Karamai Mätu ro
1 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 2 Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri mikye: Kwoi ni tu karama ma Opi ro, ämiri tana ayone tu kalakoto ro mätu oyero. 3 Ämiri losi oyene u'du njidrialo ya, oko u'du njidrieri orivoya, anjioko Sabata, se ni tu loliro. Tu kalakoto mätu oyero mìye losi aza ko tu 'do ya alona. Sabata orivoya OPI ro orivo cini amiro yasi. 4 Kwoi ni tu Karamai Opi ro kalakoto ro mätu oyero se tana ayone tuna se aka'dabe si.
Tu Lävu Odra ro ndi Ambata Loŋgaako be
(Oti 28:16-25)
5 Karama Lävu Odra ro ro oyene OPI ri, ka eto tandrole u'du 'butealo fosu imba käti rosi. 6 U'du 'butealo fonji imba gialo 'do rosi karama ambata loŋgaako ro etona gwo, ago beṛo ämiri ambata loŋgaako onyane u'duna njidrieri. 7 U'du käti tu kwoi roya ämiri kalakotone mätu oyene; ago ko ämiri losi amiro tu cini ro oyene. 8 Nyòzo ŋgapäṛi amiro ŋgaonya ro OPI ri u'duna njidrieri. U'du njidrieri na 'do si ämiri ogone kalakotone kpa to'di mätu oyene, oko ko ämiri losi amiro tu cini ro aza oyene.
9 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 10 Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri mikye ondro mìsate 'bädri se OPI kabe ozona ämiri ya ago mìlo inya jalia amiro rote oko, nyèzi drina käti 'do kohani ri. 11 Nda ozona gwo ŋgapäṛi ro OPI ri, 'dooko alena ami ndi. Kohani na 'do ri ozone u'du gi Sabata vosi 'do si. 12 Tuse nyàbe ŋgapäṛi amiro inya ro ozona sina 'do si, kpa ämiri timelegogo se ndroa na be alodi teinye mämbiako 'do ozone ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro OPI ri. 13 Tro ŋgapäṛi inya robe kpa kyira koma na ritu dro'bedro'bero ido ice ido ro rosi ozone ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya ro ro. Tana tägyi ŋgutruro ŋgapäṛi ono ro orivoya ndeṛindeṛiro OPI ri. Kpa ämiri 'boṛo alodi vino ro ozone ŋgapäṛi vino ro ro. 14 Mìnya inya to'di ko cu alona, luru ro, lusilusiro kode o'beo'bero ambata ro, madale nyèzi ŋgapäṛi ono lutu Lu amiro ri. Ota ono orone 'duro le zelevoi cini amiro ri ori cini amiro ya.
Karama Jalia ro
(Oti 28:26-31)
15 Miti u'du njidrieri perena njidrieri nyeto ni u'du käti Sabata se nyezi ŋgapäṛi lämu'duro drî inya ro robe sina OPI ri 'do ya. 16 U'du 'butenji ya, anjioko u'du alo se Sabata njidrieri na 'do ro vosi 'do si; ämiri ŋgapäṛi inya to'di ro aza ezine OPI ri. 17 Be katidri alo alo ri ambata ritu ezine ŋgapäṛi lämu'du ro. Ambata alo alo o'bene koma ritu kyira rosi o'bene loŋga si ŋgapäṛi inya drî käti ro ro Opi ri. 18 Ànyari timelegogoi njidrieri se ndroa na dri alodi teinye mämbiako iyi ezine ambata be, ago 'daŋgo ombato'diro alodi, ndi indri ritu be. Ànyari ozone ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro OPI ri, tro ŋgapäṛi inya ro ndi ŋgapäṛi vino robe. Tana tägyi ŋgapäṛi ono ro orivoya kadoro OPI ri. 19 Kpa ämiri tego alodi ozone ŋgapäṛi ro ta takozi rota, ago timelegogoi ritu se ndroa na be alodi iyi ozone ŋgapäṛi ro ta rumora rota. 20 Kohani ri ambata inya drî käti ro ndi timelegogoi ritu be ozone ŋgapäṛi lämu'du ro OPI ri kohanii ri. Tana ŋgapäṛi kwoi orivoya alokado Opi ri ozone Kohani ri. 21 Tuna gi alo 'dosi ämiri ta ayone, ago ämiri kala otone mätu oyene. Ko ämiri losi amiro tu cini ro oyene. Ota ono ätine ämiri ndi zelevoi amiro be tu cini ya orivo cini amiro yasi.
