OPI Ezana Ezipeto 'da
1 OPI ata kpate märi ekye: 2 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, nyäŋgu ta ago nyayo tase ma, OPI Mbarapara mabe atana ono. Mitre ṛeṛe mikye:
Tu rriti ro ni!
3 Tu te lototi, tuse OPI ro ta oyeza te lototi,
ka oye a'done tu 'dikolo ro ago tu rriti ro tu'dei ri.
4 Kyila a'dona 'da Ezipeto ya,
ago tusu 'desi a'dona 'da Kusa ya.
Utufuna 'di 'da amba Ezipeto ya;
otopana ŋga 'bädri na ro 'da
ago eperena 'da tandro ro.
5 “Kyila se ana tufuna kyila'bai se ezibe päläti si ni Kusa, Luda, Libiya, Arabia, Kuba, ago se kpani lidri modo maro ro lakosi iyi 'da.”
6 Opi Mbarapara ka ata ekye: “Utufuna tu'dei se kabe Ezipeto opa iyi 'da, ndi kyila'bai driuŋgyiekyero Ezipeto ro be etoni Migedola yasi le Asewana ya, cini utufuna 'da. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani. 7 Wari ana a'dona 'da pari tandro ro 'bädri ya, ago e'bena 'bakicii 'da kpeye tandro ro ndrani tandro 'bakicii azi ro ri. 8 Ondro maso asi te Ezipeto dri ago utufu ànya se kabe anya opa, 'dooko ànya uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.
9 “Ondro tu ana kesate oko, mazona lazo'bai 'da toŋboi si ya lidri Kusa ro se a'ba mi ko driigye ana ro eŋgane, ago ànya a'donayi 'da turituriro tu Ezipeto perero si tana tu ana ka oye esane.”
10 OPI Mbarapara ka ata ekye: “Ma'bana ŋgadriamba Ezipeto ro 'da okyene drì 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro Nebukadenezara ro si. 11 Nda ndi kyila'bai siombaekye ndaro yibe ikyinayi 'da wari ana perene. Ànya gotanayi Ezipeto 'da bandoi si, ago wari ana a'dona 'da twi avo be. 12 Ma'bana Naile 'da osene gbe ago ma'bana wari Ezipeto ro 'da mbara lidri se koziro iyi ro zele. Ma'bana atrai enjinayi wari ana 'da ndi ŋgase cini kigye iyi be kpeye. Ma, OPI, matani.”
13 OPI Mbarapara ka ata ekye: “Mutufuna lui edeedero ndi lui awi se Memefi ya iyi 'da. 'Diaza a'dona i'do Ezipeto mirine, ago ma'bana lidri cini 'da a'done turituriro Ezipeto ya. 14 Ma'bana Ezipeto se ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi ana 'da a'done tandro ro ago masona asi 'da 'bakici Zoana dri. Mezana 'bakici 'desi se Tebesa ana 'da. 15 Ma'bana 'bakici Pelusiuma, vo mbaraekye Ezipeto ro 'da kyila kozipara maro tämbine. Meperena lidri amba Tebesa ro 'da. 16 Masona asi 'da Ezipeto dri, ago Pelusiuma a'dona 'da rueza 'desi ya. Eperena Tebesa 'da, ago otoŋgona tiṛii na 'da riya vuru. 17 Agoànji 'bakicii Eliopolisa ndi Bubasetisa robe todranayi 'da kyila ya, ago äruna 'ditoko ànyaro 'da kamba'bai ro. 18 Ŋgätini takona Tafanesa 'da ondro motoŋgo mbara Ezipeto rote ago ma'ba mbara se anya ka'dobe driuŋgyi be tana ro ana te owo. 'Dikolo takona Ezipeto 'da, ago lidri 'bakicii cini anyaro ro äruna 'da kamba'bai ro. 19 Ondro meza Ezipeto te liti ono yasi oko, ànya uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
Mbara 'Bädri'ba Ezipeto ro ro se Eperebe ana
20 U'du njidrieri imba käti ndroa 'butealo foalo oyi amaro vomidiro ya si oko, OPI atate märi ekye: 21 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, motoŋgo kufu 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro rote. Oko mindre ävu mina kote ago oyi kote iba si ruedene ago a'done mbara ro ogone bando uruza kpa to'dina. 22 Ka'do inye, ono ni tase ma, OPI Mbarapara, mabe atana owo makye: Ma orivoya kyilaro 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro be. Ma oye kufui ndaro toŋgone riti, se kadona 'do ndi se kalaŋgo ṛote nja 'do be, ago bando e'dena 'da ni drì ndaro yasi. 23 Meperena Ezipeto'bai 'da tu'dei lakosi. Ànya umunayi 'da 'bädri cini yasi. 24 'Dooko motombana kufui 'bädri'bai Babelona ro ro 'da ago mozona bando maro 'da nda rigye. Oko motoŋgona kufui 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro ro 'da, nda lerina 'da ni odra ri mile kyila'baazi ndaro ro yasi. 25 Ma'bana 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro 'da mbaraako, oko motombana 'bädri'ba Babelona ro 'da. Ondro mozo bando maro te 'bädri'ba Babelona rigye oko nda oyena kyila 'da Ezipeto be, ago 'dicini unina 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo. 26 Meperena Ezipeto'bai 'da tu'dei lakosi. Ànya umunayi 'da 'bädri cini yasi. 'Dooko ànya uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
