Getting Ready to Move the Covenant Box
1 For his own use, David built houses in David's City. He also prepared a place for God's Covenant Box and put up a tent for it. 2 Then he said, “Only Levites should carry the Covenant Box, because they are the ones the Lord chose to carry it and to serve him forever.” 3 So David summoned all the people of Israel to Jerusalem in order to bring the Covenant Box to the place he had prepared for it. 4 Next he sent for the descendants of Aaron and for the Levites. 5 From the Levite clan of Kohath came Uriel, in charge of 120 members of his clan; 6 from the clan of Merari came Asaiah, in charge of 220; 7 from the clan of Gershon, Joel, in charge of 130; 8 from the clan of Elizaphan, Shemaiah, in charge of 200; 9 from the clan of Hebron, Eliel, in charge of 80; 10 and from the clan of Uzziel, Amminadab, in charge of 112.
11 David called in the priests Zadok and Abiathar and the six Levites, Uriel, Asaiah, Joel, Shemaiah, Eliel, and Amminadab. 12 He said to the Levites, “You are the leaders of the Levite clans. Purify yourselves and your fellow Levites, so that you can bring the Covenant Box of the Lord God of Israel to the place I have prepared for it. 13 Because you were not there to carry it the first time, the Lord our God punished us for not worshiping him as we should have done.”
14 Then the priests and the Levites purified themselves in order to move the Covenant Box of the Lord God of Israel. 15 The Levites carried it on poles on their shoulders, as the Lord had commanded through Moses.
16 David commanded the leaders of the Levites to assign various Levites to sing and to play joyful music on harps and cymbals. 17-21 From the clans of singers they chose the following men to play the brass cymbals: Heman son of Joel, his relative Asaph son of Berechiah, and Ethan son of Kushaiah, of the clan of Merari. To assist them they chose the following Levites to play the high-pitched harps: Zechariah, Jaaziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Unni, Eliab, Maaseiah, and Benaiah.
To play the low-pitched harps they chose the following Levites: Mattithiah, Eliphelehu, Mikneiah, Azaziah, and the Temple guards, Obed Edom and Jeiel.
22 Because of his skill in music Chenaniah was chosen to be in charge of the levitical musicians. 23-24 Berechiah and Elkanah, along with Obed Edom and Jehiah, were chosen as guards for the Covenant Box. The priests Shebaniah, Joshaphat, Nethanel, Amasai, Zechariah, Benaiah, and Eliezer were chosen to blow trumpets in front of the Covenant Box.
Moving the Covenant Box to Jerusalem
(2 Samuel 6.12-22)
25 So King David, the leaders of Israel, and the military commanders went to the house of Obed Edom to get the Covenant Box, and they had a great celebration. 26 They sacrificed seven bulls and seven sheep, to make sure that God would help the Levites who were carrying the Covenant Box. 27 David was wearing a robe made of the finest linen, and so were the musicians, Chenaniah their leader, and the Levites who carried the Box. David also wore a linen ephod. 28 So all the Israelites accompanied the Covenant Box up to Jerusalem with shouts of joy, the sound of trumpets, horns, and cymbals, and the music of harps.
29 As the Box was being brought into the city, Michal, Saul's daughter, looked out of the window and saw King David dancing and leaping for joy, and she was disgusted with him.
A'do Nja Sänduku Tao'baro Ezine
1 Dawidi be zo te andivo ndaro ri 'Bakici Dawidi roya; ago nda ede vo kpate Sänduku Tao'baro Lu ro ri, ago oto zo boŋgo ro te rigye. 2 'Dooko Dawidi atate ekye: 'Di to aza ri ni Sänduku uŋgyine i'do e'be gialo Lewe'bai ayani, tana Opi nji ànya ni Sänduku Opi ro uŋgyine ago ruindune ndäri rriro. 3 Ta'dota Dawidi mbikala lidri cini Yisaraele ro rote Yerusalema ya, Sänduku Tao'baro ezine vona se nda kedebe rigye 'do ya. 4 Nda otokala zelevoi Arona ro ndi Lewe'bai be rote; 5 ni käläsikala Lewe'ba ro Koata ro yasi, Uriela ni dri'ba lidri kama alo 'buteritu (120) käläsikala ndaro ro; 6 ni käläsikala Merari ro yasi, Asaya ni dri'ba yi, tro ädrupii ndaro be ànya orivoya kama ritu 'buteritu (220); 7 ni käläsikala Geresona ro yasi Yoele ni dri'ba yi, tro ädrupii ndaro be ànya orivoya kama alo 'butenätu (130); 8 ni käläsikala Elizafana ro yasi, Semaya ni dri'ba yi, tro ädrupii ndaro be ànya orivoya kama ritu (200); 9 ni käläsikala Eberona ro yasi, Eliela ni dri'ba yi, tro ädrupii ndaro be ànya orivoya 'butenjidriena (80); 10 ago ni käläsikala Uziela ro yasi, Aminadaba ni dri'ba yi. Tro ädrupii ndaro be ànya orivoya kama alo 'butealo foritu (112). 11 'Dooko Dawidi zi kohanii Zadoka ndi Abiatara be te, ndi Lewe'bai Uriela, Azaya, Yoele, Semaya, Eliela ndi Aminadaba be te. 12 Nda atate ànyari ekye: Ami ni dri'bai katidri Lewe'bai ro ro, mi'ba andivo amiro a'done alokado, ami ndi ädrupii amiro Lewe'bai ro be tana nyezi Sänduku Tao'baro Opi Lu Yisaraele ro robe, vose medebe rigye 'do ya. 13 Tana tu käti si ami i'do uŋgyivona ya, Opi Lu amaro eza ama te tana mämätu nda kote oso se aba beṛo ämäri oyene ronye. 14 Ago kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be 'bayi andivo ànyaro te a'done alokado Sänduku Tao'baro Opi Lu Yisaraele ro ro eziza. 15 Lewe'bai ŋgyiyi Sänduku Tao'baro te depere ànyaro si ice de'belero si, oso se Opi kota ànya be Musa si ana ronye.
