1 “Bezalel, Oholiab, and all the other workers to whom the Lord has given skill and understanding, who know how to make everything needed to build the sacred Tent, are to make everything just as the Lord has commanded.”
The People Bring Many Gifts
2 Moses called Bezalel, Oholiab, and all the other skilled men to whom the Lord had given ability and who were willing to help, and Moses told them to start working. 3 They received from him all the offerings which the Israelites had brought for constructing the sacred Tent. But the people of Israel continued to bring Moses their offerings every morning. 4 Then the skilled men who were doing the work went 5 and told Moses, “The people are bringing more than is needed for the work which the Lord commanded to be done.”
6 So Moses sent a command throughout the camp that no one was to make any further contribution for the sacred Tent; so the people did not bring any more. 7 What had already been brought was more than enough to finish all the work.
Making the Tent of the Lord's Presence
(Exodus 26.1-37)
8 The most skilled men among those doing the work made the Tent of the Lord's presence. They made it out of ten pieces of fine linen woven with blue, purple, and red wool and embroidered with figures of winged creatures. 9 Each piece was the same size, 14 yards long and 2 yards wide. 10 They sewed five of them together in one set and did the same with the other five. 11 They made loops of blue cloth on the edge of the outside piece in each set. 12 They put fifty loops on the first piece of the first set and fifty loops matching them on the last piece of the second set. 13 They made fifty gold hooks, with which to join the two sets into one piece.
14 Then they made a cover for the Tent out of eleven pieces of cloth made of goats' hair. 15 They made them all the same size, 15 yards long and 2 yards wide. 16 They sewed five of them together in one set and the other six in another set. 17 They put fifty loops on the edge of the last piece of one set and fifty loops on the edge of the other set. 18 They made fifty bronze hooks to join the two sets, so as to form one cover. 19 They made two more coverings, one of rams' skin dyed red and the other of fine leather, to serve as an outer cover.
20 They made upright frames of acacia wood for the Tent. 21 Each frame was 15 feet tall and 27 inches wide, 22 with two matching projections, so that the frames could be joined together. All the frames had these projections. 23 They made twenty frames for the south side 24 and forty silver bases to go under them, two bases under each frame to hold its two projections. 25 They made twenty frames for the north side of the Tent 26 and forty silver bases, two under each frame. 27 For the back of the Tent, on the west, they made six frames 28 and two frames for the corners. 29 These corner frames were joined at the bottom and connected all the way to the top. The two frames that formed the two corners were made in this way. 30 So there were eight frames and sixteen silver bases, two under each frame.
31 They made fifteen crossbars of acacia wood, five for the frames on one side of the Tent, 32 five for the frames on the other side, and five for the frames on the west end, at the back. 33 The middle crossbar, set halfway up the frames, extended from one end of the Tent to the other. 34 They covered the frames with gold and fitted them with gold rings to hold the crossbars, which were also covered with gold.
35 They made a curtain of fine linen, woven with blue, purple, and red wool and embroidered it with figures of winged creatures. 36 They made four posts of acacia wood to hold the curtain, covered them with gold, and fitted them with gold hooks. Then they made four silver bases to hold the posts. 37 For the entrance of the Tent they made a curtain of fine linen woven with blue, purple, and red wool and decorated with embroidery. 38 For this curtain they made five posts fitted with hooks, covered their tops and their rods with gold, and made five bronze bases for the posts.
1 “Bezalela, Oliaba ndi 'dise cini mbara ro be ni se OPI kozo tauni ndi tavouni be te ànyari, ŋgase cini alebe Mutuguṛi omo ro edene, oso se OPI kata tana be ronye.”
Lidri Ezi Ŋgapäṛi te Amba
2 Musa zi Bezalela ndi Oliaba be te ndi 'dise cini mbara ro se OPI ozo tauni be ànyari ndi 'dise cini kolebe losi oyene iyibe, ikyine losi oyene. 3 Ànya ruyi ŋgapäṛi se cini lidri Yisaraele ro keziyibe ole ànyaro si losi Mutuguṛi alokado ro ugu oyezana sina 'do te ni Musa rigyesi. Caoko lidri Yisaraele ro uguyi gi 'du ŋgapäṛi ozo ole ànyaro ronye, kyenoŋbo cini si. 4 'Dooko lidri se cini tauni losi ro be se kayibe losi oye Mutuguṛi alokado ya ana oyiyite, 5 ago itiyitate Musa ri ekye: “Lidri ezi ŋga te amba ndrani se ezine drisi ugu losi se OPI kota ama be oyene drisi.”
6 'Dooko Musa ozotate, ago ayo ta te vo gawa ro cini yasi ekye: “Mano aza kode toko azo kozo ŋga kote tona ta Mutuguṛi alokado rota.” Ndi lidri go ezi ŋga kote, 7 tana ŋgase ezibe nja ana te ndrani losi cini ondeza drisi.
