The Recovery of the Ax Head
1 One day the group of prophets that Elisha was in charge of complained to him, “The place where we live is too small! 2 Give us permission to go to the Jordan and cut down some trees, so that we can build a place to live.”
“All right,” Elisha answered.
3 One of them urged him to go with them; he agreed, 4 and they set out together. When they arrived at the Jordan, they began to work. 5 As one of them was cutting down a tree, suddenly his iron ax head fell in the water. “What shall I do, sir?” he exclaimed to Elisha. “It was a borrowed ax!”
6 “Where did it fall?” Elisha asked.
The man showed him the place, and Elisha cut off a stick, threw it in the water, and made the ax head float. 7 “Take it out,” he ordered, and the man reached down and picked it up.
The Syrian Army Is Defeated
8 The king of Syria was at war with Israel. He consulted his officers and chose a place to set up his camp. 9 But Elisha sent word to the king of Israel, warning him not to go near that place, because the Syrians were waiting in ambush there. 10 So the king of Israel warned the people who lived in that place, and they were on guard. This happened several times.
11 The Syrian king became greatly upset over this; he called in his officers and asked them, “Which one of you is on the side of the king of Israel?”
12 One of them answered, “No one is, Your Majesty. The prophet Elisha tells the king of Israel what you say even in the privacy of your own room.”
13 “Find out where he is,” the king ordered, “and I will capture him.”
When he was told that Elisha was in Dothan, 14 he sent a large force there with horses and chariots. They reached the town at night and surrounded it. 15 Early the next morning Elisha's servant got up, went out of the house, and saw the Syrian troops with their horses and chariots surrounding the town. He went back to Elisha and exclaimed, “We are doomed, sir! What shall we do?”
16 “Don't be afraid,” Elisha answered. “We have more on our side than they have on theirs.” 17 Then he prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!” The Lord answered his prayer, and Elisha's servant looked up and saw the hillside covered with horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
18 When the Syrians attacked, Elisha prayed, “O Lord, strike these men blind!” The Lord answered his prayer and struck them blind. 19 Then Elisha went to them and said, “You are on the wrong road; this is not the town you are looking for. Follow me, and I will lead you to the man you are after.” And he led them to Samaria.
20 As soon as they had entered the city, Elisha prayed, “Open their eyes, Lord, and let them see.” The Lord answered his prayer; he restored their sight, and they saw that they were inside Samaria.
21 When the king of Israel saw the Syrians, he asked Elisha, “Shall I kill them, sir? Shall I kill them?”
22 “No,” he answered. “Not even soldiers you had captured in combat would you put to death. Give them something to eat and drink, and let them return to their king.” 23 So the king of Israel provided a great feast for them; and after they had eaten and drunk, he sent them back to the king of Syria. From then on the Syrians stopped raiding the land of Israel.
The Siege of Samaria
24 Some time later King Benhadad of Syria led his entire army against Israel and laid siege to the city of Samaria. 25 As a result of the siege the food shortage in the city was so severe that a donkey's head cost eighty pieces of silver, and half a pound of dove's dung cost five pieces of silver.
26 The king of Israel was walking by on the city wall when a woman cried out, “Help me, Your Majesty!”
27 He replied, “If the Lord won't help you, what help can I provide? Do I have any wheat or wine? 28 What's your trouble?”
She answered, “The other day this woman here suggested that we eat my child, and then eat her child the next day. 29 So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I told her that we would eat her son, but she had hidden him!”
30 Hearing this, the king tore his clothes in dismay, and the people who were close to the wall could see that he was wearing sackcloth under his clothes. 31 He exclaimed, “May God strike me dead if Elisha is not beheaded before the day is over!” 32 And he sent a messenger to get Elisha.
Meanwhile Elisha was at home with some elders who were visiting him. Before the king's messenger arrived, Elisha said to the elders, “That murderer is sending someone to kill me! Now, when he gets here, shut the door and don't let him come in. The king himself will be right behind him.” 33 He had hardly finished saying this, when the king arrived and said, “It's the Lord who has brought this trouble on us! Why should I wait any longer for him to do something?”