22 Ondro nyàte jalia amiro ŋgana otona ni ämvu amiro yasi oko, ko ämiri inya se sidri ämvu ro yasi olone, ago kpa ko ämiri ogone vole na uṛine; be ämiri e'bene lemeri'ba ndi 'diatra robe ri. Ma ni OPI Lu amiro owo.
Karama Ndroa To'di ro
(Oti 29:1-6)
23 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 24 “Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri mikye: U'du käti imba njidrieri ro; be a'done tu lämu'du loliro ämiri, tu kalakoto ro nyìkyi voaloya mätune taoyiro cekuṛe ovo si. 25 Mìye losi amiro tu cini ro ko ago nyòzo ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya ro Opi ri.”
Tu Rudro'be ro
(Oti 29:7-11)
26 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 27 “U'du 'butealo imba njidrieri ro orivoya tu takozi ana royi, be a'done tu mätu oyero yi. Mìnya ŋga aza ko tuna 'do si alona, oko nyòzo ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya ro OPI ri. 28 Mìye losi aza ko tu gi 'do si; tana 'do orivoya tu takozi onaro yi takozi amiro onaza Opi Lu amiro kandrasi. 29 'Dise konya ŋga te tu gi 'do si a'done ndäri alo aza lidri Lu ro te i'do. 30 Ago ondro ka'do 'diaza koye losi te tuna gi 'do si, mäfuna nda ndi ṛi. 31 Ämiri losi oyene i'do. Ono orivoya ota yi ämiri ndi zelevoi cini amiro be orivo cini amiro yasi. 32 Tu ono a'dona ämiri tu loli ro lämu'du ro; Ko ämiri ŋga aza oyene kigye etoni tandrole u'du njidriesu imba rosi le tandrole u'du 'butealo rosi, be ämiri loline.”
Karama Kpakpa ro
(Oti 29:12-40)
33 Ago OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 34 Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri mikye Karama Kpakpa ro oyene Opi ri etoni u'du 'butealo fonji imba njidrieri rosi oyene u'duna njidrieri. 35 U'du käti u'du kwoi ro orivoya tu mätu oyero voaloya ago mìye losi amiro tu cini ro ko. 36 Ämiri ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya ro ozone Opi ri ondoro u'du njidrieri 'do ya. U'du njidriena si oko nyìkyi kpa to'dina voaloya mätu oyene ago nyòzo ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya ro Opi ri. 'Do orivoya tu mätu oyero, beṛo ko ämiri losi oyene.
37 Kwoi ni tu karamai mätu ro OPI ro, se ämiri tana ayone tu kalakoto ro mätu oyero ago ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya ro, ŋgapäṛi ozaro, ŋgapäṛi inya ro, ŋgapäṛi tori oloro ndi ŋgapäṛi vino robe ozone sina Opi ri owo, oso se alebe oyene tu ŋgyena si 'do ronye. 38 Karamai kwoi ri a'done Sabata cini be, ŋgapäṛi tao'ba si amiro ro, ndi ŋgapäṛi dritai ro se nyàbe ozona OPI ri 'do be kpa a'done.
39 U'du 'butealo fonji imba njidrieri rosi, ondro nyòkoto ŋga jalia ro ämvu amiro rote oko, ämiri karama Opi ro ono oyene u'duna njidrieri, etone u'du 'butealo fonji imba njidrieri rosi. U'du kätina ndi u'du njidrierina be ri a'done tu lämu'du loliro. 40 U'du käti 'do si ämiri doŋgo kadopara topine ni ice na drisi, mìŋgo gwoṛi ice ndiro ro ndi gwoṛi ice kyibi be ro ndi ice azaka robe, mì'de gwo karama mätu ro OPI Lu amiro ro etone u'duna njidrieri. 41 Ämiri karama se ono oyene u'duna njidrieri ndroa alo ya. Oyene ämiri ndroa njidrieri si ago ätine ota ro zelevoi amiro ri rriro. 42 Beṛo lidri cini Yisaraele ro ri orine kpakpaŋwà yasi u'duna njidrieri; 43 tana zelevoi amiro kuniyi tana robe anjioko ma'ba lidri Yisaraele rote orine kpakpaŋwà yasi tuse molofo ànya be ni Ezipeto yasi ana si. Ma ni OPI Lu amiro owo.
44 Ta'dota Musa ayota karamai mätu ro Opi ro tana te nonye lidri Yisaraele ro ri.
The Religious Festivals
1 The Lord gave Moses 2 the following regulations for the religious festivals, when the people of Israel are to gather for worship. 3 You have six days in which to do your work, but remember that the seventh day, the Sabbath, is a day of rest. On that day do not work, but gather for worship. The Sabbath belongs to the Lord, no matter where you live. 4 Proclaim the following festivals at the appointed times.
