King Ahaz of Judah
(2 Chronicles 28.1-27)
1 In the seventeenth year of the reign of Pekah son of Remaliah as king of Israel, Ahaz son of Jotham became king of Judah 2 at the age of twenty, and he ruled in Jerusalem for sixteen years. He did not follow the good example of his ancestor King David; instead, he did what was not pleasing to the Lord his God 3 and followed the example of the kings of Israel. He even sacrificed his own son as a burnt offering to idols, imitating the disgusting practice of the people whom the Lord had driven out of the land as the Israelites advanced. 4 At the pagan places of worship, on the hills, and under every shady tree, Ahaz offered sacrifices and burned incense.
5 King Rezin of Syria and King Pekah of Israel attacked Jerusalem and besieged it, but could not defeat Ahaz. ( 6 At the same time the king of Edom regained control of the city of Elath and drove out the Judeans who lived there. The Edomites settled in Elath and still live there.) 7 Ahaz sent men to Tiglath Pileser, the emperor of Assyria, with this message: “I am your devoted servant. Come and rescue me from the kings of Syria and of Israel, who are attacking me.” 8 Ahaz took the silver and gold from the Temple and the palace treasury, and sent it as a present to the emperor. 9 Tiglath Pileser, in answer to Ahaz' plea, marched out with his army against Damascus, captured it, killed King Rezin, and took the people to Kir as prisoners.
10 When King Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Emperor Tiglath Pileser, he saw the altar there and sent back to Uriah the priest an exact model of it, down to the smallest details. 11 So Uriah built an altar just like it and finished it before Ahaz returned. 12 On his return from Damascus, Ahaz saw that the altar was finished, 13 so he burned animal sacrifices and grain offerings on it and poured a wine offering and the blood of a fellowship offering on it. 14 The bronze altar dedicated to the Lord was between the new altar and the Temple, so Ahaz moved it to the north side of his new altar. 15 Then he ordered Uriah: “Use this large altar of mine for the morning burnt offerings and the evening grain offerings, for the burnt offerings and grain offerings of the king and the people, and for the people's wine offerings. Pour on it the blood of all the animals that are sacrificed. But keep the bronze altar for me to use for divination.” 16 Uriah did as the king commanded.
17 King Ahaz took apart the bronze carts used in the Temple and removed the basins that were on them. He also took the bronze tank from the backs of the twelve bronze bulls and placed it on a stone foundation. 18 And in order to please the Assyrian emperor, Ahaz also removed from the Temple the platform for the royal throne and closed up the king's private entrance to the Temple.
19 Everything else that King Ahaz did is recorded in The History of the Kings of Judah. 20 Ahaz died and was buried in the royal tombs in David's City, and his son Hezekiah succeeded him as king.
Aza 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro
(2 Ambâ 28:1-27)
1 Ndroa 'butealo fonjidrieri ori Peka ŋgwa Remalia ro 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro rosi oko, Aza ŋgwa Yotama 'bädri'ba Yuda ro ro eto 'dimiri gwo. 2 Aza ka eto 'dimiri oko ndroa ndaro te 'buteritu, ago nda mirivote ndroa 'butealo fonjidrialo Yerusalema ya. Nda ye kote tase ŋgye ayani OPI Lu ndaro mile, oso zutu ndaro Dawidi koyebe ronye, 3 oko nda sote liti taloyero 'bädri'bai Yisaraele ro ro voro. Nda za ŋgwa ndaro kpate ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro lu awi ri, oso taoye undiro tu'dei se OPI konjabe ni mile lidri Yisaraele ro ro yasi kai koyeyibe ronye. 4 Nda lo tori te ago za ŋga tägyi tagyiriro te voi lu awi mäturo yasi, lutui drisi, ago ice cini kundruro zelesi.
