Taäŋgu Koziro Amona Lomvo
1 OPI atate märi ekye: 2 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, mindrevo 'bädri Amona'bai ro driro ago nyayota koziro ànya lomvo. 3 Nyitita Amona'bai ri tase ma, OPI Mbarapara mabe atana ono se ekye: Ami orivoya riyäro ruenji Yekalu maro ro ondrevoya, wari Yisaraele ro eperebe ono ondrevoya, lidri Yuda ro ondrevoya oyivoya vomidiro ya. 4 Ta'doro ma'bana 'bakalai se 'Buzelesi iyi 'da ami opene ṛe. Ànya otonayi gawa ànyaro 'da 'bädri amiro ya ago orinayi 'da ami lako. Ànya onyanayi doŋgo amiro 'da ago umvunayi leyi se aba ni amiro iyi 'da. 5 Motozana 'bakici Raba 'da a'done lowo gamalei ro, ago motozana 'bädri Amona ro 'da kpeye lowo timele ro ro, tana mìni robe anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
6 Ono ni tase OPI Mbarapara kabe atana owo ekye: “Nyùtu drìi amiro te ago nyòloŋgate riyä si lädruro wari Yisaraele ro lomvo. 7 Ta'doro maka'dana mbara maro 'da ämiri ago mozona ami 'da tu'dei azaka ri ŋga amiro topane. Mutufuna ami 'da kpeye ni tu'dei lakosi ukyi nyà'do 'da tona tu'de ro, 'Dooko minina 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
Taäŋgu Koziro Moaba lomvo
8 OPI Mbarapara atate ekye: “Tana Moaba kata bete ekye Yuda laba oso tu'dei azi ronye 'do, 9 ma'bana ogotana 'bakicii se kabe kishwedri Moaba ro gagana iyi 'da, tro 'bakicii se liŋgyiekyero, Beta Jesimota, Bala Meona, ndi Kiriyataima yibe. 10 Ma'bana 'bakalai se 'Buzelesi ana 'da Moaba opene ṛe, tro Amona be, ukyi Moaba ogo a'do 'da tu'de ro. 11 Mezana Moaba'bai 'da, 'dooko ànya uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
Taäŋgu Koziro Edoma lomvo
12 OPI Mbarapara atate ekye: “Lidri Edoma ro logo votaro te siomba si lidri Yuda ro ri, votaro logana 'do 'ba Edoma te a'done 'du taenji be. 13 Ka'do inye yauono ma OPI Mbarapara ma taayo anjioko ma oye Edoma ezane ago ma oye lidri ndi koronya se cini lau iyi be tufune. Ma'bana 'da a'done tandro ro, etoni 'bakici Temana ya le 'bakici Dedana ya, ago utufuna lidri na 'da kyila ya. 14 Lidri maro Yisaraele ro logona votaro maro ni Edoma ri, ago ànya o'banayi Edoma ni yaoso maro ago kyila kozipara maro tämbine. Edoma'bai uninayi 'da anjioko mologo votaro 'do ni.” OPI Mbarapara atani inye.
Taäŋgu Koziro Filisitia lomvo
15 OPI Mbarapara atate ekye: “Felesete'bai yeyi ta te yaoso si ago logo votaro te kyila'baazi ànyaro ri ànya tufu si siomba si ago kyila si. 16 Tana ta'doro ma OPI Mbarapara ma taayo anjioko ma oye Felesete'bai tufune. Mutufuna Kerete'bai ago 'dicini se ke'bebe kayibe ori Mediteraneana kalasi iyi 'da. 17 Mologona votaro 'da ànyari ago mezana ànya 'da kozipara. Ànya tämbinayi kyila maro 'da, 'dooko ànya uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
Prophecy against Ammon
1 The Lord spoke to me. 2 “Mortal man,” he said, “denounce the country of Ammon. 3 Tell them to listen to what I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying: You were delighted to see my Temple profaned, to see the land of Israel devastated, to see the people of Judah go into exile. 4 Because you were glad, I will let the tribes from the eastern desert conquer you. They will set up their camps in your country and settle there. They will eat the fruit and drink the milk that should have been yours. 5 I will turn the city of Rabbah into a place to keep camels, and the whole country of Ammon will become a place to keep sheep, so that you will know I am the Lord.
6 “This is what the Sovereign Lord is saying: You clapped your hands and jumped for joy. You despised the land of Israel. 7 Because you did, I will hand you over to other nations who will rob you and plunder you. I will destroy you so completely that you will not be a nation any more or have a country of your own. Then you will know that I am the Lord.”
Prophecy against Moab
8 The Sovereign Lord said, “Because Moab has said that Judah is like all the other nations, 9 I will let the cities that defend the border of Moab be attacked, including even the finest cities—Beth Jeshimoth, Baal Meon, and Kiriathaim. 10 I will let the tribes of the eastern desert conquer Moab, together with Ammon, so that Moab will no longer be a nation. 11 I will punish Moab, and they will know that I am the Lord.”
Prophecy against Edom
12 The Sovereign Lord said, “The people of Edom took cruel revenge on Judah, and that revenge has brought lasting guilt on Edom. 13 Now I announce that I will punish Edom and kill every person and animal there. I will make it a wasteland, from the city of Teman to the city of Dedan, and the people will be killed in battle. 14 My people Israel will take revenge on Edom for me, and they will make Edom feel my furious anger. Edom will know what it means to be the object of my revenge.” The Sovereign Lord has spoken.
Prophecy against Philistia
15 The Sovereign Lord said, “The Philistines have taken cruel revenge on their agelong enemies and destroyed them in their hate. 16 And so I am announcing that I will attack the Philistines and wipe them out. I will destroy everyone left living there on the Philistine Plain. 17 I will punish them severely and take full revenge on them. They will feel my anger. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”