Usu Koloŋwa Keci ro
1 Tu alo si gboko nebii ro atate Elisa ri ekye: “Vose màbe ori kigye drikaca miro zele ono orivoya pari giṛiŋwa ro ämäri. 2 Mi'ba ämäri oyine Yaradene ya ice ogane mede vo robe ämäri orizana.” Ndi Elisa zatadrite ekye: “Nyoyi ri.”
3 'Dooko alodi ànyaro atate ekye: “'Desi, molo'baru miri oyine ama ruindu'bai miroyi be.” Ago nda letadrina te. 4 Ndi Elisa oyite ànya yibe. Ondro ànya kosayite Yaradene ya oko, ànya gayi ice te. 5 Ondro mano alo aza kate ce oga oko, koloŋwa keci ndaro lepite ähwiri gyi ya; ago nda trete ekye: “Kuwuyi 'desi maro! Mayena e'di ya? Koloŋwa 'do märuuru tiko ro.” 6 Elisa ejitate ekye: “E'de gya eŋwaroya?” Ondro nda kaka'da vona te ndäri oko, Elisa ga ceŋwa aza te, vote gyi ya, ndi 'ba koloŋwa keci te oŋgane pele gyi dri. 7 Nda atate ekye: “Nyewe tesi.” Ago mano ana ozo drì ndaro te ago ru anya te.
Ape Kyila'bai Siria'bai ro rote Ṛe
8 Tu alo aza si ondro 'bädri'ba Siria ro kate kyila oye Yisaraele'bai be oko, nda äyitavote dri'bai kyila'bai ro ndaro robe ago njiyi vo gawa ndaro rote. 9 Oko Elisa zo lazote 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro ri ekye: “Nyälävu ko vo ana yasi tana Siria'bai kayi oyi lau.” 10 'Bädri'ba Yisaraele ro zo lidri te vose Elisa kiti tana be ndäri ana täkyine. Nda emba mi 'bädri'ba rote inye perena amba. Ta'dota 'bädri'ba a'dote miomba be vo ana yasi.
11 'Bädri'ba Siria ro a'dote wiriwiriro ta tase ono rota; nda zi dri'bai kyila'bai ndaro rote ago eji ànyate ekye: “Nyiti ta märi a'di ozo vo amaro ni 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro ri ya?”
12 Ago alo aza dri'bai kyila'bai ndaro ro atate ekye: “'Diaza tona i'do 'desi maro 'bädri'ba, oko 'do ṛo 'du Elisa, nebi se Yisaraele ya 'do owo, nda iti ta cini se nyatabe zo u'duro miro ya 'do tana ṛo ni 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro ri.”
13 'Dooko 'bädri'ba atate ekye: “Nyòyi ago mindre vose nda kabe ori kigye 'do, tana mazo lidri robe nda urune.”
Ago iti tana te ndäri ekye Elisa ka ori Dotana ya. 14 Ndi nda zo kyila'bai amba te farasii ndi arabia kyila rosi, ànya ikyiyite ŋgäkyi si ndi muyidri 'bakici ana rote.
15 Ondro ruindu'ba Elisa ro koŋgate kyenoŋboci kofote tesi oko, nda ndre kyila'bai te farasii ndi arabia kyila robe te gbikyi 'bakici lomvosi. Nda atate Elisa ri ekye: “Kuwuyi, 'desi maro! Mayena e'diya?”
16 Elisa zatadrite ekye: “Nyuturi ko, tana ànya se ama yibe orivoya amba ndrani ànya drisi.” 17 'Dooko Elisa mätute ekye: “Äye OPI, molo'baru miri, mipi mi ndaro nda kondre robe.” Ndi OPI pi mi ruindu'ba ndaro ana rote, ago nda ndre farasii ndi arabia asi ro yibe te orivoya twi 'bereŋwa pa gbikyi Elisa lomvosi.
18 Ondro Siria'bai kikyiyite Elisa gotane oko, Elisa ye mätu te OPI ri ekye: “Molo'baru miri mi'ba lidri ono a'done miako.” Ago OPI 'ba ànya te a'done miako oso Elisa kejibe ronye. 19 'Dooko Elisa atate ànyari ekye: “Liti koni no, ago ono koni 'bakici se nyabe uṛina owo; mìso mavo, mugu ami robe mano se nyabe uṛina re.” Ago nda ugu ànya te Samaria ya.
