The Tent of the Lord's Presence
(Exodus 36.8-38)
1 “Make the interior of the sacred Tent, the Tent of my presence, out of ten pieces of fine linen woven with blue, purple, and red wool. Embroider them with figures of winged creatures. 2 Make each piece the same size, 14 yards long and 2 yards wide. 3 Sew five of them together in one set, and do the same with the other five. 4 Make loops of blue cloth on the edge of the outside piece in each set. 5 Put fifty loops on the first piece of the first set and fifty loops matching them on the last piece of the second set. 6 Make fifty gold hooks with which to join the two sets into one piece.
7 “Make a cover for the Tent out of eleven pieces of cloth made of goats' hair. 8 Make them all the same size, 15 yards long and 2 yards wide. 9 Sew five of them together in one set, and the other six in another set. Fold the sixth piece double over the front of the Tent. 10 Put fifty loops on the edge of the last piece of one set, and fifty loops on the edge of the other set. 11 Make fifty bronze hooks and put them in the loops to join the two sets so as to form one cover. 12 Hang the extra half piece over the back of the Tent. 13 The extra half yard on each side of the length is to hang over the sides of the Tent to cover it.
14 “Make two more coverings, one of rams' skin dyed red and the other of fine leather, to serve as the outer cover.
15 “Make upright frames for the Tent out of acacia wood. 16 Each frame is to be 15 feet long and 27 inches wide, 17 with two matching projections, so that the frames can be joined together. All the frames are to have these projections. 18 Make twenty frames for the south side 19 and forty silver bases to go under them, two bases under each frame to hold its two projections. 20 Make twenty frames for the north side of the Tent 21 and forty silver bases, two under each frame. 22 For the back of the Tent on the west, make six frames, 23 and two frames for the corners. 24 These corner frames are to be joined at the bottom and connected all the way to the top. The two frames that form the two corners are to be made in this way. 25 So there will be eight frames with their sixteen silver bases, two under each frame.
26 “Make fifteen crossbars of acacia wood, five for the frames on one side of the Tent, 27 five for the frames on the other side, and five for the frames on the west end, at the back. 28 The middle crossbar, set halfway up the frames, is to extend from one end of the Tent to the other. 29 Cover the frames with gold and fit them with gold rings to hold the crossbars, which are also to be covered with gold. 30 Set up the Tent according to the plan that I showed you on the mountain.
31 “Make a curtain of fine linen woven with blue, purple, and red wool. Embroider it with figures of winged creatures. 32 Hang it on four posts of acacia wood covered with gold, fitted with hooks, and set in four silver bases. 33 Place the curtain under the row of hooks in the roof of the Tent, and put behind the curtain the Covenant Box containing the two stone tablets. The curtain will separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place. 34 Put the lid on the Covenant Box. 35 Outside the Most Holy Place put the table against the north side of the Tent and the lampstand against the south side.
36 “For the entrance of the Tent make a curtain of fine linen woven with blue, purple, and red wool and decorated with embroidery. 37 For this curtain make five posts of acacia wood covered with gold and fitted with gold hooks; make five bronze bases for these posts.
Mutuguṛi A'do Lototi OPI ro ro
(Ofo 36:8-38)
1 “Nyede Mutuguṛi boŋgo toyitoyiro 'butealo si, nyede anya boŋgo 'bilindri ro o'di o'di ro betina ri a'done lu'buliro, lärimiro, ago okaro. Nyolose ànya tauni si beti malaikai vookwaro kigye. 2 Boŋgo alo ocana ri a'done mba'damba'da na 'butealo fosu ago käkpuna ri a'done mba'damba'da na ritu; vonai cini ri a'done ojoojoro. 3 Nyolose boŋgo toyitoyiro vo alo ya a'done kpäkualo ago nyolose nji kinjo 'do kpa vo alo ya a'done kpäkualo. 4 Nyede voŋwa oyina ro lu'buliro orane aree ädu sidri tesisi boŋgo toyitoyiro se käti kpäkualo 'do ndi se ṛiri ro 'do be yasi. 5 Nyede voŋwà toyina ro 'butenji sidri kpäkualo boŋgo käti 'do roya ago 'butenji sidri boŋgo kpäkualo ṛiri 'do roya, voŋwà na iyi ri miäwune azi be. 6 Nyede ŋga dro'bena ro 'butenji ni logo läguläguro yasi ago nyodro'be boŋgo kpäkualo ritu iyi azi be iŋgyi dro'bena rosi; tana Mutuguṛi ka'do robe kpakyialo.