Passover and Unleavened Bread
(Numbers 28.16-25)
5 The Passover, celebrated to honor the Lord, begins at sunset on the fourteenth day of the first month. 6 On the fifteenth day the Festival of Unleavened Bread begins, and for seven days you must not eat any bread made with yeast. 7 On the first of these days you shall gather for worship and do none of your daily work. 8 Offer your food offerings to the Lord for seven days. On the seventh day you shall again gather for worship, but you shall do none of your daily work.
9-10 When you come into the land that the Lord is giving you and you harvest your grain, take the first sheaf to the priest. 11 He shall present it as a special offering to the Lord, so that you may be accepted. The priest shall present it the day after the Sabbath. 12 On the day you present the offering of grain, also sacrifice as a burnt offering a one-year-old male lamb that has no defects. 13 With it you shall present four pounds of flour mixed with olive oil as a food offering. The odor of this offering is pleasing to the Lord. You shall also present with it an offering of one quart of wine. 14 Do not eat any of the new grain, whether raw, roasted, or baked into bread, until you have brought this offering to God. This regulation is to be observed by all your descendants for all time to come.
The Harvest Festival
(Numbers 28.26-31)
15 Count seven full weeks from the day after the Sabbath on which you bring your sheaf of grain to present to the Lord. 16 On the fiftieth day, the day after the seventh Sabbath, present to the Lord another new offering of grain. 17 Each family is to bring two loaves of bread and present them to the Lord as a special gift. Each loaf shall be made of four pounds of flour baked with yeast and shall be presented to the Lord as an offering of the first grain to be harvested. 18 And with the bread the community is to present seven one-year-old lambs, one bull, and two rams, none of which may have any defects. They shall be offered as a burnt offering to the Lord, along with a grain offering and a wine offering. The odor of this offering is pleasing to the Lord. 19 Also offer one male goat as a sin offering and two one-year-old male lambs as a fellowship offering. 20 The priest shall present the bread with the two lambs as a special gift to the Lord for the priests. These offerings are holy. 21 On that day do none of your daily work, but gather for worship. Your descendants are to observe this regulation for all time to come, no matter where they live.
22 When you harvest your fields, do not cut the grain at the edges of the fields, and do not go back to cut the heads of grain that were left; leave them for poor people and foreigners. The Lord is your God.
The New Year Festival
(Numbers 29.1-6)
23-24 On the first day of the seventh month observe a special day of rest, and come together for worship when the trumpets sound. 25 Present a food offering to the Lord and do none of your daily work.
The Day of Atonement
(Numbers 29.7-11)
26-27 The tenth day of the seventh month is the day when the annual ritual is to be performed to take away the sins of the people. On that day do not eat anything at all; come together for worship, and present a food offering to the Lord. 28 Do no work on that day, because it is the day for performing the ritual to take away sin. 29 Any who eat anything on that day will no longer be considered God's people. 30 And if any do any work on that day, the Lord himself will put them to death. 31 This regulation applies to all your descendants, no matter where they live. 32 From sunset on the ninth day of the month to sunset on the tenth observe this day as a special day of rest, during which nothing may be eaten.
The Festival of Shelters
(Numbers 29.12-40)
33-34 The Festival of Shelters begins on the fifteenth day of the seventh month and continues for seven days. 35 On the first of these days come together for worship and do none of your daily work. 36 Each day for seven days you shall present a food offering. On the eighth day come together again for worship and present a food offering. It is a day for worship, and you shall do no work.
( 37 These are the religious festivals on which you honor the Lord by gathering together for worship and presenting food offerings, burnt offerings, grain offerings, sacrifices, and wine offerings, as required day by day. 38 These festivals are in addition to the regular Sabbaths, and these offerings are in addition to your regular gifts, your offerings as fulfillment of vows, and your freewill offerings that you give to the Lord.)
39 When you have harvested your fields, celebrate this festival for seven days, beginning on the fifteenth day of the seventh month. The first day shall be a special day of rest. 40 On that day take some of the best fruit from your trees, take palm branches and limbs from leafy trees, and begin a religious festival to honor the Lord your God. 41 Celebrate it for seven days. This regulation is to be kept by your descendants for all time to come. 42 All the people of Israel shall live in shelters for seven days, 43 so that your descendants may know that the Lord made the people of Israel live in simple shelters when he led them out of Egypt. He is the Lord your God.
44 So in this way Moses gave the people of Israel the regulations for observing the religious festivals to honor the Lord.