1 Ami te kandrakozi ya! Ami se nyàbe ota se taŋgyeako si o'ba ni ono, ami se nyàbe ota 'dieza ro o'bani ono. 2 'Doni tase nyàbe ati'bai usina ni taŋgye drisi ago lemeri'bai ona ni taŋgye ànyaro usuvoya owo. 'Doni tase nyàbe lakaza ävuzii ro ndi kyemvoi be ro uruna owo. 3 Mìyena e'di tu taeza rosi, ondro Lu kezi ŋgapere te ämidri ni 'bädri lozo yasi owo ya? Mìmuna ŋgaopa usune ni eŋwaroya? Nyàda'dona ŋgadriamba amiro eŋwaroya? 4 Änina ko ami e'bene, oko orona ami 'da kamba'bai ro. Ta'do ka'do ca inye kyila OPI ro kye dri ko, nda eŋgana drì ndaro dri ndi 'du kuru 'di ezaza.
'Bädri'ba Asaria ro ni Ŋga Losi Oyero Lu ro
5 OPI atate ekye: “Asaria orivoya dofo maro kyila oyero; ago dofo maro 'di ezaro. 6 Mazo Asaria te tu'de se luako 'do gotane, lidri se ko'bayi ma be kyilaro iyi. Mazo ànya te ŋgatopane ago ŋga urune mbarasi ago lidri lotone pa si oso kaŋwa se litiŋwai drisi 'do ronye.”
7 Caoko 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ni ko ago usu vona ko ekye ma yi ozoni oko nda ṛo orivoya tavoora kyila ndaro robe tausu ndaro ya. Nda ro mio'ba be tu'dei amba perene. 8 Nda ka ata driuŋgyi si ekye: “Inye'do dri'bai cini maro ṛo ko 'bädri'ba yi ya? 9 Inye'do mape 'bakicii Koleno ro ṛo ko ṛe oso Karekemisa ronye, ago 'bakicii Amata ro ko oso Arepada ro ronye ya? Inye'do mape 'bakicii Samaria ṛo ko ṛe oso Damaseka ronye ya? 10 Ago meŋga drì maro te wari se kabe lu awi mätu iyi ezaza, se lu awi nai orivoya amba ndrani se Yerusalema ya ago Samaria ya kai ri. 11 Inye'do mepere Yerusalema ko ndi lui edeedero anyaro be oso mepere Samaria be ndi cini lui awi na be ronye ya?”
12 Oko OPI ka ata ekye: “Ondro mande ŋgase mabe oyena 'Bereŋwa Zaiona dri ago Yerusalema ya ono te oko, mezana 'bädri'ba Asaria ro 'da ta mäwu ndi driuŋgyi ndaro robe ta.”
13 Tana 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ka ata mäwu si ekye: “Ma andivo maye tase cini ono ni mbara maro si. Tana ma orivoya tavouni be ago tauni be. Mayo kishwedri se lakole tu'dei roya te kpeye ago lakaza se ànya kodroyibe kuru iyi motote. Mabate lidri se koribe lau kayi drisi oso ti ronye. 14 Tu'dei 'bädri ro a'doyite oso zo ari ro ronye, ago moto ŋgadriamba ànyaro te. Ago oso abe täu'bwo se täu ke'bebe 'do oto 'do ronye, moto 'bädri cini te, ca kufu alodi aza a'bi kote ago äpi si aza kpa kote otreza mädri.”
15 Oko OPI ekye: “Inye'do koloŋwa unina gi'da a'done para ni mano se kabe ŋga oga sina 'do riya? Inye'do menjere orivoya para ndrani mano se kabe ŋga olo sina 'do riya? Dofo dhudhu eŋga lidri koni kuru; oko lidri kani dhudhu eŋga kuru.”