The Lord Will Punish Egypt
1 The Lord spoke to me again. 2 “Mortal man,” he said, “prophesy and announce what I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying. You are to shout these words:
A day of terror is coming!
3 The day is near, the day when the Lord will act,
A day of clouds and trouble for the nations.
4 There will be war in Egypt
And great distress in Ethiopia.
Many in Egypt will be killed;
The country will be plundered
And left in ruins.
5 “That war will also kill the soldiers hired from Ethiopia, Libya, Lydia, Arabia, Kub, and even from among my own people.”
6 The Lord says, “From Migdol in the north to Aswan in the south, all Egypt's defenders will be killed in battle. Egypt's proud army will be destroyed. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken. 7 The land will be the most desolate in the world, and its cities will be left totally in ruins. 8 When I set fire to Egypt and all her defenders are killed, then they will know that I am the Lord.
9 “When that day comes and Egypt is destroyed, I will send messengers in ships to arouse the unsuspecting people of Ethiopia, and they will be terrified. That day is coming!”
10 The Sovereign Lord says, “I will use King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia to put an end to Egypt's wealth. 11 He and his ruthless army will come to devastate the land. They will attack Egypt with swords, and the land will be full of corpses. 12 I will dry up the Nile and put Egypt under the power of evil people. Foreigners will devastate the whole country. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
13 The Sovereign Lord says, “I will destroy the idols and the false gods in Memphis. There will be no one to rule Egypt, and I will terrify all the people. 14 I will make southern Egypt desolate and set fire to the city of Zoan in the north. I will punish the capital city of Thebes. 15 I will let the city of Pelusium, Egypt's great fortress, feel my fury. I will destroy the wealth of Thebes. 16 I will set fire to Egypt, and Pelusium will be in agony. The walls of Thebes will be broken down, and the city will be flooded. 17 The young men of the cities of Heliopolis and Bubastis will die in the war, and the other people will be taken prisoner. 18 Darkness will fall on Tahpanhes when I break the power of Egypt and put an end to the strength they were so proud of. A cloud will cover Egypt, and the people of all her cities will be taken prisoner. 19 When I punish Egypt in this way, they will know that I am the Lord.”
The Broken Power of the King of Egypt
20 On the seventh day of the first month of the eleventh year of our exile, the Lord spoke to me. 21 “Mortal man,” he said, “I have broken the arm of the king of Egypt. No one has bandaged it or put it in a sling so that it could heal and be strong enough to hold a sword again. 22 Now then, this is what I, the Sovereign Lord, say: I am the enemy of the king of Egypt. I am going to break both his arms—the good one and the one already broken—and the sword will fall from his hand. 23 I am going to scatter the Egyptians throughout the world. 24 Then I will make the arms of the king of Babylonia strong and put my sword in his hands. But I will break the arms of the king of Egypt, and he will groan and die in front of his enemy. 25 Yes, I will weaken him and strengthen the king of Babylonia. When I give him my sword and he points it toward Egypt, everyone will know that I am the Lord. 26 I will scatter the Egyptians throughout the world. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”