5 'Dooko Rezina 'bädri'ba Siria ro ndi Peka ŋgwa Remalia ro 'bädri'ba Yisaraele robe ikyiyite kyila oyene Yerusalema ya Aza be. Ànya gotayi ndate, caoko peyi Aza kote ṛe. 6 (Tu gi ana si 'bädri'ba Edoma ro go ru Elata te, ago nja lidri Yuda ro teni Elata yasi. Edoma'bai ikyiyite Elata ya ago riyite lau gile tu ono si ono.) 7 Ndi Aza zo lazo'bai te Tigelata Pilesera 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ri ekye: “Ma orivoya ruindu'ba miro ago ŋgwa miro. Nyikyi ri ma opane ni 'bädri'ba Siria ndi 'bädri'ba Yisaraele robe ri, se kayite ma gota.” 8 Aza ru mo'di ndi logo läguläguro be teni Yekalu yasi ago ni vo ŋgaodroro zo'desi miri robe yasi ago zote ŋgapäṛi ro 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ri. 9 Ndi 'Bädri'ba Asaria ro letadri ndaro te, nda ikyite Damaseka dri, ago ru anya te, ugu lidri na te kamba'ba ro Kiri ya, ago fu 'Bädri'ba Rezina te.
10 Ondro 'Bädri'ba Aza koyite Damaseka ya drî Tigelata Pilesera 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ro utune oko, nda ndre vo tori oloro se orivoya Damaseka ya ana te. Nda zo a'do beti modona rote kohani Uria ri. 11 Ta'dota Uria be vo tori oloro te; betina a'do ndi oso se 'Bädri'ba Aza kezobe ni Damaseka yasi ana ronye. Nda bete teinye dri esaako 'bädri'ba Aza ri ni Damaseka yasi. 12 Ondro 'bädri'ba kegote ni Damaseka yasi oko, nda ndre vo tori oloro te. 'Dooko 'bädri'ba iswete loto vo tori oloro re, ago tute driigye, 13 ago nda za ŋgapäṛi ozaro ndi ŋgapäṛi inya robe te driigye, ago luvu vino ndi kari ŋgapäṛii taliatokpe o'baro rote vo tori oloro dri. 14 Aza ana vo tori oloro se adibe OPI ri ana teni Yekalu milesi ni lakole vo tori oloro ndaro yi ro Yekalu be yasi ago go bete lama telesi vo tori oloro ndaro ro ogone mä'dudrisi yasi. 15 'Dooko 'bädri'ba Aza ta kohani Uria te ekye: “Miza ŋgapäṛi ozaro kyenoŋbo si, ago ŋgapäṛi inya ro tandrole si vo tori oloro maro ono dri, ago ŋgapäṛi 'bädri'ba ro ozaro ndi ŋgapäṛi inya ro ndaro be, ŋgapäṛi ozaro lidri cini wari ono ya ro ŋgapäṛi ànyaro inya ro ndi vino robe. Nyuluvu kari ŋgapäṛi cini ozaro ndi oloro be driigye. Oko mi'ba vo tori oloro atala ro kori märi, OPI ejizana sina.” 16 Kohani Uria ye tase cini ono te, oso se 'Bädri'ba Aza katabe ndäri ronye.
17 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Aza täṛi pa arabia atalaro rote, ago ana saani se ànya ya kai te, nda ana karaṛi teni kundu 'daŋgoi atalaro ro yasi, ago 'bate kuni se zevona ya ana dri. 18 'Bädri'ba Aza pere votoŋgo se giti 'bädri'ba ro o'baro ana kpate, ago se liti se 'bädri'ba ro eci ro Yekalu ya Sabata si ana te tana nda le 'bädri'ba Azaria i'dwene. 19 Taoye cini azaka se Aza koyebe egyi tana te Buku Ambâ ro 'Bädri'bai Yuda ro roya. 20 Aza drate ago ase nda te zutui ndaro re 'Bakici Dawidi roya; ago Ezekia ŋgwa ndaro gorite 'bädri'ba ro vo ndaro ya.