16 OPI Mbaraekye ka oye adravo koziro ezine kyila'bai Asaria ro se kayi ŋgaonya anda iyi ezaza. Asi lekona 'da lomvo ànyaro yasi oso asi kabe ugu uje ronye. 17 Lu, se ni ŋgaeyi Yisaraele ro ono, a'dona 'da asi ro. Ndase Alokado Yisaraele ro ono a'dona 'da asilele ro, se ujena kukyi ndi ŋgäṛiŋgofo be 'da tu alodi si. 18 Asi ujena kwokye coko ndi vose lowo robe 'da kpeye, OPI tufuna lidri ndi kpeye oso 'dise adravo ro kabe odra 'do ronye. 19 Ice e'bena 'da toto fereŋwa ca ŋgaga giṛiŋwa unina ndi otine kpeye.
Lidri Fere Egona 'da Kovole
20 Tu ana si lidri Yisaraele ro se ke'bebe ago kopavobe iyi uninayi kote ruätine tu'dei se kutufuyi ànya be kpakanya 'do dri. Oko ànya ätinayi ru 'da OPI, Lu alokado Yisaraele ro dri taŋgye ya. 21 Lidri se ke'bebe Yisaraele ro ono egonayi 'da Lu Mbaraekye re. 22 Yauono lidri Yisaraele ro ka'do gica lowaro oso siŋgwa gyi'desi ro ronye ono, toto fereŋwa na egona ni. OPI ayo ta ŋgapere rote lidri ri, ta 'diri si. 23 Ndi inye, OPI Mbarapara se Mbaraekye ono ezina ŋgapere ndi 'bädri cini yasi, oso nda kata tana be oyene ronye.
OPI Ezana Asaria 'da
24 OPI Mbarapara se Mbaraekye ono ka ata ekye: “Ami lidri maro se kabe ori Zaiona ya ono nyà'do ko turiro ni Asaria'bai ri, ànya kezayi ami ca oso Ezipeto'bai koyeyibe ronye owo. 25 Tana toto fere iga oko medrena ta ami ezaro 'da, 'dooko mutufuna ànya 'da. 26 Ma, OPI Mbaraekye ono, ma'bina ànya 'da co'da maro si oso ma'bi lidri Midiana robe Luutu Orebe roya ronye. Meŋgana dofo maro 'da gyi'desi dri oso meŋgabe Ezipeto ya ronye. 27 Ondro tuna kosate oko, rriti se Asaria'bai kabe ozona ämiri 'do okyena 'da, ago juṛu ànyaro unina kote a'done ŋgaläŋgyi ro tona depere amiro ya dri.”
Ŋgagota Kyila'baazi ro
28 Kyila'bai kyila'baazi ro ruyi 'bakici Aita te! Ànya lävuyite Migerona yasi! Ànya e'beyi lakaza ànyaro te Mikemasa ya! 29 Ànya zayidri lävuvo rote, ago u'duyite ŋgäkyi ana si Geba ya! Lidri 'ba'desi Rama ro ro a'doyite turituriro, ago lidri 'ba'desi 'Bädri'ba Saulo ro Gibea ro muyite. 30 Mìtre amba, ami lidri Galima ro! Nyèri dri, ami lidri Laisa ro! Mìzatadri, ami lidri Anatota ro! 31 Lidri Mademena ro ago Gebima ro kayite ugu umu adri ànyaro opaza. 32 Ondro kyila'baazi te 'ba'desi Noba ya oko ànya kayi drì ànyaro 'di udiro kandana 'Bereŋwa Zaiona dri, 'bakici Yerusalema dri.
33 OPI Mbarapara se Mbaraekye ono o'bana ànya 'da ruciṛine oso gwoṛii ce ro se agate vuru ronye. Lidri se ànyaro driuŋgyiekyero iyi agana 'da vuru ago se tana kofobe para iyi ologona 'da vuru. 34 OPI ogana ànya 'da vuru oso abe ice se kitoriya vocokoro ya ogana koloŋwa si 'do ronye, ago Lebanona o'dena 'da vuru ice liŋgyiekye ndaro be.
