Tell the people what I, the Lord, am saying:
A sword, a sword is sharpened and polished.
10 It is sharpened to kill,
polished to flash like lightning.
There can be no rejoicing,
for my people have disregarded every warning and punishment.
11 The sword is being polished,
to make it ready for use.
It is sharpened and polished,
to be put in the hands of a killer.
12 Howl in grief, mortal man;
this sword is meant for my people
and for all the leaders of Israel.
They are going to be killed
with all the rest of my people.
Beat your breast in despair!
13 I am testing my people,
and if they refuse to repent,
all these things will happen to them.
14 “Now, mortal man, prophesy. Clap your hands, and the sword will strike again and again. It is a sword that kills, a sword that terrifies and slaughters. 15 It makes my people lose courage and stumble. I am threatening their city with a sword that flashes like lightning and is ready to kill. 16 Cut to the right and the left, you sharp sword! Cut wherever you turn. 17 I also will clap my hands, and my anger will be over. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
The Sword of the King of Babylonia
18 The Lord spoke to me. 19 “Mortal man,” he said, “mark out two roads by which the king of Babylonia can come with his sword. Both of them are to start in the same country. Put up a signpost where the roads fork. 20 One will show the king the way to the Ammonite city of Rabbah, and the other the way to Judah, to the fortified city, Jerusalem. 21 The king of Babylonia stands by the signpost at the fork of the road. To discover which way to go, he shakes the arrows; he consults his idols; he examines the liver of a sacrificed animal. 22 Now! His right hand holds the arrow marked ‘Jerusalem’! It tells him to go and set up battering rams, to shout the battle cry, to place battering rams against the gates, to throw up earthworks, and to dig trenches. 23 The people of Jerusalem won't believe this because of the treaties they have made. But this prediction is to remind them of their sins and to warn them that they will be captured. 24 This then is what I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying: Your sins are exposed. Everyone knows how guilty you are. You show your sins in your every action. You stand condemned, and I will hand you over to your enemies.
25 “You wicked, unholy ruler of Israel, your day, the day of your final punishment, is coming. 26 I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken. Take off your crown and your turban. Nothing will be the same again. Raise the poor to power! Bring down those who are ruling! 27 Ruin, ruin! Yes, I will make the city a ruin. But this will not happen until the one comes whom I have chosen to punish the city. To him I will give it.
A Sword and the Ammonites
28 “Mortal man, prophesy. Announce what I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying to the Ammonites, who are insulting Israel. Say to them:
‘A sword is ready to destroy;
It is polished to kill, to flash like lightning.
29 The visions that you see are false, and the predictions you make are lies. You are wicked and evil, and your day is coming, the day of your final punishment. The sword is going to fall on your necks.
30 “‘Put up the sword! I will judge you in the place where you were created, in the land where you were born. 31 You will feel my anger when I turn it loose on you like a blazing fire. And I will hand you over to brutal men, experts at destruction. 32 You will be destroyed by fire. Your blood will be shed in your own country, and no one will remember you any more.’” The Lord has spoken.
Bando OPI ro
1 OPI atate märi ekye: 2 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, mindre vo Yerusalema driro ago mipe ta koziro vose cini lidri kabe mätu kigyesi iyi lomvo. Nyäŋgu takozi wari Yisaraele ro lomvo 3 mikye ma, OPI ma ni ata ekye: Ma orivoya kyilaro mibe. Meŋgyena bando maro 'da ni foro yasi ago mutufuna vo ami cini ro 'da, se kadoro ndi se koziro iyi be. 4 Motogana 'dicini 'da bando maro si etoni ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi le mä'dudrisi. 5 'Dicini unina 'da anjioko ma, OPI, meŋgye bando maro ni forona yasi ago mänina kote logone.
6 “Nyeleri ŋgwa lidri ro, nyeleri osoago ya miro orivoya tusu amba be. Nyeleri tusu amba si 'dicini milesi. 7 Ondro ànya kejiyi mite ekye nyeleri tana e'di oko, nyitita ànyari mikye tana lazo aza ka oye ikyine. Ondro kesate oko, turi ogana 'da twi ya ya, drì todrana 'da, agoago okyena 'da, ago kaya a'dona 'da lä'bilä'biro. Mindre tu kate esa ago ka oyene a'done.” OPI Mbarapara atani inye.
8 OPI atate märi ekye: 9 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, nyäŋgu ta. Nyitita lidri ri mikye ma, OPI, ma ni ata makye:
Bando aza, ele si bando aza rote
ago ätri kpate.
10 Ele sina te 'di tufuzana,
ätrite lekone oso sionyi 'bu ro ronye.
Ma'dona ndi riyä ro ya?
Lidri maro leyi ta miomba ndi taezaro cini be kote.
