Responsibilities toward Believers
1 Do not rebuke an older man, but appeal to him as if he were your father. Treat the younger men as your brothers, 2 the older women as mothers, and the younger women as sisters, with all purity.
3 Show respect for widows who really are all alone. 4 But if a widow has children or grandchildren, they should learn first to carry out their religious duties toward their own family and in this way repay their parents and grandparents, because that is what pleases God. 5 A widow who is all alone, with no one to take care of her, has placed her hope in God and continues to pray and ask him for his help night and day. 6 But a widow who gives herself to pleasure has already died, even though she lives. 7 Give them these instructions, so that no one will find fault with them. 8 But if any do not take care of their relatives, especially the members of their own family, they have denied the faith and are worse than an unbeliever.
9 Do not add any widow to the list of widows unless she is over sixty years of age. In addition, she must have been married only once 10 and have a reputation for good deeds: a woman who brought up her children well, received strangers in her home, performed humble duties for other Christians, helped people in trouble, and devoted herself to doing good.
11 But do not include younger widows in the list; because when their desires make them want to marry, they turn away from Christ, 12 and so become guilty of breaking their earlier promise to him. 13 They also learn to waste their time in going around from house to house; but even worse, they learn to be gossips and busybodies, talking of things they should not. 14 So I would prefer that the younger widows get married, have children, and take care of their homes, so as to give our enemies no chance of speaking evil of us. 15 For some widows have already turned away to follow Satan. 16 But if any Christian woman has widows in her family, she must take care of them and not put the burden on the church, so that it may take care of the widows who are all alone.
17 The elders who do good work as leaders should be considered worthy of receiving double pay, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching. 18 For the scripture says, “Do not muzzle an ox when you are using it to thresh grain” and “Workers should be given their pay.” 19 Do not listen to an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or more witnesses. 20 Rebuke publicly all those who commit sins, so that the rest may be afraid.
21 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the holy angels I solemnly call upon you to obey these instructions without showing any prejudice or favor to anyone in anything you do. 22 Be in no hurry to lay hands on people to dedicate them to the Lord's service. Take no part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure.
23 Do not drink water only, but take a little wine to help your digestion, since you are sick so often.
24 The sins of some people are plain to see, and their sins go ahead of them to judgment; but the sins of others are seen only later. 25 In the same way good deeds are plainly seen, and even those that are not so plain cannot be hidden.
Kana Taoma'bai ri
1 Mi'bidri agoambago ro ko, oko nyolo'baru ndäri oso nda orivoya täpi miro. Miye agoanjii oso ädrupii miro ronye, 2 tòkoadraŋwai oso endrei ronye, ago 'ditoko ndiriŋwa ro oso endreŋwà ronye, a'do wäṛi cini si.
3 Nyaka'da taoro ävuzii se cini ṛote endaro iṛe ri. 4 Oko ondro ävuzi aza orivoya ŋgwai be kode kwozoi be, beṛo ànyari taunine käti ono anjioko kama ànyaro mätu ro oyene katidri modo ànyaro ro ri ago oyena nonye si go kayi ŋga ozo uti'bai ànyaro ri tana ono ni tase kabe Lu usi owo. 5 Ävuzi se orivoya ṛote iṛe, teinye 'diaza ako vo anyaro ondrene, 'ba mi anyaro te Lu dri ago ka mätu oye 'duro ago ka nda eji ta ŋgaopa ndaro rota ŋgäkyi si kpa kitu si. 6 Oko ävuzi se kabe andivo anyaro ozo riyä awi ri dra ṛote nja, anya ka gica ori owo. 7 Nyozo taŋgaembaro kwoi ànyari, ukyi 'diaza kozi ànya 'da. 8 Oko ondro 'diaza kotita 'didiri ndaro ro kote, para ndrana gboko katidri modo ndaro ro, anjioko nda ga taoma tezo ago orivoya kozipara ndrani taomaako'ba ri.
9 Nyoloci ävuzi aza ko ävuru ävuzii se egyite roya e'be gialo ndroa na kälävu 'butenjidrialo (60) lutu, ago agye anya te, ṛo perena alodi. 10 Ago a'dote liku kado be takado oyesi; toko se eca ŋgwai anyaro te kadoro, ru atrai te 'ba anyaro ya, ye kama te driuŋgyiako si Kristo'bai azi ri, pa lidri se rriti ya te, ago ozo andivo anyaro te ugu takado oyene.
11 Oko nyoloci ävuzii se mbara ro ko ävuru ävuzii se egyite roya; tana ondro koleyite iyi ogyene, ànya onanayi iyi ndi ni Kristo resi, 12 ago 'dooko a'donayi ndi taenji tao'ba se ànya ko'babe kyeno Lu ri 'do ro perena robe. 13 Ànya orinayi kpa gwo saa ànyaro enjine ugunayi aba kpa gwo zo yasi zo yasi, oko kozi parana ànya embayi iyi te a'done kyere'bai ro, ago loci'bai ro ta cini yasi, ugu ŋgase ko ànyari atane atana be. 14 Oko male ävuzii mbara ro ri iyi ogyene, a'doza ŋgwai be, ago kotiyi 'ba ànyaro tana robe, ukyi ozo kandrakado 'da kyila'baazii ri ugu taundi ataza ama lomvo. 15 Tana ävuzii azaka so ṛote nja Satani vo. 16 Oko ondro toko aza Kristo'ba yi ka'dote ävuzii be katidri anyaro ya, beṛo anyari ta ànyaro otine, ago ko ŋgaläŋgyi o'bane känisa dri, tana ko'ba känisa kotita ävuzii se ṛote iṛe ro robe.
17 'Di'desii se kayibe losi kado oye oso dri'bai ronye beṛo tana usune kadoro kuguyi päläti uru robe kadoro amba, para ndrana ànya se kayibe losi mbara oye ugu taope si ndi miemba be iyi. 18 Tana taegyi ka ata ekye: “Nyembe kala 'daŋgo ro ko ondro nyate ugu losi oye sina inya otone owo,” ago “losioye'ba, beṛo ndi päläti ndaro ozone.” 19 Ate 'di'desi aza kicu miri nyeri tana ko e'be gialo ezi tazevoedre'bai ritu kode amba lutu. 20 Ànya se cini kayibe takozi oye mi'bi drî na ṛo miamba ya, tana ambana kuturi robe. 21 Ṛo orivoya Lu kandra ndi Kristo Yesu be ndi malaikai alokado be ma mi eji taŋgaembaro kwoi orone teinye 'di gyele ako kode ko 'diaza lune ayani ŋgase aza nyabe oyena ya. 22 Miye ta ko karagbagba ro drio'ba si 'diaza se nda odine ruindune Opi ri dri. Nyoloci mi ko takozi azii roya, nyagaga andivo miro wäṛiro.
23 Mimvu ko toto gyi ayani, oko mimvu vino fere ta ya miro rota, tana mi orivoya adravoro ondoalo.
24 Takozii lidri azaka ro ṛo orivoya ŋbelero ondrene, ago takozi ànyaro ka ànya ugu mileya vure ya; oko takozii azaka ro andrete le kovolesi. 25 Kpa oso inye andre taoye kado te ŋbelero, ago ca ànya se andre kote ŋbelero ro äni kote da'done.