Omo Mutuguṛi ro
(Ofo 26:1-37)
8 Lidri cini se tauni be ndra losi'bai lako kai edeyi Mutuguṛi te, boŋgo toyina ro 'bute si; edete boŋgo liŋgyiekye opaoparo 'bilindriro se a'dibe lu'buliro, lärimiro ndi kodo walawalaro si ana si, beti malaikai vookwaro robe edete losi tauni amba rosi. 9 Oca boŋgo toyiro alona ro orivoya mba'damba'da na 'butealo fosu, ago käkpuna orivoya mba'damba'da na ritu, boŋgo toyiro cini ojorere. 10 Ànya loseyi boŋgo toyiro nji te azi be, ago loseyi azana se nji ana kpa inye. 11 Ànya edeyi ŋga toyina ro lu'buliro te sidri boŋgo toyiro tesi si 'do yasi riti; 12 ànya edeyi ŋgana toyiro te 'butenji boŋgo toyiro se käti 'do alona dri, ago ànya edeyi ŋga toyiro 'butenji te sidri boŋgo toyiro ṛirina ana dri; miäwuäwuro azi be. 13 Ànya edeyi ŋga dro'bena rote 'butenji logo läguläguro si kodro'be boŋgo toyiro robe azibe ŋga alo ro; ago mutuguṛi a'dote kpakyialo.
14 'Dooko ànya edeyi boŋgo toyiro kpate ni 'bi indri ro yasi 'butealo foalo drî Mutuguṛi ro takoza. 15 Oca boŋgo toyiro alo ro orivoya mba'demba'da 'butealo fonji, ago käkpu alona ro orivoya mba'damba'da na ritu; boŋgo toyiro se 'butealo foalo ana ojona ojorere. 16 Ànya loseyi boŋgo toyiro nji te voaloya ŋga alo ro, ago boŋgo toyiro njidrialo azana loseyi kpate voaloya. 17 Ànya edeyi ŋga toyina rote 'butenji sidri boŋgo toyiro kutwebe tesi si 'do alona drisi, ago ŋga toyina ro 'butenji azana drisi. 18 Ànya edeyi ŋga dro'bena rote 'butenji atala si, dro'bezana kpakyialo. 19 Ànya edeyi ŋga drina takoro te kyini oŋgaoŋgaro timelegogoi ro ndi indrii robe si.
20 'Dooko ànya edeyi joce Mutuguṛi rote ice weri rosi. 21 Oca joce alo ro orivoya kpikpina 'butealo fonji ago käkpuna orivoya nji'dinji'di na 'buteritu fonjidrieri. 22 Joce alo 'bu ritu be gbalaka'bo unjuzana, ànya ye se ono te inye joce cini mutuguṛi ro ri. 23 Ànya edeyite nonye; ogone ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi jocena orivoya 'buteritu; 24 ago edeyi unjuvona te 'butesu mo'di si joce 'buteritu zele, unjuvona ritu joce alo alo zele tana gbalaka'bo ànyaro ätizana. 25 Ago lama telesi Mutuguṛi ro ogone mä'dudrisi ya, ànya edeyi joce te 'buteritu, 26 unjuvo ànyaro orivoya 'butesu mo'di ro, 'bu ritu orivoya joce alo alo zelesi. 27 Kundu Mutuguṛi ro ogone aŋgoyasi ya, ànya edeyi joce te njidrialo. 28 Ago ànya edeyi joce ritu te cukudri Mutuguṛi ro kundu yasi ri; 29 Cukudri ritu kwoi odrobete vurusi le kurusi na ya iŋgyi logo rosi. Unjuvo cuku ritu kwoi ro edete oso inye. 30 Joce orivoya njidriena 'bu 'butealo fonjidrialo mo'di robe, joce cini alo alo zelesi 'bu orivoya ritu.
31 Ànya edeyi loro lalaro kurusi drina yasi te ice weri rosi, loro nji joce telesi alo Mutuguṛi ro ri; 32 ago loro nji lamadri telesi äziri Mutuguṛi ro ri ago loro nji joce Mutuguṛi ro ogone kundu ya aŋgoyasi ri. 33 Ànya 'bayi loro se kitori 'do te joce cini kicune kitoriya ànyaro yasi ni telesi le telesi. 34 Ànya 'biyi lomvo joce rote logo läguläguro si, ago edeyi iŋgyiŋwà ànyaro te logo läguläguro si loro nai ätizana, ago 'biyi lomvo loro nai rote logo läguläguro si.
35 Ànya 'diyi boŋgo toyina rote lu'buliro, lärimiro, walawalaro ndi boŋgo liŋgyiekye opaoparo 'bilindriro tiratiraro be si, beti malaika vookwaro be edete tauni amba si. 36 Ànya edeyi ice caricari su te rigye ni weri yasi, ago 'biyi lomvo ànyaro te logo läguläguro si; moŋgoŋwà ànyaro kpa läguläguro yasi ago ànya edeyi 'bu ànyaro te su ni mo'di yasi. 37 Ago edeyi boŋgo käläsi Mutuguṛi rote ni boŋgo lu'buliro, lärimiro ago walawalaro boŋgo liŋgyiekye opaoparo 'bilindriro yasi, itirate tira; 38 ago joce caricari toyina ro ànya edeyite nji ndi moŋgoŋwà ànyaro be. Ànya 'biyi lomvona te ndi ŋga toyina robe logo läguläguro si, ago edeyi 'bu nate nji ni atala yasi.