1 Then Samuel took a jar of olive oil and poured it on Saul's head, kissed him, and said, “The Lord anoints you as ruler of his people Israel. You will rule his people and protect them from all their enemies. And this is the proof to you that the Lord has chosen you to be the ruler of his people: 2 When you leave me today, you will meet two men near Rachel's tomb at Zelzah in the territory of Benjamin. They will tell you that the donkeys you were looking for have been found, so that your father isn't worried any more about them but about you, and he keeps asking, ‘What shall I do about my son?’ 3 You will go on from there until you come to the sacred tree at Tabor, where you will meet three men on their way to offer a sacrifice to God at Bethel. One of them will be leading three young goats, another one will be carrying three loaves of bread, and the third one will have a leather bag full of wine. 4 They will greet you and offer you two of the loaves, which you are to accept. 5 Then you will go to the Hill of God in Gibeah, where there is a Philistine camp. At the entrance to the town you will meet a group of prophets coming down from the altar on the hill, playing harps, drums, flutes, and lyres. They will be dancing and shouting. 6 Suddenly the spirit of the Lord will take control of you, and you will join in their religious dancing and shouting and will become a different person. 7 When these things happen, do whatever God leads you to do. 8 You will go ahead of me to Gilgal, where I will meet you and offer burnt sacrifices and fellowship sacrifices. Wait there seven days until I come and tell you what to do.”
9 When Saul turned to leave Samuel, God gave Saul a new nature. And everything Samuel had told him happened that day. 10 When Saul and his servant arrived at Gibeah, a group of prophets met him. Suddenly the spirit of God took control of him, and he joined in their ecstatic dancing and shouting. 11 People who had known him before saw him doing this and asked one another, “What has happened to the son of Kish? Has Saul become a prophet?” 12 A man who lived there asked, “How about these other prophets—who do you think their fathers are?” This is how the saying originated, “Has even Saul become a prophet?” 13 When Saul finished his ecstatic dancing and shouting, he went to the altar on the hill.
14 Saul's uncle saw him and the servant, and he asked them, “Where have you been?”
“Looking for the donkeys,” Saul answered. “When we couldn't find them, we went to see Samuel.”
15 “And what did he tell you?” Saul's uncle asked.
16 “He told us that the animals had been found,” Saul answered—but he did not tell his uncle what Samuel had said about his becoming king.
Saul Is Acclaimed as King
17 Samuel called the people together for a religious gathering at Mizpah 18 and said to them, “The Lord, the God of Israel, says, ‘I brought you out of Egypt and rescued you from the Egyptians and all the other peoples who were oppressing you. 19 I am your God, the one who rescues you from all your troubles and difficulties, but today you have rejected me and have asked me to give you a king. Very well, then, gather yourselves before the Lord by tribes and by clans.’”
20 Then Samuel had each tribe come forward, and the Lord picked the tribe of Benjamin. 21 Then Samuel had the families of the tribe of Benjamin come forward, and the family of Matri was picked out. Then the men of the family of Matri came forward, and Saul son of Kish was picked out. They looked for him, but when they could not find him, 22 they asked the Lord, “Is there still someone else?”
The Lord answered, “Saul is over there, hiding behind the supplies.”
23 So they ran and brought Saul out to the people, and they could see that he was a foot taller than anyone else. 24 Samuel said to the people, “Here is the man the Lord has chosen! There is no one else among us like him.”
All the people shouted, “Long live the king!”
25 Samuel explained to the people the rights and duties of a king, and then wrote them in a book, which he deposited in a holy place. Then he sent everyone home. 26 Saul also went back home to Gibeah. Some powerful men, whose hearts God had touched, went with him. 27 But some worthless people said, “How can this fellow do us any good?” They despised Saul and did not bring him any gifts.
1 'Dooko Samuele ru gäbä ido rote ago date drî Saulo ro ya, ndi njunju nda te ago atate ekye: “OPI äṛu mi te 'bädri'ba ro lidri ndaro Yisaraele dri. Nyimirina lidri OPI ro 'da ago mipana ànya 'da ni drì kyila'baazii ànyaro se gbikyi ànya lomvosi kwoi ro yasi. Ago ono a'dona ndi taka'daro ro miri anjioko OPI äṛu mi ni a'done 'bädri'ba ro lidri ndaro dri. 2 Ondro nyate oyi ni mare si ondro oko mi'bena drî 'da lidri ritu be 'budri Raele ro lomvo wari Benjamina roya Zeleuza ya, ago ànya atanayi 'da miri ekye: ‘Doŋgyii se nyoyibe uṛine kayi usute, ago yauono täpi miro te ta ako ta ànyaro ta oko kate milo'be ta miro ta ayani,’ ago ka ata ekye: ‘Mayena e'di ta ŋgwa maro rota ya?’ 3 Ni nasi nyoyina gwo driyaro vudi alokado Tabora roya; ago lau lidri nätu ka ugu oyi tori olone Lu ri Betele ya o'benayi drî 'da mibe. Alo ànyaro indri nätu be, azana ŋgyi duŋguṛu ambata ro nätu, ago aza ŋgyi kurukyini ro twi vino be. 4 Ànya oyenayi mede 'da miri ago ozonayi duŋguṛu ritu ambata ro 'da miri, ago miruna 'da ni ànya rigyesi. 5 Ago ono vosi, nyikyina 'da lutu Lu roya Gibea ya, se gawa Felesete'bai ro kigye ana. Ondro nyate oci 'ba'desi ya oko, mi'bena drî 'da gboko nebii robe kayi efo vuru ni vo mätu ro yasi, kudi be, gara be, yeṛi be ndi lekyembe be, kayi ugu räṛu oye. 6 'Dooko tori OPI ro ikyina ndi mbara amba be midri, ago mi'dena gwo totrene räṛu oyebe ànya be ago nya'dona 'da mano to ro. 7 Ondro mi'bedrite taka'daro se ono be, miye tase milebe oyene ono, tana Lu orivoya tro mibe. 8 Ono vosi nyoyi ma mile Gilegala ya; ago mikyina 'da mire lau ago mazana tori 'da ndi ŋgapäṛi rumora robe. Miri ma kwotene lau u'duna njidrieri, madale mesana ni mire ago maka'dana tase miri oyena 'da.”
