David Is Persecuted by Saul
1 Saul told his son Jonathan and all his officials that he planned to kill David. But Jonathan was very fond of David, 2 and so he told him, “My father is trying to kill you. Please be careful tomorrow morning; hide in some secret place and stay there. 3 I will go and stand by my father in the field where you are hiding, and I will speak to him about you. If I find out anything, I will let you know.”
4 Jonathan praised David to Saul and said, “Sir, don't do wrong to your servant David. He has never done you any wrong; on the contrary, everything he has done has been a great help to you. 5 He risked his life when he killed Goliath, and the Lord won a great victory for Israel. When you saw it, you were glad. Why, then, do you now want to do wrong to an innocent man and kill David for no reason at all?”
6 Saul was convinced by what Jonathan said and made a vow in the Lord's name that he would not kill David. 7 So Jonathan called David and told him everything; then he took him to Saul, and David served the king as he had before.
8 War with the Philistines broke out again. David attacked them and defeated them so thoroughly that they fled.
9 One day an evil spirit from the Lord took control of Saul. He was sitting in his house with his spear in his hand, and David was there, playing his harp. 10 Saul tried to pin David to the wall with his spear, but David dodged, and the spear stuck in the wall. David ran away and escaped.
11 That same night Saul sent some men to watch David's house and kill him the next morning. Michal, David's wife, warned him, “If you don't get away tonight, tomorrow you will be dead.” 12 She let him down from a window, and he ran away and escaped. 13 Then she took the household idol, laid it on the bed, put a pillow made of goats' hair at its head, and put a cover over it. 14 When Saul's men came to get David, Michal told them that he was sick. 15 But Saul sent them back to see David for themselves. He ordered them, “Carry him here in his bed, and I will kill him.” 16 They went inside and found the household idol in the bed and the goats' hair pillow at its head. 17 Saul asked Michal, “Why have you tricked me like this and let my enemy escape?”
She answered, “He said he would kill me if I didn't help him escape.”
18 David escaped and went to Samuel in Ramah and told him everything that Saul had done to him. Then he and Samuel went to Naioth and stayed there. 19 Saul was told that David was in Naioth in Ramah, 20 so he sent some men to arrest him. They saw the group of prophets dancing and shouting, with Samuel as their leader. Then the spirit of God took control of Saul's men, and they also began to dance and shout. 21 When Saul heard of this, he sent more messengers, and they also began to dance and shout. He sent messengers the third time, and the same thing happened to them. 22 Then he himself started out to Ramah. When he came to the large well in Secu, he asked where Samuel and David were and was told that they were at Naioth. 23 As he was going there, the spirit of God took control of him also, and he danced and shouted all the way to Naioth. 24 He took off his clothes and danced and shouted in Samuel's presence, and lay naked all that day and all that night. (This is how the saying originated, “Has even Saul become a prophet?”)
Saulo ojote Dawidi ufune
1 Saulo atate Jonatana ŋgwa ndaro ri ndi dri'bai losi ro ndaro cini be ri, Dawidi ufune. Oko Jonatana, ŋgwa Saulo ro, lu Dawidi tawi. 2 Ndi Jonatana atate Dawidi ri ekye: “Saulo täpi maro ka liti uṛi mi ufune. Kyenoŋbo ondo 'do mimba kadoro midri, nyada'do andivo miro vo dämbidämbi roya ago miri lau. 3 'Dooko mefona 'da tesi rudro'bene täpi maro be vo rriro se nyada'doru be kigye ana ya, ago matana 'da täpi maro ri ta miro ta. Ago ondro ka'do mäni ŋga aza te mitina tana 'da miri.”
4 Ago Jonatana ata tate kado ta Dawidi rota Saulo täpi ndaro ri, ago atate ndäri ekye: “Mi 'bädri'ba miye takozi ko ruindu'ba miro Dawidi ri; tana nda ye takozi kote miri, tana taoye ndaro orivoya takadoro miri. 5 Nda nja te adri ndaro lomvo ago fu Goliyata te, ago OPI ye ŋgaopeṛe 'desi te Yisaraele cini ri. Mindrete, ago nya'do te riyäro. Tana e'di mile takozi oyene mano taenjiako oso Dawidi ronye ono o'basi ufune teinye taako niya?”