1 You are doomed! You make unjust laws that oppress my people. 2 That is how you keep the poor from having their rights and from getting justice. That is how you take the property that belongs to widows and orphans. 3 What will you do when God punishes you? What will you do when he brings disaster on you from a distant country? Where will you run to find help? Where will you hide your wealth? 4 You will be killed in battle or dragged off as prisoners. Yet even so the Lord's anger will not be ended; his hand will still be stretched out to punish.
The Emperor of Assyria as the Instrument of God
5 The Lord said, “Assyria! I use Assyria like a club to punish those with whom I am angry. 6 I sent Assyria to attack a godless nation, people who have made me angry. I sent them to loot and steal and trample the people like dirt in the streets.”
7 But the Assyrian emperor has his own violent plans in mind. He is determined to destroy many nations. 8 He boasts, “Every one of my commanders is a king! 9 I conquered the cities of Calno and Carchemish, the cities of Hamath and Arpad. I conquered Samaria and Damascus. 10 I reached out to punish those kingdoms that worship idols, idols more numerous than those of Jerusalem and Samaria. 11 I have destroyed Samaria and all its idols, and I will do the same to Jerusalem and the images that are worshiped there.”
12 But the Lord says, “When I finish what I am doing on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, I will punish the emperor of Assyria for all his boasting and all his pride.”
13 The emperor of Assyria boasts, “I have done it all myself. I am strong and wise and clever. I wiped out the boundaries between nations and took the supplies they had stored. Like a bull I have trampled the people who live there. 14 The nations of the world were like a bird's nest, and I gathered their wealth as easily as gathering eggs. Not a wing fluttered to scare me off; no beak opened to scream at me!”
15 But the Lord says, “Can an ax claim to be greater than the one who uses it? Is a saw more important than the one who saws with it? A club doesn't lift up a person; a person lifts up a club.”
16 The Lord Almighty is going to send disease to punish those who are now well-fed. In their bodies there will be a fire that burns and burns. 17 God, the light of Israel, will become a fire. Israel's holy God will become a flame, which in a single day will burn up everything, even the thorns and thistles. 18 The rich forests and farmlands will be totally destroyed, in the same way that a fatal sickness destroys someone. 19 There will be so few trees left that even a child will be able to count them.
A Few Will Come Back
20 A time is coming when the people of Israel who have survived will not rely any more on the nation that almost destroyed them. They will truly put their trust in the Lord, Israel's holy God. 21 A few of the people of Israel will come back to their mighty God. 22 Even though now there are as many people of Israel as there are grains of sand by the sea, only a few will come back. Destruction is in store for the people, and it is fully deserved. 23 Yes, throughout the whole country the Sovereign Lord Almighty will bring destruction, as he said he would.
The Lord Will Punish Assyria
24 The Sovereign Lord Almighty says to his people who live in Zion, “Do not be afraid of the Assyrians, even though they oppress you as the Egyptians used to do. 25 In only a little while I will finish punishing you, and then I will destroy them. 26 I, the Lord Almighty, will beat them with my whip as I did the people of Midian at Oreb Rock. I will punish Assyria as I punished Egypt. 27 When that time comes, I will free you from the power of Assyria, and their yoke will no longer be a burden on your shoulders.”
The Invader Attacks
28 The enemy army has captured the city of Ai! They have passed through Migron! They left their supplies at Michmash! 29 They have crossed the pass and are spending the night at Geba! The people in the town of Ramah are terrified, and the people in King Saul's hometown of Gibeah have run away. 30 Shout, people of Gallim! Listen, people of Laishah! Answer, people of Anathoth! 31 The people of Madmenah and Gebim are running for their lives. 32 Today the enemy are in the town of Nob, and there they are shaking their fists at Mount Zion, at the city of Jerusalem.
33 The Lord Almighty will bring them crashing down like branches cut off a tree. The proudest and highest of them will be cut down and humiliated. 34 The Lord will cut them down as trees in the heart of the forest are cut down with an ax, as even the finest trees of Lebanon fall!