Lu Tufuna Moaba'bai 'da
1 Ono ni lazo se ta Moaba rota owo, ekye, epere 'bakicii Ara ndi Kira robe te ŋgäkyi alodi si, ago wari Moaba ro a'dote njuru. 2 Lidri Dibona ro tuyite lutu dri liyine ta 'bakicii Neba ndi Mede'ba be rota. Lidri Moaba ro kate ruṛu o'be; ànya vuyi drî ànyaro ndi tivu ànyaro be te tusu ka'daza. 3 Lidri se litiŋwai drisi iyi soyite boŋgo guniya ro ayani; lidri kate ruṛu o'be drî zoi ro yasi, ago liyi vo lewe 'bakici ro yasi. 4 Lidri Esebona ro ndi Eleale robe kayite liyi, ago äni ndi liyi ànyaro erine lozo leni Joaza yasi. Ca kyila'bai te turi ro ago ànya kayi kpa lä'bi. 5 Ya maro ka liyi Moaba ta. Lidri mute le 'ba'desi Zoara roya, ago le Egelata Selisiya ya. Azakana kayi utu liti se kutube kururo Luhita ya ana yasi, ugu liyibe; azaka payivote Oronaima ya, kayi livu liyi be. 6 Goloŋwa Nimerima ro sete, käyi se kalaigyesi iyi ludite, ŋga aza e'be kote luru ro. 7 Ta'dota lidri koto lakaza cini ànyaro te, ago zayite sina Vodelero se ice coko be ana yasi. 8 Eri kporo liyi rote wari cini Moaba ro yasi. Eri kporona te le 'ba'desi Egelaima ndi Berelima be yasi. 9 'Ba'desi Dibona ya golo a'dote okaro ni kari ri, caoko Lu kaoye dri ŋga kozipara oyene lidri se lau ana ri. 'Dicini se ke'bebe lidriidriro Moaba ya iyi ibi tufuna ànya 'da.
God Will Destroy Moab
1 This is a message about Moab.
The cities of Ar and Kir are destroyed in a single night, and silence covers the land of Moab. 2 The people of Dibon climb the hill to weep at the shrine. The people of Moab wail in grief over the cities of Nebo and Medeba; they have shaved their heads and their beards in grief. 3 The people in the streets are dressed in sackcloth; in the city squares and on the rooftops people mourn and cry. 4 The people of Heshbon and Elealeh cry out, and their cry can be heard as far away as Jahaz. Even the soldiers tremble; their courage is gone. 5 My heart cries out for Moab! The people have fled to the town of Zoar, and to Eglath Shelishiyah. Some climb the road to Luhith, weeping as they go; some escape to Horonaim, grieving loudly. 6 Nimrim Brook is dry, the grass beside it has withered, and nothing green is left. 7 The people go across the Valley of Willows, trying to escape with all their possessions. 8 Everywhere at Moab's borders the sound of crying is heard. It is heard at the towns of Eglaim and Beerelim. 9 At the town of Dibon the river is red with blood, and God has something even worse in store for the people there. Yes, there will be a bloody slaughter of everyone left in Moab.