11 Ätri bando ana te,
a'done nja losi oyezana.
Ele sina te ago ätrite,
ozone 'di tufu'ba rigye.
12 Nyiliyi ago mi'be kuku, ŋgwa lidri ro;
tana bando gi ono tana di lidri maro
tana di dri'bai cini Yisaraele ro.
Oye ànya tufune
lidri maro be.
Mi'bi kätäti miro tusu si.
13 Ma oye lidri maro tana ojone,
ago ondro ka'do ànya kogayitezo drietane,
ŋgase cini kwoi a'dona ndi ànyari.
14 “Ka'do inye, ŋgwa lidri ro, nyäŋgu ta. Nyutu drì miro, mi'ba bando koga ŋga perena ritu kode nätu. Tana bando kani 'ditufu, bando kani 'di tufu amba ago kani drî 'dise tolane ro umu. 15 Bando kani lidri maro o'bana a'done agoago ako ago lo'dene dereŋwai yasi. Ma'ba bando te lekone oso sionyi 'bu ro ronye ago orivoya nja 'di tufune. 16 Migavo drigwo ya ago gaṛi ya, vose cini nyabe mioza kigye 'do ya. 17 Ma modo mutuna drì maro kpa 'da, ago kyila maro okyena 'da. Ma, OPI, matani.”
Bando 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro ro
18 OPI atate kpa to'di märi ekye; 19 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, nyuwurä liti 'desiro ritu 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ri ikyizana. Ànya riti 'do ka oye ikyine ni 'bädri gialo 'do yasi. Nyeŋga ce taka'daro kuru liti lewevo 'bakici roya. 20 Alodi ri liti 'bakici Amona'bai ro Raba ro ka'dane, ago azana ri liti Yuda ro ka'dane, ocine 'bakici mbaraekye, Yerusalema ya. 21 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro ka edre ce taka'daro se liti lewevoya ana lomvo ländri umvune. Nda ka ätu kanda; nda ka lui ndaro ejina; nda ka togo koronya se alobe tori ro ana ro enana. 22 Ätu se drigwo ndaro ya ana diri Yerusalema ago kate taiti ndäri oyine votoŋgo obene otre kyila ro otrezana, votoŋgoro obene dereŋwai kalasi, ago gyini osone donjo. 23 Ta ono landrete kowero lidri Yerusalema ro ri, ta tao'ba se ànya ko'bayibe ana rota. Oko taäŋgu ono ka takozi ànyaro tana o'bana otone ànya dri anjioko oye ànya urune. 24 Ta'doro ono ni tase ma, OPI Mbarapara, mabe atana owo. Tana nyaka'da takozi amiro te ŋgbele ro ago 'dicini nite ami orivoya taenji be. Nyà takozi amiro ka'dana ṛo taoye cini si; ta'dota äruna ami 'da kamba'bai ro.
25 “Mi se takadoako, dri'bai Yisaraele ro ono, tu miro esate, tu taeza ädu miro ro, kate esa. 26 Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani. Nyana tagyia miro ndi boŋgo drî uvuro miro be. Ŋga aza unina kote a'done drì alo dri kpa to'dina. Nyeŋga 'dise mäyuro iyi mbara ya! Nyologo 'dise kayibe 'dimiri iyi vuru! 27 Tandro ro, tandro ro! Ma'bana 'bakici ono 'da a'done tandro ro, ago änina ko ogo obene madale 'dise manjibe 'bakici ono mirine 'do esana lutu. 'Dooko mozona 'da ndäri.
Bando ndi Amona'bai be
28 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, nyäŋgu ta. Nyayo tase ma, OPI Mbarapara mabe atana Amona'bai, se kayibe lidri Yisaraele ro lo'da iyi ri. Nyata ànyari mikye:
Bando aza te orivoya nja 'di tufune;
ätrite lekone, lekone oso sionyi 'bu ro ronye.
29 Rulofo se nyàbe ondrena ana orivoya kowe yi, ago taäŋgu se nyàbe äŋguna ana nyà koweoga. Bando kaoye o'dene kyembe amiro ya, ami gi koziro ago undiro ono, tu amiro esate tu taeza ädu amiro ro.
30 “ ‘Nyòlogo bando amiro foro ya kuru! Ma oye vure amiro opene vose a'ba ami be kigye 'do ya, wari se äti ami be kigye 'do ya. 31 Nyätämbina kyila maro 'da ondro maza kalana te ämidri oso asilele ronye owo. Ago mozona ami 'da lidri se siombaekye iyi rigye, se orivoya 'di tufu'bai yi. 32 Asi tufuna ami 'da. Kari amiro orona 'da 'bädri modo amiro roya, ago 'diaza unina kote ta amiro oyine tona.’ ” Ma OPI matani inye.