16 Dawidi ta dri'bai Lewe'bai ro kpate ädrupii ànyaro se loŋgo oŋgo'bai ro topene se orivoya tauni be loŋgo oŋgone ŋga loŋgo o'biro kporo be, kudi, yeṛi ndi araca be si, uwina drina tozane riyä oye si. 17 Ni käläsikala Lewe'bai loŋgo oŋgo'bai ro yasi anji lidri kwoi te araca atalaro o'bine; Emana ŋgwa Yoele ro, 'didiri ndaro Asafa ŋgwa Berakia ro, Etana ŋgwa Kusaya ro ni käläsikala Merari ro yasi; 18 ànya njiyi Lewe'bai kwoi kpate ànya opane kudi o'bi si: Zekaria, Jaziela, Semiramota, Jiela, Uni, eliaba, Benaya, Maseya, Matatia, Elefelehu ndi Mikeneya be, ago käläsi gaga'bai ni Obededoma ndi Jiela be. 19 Loŋgo oŋgo'bai Emana, Asafa, ndi Etana be ni araca atala ro o'bi'bana yi. 20 Yeṛi ovo'bai ni Zekaria, Aziela, Semiramota, Jiela, Uni, Eliaba, Maseya ndi Benaya be; 21 Oko Matatia, Elifelehu, Mikeneya, Obededoma, Jiela ndi Azazia be ni kudi o'bi'bai. 22 Kenania ni dri'ba Lewe'bai ro loŋgo dri titi ro ŋga loŋgo o'biro si, tana nda ni tana ni. 23 Berekia ndi Elekana be ni käläsi Sänduku Tao'baro ro gaga'bai. 24 Kohanii Sebania, Yosapata, Netaniela, Amasai, Zekaria, Benaya ndi Eliezera ni cekuṛe ovoro mile Sänduku Tao'baro roya.
Ezi Sänduku Tao'baro ro Yerusalema ya
(2 Samuele 6:12-22)
25 'Dooko Dawidi ndi dri'bai Yisaraele robe ndi otaozo'bai kyila'bai robe, oyiyite Sänduku Tao'baro Opi ro ezine ni zo Obededoma ro yasi riyä amba si, ago ànya yeyi karama 'desi te. 26 Ànya loyi 'daŋgoi njidrieri ndi timelegogoi njidrieri be te, uniza ŋgye anjioko Lu opana Lewe'bai se kayibe ugu Sänduku Tao'baro uŋgyina kai ndi. 27 Dawidi so boŋgo runduṛu ro 'bilindri ro te, ago Lewe'bai se cini kuŋgyiyi Sänduku be ana kpa inye, ndi loŋgo oŋgo'bai be, Kenania ni dri'ba ànyaro, ago Dawidi so boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa kätäti ro kpate. 28 'Dooko Yisaraele'bai cini eziyi Sänduku Tao'baro Opi rote Yerusalema ya totre amba riyä rosi, kporo toro'ba, cekuṛe, araca, yeṛi ndi kudi be rosi.
29 Ondro Sänduku Tao'baro kate eci 'Bakici Dawidi roya oko, Mikale ŋguti Saulo ro kondrevote vouŋbo yasi oko, ndre 'bädri'ba Dawidi te ugu läri otovoya ndi loŋga be riyä si oko, anya mawo nda te yasi.