King Solomon Prays for Wisdom
(1 Kings 3.1-15)
1 Solomon, the son of King David, took firm control of the kingdom of Israel, and the Lord his God blessed him and made him very powerful.
2 King Solomon gave an order to all the officers in charge of units of a thousand men and of a hundred men, all the government officials, all the heads of families, and all the rest of the people, 3 commanding them to go with him to the place of worship at Gibeon. They went there because that was where the Tent of the Lord's presence was located, which Moses, the Lord's servant, had made in the wilderness. ( 4 The Covenant Box, however, was in Jerusalem, kept in a tent which King David had set up when he brought the Box from Kiriath Jearim.) 5 The bronze altar which had been made by Bezalel, the son of Uri and grandson of Hur, was also in Gibeon in front of the Tent of the Lord's presence. King Solomon and all the people worshiped the Lord there. 6 In front of the Tent the king worshiped the Lord by offering sacrifices on the bronze altar; he had a thousand animals killed and burned whole on it.
7 That night God appeared to Solomon and asked, “What would you like me to give you?”
8 Solomon answered, “You always showed great love for my father David, and now you have let me succeed him as king. 9 O Lord God, fulfill the promise you made to my father. You have made me king over a people who are so many that they cannot be counted, 10 so give me the wisdom and knowledge I need to rule over them. Otherwise, how would I ever be able to rule this great people of yours?”
11 God replied to Solomon, “You have made the right choice. Instead of asking for wealth or treasure or fame or the death of your enemies or even for long life for yourself, you have asked for wisdom and knowledge so that you can rule my people, over whom I have made you king. 12 I will give you wisdom and knowledge. And in addition, I will give you more wealth, treasure, and fame than any king has ever had before or will ever have again.”
King Solomon's Power and Wealth
(1 Kings 10.26-29)
13 So Solomon left the place of worship at Gibeon, where the Tent of the Lord's presence was, and returned to Jerusalem. There he ruled over Israel. 14 He built up a force of fourteen hundred chariots and twelve thousand cavalry horses. Some of them he kept in Jerusalem, and the rest he stationed in various other cities. 15 During his reign silver and gold became as common in Jerusalem as stone, and cedar was as plentiful as ordinary sycamore in the foothills of Judah. 16 The king's agents controlled the export of horses from Musri and Cilicia, 17 and the export of chariots from Egypt. They supplied the Hittite and Syrian kings with horses and chariots, selling chariots for 600 pieces of silver each and horses for 150 each.
Mätu 'Bädri'ba Solomo ro ta Tavouni rota
(1 'Bädri'bai 3:1-15)
1 Solomo, ŋgwa 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ro tomba miri 'bädri'ba ndaro rote, ago Opi Lu ndaro äṛu nda te ago 'ba nda te mbara be.
2 'Bädri'ba Solomo ozo ota te, otaozo'bai lidri kutu ro ndi kama robe, vureope'bai dri'bai cini losi ro miri ro, dri'bai cini katidrii robe ndi lidri cini be ri, 3 ànyari oyine nda be vo mätu roya Gibeona ya. Ànya oyiyite lau tana ana ni vose Mutuguṛi a'do lototi Opi ro ro ka'dobe kigye owo, se Musa, ruindu'ba Opi ro kedebe vocowa ya ana. 4 (Oko Sänduku Tao'baro orivoya Yerusalema ya, a'bate mutuguṛi se 'Bädri'ba Dawidi kedebe tuse nda kesi Sänduku be ni Kiriata Jearima yasi ana si ana ya.) 5 Vo tori oloro atala ro se Bezalela, ŋgwa Uri ro kwozo Huri ro kedebe ana orivoya Gibeona ya, mile Mutuguṛi a'do lototi Opi ro roya. Solomo ndi lidri cini be mätuyi Opi te lau. 6 'Bädri'ba mätu Opi te mile Mutuguṛi roya lau tori olo si vo tori oloro atala ro dri; nda tufu koronyai kutu alo (1,000) te ago zate kpeye driigye.
7 Ŋgäkyi gi ana si Lu ka'darute Solomo ri, ago eji nda te ekye: “Mile märi e'di ozone miri ya?”
8 Solomo zatadrite ekye: “Ondoalo nyaka'da ŋgalu 'desi te täpi maro Dawidi ri, ago yauono mi'ba ma te 'bädriba ro vo ndaro ya. 9 Äye Opi Lu, mi'ba tao'ba miro täpi maro ri osane mina ya. Tana mi'ba mate 'bädri'ba ro lidri amba se äni kote otine ono dri, 10 ka'do inye nyozo tavouni ndi tauni be märi lidri ono mirizana. Tana mimirina lidri amba ono eŋwanyeya?”
11 Lu logotate Solomo ri ekye: “Nyeji te tase ŋgye ayani. Tana nyeji ta kote ta ŋgadriamba kode liku kode kyila'baazii miro ri todrane kode orine miri madaro, oko nyejite tavouni ndi tauni be ayani, lidri maro se ma'ba mibe 'bädri'ba ro driigye ono mirizana. 12 Mozona tavouni ndi tauni be 'da miri. Ago mozona ŋgaamba kpa miri, lakazà driamba ndi liku be, ndrani 'bädri'bai se käti ni miri ka'doyibe sina, ago se kabe eso mivo kabe oye a'done sina drisi.”
Mbara ndi Ŋgadriamba Solomo robe
(1 'Bädri'bai 10:26-29)
13 Ta'dota Solomo e'be vo mätu ro se Gibeona ya, se Mutuguṛi a'do lototi Opi ro ro orivoya kigye ana te, egote Yerusalema ya. Ago nda miri Yisaraele te ni nasi. 14 Nda ede kyila'bai ndaro te arabia kutu alo kama su (1,400) ago farasi'bai orivoya kutu 'butealo foritu (12,000). Nda 'ba azaka te orine Yerusalema ya, ago nda 'ba rukäna te orine 'bakicii azaka yasi. 15 Tu 'dimiriro ndaro si mo'di ndi logo läguläguro be a'dote njakyi Yerusalema ya oso kuni ronye, ago wiri a'dote nyalakpa oso ice ete kyi'du ro ronye. 16 Dri'bai ŋgalogye ro Solomo ro eziyi farasii te ni Ezipeto ndi Kilikia be yasi, ago gyeyi arabia teni Ezipeto yasi. 17 Ànya go gyeyi farasii ndi arabia yibe te 'bädri'bai Ete'bai ndi Siria'bai be ro ri, arabia alodi lagyena orivoya tonyo mo'di ro 'butenjidrialo (60) ago farasi alodi lagyena orivoya tonyo mo'di ro kama alo 'butenji (150).