Ezera ka Ota Uzi Lidri ri
1 Lidri cini mbikalate Yerusalema ya goro Dereŋwa Gyi roya. Ànya ejiyi kohani Ezera emba'ba ota rote buku ota ro se OPI kozobe Yisaraele ri Musa si ana lofone. 2 U'du käti imba ana rosi oko Ezera ezi buku ana te lowa kombikalabe mànoago, 'ditoko ndi ŋgàga cini se kombate ni ndi tana unine ana be kandra. 3 Ago nda zi tate ni kigyesi zamite goro se Dereŋwa Gyi ro mile 'do driro, eto ṛoni kyenoŋboci madale kitudiri, mànoago, 'ditoko ndi 'dise kuni ndi tana unine 'do ri ago ànya cini eriyite kadoro.
4 Ezera edrete vo taopero toŋgo ce ro dri se ànya kedeyi ṛote tana ro 'do, ago lidri kwoi edreyite drigwo ndaro yasi, Matitia, Sema, Anaya, Uria, Ilekia ndi Maseya be, ago 'di kwoi edreyite gaṛi ndaro yasi, Pedaya, Misaela, Milekija, Asuma, Asebadana, Zakaria ndi Mesulama be.
5 Ezera pi buku te mile lidri cini ro yasi; tana nda edrete votoŋgoro dri fodri lidri cini rote ndra; ago nda kupi buku te oko, ànya cini edreyite kuru. 6 Ago Ezera räṛu OPI Lu 'desi para te. Ago lidri cini eŋgayi drì ànyaro te kuru zayitadrite ekye: “Amen ka'do ndi inye, Amen ka'do ndi inye,” ago ediyi drî ànyaro te ago 'deyite vuru militisi OPI mätune.
7 'Dooko Lewe'bai kwoi: Jesua, Bani, Serebia, Jomina, Akuba, Sabetai, Odia, Maseya, Kelita, Azaria, Jozabada, Anana ndi Pelaya be edreyitazevo ota rote lidri ri, 'dooko lidri orivoya vo ànyaro yasi. 8 Ànya logoyi ota Lu rote kalasi ni buku yasi ago edreyitazevona te tana lidri kuniyi takacina robe.
9 'Dooko wari'ba Nemaya ndi kohani Ezera ota emba'ba be, ndi Lewe'bai se edreyitazevo ota rote lidri cini ri ana be atayite lidri ri ekye: “Tu gi ono orivoya alokado OPI Lu amiro ri, mì'be lu'be ko ago nyìliyi ko. Ondro lidri keri tase ota katabe ana te oko ànya a'doyite tusuro amba, ndi ànya 'deyigwo liyine. 10 Ndi Nemaya atate ànyari ekye yauono nyòyi teri 'bäru, mìnya ŋgaonya amiro ago mìmvu vino ndeṛi ndeṛi ro, ago nyòzo azana ànya se a'doyi ko sina 'do ri. Tana tu ondro ono orivoya alokado OPI amaro ri; ka'do inye nyà'do ko tusuro tana riyä se OPI kabe ozona ämiri ono tombana ami 'da.” 11 Lewe'bai uguyi ya lidri ro logo te ekye: “Nyà'do titi ro tana tu ondro ono tu alokado yi nyà'do ko tusuro?”
12 Ta'dota lidri cini oyite 'bäru, ŋgaonyane ago ŋga umvune ago azakana ozone aziri ago riyä 'desi oyene, tana ànya niyi takaci tase edretazevona be ànyari ana rote.
Karama Kpakpai ro
13 Tu kinjo si oko dri'bai käläsikala lidri cini ro tro kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be, ikyiyite Ezera re ŋgaemba ota ro tenyine. 14 Ago ànya usuyi tate egyite Ota se OPI kozobe Musa si ana ya beṛo lidri Yisaraele ro ri orine tiko kpakpai yasi tu Karama imba njidrieri ro rosi, 15 ago ànyari tana larine ago ayone 'ba'desii ànyaro yasi ago Yerusalema ya ekye: “Nyòyi lutuŋwà drisi ago nyèzi gwoṛi kono ro, ice ido ro ro, kyedo ro, okyi ro ndi ice kibi ro be kpakpa o'beza, oso se egyi tana be Ota ya ronye.”