7 “Nyede boŋgo ni 'bi indri ro yasi takone Mutuguṛi dri; nyede boŋgo na iyi 'butealo foalo. 8 Oca boŋgo 'butealo fo alo iyi vo ri a'done ojoojoro alona ro ri a'done mba'damba'da 'butealo nji ago käkpu alona ro ri a'done mba'damba'da ritu, oca boŋgo 'butealo foalo iyi ro ri a'done cini ojoojoro. 9 Nyolose boŋgo nji iyi voaloya, ago nyolose anjokona be njidrialo iyi voaloya. 'Dooko nyepa boŋgo toyitoyiro se njidrialo 'do ritu mile mutuguṛi ro kurusi 'do ya. 10 Nyede voŋwà na toyiro 'butenji 'do aree sidri ädu boŋgo toyitoyiro kpäkualo äduro 'doya ago kpa voŋwà toyi ro ṛiri 'do ro yasi. 11 Nyede ŋga dro'bena ro 'butenji ni atala yasi, ago miso ŋga dro'bena ro voŋwà na toyiro yasi kodro'be boŋgo ritu 'do robe tana ka'do robe kpakyialo. 12 Ago anjoko boŋgo Mutuguṛi ro ro se kotabe kpäkyi alo iyi, toyine kundu Mutuguṛi ro yasi. 13 Anjoko boŋgo ro se kotabe mba'damba'da kpäkyi se lama telesi ocana ro 'do ro e'bene ke'de robe lamadri Mutuguṛi ro yasi, tana katako anya robe.
14 “Nyede ŋga drî takona ro ritu aza alo ni kyini oŋgaoŋgaro timele rose eka te okaro yasi, ago azana ni kyini indri ro yasi a'done kurusi.
15 “Nyede joce ŋgye Mutuguṛi ri ni ice weri ro yasi. 16 Oca joce alo rori a'done kpikpina 'butealo fonji, ago käkpuna ri a'done nji'dinji'dina 'buteritu fonjidrieri, 17 Dridonjo ritu edene ba miäwuäwu ro azi be. Nyede joce cini mutuguṛi ro oso inye. 18 Nyede joce Mutuguṛi ro ogone ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi 'do 'buteritu, 19 ago nyede kotopa mo'di ro 'butesu joce 'buteritu iyi zelesi, kotopa ritu ka'do joce alo zele tana käti ritu ànyaro robe. 20 Nyede Joce 'buteritu tana ta telesi Mutuguṛi ro ogone mä'dudrisi 'do rota nyede jocena a'done 'buteritu; 21 ago kotopa mo'di ro 'butesu be, kotopa ritu a'done joce alo alo zele si. 22 Ago ta kundu Mutuguṛi ro ogone aŋgoyasi 'do rota nyede jocena njidrialo. 23 Nyede joce ritu cuku Mutuguṛi ro se ädu sidri roya 'dori. 24 Joce se cuku yasi ono dro'bene vurusi ago kicune ni vurusi le kurusi. Joce se ritu ko'ba cuku ritu ono beni a'done ono, edene orivoya liti ono yasi. 25 Ta'dota joce ri a'done njidriena, ndi kotopa mo'di ro 'butealo fonjidrialo be, kotopa ritu joce alo alo zelesi.
26 “Nyede loro ni ice weri ro yasi 'butealo fonji, tana loro nji ri a'dona joce alo Mutuguṛi ro ya ri; 27 ago loro nji tana joce telesi aza Mutuguṛi ro ri, ago loro nji aza tana joce se ädu sidri ogone aŋgoyasi 'do ri. 28 Loro kitori 'do ri a'done kpäkyi kuru joce re, lävune äbi, ni ädu telesi mutuguṛi ro yasi le ädu telesina roya. 29 Mi'bi lomvo joce na iyi ro logo läguläguro si ago nyikicu ànya iŋgyiiŋwa logo lägulägu ro si tana käti loro a'bibe logo lägulägu rosi iyi robe. 30 Mutuguṛi a'done oso taora se maka'dabe miri 'bereŋwa dri ana ronye.
31 “Mi'di boŋgo toyitoyiro ni, lu'buliro, lärimiro, ago okaro yasi. Nyolose anya beti malaikai vookwaro be kigye. 32 Miyi kuru ice su caricari weri ro se lomvona o'bio'biro logo läguläguro si iyi dri, se anjute moŋgoŋwa logo lägulägu rosi, ago anjute kotopa su mo'di ro drisi. 33 Miyi boŋgo toyitoyiro moŋgoŋwà ätina ro iyi drisi, ago mi'ba Sänduku Tao'baro se kuniŋwà kalakparo ritu be 'do kigye lau, boŋgo toyitoyiro kundu si. Boŋgo toyitoyiro lewena Vo alokado gwo ni Vo Alokado Fondra resi. 34 Nyatako dri Sänduku Tao'baro ro ŋga drina takoro si. 35 Mi'ba tara'biza boŋgo toyi toyiro kundusi ogone lama telesi mutuguṛi ro mä'dudrisi roya ago nyede ŋga lamba edre ro ogone telesi mutuguṛi ro ŋgäriŋwa drisi yasi.
36 “Nyede boŋgo 'bilindriro oyine käläsi mutuguṛi ro kala se a'di kodo lu'buliro, lärimiro, ago okaro yasi tiratiraro ago loselosero. 37 Nyede joce nji caricari ni ice weri ro yasi ta boŋgo se oyine rota, ago mi'bi lomvo ànyaro logo läguläguro si, ago moŋgowà toyina ro a'done, läguläguro, ago nyede kotopa atala ro nji joce kwoi ri.