6 Saulo eri ta Jonatana rote; ago Saulo äṛurute ävuru OPI ro si ekye iri Dawidi ufune te i'do. 7 Ndi Jonatana zi Dawidi te, ago iti tase cini kwoi te ndäri. Ago Jonatana ezi Dawidi te Saulo re, ago Dawidi indurute oso kyeno ronye.
8 Ago kyila Felesete'bai be go ŋga kpate to'di. Ago Dawidi oyite tesi ago ye kyila te Felesete'bai yibe, ago tufu ànya te amba, ago ànya muyite ni nda milesi. 9 'Dooko tori undiro ni OPI resi ikyite Saulo dri, 'dooko nda orivoya zo ndaro ya äzu be drì ndaro ya; ago Dawidi orivoya lau ka kudi o'bi. 10 Ago Saulo ojote Dawidi u'dine akpo tiṛi lomvo äzu ndaro si, oko Dawidi tarute ago Saulo 'di te tiṛi ayani. Ndi Dawidi mute, ago pavote.
11 Ŋgäkyi gi ana si Saulo zo ruindu'bai te zo Dawidi ro okwane, tana ànya kufu nda robe kyenoŋbosi. Oko Mikale toko Dawidi ro iti tate ndäri ekye: “Ondro ka'do mini kote adri miro opane ŋgäkyi ono si, äfuna mi ndi ondo.” 12 Ndi Mikale e'ba Dawidi te vuru vouŋbo yasi; ago nda mute, ago pavote. 13 Mikale ru lu edeedero zo rote ago lalate kitapara dri ago adroa drina te ŋga drî adroa ro se edeni 'bi indri ro yasi ana si, ago tako drina te lwi boŋgo si. 14 Ago ondro Saulo kozo lazo'bai te Dawidi urune oko, Mikale atate ekye: “Nda orivoya adravo ro.” 15 'Dooko Saulo go zo lazo'bai te Dawidi ondrene mi modo ànya rosi, ago atate ekye: “Nyèzi nda märi kitapara si, tana mäfu nda robe.” 16 Ago ondro lazo'bai kociyite zo ya oko, ndreyite lu edeedero ayani kitapara dri, adroa drina te ŋga drî adroa ro se ni 'bi indri ro yasi 'dosi. 17 Saulo atate Mikale ri ekye: “Tana e'di mi'debe ma odone, ago mi'ba kyila'baazi maro gwo oyine, ndäri voopane niya?”
Ago Mikale zatadri Saulo rote ekye: “Nda atate märi ekye: ‘Mi'ba moyi ukyi mäfu mi 'da.’ ”
18 Dawidi pavote ago nda ikyite Samuele re Rama ya, ago iti tase cini Saulo koyebe ndäri ana te anyari. Ago Dawidi ndi Samuele be oyiyite ago riyite Naiota ya. 19 Ago iti tate Saulo ri ekye: “Mindre, Dawidi orivoya Naiota ya Rama ya.” 20 'Dooko Saulo zo lazo'bai te Dawidi urune. Oko ànya ndreyi lowa nebii rote ugu taopevoya ago räṛu oyevoya, ago Samuele edrevoya dri'ba ànyaro ro. Ago tori OPI ro ikyite lazo'bai Saulo ro dri, ago ànya peyi ta kpate riyä si. 21 Ondro iti tana te Saulo ri oko, nda go zo lazo'bai azaka kpa te, ago ànya peyi ta kpate riyä si. Ago Saulo go zo ruindu'bai kpate to'di pere ninana si, ago ànya peyi ta kpate riyä si. 22 'Dooko nda andivona oyite Rama ya. Ondro nda kikyite koro 'desi se orivoya Seku ya ana ya oko; nda eji ta te ekye: “Samuele ndi Dawidi be gaŋwaroya?” Ago iti tana te ekye: “Ànya orivoya Naiota ya Rama ya.” 23 Ago ondro nda kate oyi ni nasi Naiota ya Rama ya oko; tori Lu ro ikyi kpate nda dri, ago nda ugu oyi kpate taope be riyä si, madale nda ikyite Naiota ya Rama ya. 24 Ndi nda tri boŋgo ndaro te, ago nda pe ta kpate Samuele kandra riyä si. Ago nda u'dute vuru lau bäjulu ro kituzwi ago ŋgäkyi raa. 'Doni tase lidri ko'de be atane ekye: “Inye'do Saulo kpate nebii lako ya owo?”