16 'Dooko lidri oyite eziyi gwoṛi iyi te ago mòyi kpakpa te andivo ànyaro ri drî jaraŋgala zoi ànyaro ro drisi, goroi ànyaro yasi, goro Yekalu ro yasi, ago goro Dereŋwa Gyi ro ndi goro Dereŋwa Eperaima ro robe yasi. 17 Ago lidri se cini kegoyibe ni vomidiro yasi kai dayi kpakpa te ago riyite kigyesi; ono ni tu käti oyena ro nonye owo ṛoni tu Yosua ŋgwa Nuna ro rosi, ago 'dicini a'dote yai'dwe amba si. 18 Ago tu cini si eto ṛoni u'du käti Karama rosi le u'du äduro na ya, Ezera zi ta teni buku ota ro Lu ro yasi. Ànya yeyi karama te u'duna njidrieri ago u'du njidriena si oko aye kalaombi äduro te, oso se ara tana be Ota ya ronye.
Ezra Reads the Law to the People
1 By the seventh month the people of Israel were all settled in their towns. On the first day of that month they all assembled in Jerusalem, in the square just inside the Water Gate. They asked Ezra, the priest and scholar of the Law which the Lord had given Israel through Moses, to get the book of the Law. 2 So Ezra brought it to the place where the people had gathered—men, women, and the children who were old enough to understand. 3 There in the square by the gate he read the Law to them from dawn until noon, and they all listened attentively.
4 Ezra was standing on a wooden platform that had been built for the occasion. The following men stood at his right: Mattithiah, Shema, Anaiah, Uriah, Hilkiah, and Maaseiah; and the following stood at his left: Pedaiah, Mishael, Malchijah, Hashum, Hashbaddanah, Zechariah, and Meshullam.
5 As Ezra stood there on the platform high above the people, they all kept their eyes fixed on him. As soon as he opened the book, they all stood up. 6 Ezra said, “Praise the Lord, the great God!”
All the people raised their arms in the air and answered, “Amen! Amen!” They knelt in worship, with their faces to the ground.
7 Then they rose and stood in their places, and the following Levites explained the Law to them: Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, and Pelaiah. 8 They gave an oral translation of God's Law and explained it so that the people could understand it.
9 When the people heard what the Law required, they were so moved that they began to cry. So Nehemiah, who was the governor, Ezra, the priest and scholar of the Law, and the Levites who were explaining the Law told all the people, “This day is holy to the Lord your God, so you are not to mourn or cry. 10 Now go home and have a feast. Share your food and wine with those who don't have enough. Today is holy to our Lord, so don't be sad. The joy that the Lord gives you will make you strong.”
11 The Levites went around calming the people and telling them not to be sad on such a holy day. 12 So all the people went home and ate and drank joyfully and shared what they had with others, because they understood what had been read to them.
The Festival of Shelters
13 The next day the heads of the clans, together with the priests and the Levites, went to Ezra to study the teachings of the Law. 14 They discovered that the Law, which the Lord gave through Moses, ordered the people of Israel to live in temporary shelters during the Festival of Shelters. 15 So they gave the following instructions and sent them all through Jerusalem and the other cities and towns: “Go out to the hills and get branches from pines, olives, myrtles, palms, and other trees to make shelters according to the instructions written in the Law.”
16 So the people got branches and built shelters on the flat roofs of their houses, in their yards, in the Temple courtyard, and in the public squares by the Water Gate and by the Ephraim Gate. 17 All the people who had come back from captivity built shelters and lived in them. This was the first time it had been done since the days of Joshua son of Nun, and everybody was excited and happy. 18 From the first day of the festival to the last they read a part of God's Law every day. They celebrated for seven days, and on the eighth day there was a closing ceremony, as required in the Law.