9 Ondro Saulo koza kundu te Samuele e'be ne oko, Lu ozo ya to'di te Saulo ri. Ago tu gi alo na ono si taka'daro se cini kwoi a'dote. 10 Ondro Saulo ndi ruindu'ba ndaro be kikyiyite Gibea ya oko, gboko nebii ro 'bedrite nda be. Ndi dori tori Lu ro ikyite mbara amba be nda dri. Ago ye räṛu te totre be ànya lako. 11 Ago ondro 'dise cini kuni nda be kyeno kai kondreyi nda te räṛu oyevoya nebii be oko, ànya atayite azi ri ekye: “Tase ka'dobe ŋgwa Kisi ro ri ono e'di ya? Inye'do Saulo kpate alo aza nebii ro ya?” 12 Mano aza alo vo ana ro zatadrite ekye: “Täpii Nebii kwoi ro ni a'di ya?” Ta'dota ta ono a'dote taoni ro ekye: “Inye'do Saulo kpate alo aza nebii ro ya?” 13 Ondro nda konde lä'bi te oko nda cite vo mätu ro ya.
14 Täpiazi Saulo ro atate ndäri ndi ruindu'ba ndaro be ekye: “Nyòyite eŋwaroya?”
Saulo za tadrite ekye: “Mòyite doŋgyii uṛine; ago ondro mä̀ni kote ànya usune oko, mòyite Samuele ondrene.”
15 Ndi täpiazi Saulo ro eji tate ekye: “Molo'baru miri nyiti märi, Samuele ata ta e'diro miri ya?”
16 Ago Saulo atate täpiazi ndaro ri ekye: “Nda iti tate ämäri ŋbelero ekye usu doŋgyii te.” Oko nda iti tase Samuele kata be ekye nda ka oye a'done 'bädri'ba ro ana tana kote täpiazi ndaro ri.
17 Samuele zi lidri Yisaraele rote kalakotone OPI re Mizipa ya. 18 Ndi nda atate lidri Yisaraele ro ri ekye: “Ono ni tase OPI Lu Yisaraele ro kabe atana owo ekye: ‘Molofo ami te tesi ni Ezipeto yasi, ago mapa ami teni drì Ezipeto'bai ro yasi ago ni drì lidri se cini kabe ami eza ro yasi.’ 19 Oko kitu ondro ono si ono miga Lu amiro tezo, se kabe ami opa ni lenje amiro ndi rriti amiro be yasi ono. Tana nyàtate mìkye: ‘Hwa! Mi'ba 'bädri'ba ämäri.’ Ka'do inye andivo amiro nyìkyi nyotokala OPI kandra ba 'bakala amiro voro ago käläsikala amiro voro.”
20 'Dooko Samuele lofo 'bakalai cini Yisaraele rote mileya, ago vodo vo 'bakala Benjamina ro te. 21 Ago Samuele lofo katidrii 'bakala Benjamina ro rote mileya, ago katidri Matri'bai ro vodo vote. Äduro nda lofo katidri Matri'bai rote mileya mànoago na ba alo alo, ago vodo vo Saulo ŋgwa Kisi rote. Ago ondro ànya kuṛiyi nda te oko, niyi kote nda usune. 22 Ago ànya ejiyi ta teni OPI sisi to'dina ekye: “Inye'do Saulo ikyi gite noŋwa ya?” Ago OPI atate ekye: “Mindre, Saulo da'do andivo ndaro begi lakazà kundu ana.” 23 'Dooko ànya muyite ago ruyi nda teni lau; ago ondro nda kedrete lidri lako oko, nda edrete orivoya kaca ndrani lidri azi ri. 24 Ago Samuele atate lidri cini ri ekye: “Inye'do mìndre nda se OPI konjibe te ya? 'Diaza i'do nda ronye lidri cini lako.” Ago lidri cini trete ekye: “Miri madaro 'bädri'ba.”
25 'Dooko Samuele iti taŋgye 'bädri'ba ro ndi kama ndaro be tana te lidri ri; ago nda egyi tana te buku ya ago 'bate OPI kandra. 'Dooko Samuele pere lidri cini te oyine, 'dialo oyite 'ba ndaro ya. 26 Ago Saulo oyi kpate kovole 'ba ndaro se Gibea ya ana ya, ago lidri se turi ako Lu ko'bi yana be kai oyite nda be. 27 Oko lidri kozi azaka atayite ekye: “Mano ono unina ama opane eŋwanyeya?” Ago ànya mawoyi nda te, ago eziyi ŋgakado kote ndäri. Oko Saulo ri ŋga iro gi trwe.