20 Dori ondro ànya kociyite Samaria ya oko, Elisa mätute ekye: “Äye OPI, mipi mi lidri kwoi ro, ànya kondreyi ŋga robe.” 'Dooko OPI pi mi ànyaro te ago ondro ànya kondreyi oko anjioko ànya te orivoya kitoriya Samaria roya.
21 Ondro 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro kondre ànya te oko, nda atate Elisa ri ekye: “Täpi maro, inye'do mäfu ànya ya? Inye'do mäfu ànya ya?”
22 Elisa zatadrite ekye: “Beṛo ko miri ànya ufune. Inye'do mifuna ànya se mirube kamba'ba ro bando miro si ago kusu miro si ono ndiya? Nyozo gyi ndi ŋgaonya be ànyari konyayi ago kumvuyi robe ago koyiyi robe 'desi ànyaro re.” 23 Ta'dota 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro la'di ŋgaonya amba te ànyari, ago ondro ànya konyayite ago kumvuyite oko, nda 'ba ànya te ogone kovole, ndi ànya oyiyite 'desi ànyaro re. Ago eto ni tu ana si Siria'bai ikyiyi kote tona wari Yisaraele ro gotane.
Drî Samaria ro Umuna
24 Ono vosi Benadada 'bädri'ba Siria ro ṛikala kyila'bai ndaro rote kyiti, ago oyiyite muyidri Samaria rote. 25 Anya kumuyi drina be 'ba mä'bu 'desi a'dote Samaria ya, se 'ba ogye drî alodi doŋgyi rote sekele mo'di ro njidriena ago telesi alo lisu agba se äzibe tu'buze 'do ro ogyenate tonyo mo'di ro nji si.
26 Tu alo aza si ondro 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro kate ugu aba tiṛi 'bakici ro drisi oko toko aza ayodrite ndäri ekye: “Äye 'bädri'ba, 'desi maro mipa ma ya!”
27 'Bädri'ba zatadrite ekye: “Ondro ka'do OPI kopa mi kote mapana mi eŋwanyeya? Ma gibe ŋga aza be kaladri ya kode vo vino ozoro ya ya?”
28 Ago 'bädri'ba eji ndate ekye: “Rriti miro e'diya?”
Anya zatadrite ekye: “Toko azi ono tu alodi aza si atate märi ekye: ‘Nyozo ŋgwaagoro miro ämäri onyane ondro, ago ondo oko mànyana maro gwo.’ 29 Ta'dota mala'di ŋgwaagoro maro te, ago mànya nda te. Tu kinjo si matate anyari makye: ‘Nyozo ŋgwaagoro miro mànya nda robe;’ oko anya da'do ŋgwaagoro anyaro te.”
30 Ondro 'bädri'ba keri ata toko ono rote oko nda wa boŋgo ndaro te, ondro nda ka ugu aba tiṛi drisi oko lidri se loto tiṛi lomvo kai ndreyi nda so gunia te nda lomvo boŋgo ndaro zele vurusi. 31 Nda äṛurute ekye: “Lu kufu ma, ondro ka'do drî Elisa ŋgwa Safata ro ro kori gite täṛiako ondro owo.”
32 'Bädri'ba zo mano aza te Elisa vo.
'Dooko Elisa orivoya zo ndaro ya, ago 'di 'desii orivoya nda be, oko dri teinye lazo'ba ri esaako Elisa atate 'di'desii ana ri ekye: “Inye'do mìndre 'diufu'ba ono kezo 'diaza be drî maro täṛine 'do ndi ya? Ondro ka'do lazo'ba 'do kesate noŋwa oko, mìse käläsi ago nyìpi ṛo anda. A'dona 'bädri'ba andivona ka kpa eziikyi nda vo.” 33 Ondro nda dri atavoya ànya be oko, 'bädri'ba esate ago atate ekye: “Rriti gi ono ni OPI resi! Marina dhu ta kotene madaro ni OPI resi etaya?”